Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 79: End of Relationship

I frowned and shook my head, with my eyes on him. "Why didn't he ask about my sore foot?

It was too painful to stand up, how could I appreciate what he said?" I thought to myself.

White light blazed in my mind. He should have asked about my foot injury when he first saw me, instead of pulling me to run. Unless he didn't know it at all.

"He didn't know? Who made that call?" I thought. Thinking of Irene looking downstairs and her tone, then, recalling what she had said on the phone, I became limp and gasped.

"Was he?" I wondered.

He knew I was coming back and arranged to have Irene around me. "What was his purpose?

Was he watching me or concerned about me?" I wondered.

A series of questions drove me crazy and I forgot what was happening in front of me.

The moment I tried my best to push him away, the elevator door also opened. As I was wondering if I should slap Shawn, I felt a chill wrap around me. I was stunned as I turned my head. Jonathan stood outside the elevator.

He looked at me. Every breath he took was slow, and his eyes were bloodshot. He clenched his fingers. My blood and mind were frozen in fear, even the indignant shame was totally forgotten by me.

It seemed that he was going to rush to beat Shawn and me to death to relieve his anger. As my legal husband, he definitely had the right. I waited quietly for his anger to blow me to pieces.

But he didn't move and stood still like a perfect statue. His love had vanished completely.

I took a deep breath, laughing at myself, walking out of the elevator. As I passed by, he reached out his hands to hold my hands.

The bones of our fingers were intertwined and a burst of paralysis stimulated the nerves in my heart. At that moment, I clearly felt the ache in my heart, so did he. I did not pull my hands away, and I hoped he wouldn't either. After a time of suspicion and estrangement, such touching and pain could convey that we still cared for each other.

"What you proposed yesterday..." he let go and a hoarse voice echoed around me as he said, "I agree!"

My eyes were dry, so was my throat. I tried to say something to explain it, but I couldn't say a word.

If he beat me, I would do the same. If he scolded me, I could say: "You abandoned me two years ago, today you have no right to judge me."

But he didn't. I looked up at him. He stared at me, but I couldn't see any trace of a smile on his stiff face.

I suddenly discovered a very terrible thing. I loved him, not the same as before, but deeper.

"I agree," he said calmly. He was masculine enough!

Even if he wasn't Jonathan Li, even if there weren't the eight years of life to remember together, I would still be moved by such behavior. He, who had never suppressed his emotions, showed calmness and gentleness when witnessing his wife kissing another man.

For a man like Jonathan, even if he abandoned me millions of times, I would be enchanted by him one more time. It was useless for me to protect myself with a hard shell. Because he was always capable of destroying my disguise and ravaging my heart.

I looked at him and gave him my brightest smile.

"Thank you!" I looked away and smiled as I passed him.

Every step brought back the pain penetrating my bones, both the pain of love and hatred.

At that moment, he let me go completely!

From then on, we were totally separated, and no longer had any contact with one another.

Walking out of the hotel, I lost my direction among the crowds, but Shawn grabbed me. "Desiree, you..." he started saying to me.

I interrupted him and told him frankly, "I'll let the lawyer talk to you about the matter, I want to cancel the contract."

He looked at me and asked, "Why?"

"It doesn't matter what you do, but please end our relationship. I can't work with you anymore after what happened today," I said.

"Are you in a bad mood?" he asked.

"Please calculate and tell me how much the fee will cost," I said.

"Calm down and we'll talk about the termination later," he said.