Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 80: Terminate The Contract

I thought I was calm enough if not, I would have shouted, "I told you how many times... I have a husband, I won't accept you. But you dared to kiss me suddenly, especially in front of my husband."

He reached out to grab me and asked, "Are you and Jonathan really father and daughter?"

I was going to tell him, "No!"

Then Jonathan came out of the hotel, his black windbreaker dancing in the autumn wind. His deep eyes glanced at me.

His bodyguard opened the door for him. As he was about to get in the car, several reporters rushed to ask, with cameras in hands, "Mr. Li, it has been said that you are married. Is it true?"

"Why has your wife never been seen?" they wanted to know.

He stopped and looked up at me, and I just pulled my arms away from Shawn's hands. Then he swept his cold eyes over the reporters.

"Ask again!" his voice emitted a terrible chill, which caused the reporter to move back, and he hit the one behind him. The guy almost fell over.

"Listen to me. Don't let me see my name in entertainment magazines!" he stressed the words 'entertainment magazines'.

Then he got in the car, slamming the door so loudly that several reporters were speechless, even Irene, who came out later, was shocked.

After his car disappeared, Amanda approached me and said, "Desiree, it is time to meet with the lawyer, William Frank, who must be waiting for us."

"Alright," I replied.

I looked up at Shawn, saying, "Mr. Donovan, I will let my lawyer contact you as soon as possible."

Mr. Frank was much younger than I thought. He looked less than 30 years old, he was wearing a classic suit and had a great smile. After chatting, I remembered the terms of the contract with him.

When I proposed the termination of the contract, he told me clearly that according to the terms, Entertainment Company didn't breach the contract, since they did not publicize anything about me clearly. If I had to cancel the contract, according to his rough estimation, I should pay an astronomical amount to the company, which I had no means of ever paying in my life.

I took my cold coffee and had a sip, and tasted the inevitable bitterness. I finally understood why there were always rumors and lawsuits in the entertainment world. When you were involved in that circle, everything was out of your control. When violated by others, you had no choice but to endure it.

He took out his card and handed it to me, "Call me if you have any problems," he said.

"Thank you. I will let Amanda give you the consulting fee today," I said.

He revealed a smile, "It is I who should thank you for offering me a chance to have coffee with Irene."

I glanced at Irene, who pretended not to hear the words, and I didn't know what to say.

"Was it true that after a woman met Jonathan, she would have no interest in appreciating other men?" I pondered.

After the lawyer left, Irene, who was silent for a long time, asked me: "Desiree, will you go to the studio in the afternoon?"

"Before I end the contract, I'd better follow the schedule," I said.

"If you insist on ending the contract, there is no way out," she told me.

I knew what she meant. It was hard for me, while it was easy for Jonathan Li.

But, I'd rather face Shawn than beg for Jonathan.

I looked down and stirred the remaining coffee and said, "Irene, you're excellent, why are you willing to be my assistant?"

"The day before you returned here, the assistant Mr. Donovan arranged, left due to personal matters for a while, so I took her place," she answered.

I nodded. It was a coincidence due to temporary matters.

"Can I ask you what you used to do?" I said to her.

She didn't answer and took a sip of the cold Blue Mountain coffee.

I didn't want to turn around, put down my coffee spoon, sat and looked straight into her eyes, "Jonathan arranged for you to be my assistant, what is his purpose?" I asked.

"Purpose?" Instead of being shocked by my question, she frowned at me disapprovingly, "Desiree, I don't know if there is some unsolvable problem between you and Mr. Li..."

She thought it over, continuing, "Before I came here to be your assistant, he told me that you are particular about food, so the seasoning should be moderate, or you won't like it; he said that you easily stay awake at night and struggle to sleep. So, when you sleep there should be an orange light, not too bright, nor too dark; he said that when you are down, you will not show it," she said.

Then she continued, "When you look at the starry sky in a daze, it suggests that you are upset… He also said that you don't know how to protect yourself and are always bullied by others. Therefore, he let me protect you well… Do you wonder about what kind of purpose he has? In your eyes, is the concern a kind purpose?"

I was stunned and speechless. If the concern was the purpose, it would be a pure and moving one.

My eyes were burning, "Did no tears mean a hard heart?" I wondered.

No! Pain without tears was more real, and the fire scorched every nerve in me.