Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 40: Dachengjiao

Yang Dejin chose for a long time, and chose a lake blue robe for her horse, and also picked out many accessories. She wanted to hang it on her, but Xie Zhi flatly refused.

She is not a walking vase.

"I don\'t like bright colors, this one is fine." Xie Zhi changed into a black blue robe and walked out of the other room and said.

Yang Dejin seemed a little dissatisfied, looked at her with her arms folded, and found that her outfit was really suitable, so she said quietly: "Mr. Xie has a good-looking life, and he deserves brighter colors."

Xie Zhi stopped tidying his cuffs, remembering that she had said this to him before, so he asked, "Your Highness thinks your Majesty looks good?"

"Well, don\'t pay attention to them saying you are not manly, they are jealous of you." Yang Dejin nodded to her generously, took Xie Zhi\'s official uniform from the handyman, and wrapped it up himself.

Xie Zhi watched her movements quietly and listened carefully to her words.

"Master Xie, don\'t underestimate yourself. There are many forms of beauty, and you don\'t have to stick to the mainstream."

Xie Zhi has a slender body, deep and three-dimensional facial contours, and a pair of smiling eyes, but always has a straight face, looking aloof and calm.

Not to mention anything else, from Yang Dejin\'s point of view, many people only eat her style.

High IQ plus abstinence, it\'s hard to think about it.

Yang Dejin\'s aesthetic vision is not advanced, but she knows that "beauty" can make people feel comfortable.

Xie Zhi\'s good looks, coupled with his soft but not weak temperament, made Yang Dejin appreciate it very much.

Yang Dejin\'s words were serious, even more frank and sincere, Xie Zhi actually took some comfort from her words.

"Master Xie is handsome, even if he doesn\'t have an official position, he is still the object of pursuit of many boudoir girls in Linjing City."

Xie Zhi silently pinched the silver trim of the narrow sleeves, she didn\'t care about these matters of love between children, because she was originally a woman, and she avoided marriage and love.

However, there was a hint of encouragement and comfort in Yang Dejin\'s words, which made it difficult for Xie Zhi to resist. Like the warm sun in winter, my heart is melted layer by layer.

One thing to say, who wouldn\'t be happy to be praised for looking good?

"Your Majesty doesn\'t know His Highness is so considerate." Xie Zhi nodded and raised his eyebrows, a smile that he didn\'t realize was on the corner of his mouth.

The handyman carefully took over Yang Dejin\'s wrapped official uniform.

"This is the official uniform of the imperial court, and it must be sent to Mr. Xie\'s residence on West Second Street, Changlefang. There must be no mistake."

The man respectfully responded, and Yang Dejin turned to Xie Zhi and said, "Just tell the truth."

Xie Zhi didn\'t put on the clothes she liked, so Yang Dejin threw a lot of accessories on her body as if in revenge, Xie Zhi felt a little funny, so he didn\'t refuse too much, and let her go.

It was still early and the sun was hanging brightly.

Walking out of the clothing store, Xie Zhi was dragged by Yang Dejin for a while before going to Quanxianlou.

They didn\'t go to play. Yang Dejin had a lot of stakes, and there was no middle management to help her keep an eye on them, so she had to go there in person to ask about the progress of the work.

"My lord has heard that apart from a few low-level people, there are also many high-ranking figures among the believers of Dacheng Sect."

"Otherwise, it wouldn\'t have expanded its power over the imperial court." Xie Zhi echoed.

Dachengjiao is the new assembly and association that Xie Zhi mentioned a few days ago. It is essentially a demagogic cult. It suddenly appeared in the market, and quickly subdued a large number of good men and women, and released a sensational "oracle". To make matters worse, many people just believe it.

"But," Yang Dejin suddenly changed the subject, "I wonder if Mr. Xie has noticed that there were not many poor officials among the courtiers kneeling in the Golden Palace that day."

Xie Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and thought about it carefully: "What does Your Highness mean?"

Yang Dejin didn\'t answer her directly: "The Dacheng Sect should have made a lot of money."

A religion that extends its hand to the government is itself wrong.

Dasheng is not a religious country, and its people have no fixed theological beliefs.

Through these famous and well-off courtiers, the Dacheng Sect brought the rumors of the "demon queen to harm the country" from the common people to the court. Not only did he get a lot of wealth from it, but the ruler was also affected.

What is their purpose? Why do those courtiers believe in this mysterious religion so much?

The two walked to the back of a high-rise compound, and a man in civilian clothes came towards them.

The man cupped his hands: "My lord, thank you sir."

Xie Zhi looked at this person, she didn\'t know him, it should be Yang Dejin\'s person.

Sure enough, Yang Dejin asked him: "Is there any movement in Qin Guang\'s house?"

Answer: "Not yet."

Yang Dejin nodded, didn\'t say much, just told as usual: "If there is any situation, report it to the king immediately, or tell Mr. Xie."

The other party left after taking orders.

Xie Zhi could tell that the man was very skilled, but he didn\'t know where Yang Dejin found his subordinates.

She looked at the woman in white beside her, and asked, "Your Highness really believes in the officials?"

Yang Dejin looked up at her, and asked, "Is there?"

Xie Zhi was speechless, but heard Yang Dejin continue to say: "Then how about Master Xie also try to trust me?"

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, just when Yang Dejin thought he couldn\'t hear her answer, Xie Zhi said slowly:

"it is good."


When the sun was about to set, the evening performance of Quanxianlou had just opened.

On the stage on the first floor, there are dancers of various colors taking turns to dance, either graceful or graceful, swaying on the temples, looking forward to their looks.

The warm yellow lights were burning under the stage, and the visitors, whether calling friends or alone, were seated in various places in the building, toasting and toasting, pushing cups and changing cups. The young servants doing odd jobs shuttled among the crowd, busy up and down, very lively.

Just like what Xie Zhi thought when she came here for the first time a few days ago, this kind of feasting and spending money made her at a loss as to what to do.

Fortunately, Yang Dejin took her to change into regular clothes, otherwise Yu Shitai would have given her a chance to read a book.


There were quite a few people wearing official robes and court uniforms who came here to drink and chat, Xie Zhi suddenly felt that it didn\'t matter whether he changed his clothes or not.

Many colleagues...

Yang Dejin did not take Xie Zhi up to the private seat on the second floor like last time, but went straight to an area separated by a screen in the lobby.

Xie Zhi was about to ask a question after taking his seat, but saw the people at the next table sharply.

Yang Dejin glanced at her, held the teapot and asked, "Master Xie knows him?"

Xie Zhi looked over vaguely, and took the tea poured by Yang Dejin: "I don\'t know the person on the left. He is wearing a blouse. He should be a student of the Imperial College. The person on the right is a director of the Ministry of Industry, surnamed Shi. I went to the Ministry of Industry to handle cases before. Yes. Are they related to the Church?"

"The young man from Quanxian Building told me that he once heard this Master Shi said that he had contacted a high-ranking member of the Dacheng Sect. I don\'t know if it is true. He would come to persuade Xianlou to drink and drink tea every once in a while. I want to bring Mr. Xie to inquire about it."

Xie Zhi asked: "How do the students of the Imperial College know the officials of the Sixth Department?"

Yang Dejin: "The two are cousins."

Xie Zhi understood.

Xiaoer only served some cold dishes, and the two of them held their chopsticks, and neither spoke anymore, but actually pricked up their ears, listening carefully to the movement over there.

"Cousin, are you not happy today?" asked the scholar in a shirt.

"Hey!" Master Shi put down his wine glass heavily, "Don\'t mention it, I was gossiping with my colleagues today, and was met by Master Shang Shu, scolded me a lot, and even fined my salary."

"Ah?" My cousin was very puzzled, and poured him another bottle of wine, "It\'s just a chat, isn\'t it? Then my cousin dragged me out for a drink?"

"Isn\'t this just trying to confide bitterness to you?" Master Shi waved his hand, "I heard from Lord Shangshu that the person in charge had made a big fuss in the court before and ordered that no more remarks against the empress be allowed to appear, otherwise Do so at your own peril."

The scholar suddenly realized, looked around cautiously, and then asked in a low voice: "But there are rumors about the empress\' harm to the country? I have mentioned it a few times in the country\'s son-in-law, Mr. Jian Cheng."

Yang Dejin and Xie Zhi looked at each other without making a sound.

Master Shi also approached nervously, and said in a low voice, "That\'s the latest oracle of the Dacheng Sect, saying that the queen is possessed by a demon star and will overthrow Dasheng."

"I told you, don\'t go around talking nonsense.

"Ever since the empress regained favor, bad omens have repeatedly appeared around that woman.

"First, someone poisoned the wine at the Qujiang banquet, and then there was an accident on the dragon boat. People from the criminal department would come to our Ministry of Industry every now and then to question the crime. I won\'t talk about these. Everyone was just a little frightened. But the dragon boat After the accident, the person above became seriously ill and stopped working for several days.

"It\'s not like I\'m suffering from the wind and cold, it\'s clearly being entangled in evil!"

That Master Shi\'s words became more and more outrageous, Xie Zhi frowned in annoyance and clenched his fists, but he also knew that it\'s not appropriate to startle the snake.

Seeing this, Yang Dejin reached out to hold her hand as a gesture of comfort.

Xie Zhi was slightly taken aback, the warmth on the back of her hand made her feel a little overwhelmed, but the man withdrew his hand before she could pull it out.

"The oracle has been fulfilled one by one. Could it be possible that the queen is really a disastrous enchantress?"

Master Shi heard his cousin\'s question, nodded and said: "I think it is. To be honest, my brother was lucky enough to meet the high priest of the church. He has an extraordinary appearance. It was drawn up after cultivating Taoism and enlightenment!"

"There are such gods and men in the world!"

"However, the high priest\'s whereabouts are mysterious and unpredictable. It is rare for ordinary people to see him, and I was only lucky enough to see him once."

Yang Dejin frowned: High Priest? The oracle was fabricated by this person?

She looked at Xie Zhi and found that Xie Zhi was also looking back at her.

The two brothers at the next table chattered a lot, and the topic had turned to daydreaming.

In the end, the two of them got drunk, supported each other, and stumbled out of Quanxian Tower.

Someone immediately followed behind, staring at the unaware two people from a distance.

Xie Zhi watched a few people who looked like servants follow him, not surprised that Yang Dejin had expanded her influence to this kind of market restaurant.

"He knows you, so I\'ll let someone stare at him first." Yang Dejin explained, "Tomorrow we will directly kill him at the yamen of the Ministry of Industry, and call him for questioning."

Seeing that Xie Zhi was still a little worried, Yang Dejin said again: "Don\'t think too much, I\'ll go with you tomorrow. Come and taste this Xue Mei Niang, I\'m going to call it a hot dish."

Xie Zhi looked at the delicate and round dim sum in the small dish in front of him. The outer skin was a kind of cherry blossom pink, and it was stained with coconut powder, giving off a faint floral fragrance.

Looking at Yang Dejin again, he knew it was useless to be anxious, so he had to take it and eat it.

Sweet but not greasy, it melts in your mouth, it is indeed a delicacy that Xie Zhi has never tasted, and there is no such delicate dessert in the palace.

As a prison officer, she also knew that there was no rush to investigate the case.

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: I know you are in a hurry, but take it easy.

Bai Qingyang: I\'m not in a hurry.

Xie Zhi: Well, my Majesty is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

Li Zishou: I\'m so anxious!

The by-products of these two chapters will be divided briefly first, and the side tasks will be followed; the main product will be low-key and advance the main tasks.