Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 39: Weird

It was rare for the two of them to have the opportunity to be alone at this time, Li Zi rewarded the papers while Bai Qingyang watched from the side.

Occasionally, whoever asks a question related to political affairs, or just said some irrelevant gossip, the other party can pick it up with ease.

Bai Qingyang didn\'t leave, and Li Zifu didn\'t chase him away either.

After going through some things, the relationship between the two is no longer as tense as it was at the beginning, and there is an inexplicable harmony in the study. The atmosphere is flat, and there is no better friendship between gentlemen.

The heroine doesn\'t seem to hate herself so much anymore, and Li Zichou thinks it was worthwhile for her to save someone by diving into the water before, even if she suffered a serious illness.

After the memorial was finally approved, Li Zichou threw down his cinnabar-dyed wolf hair and stretched his waist like no one else was there.

The thin and wide sleeves slid down with the direction of gravity, revealing a section of smooth forearm.

She turned her head and glanced at the copper drain in the corner, and her thoughts, which were sluggish in court affairs, worked a little bit.

Zi Shizhong? it\'s midnight? ! Didn\'t that mean that Bai Qingyang had been sitting with him for more than four hours?

Li Zichou was slightly annoyed, people in ancient times rested early, so she must have been sleepy long ago.

Women who are obsessed with their careers are really scary.

She folded the last memorial and went to look at Bai Qingyang, but saw a pair of pupils like Qiushui.

Bai Qingyang blinked: "Your Majesty?"

"Uh...well, I forgot the time in the booklet, the queen must be tired too."

Bai Qingyang seemed to realize it just now, she stood up and said, "It\'s the concubine who has disturbed His Majesty for so long."

Li Zichou shook his head, got up and closed the window of the study, casually said: "The night is dark, if the empress doesn\'t dislike it, how about resting in Tianshu Palace?"

Bai Qingyang paused when he heard the words, and for some reason, he smiled sweetly: "Okay."

Li Zishou: "?"

Should she just be polite?

"My concubine, thank you Lord Long En."

"...Ah, then I... Then I asked someone to take a side hall and come out."

Bai Qingyang raised his eyebrows, he didn\'t expect her to take it seriously, it\'s just a side hall...

It\'s okay, she\'s actually not used to having people sleeping next to her, and she doesn\'t feel wronged when she sleeps on the other side of the hall.

But when Li Zichou walked out holding the soft pillow embroidered with flowers, Bai Qingyang couldn\'t help calling her: "Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

Li Zichou turned around and looked at her: "The side hall has been tidied up, the empress can sleep here."

Bai Qingyang was funny and puzzled, did she want to let herself sleep in the announcement room? How can anyone feel wronged to sleep in the side hall and leave the main hall for others to sleep in?

Bai Qingyang felt very strange about her, her concept of order and hierarchy seemed to be superficial all the time, what kind of world did she live in before.

What kind of environment can cultivate such a unique soul?

Bai Qingyang still declined a little bit: "Your Majesty, the Son of Heaven, should sleep in the main hall, and the ministers and concubines should go to the side hall."

Li Zichou: "No need, no matter where you sleep, it\'s the same, queen, you sleep here."

The side hall has just been tidied up, so it must not be as good as the main hall, the heroine can\'t bear this grievance.

It didn\'t matter to Li Zifu, she just went to sleep, she slept alone in such an empty main hall before, it was actually quite uncomfortable.

The smile in Bai Qingyang\'s eyes did not diminish: "Your Majesty is having **** with your concubine?"

Li Zichou: "?" Is there something wrong with my ears?

Bai Qingyang didn\'t change his expression: "The concubine said that if Your Majesty doesn\'t dislike it, he can sleep on both sides of the dragon bed with the concubine."

Li Zichou panicked: "Ah, this..." This is not good, she is not used to sleeping with others...

This tugging didn\'t last long, they were already a little sleepy, Li Zichou gave Bai Qingyang a random reason, and ran away quickly without looking at her reaction.

And Li Zifu really didn\'t dare to sleep with Bai Qingyang, what if she woke up in the middle of the night and wiped her neck? Although she felt that the current Bai Qingyang was unlikely to do anything, but what if she was killed by a plot?

Bai Qingyang watched the man disappear at the gate of the palace, he just found it interesting, a playful smile appeared on his usually calm and reserved face.

Turning around, he saw the exaggeratedly spacious dragon bed again, sighed, and called Xiao Le who was about to fall asleep outside the palace gate to come in.

Lying on Li Zichou\'s bed where he usually rested, he could smell the acacia on the man\'s body with the fragrance of plants and trees, which actually made Bai Qingyang feel inexplicably at ease.

She was still planning in her heart, to get Xie Zhi to investigate that evil church as soon as possible, and to get Meng Shike to pay attention to those people in court...

Thinking about it, I fell asleep without knowing when.

Chen Feng went to the side hall to guard, while Chen Feng continued to sit on the roof of the main hall, staring at a certain place where the trees were shadowy.

Bai Qingyang\'s subordinates hid in the dark and also stared at the woman on the roof, but no one moved.

They both wanted to protect Bai Qingyang, there was no need to fight each other, the masters on both sides had already told each other, just follow the orders as subordinates.

The night sky is clear and the ground is full of brilliance. There were insects singing faintly, Bai Qingyang had no dreams all night.


Li Zifu beat Zhang Keji before, and asked him to urge his subordinates to investigate the case.

If someone spread rumors about ghosts and gods with suspicious cases in the future and slandered the royal family, she wouldn\'t mind letting him retire early.

For this reason, Zhang Shangshu is thankless, the emperor puts pressure on him, his colleagues eat melons, and his subordinates run out every day. The guts brushed off the prince\'s face.

It can only squeeze other subordinates and let them work hard to handle the case.

On the other hand, Li Zichou originally wanted someone to find out who was spreading the rumors, but Yang Dejin told her to let Li Zichou concentrate on education.

Li Zichou was a little worried, so he sent some helpers to her.

Yang Dejin has been running to the Ministry of Criminal Justice recently.

Usually, Xie Zhi went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to sign in the morning, and sat in the public office for no more than two hours. Prince Yu would definitely come over and find a reason to take him away.

Zhang Shangshu watched helplessly, and even sent him off with a smile on his face.

Master Shang Shu, with frosted temples, stood at the gate of the public office, watching the other two young people leave. This scene seemed strange no matter how you looked at it.

Other officials of the Ministry of Punishment: It seems that the lonely old man feels lonely when he sees the daughter he raised with his own hands being abducted by a **** who came out of nowhere...


This day, Yang Dejin didn\'t come to mention anyone. Xie Zhi had been working in the public office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he didn\'t see her until the closing time was approaching.

Xie Zhi found it strange that Yang Dejin\'s whereabouts were a mystery, making people unable to figure out the rules.

But when Fang Ya was about to go home, she still saw the man under a big locust tree ten steps away from the gate of the Ministry of Punishment.

Today\'s weather is very good. Although the sun is a little bright, it is not as dry and hot as the previous few days. There is a breeze blowing from time to time, which is very pleasant.

Yang Dejin was wearing a pure white Shu brocade gown with flowing light, and a soft gauze scarf hanging behind her head, which was occasionally blown by the wind.

The side face, eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips are like undulating mountains, with hands behind their backs, standing still in a corner.

The young girl\'s appearance was unparalleled, her figure was tall, and she was full of elegance, which attracted many passers-by\'s eyes.

It\'s really strange, Yang Dejin is obviously a woman, but her appearance is a bit fair and delicate, how can she be so eye-catching when she wears men\'s clothing?

For some unknown reason, Xie Zhi adjusted the crimson round-neck official uniform with Kong Jue pattern on his body, and then walked towards her.

"Your Highness."

Hearing someone calling her, Yang Dejin stopped being in a daze, she turned her head and looked at Xie Zhi: "Master Xie, change your clothes, let\'s go to persuade Xianlou."

Xie Zhi: "Go to persuade Xianlou again?"

Yang Dejin took the lead: "Go and investigate the case."

Xie Zhi followed, "What did your Highness understand?"

Yang Dejin nodded: "Not many, let\'s find someone to do it today."

Xie Zhi followed her, "Is it Liang Jing or Qin Guang?"

Yang Dejin led her to a nearby clothing store, and went in with her to choose a replacement dress.

Yang Dejin: "Neither of them, these two are treacherous and cunning, so I can\'t find them."

Xie Zhi: "His Highness wants to find another way?"

Yang Dejin gave her a "believe me" look, and then ran to the shelves to look at the clothes.

Recently, she dragged Xie Zhi around in many places in the capital, and she really heard a lot of gossip.

What kind of evil star is appearing in the world, what kind of demon queen is harming the country, what kind of human-shaped natural disaster, anyway, the word "Xuan" is always inseparable, and it is very popular among teahouses and restaurants.

It\'s ridiculous.

If these people are free, it is recommended to go to the construction site where Li Zichou built the military academy to find a brick to move.

Yang Dejin didn\'t believe in this evil, but she wanted to see how "mysterious" she could go.

If those outrageous rumors continue to spread like this, Bai Qingyang\'s image will only become more and more demonized. Yang Dejin has been asking for so long, it\'s time to make a move.

Rumors stop at the wise.

But you can\'t scare the snake, you can only boil the frog in warm water.

No, she\'s been eyeing a small official from the Sixth Department recently, and she\'s going to take him down today.

"Master Xie, how about this one?" Yang Dejin compared a water-blue gown with a slanted front and missing hips, and asked Xie Zhi\'s opinion.

Xie Zhi looked at the handyman of the tailor shop waiting at the side, thinking that Prince Yu has quite a lot of property under his name, but he replied indifferently: "It\'s up to His Highness to decide."

Yang Dejin frowned, feeling that what she said was like a ruthless shopping machine, so he took the clothes and went to Xie Zhi for a test.

"This one is pretty, and this one is also pretty..."

Xie Zhi looked at the woman in front of him struggling to make a choice, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Well, why don\'t you just take one?"

Yang Dejin retorted: "This king is the master!"

Xie Zhi oh and shut up obediently.

Yang Dejin appreciates Dasheng\'s clothing culture, which is diverse, open and inclusive, gorgeous and simple, exaggerated and simple, and exotic in China.

There are ever-changing outfits, and he is picking out clothes for Xie Zhi. His face is fresh and delicate, and his body is slender and well-proportioned, just like a walking clothes hanger.

Yang Dejin seemed to have regained the pleasure of changing her daughter\'s clothes in Miracle Liangliang.

I don\'t know what Xie Zhi looks like in women\'s clothes... Yang Dejin feels like drooling just thinking about it.

Although she\'s not very masculine, Xie Zhi\'s looks don\'t make any difference.

The author has something to say:

Li Zichou: Be careful I let you retire early.

Zhang Keji: Is there such a good thing? ? !