Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 36: Quanxianlou

Li Zichou got angry at the court, and those officials who were snarky really restrained themselves.

At the same time, it also made them understand one thing: no matter how kind the empress became, she was still the monarch, a role that their subjects should never provoke.

But they tucked their tails because they were afraid of Li Zigong, even if they shut their mouths, some absurd thoughts would still grow wantonly in their hearts.

This is not possible, Bai Qingyang asked Xie Zhi to check the source of the rumors.

Even if she didn\'t say anything, Xie Zhi had already started to act.


"My lord, did you just give the token to that boy from the Ministry of Punishment so easily?" Yinniang walked on the street with Yang Dejin.

Yinniang was bought by Yang Dejin from a certain online store in Jianghu. Of course, it also benefited from the knowledge of the original novel.

It is mentioned in the book that in the process of seizing the throne, Bai Qingyang had to deal with those people who were in the way and difficult to deal with. It was far from enough to rely solely on legal means. The assassins hired from the Jianghu Road could help her more simply Solve the problem.

These people have been trained since childhood, and they are very skilled. They can accept anyone\'s entrustment in order to make money. Whether they have professional ethics depends on how high the employer bids.

Not recognized by the government, no license, illegal profit, black and white, and low-key behavior are the main characteristics of these organizations.

Yinniang is one of the few women among them. Yang Dejin spent a lot of money to redeem her and put her in the ranks of the dark guards to protect her own life.

"Yes." Yang Dejin replied frankly.

Yinniang was puzzled: "...why? What if that Xie takes the prince\'s decree and causes trouble for us?"

Yang Dejin was amused by her: "You don\'t know Xie Zhi, he won\'t do that kind of thing."

Xie Zhi really wouldn\'t do that kind of thing, she was holding the portrait of the prince and a hot potato, not knowing what to do.

She was sitting in the office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the piece of agarwood that exuded a delicate fragrance was placed beside Xie Zhi.

After Yang Dejin threw the prince\'s order to her, someone who claimed to be a retainer of the prince\'s mansion came to her that day, probably because of Yang Dejin\'s intention.

Xie Zhi accepted her kindness and asked them to keep an eye on Liang Jing and Qin Guang\'s movements. These two people had gained so much limelight in the court, so they must pay close attention.

Xie Zhi thought, it would be best to catch them meeting with suspicious people on the spot, so that they could follow the clues to find the lair of the church.

There seemed to be voices speaking in the front yard.

Is anyone here yet?

Xie Zhi put down the drawing brush in his hand, put away the prince\'s order, got up and went to the yard.

Zhang Keji had just returned from the empress\'s place, and he did not expect to run into such an unexpected guest again.

One of the chief officers of the criminal department had never seen Yang Dejin before, so he didn\'t dare to let her in easily, but seeing her clothes and manners, he decided that she was someone he couldn\'t offend, so he dealt with her in a panic at the door.

Yinniang has already disappeared by herself, and went to do what she should do.

Zhang Keji walked towards them quickly, and the chief was also relieved to see his boss came back.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yu, why did you suddenly visit the Ministry of Punishment? What\'s the matter?" Zhang Keji asked while bowing.

Yang Dejin saluted him back, and was about to say that he was looking for someone, but heard a voice interjected:

"She came to see me."

Xie Zhi stood a few steps behind Zhang Shangshu.

Yang Dejin smiled when he saw her: "Thank you, sir."

Zhang Shangshu\'s heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that this unworthy young man still voted for Prince Yu, so he must not fool around with Prince Yu...

Xie Zhi didn\'t know what was going on in her chief\'s mind, so she just walked over to bow to the two, and then asked Yang Dejin: "Your Highness, why are you here?"

"Have you had lunch? This king will take you to dinner." Yang Dejin said.

Xie Zhi glanced at Zhang Keji and replied, "Your Highness, it\'s office hours now."

Yang Dejin nodded solemnly: "Well, then you should get off work quickly, let\'s go eat."

Xie Zhi: "?"

Zhang Keji: "?"

Yang Dejin turned to Zhang Keji again and said, "This king took Xie Shilang to investigate the case, Zhang Shangshu wouldn\'t be reluctant to let him go, would he?"

Zhang Keji: "??" You said just now that you were going out for dinner? !

Xie Zhi didn\'t say anything at all, depending on his boss\'s attitude.

How dare Zhang Keji say "no"?

He smiled wryly, and asked Xie Zhi to accompany His Highness to dinner, and he was also full of doubts: Xie Zhi got along too well with Prince Yu, and he actually asked the prince to come to the office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to invite someone...

Yang Dejin is happy: I have experienced the feeling of high position and authority, which is great!

Xie Zhi was not surprised, she packed up her documents in a leisurely manner, and then followed Prince Yu out of the gate of the Criminal Department.

"Someone is following us." Xie Zhi said with a frown as soon as he came to the street.

Yang Dejin followed her gaze, saw Yinniang in the crowd, and looked away again: "The secret guard of the Prince\'s Mansion, Mr. Xie is very keen."

Xie Zhi didn\'t respond to her compliments, but instead asked, "Where is Your Highness taking me?"

"The place to investigate."

A quarter of an hour later, the two stood downstairs in the largest gold-selling cave in the capital.

Xie Zhi looked at the tall three-story building: "... His Highness brought me to persuade Xianlou to investigate the case?"

Yang Dejin: "I also said to bring you to dinner?"

Xie Zhi rubbed his brows and tried to resist: "Your Highness, this is one of the most expensive places in the capital. If officials of the imperial court are seen entering and leaving such places, they will be impeached by Yushitai."

"Of course I won\'t ask you to pay me. Why are you afraid of being impeached by Yushitai?" Yang Dejin looked at her as a matter of course, "And don\'t call me Your Highness outside!"

Xie Zhi paused: "Then what should I call you?"

Yang Dejin: "My surname has a title suffix."

For example, whatever you say, Brother Yang or Master Yang will do.

"Oh—" Xie Zhi suddenly had malicious thoughts, "For example, Miss Yang?"

Yang Dejin almost forgot to lift her other foot just as she stepped over the threshold:? ? ?

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, only to see that she turned around instantly, with a look of "Are you kidding me?" on her face, mixed with a trace of shock and guilt.

Xie Zhi suddenly felt very interesting.

Yang Dejin disguised herself as a man and acted as a fake prince for several years, how did she not reveal her mentality?

Yang Dejin glanced at her, but didn\'t say anything, just pouted at her strangely: "I can\'t see that Mr. Xie is quite humorous..."

How did the original author write you as a withdrawn, arrogant and silent person?

At this time, a waiter in the waiter in the lobby saw Yang Dejin coming in, so he hurried over to greet the two of them respectfully.

It\'s just that as soon as the little girl uttered the word "Yu", Yang Dejin interrupted: "Today, my son brought someone to persuade Xianlou to have a small gathering, and discuss some things by the way."

Xiaoer is clever, and when she heard what she said, she quickly changed her words: "It turns out that Yang Langjun has something important to discuss, just wait, Xiaoer will make the best private seat for you."

Yang Dejin raised his hand to introduce Xie Zhi: "This is Mr. Xie, my son\'s distinguished guest, don\'t be negligent."

Xiao Er understood, took Xie Zhi\'s appearance into his mind, turned around and led the two to an elegant seat on the second floor, and mixed them with the best tea.

Xie Zhi said quietly: "It seems that the palace... Yang Langjun usually comes to this place where money is spent like dirt."

Yang Dejin didn\'t hear the redundant meaning in her words, and nodded generously: "I will bring you here often in the future."

Xie Zhi was at a loss for words, and simply looked around, looking around.

At this moment, before noon, there were not many diners coming to Quanxianlou. There were a few wine tables scattered in the lobby on the first floor, and there were no singing and dancing performances on the stage.

The decoration in the building is exaggerated, with wooden carved window lattices, silk ink screens, warm yellow lights, and the best steaming Longjing tea at hand.

If it\'s an evening show, it will only look more luxurious and dreamy here.

Xie Zhi looked at Yang Dejin and took a sip of hot tea: This Prince Yu is also a spendthrift...

…well, the tea is still good.

Xie Zhi stopped looking at Yang Dejin, propped his chin and lowered his eyes to the first floor.

Quanxianlou opened for business a while ago, and with its bold capital and unique dishes, it quickly became the leader of the catering industry in Beijing.

The first floor is very wide, with the stage in the middle as the center, and dining tables are arranged in an orderly manner around it.

The second floor is a circular semi-open seating, where you can directly watch the performances of singers and dancers on the first floor.

The third floor should be a closed box.

There is no dining threshold in the lobby on the first floor, as long as the money is in place, you can still enter.

But the private rooms on the second and third floors, I heard that only acquaintances and regular customers can make reservations, like a private restaurant.

The shopkeeper seems to be intentionally grading the guests. No need to think about it, the purpose must be to grab the stomachs of those dignitaries first, and then grab their hearts.

It\'s quite snobbish, but there is nothing wrong with businessmen chasing profits.

"How does Master Xie plan to deal with this matter?" Yang Dejin asked.

"Of course, I want to find out what\'s wrong with the church and see what they want to do." Xie Zhi replied, paused and said, "Yesterday, the people sent by Mr. Lang, I asked them to keep an eye on Liang Jing and Qin Guang."

"These two people are old foxes, just monitoring may not be rewarding." Yang Dejin nodded, seeing that Xie Zhi\'s teacup was empty, he brought a teapot to refill for her.

Xie Zhi watched her movements for a moment, then kept silent, and asked, "Why did you do this?"

Yang Dejin gave her a strange look: "This is outside, and there is no one else, so it doesn\'t matter who comes?"

Hearing her answer, Xie Zhi was a little confused for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

She blinked, looked at the teacup that was steaming again in front of her, and said, "I\'m not talking about pouring tea."

"Then what are you talking about?" Yang Dejin was puzzled.

Xie Zhi lowered his head and stroked the cup wall lightly with his hand: "I mean, why did you help me to such an extent?"

She can\'t always see what she\'s thinking.

In the end, I am just a third-rank official. What reason does Prince Yu have to do this for himself?

Letting Bai Qingyang reunite with his wife made up for a regret in Xie Zhi\'s heart. The empress did not pursue Bai Qingyang\'s private leaving of the palace. Xie Zhi was really grateful to Yang Dejin.

She trusted herself, lent her the prince\'s order, and even followed up the case herself. There is no need for Prince Yu to do so much...

Yang Dejin seemed surprised, she didn\'t expect Xie Zhi to still care about this matter.

"Why are you still struggling, this king will not harm you. Besides, I am not only helping you, but also helping myself."

After all, Xie Zhi is a huge bundle of life-saving straws.

Xie Zhi: "But..."

"It\'s nothing to be ashamed of, Mr. Xie, I said you are worthy—Xie Zhi is worthy of Yang Dejin\'s doing this. Do you have anything else to say?"

Her eyes were so sincere, with ardent warmth, Xie Zhi\'s calm heart was touched a little.


"Oh, why hasn\'t this dish been served yet? I have to go and urge it." After finishing speaking, Yang Dejin quickly moistened it before the person opposite him reacted.

Xie Zhi: "..."

Yang Dejin ran away without a trace, but her eyes still stayed at the door, took out the prince\'s letter, and traced the grain of the piece of agarwood with her fingertips. A strange emotion flickered in his eyes, and a soft expression appeared on his normally expressionless face.

If this was an opportunity, Xie Zhi felt that he couldn\'t miss it.

The author has something to say:

Xie Zhi: Miss Yang?

Yang Dejin: Tsk, Miss Xie!

Xie Zhi: ...Do you want to keep going back and forth like this?

Zhang Shangshu doesn\'t want to read the neodymium copper stickers, Zhang Shangshu just wants to retire on time.