Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 35: Sects and Oracles

Li Zichou dragged Bai Qingyang all the way back to Yuheng Palace.

Bai Qingyang glanced at the hand holding his left wrist, she held it a little tight, but it didn\'t hurt at all.

This person looks very angry.

Bai Qingyang was stunned for a moment, was she angry about her own affairs?

In this man-eating palace, she never expected someone to stand up and defend her.

In the face of those rumors, Bai Qingyang\'s attitude was originally indifferent. She suffered quite a lot in her last life, so it\'s not the same. This time, there was such a person who pulled her out from behind the bead curtain, and severely hit those arrogant courtiers with actions.

This person is still Li Fu, the person she once hated so much.

No... no, she is not Li Chou, she is very different from Li Chou...

"Who the **** are you?" Bai Qingyang looked at the back of the man\'s head and asked.

Li Zichou\'s hasty pace faltered slightly, but she didn\'t expect her to ask so bluntly.

Li Zichou took a deep breath: ...

Don\'t panic, protect the vest first.

She quickly adjusted to the most peaceful state, slowed down her steps, turned her head and asked, "Why did the queen say that?"

There was a slight smile on her face, no matter how Bai Qingyang looked at it, she felt that there was a little guilt in that smile.

"I just didn\'t expect that His Majesty would offend the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, just to protect the daughter of a guilty minister."

Li Zichou stopped, turned around and said seriously: "You are not."

Bai Qingyang didn\'t even know why she dared to be so sure. The father\'s case had passed for so many years, and there was no hope of overturning the case. Bai Qingyang sometimes wondered whether it was possible for his father to do such a treacherous thing.

The answer is of course impossible.

But even if she thinks so, Xie Zhi thinks so, most people will still believe that Bai Xun is treason.

However, this person did not believe it.


Why do you trust Bai Xun so much? She should not have had much contact with her father at all...

Li Zifu thought, Bai Qingyang was once the number one talented woman in the capital, and Xie Zhi was the number one hero who later helped Bai Qingyang ascend the throne. Being able to cultivate such outstanding talents, Bai Xun can\'t be a snobbish and vulgar person.

Collaboration with the enemy and treason? He has no reason to do that.

Bai Qingyang is beautiful, strong and miserable, and his poor family background is just one of the original author\'s settings.

Of course Li Zichou couldn\'t say what she thought. She said, "I am the Son of Heaven, and I keep my promises. If I say you are not, you are not."

It was clearly a solemn expression, but the words he said were so unreasonable.

Bai Qingyang couldn\'t help but lowered his head and smiled.

The smile of the indifferent person seemed to dye the black and white ink painting with bright colors.

Li Zichou was stunned, she rarely saw Bai Qingyang\'s smile, this should be... her smile from the heart, right?

"His Majesty."

"Ah?" Li Zishou came back to his senses.


"..." Li Zichou opened his mouth dumbly, but he didn\'t know how to answer.

Yang Dejin, did you hear that? ! Bai Qingyang thanked me!

Bai Qingyang raised her eyes, and saw that Li Zichou didn\'t react, she looked at her wrist again, it was still in that man\'s hand.

"That, hand..." She gently turned her hand.

"..." Li Zishou blinked, realized that he was still holding on to him, and quickly let go, "Ah, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry."

Bai Qingyang shook his head and looked at her seriously.

Li Zichou originally wanted to send Bai Qingyang back to Yuheng Palace. The palace people were thrown away, and only the two of them stood on the wide palace road.

Maybe... She meant maybe, she could be friends with Li Chou in this life.

Bai Qingyang was no longer as vigilant and vigilant when facing Li Zishou now.

Li Zishou saved himself from the water and defended himself in court.

Her Bai Qingyang\'s creed is to repay everything, she will never forget the kindness she has done to herself, and she wants to make friends with her.


"Master Xie, let\'s talk about it later. This king is going to investigate this matter." Yang Dejin was a little anxious, she wanted to catch up with Li Zichou quickly.

In this matter, Li Zichou established a not-to-be-triggered image in front of all the officials, played the role of scaring chickens and monkeys, and also won Bai Qingyang\'s favor. The way to deal with it was perfect.

However, Li Zichou was furious. As a good friend, Yang Dejin wanted to care about her emotional state, and discuss with her the weirdness of this incident.

"This is what I want to talk about," Xie Zhi hurriedly stopped Yang Dejin, "His Royal Highness, take a step to speak."

Yang Dejin looked around and nodded: "Okay, let\'s go out of the palace first."

"The courtiers suddenly asked His Majesty to recruit a male favourite, to seek the emperor\'s heir. Not surprisingly, someone secretly instigated it to force His Majesty..." Xie Zhi looked at her and said.

Yang Dejin didn\'t know what she wanted to say, but felt that the scene was very similar, so she said first, "I didn\'t do it!"

Xie Zhi paused, her eyes were a little speechless, of course she knew it wasn\'t Prince Yu who did it.

Inciting the ministers to let the empress give birth to a prince, and slandering Bai Qingyang by the way, what good would it do for Prince Yu?

Xie Zhi explained: "Your Majesty knows that His Highness acts in an upright manner. I want to say that today\'s incident in the court is not groundless. In fact, I have heard about the remarks about the empress\'s flattery and harm to the country a month ago. .”

Yang Dejin was immediately surprised.

A month ago, wasn\'t that all before the Qujiang Banquet? Rumors spread so early, why hasn\'t she heard of it at all?

Seeing her expression, Xie Zhi asked, "A new sect has recently appeared in Linjing. I wonder if Your Highness has heard of it?"

Yang Dejin frowned: "Sect?"

This thing is not a good thing in ancient times...

Xie Zhi nodded: "The remarks about the empress\' empress harming the country seem to be the \'exhortations\' from their Holy See. Many people in the court have been bewitched."

What Xie Zhi didn\'t say was that the whole content of the edict she learned was alarmist. It is said that the female emperor of the dynasty was bewitched by the demon queen, and getting along with her in the short term would bring disaster to the monarch, and in the long run would harm Dasheng.

When the oracle first came out, few courtiers believed it.

But later, the banquet was poisoned and fell into the water and fell ill. The empress suffered from bad luck one after another, and the courtiers felt that what the oracle said was true.

Yang Dejin: "I said, there must be demons when things go wrong. But do they really believe in that so-called edict?"

Xie Zhi shook his head lightly: "This is also the reason why I came to look for His Highness. I don\'t even know how these colleagues got involved with that church, and they still believe in the oracle so devoutly. Wait until you come back to God ..." Bai Qingyang was slandered by the rumors.

Xie Zhi didn\'t remember this happening before going back.

If everything goes according to the original plan, at this time, Bai Qingyang\'s deployment in the palace is already in place, and he will almost start to infiltrate the court.

But unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened again.

If Bai Qingyang was affected by public opinion, her actions in court would be hindered. Xie Zhi could not allow this to happen, so she came to find Yang Dejin.

"What did Mr. Xie find out now?" Yang Dejin asked as he walked.

Xie Zhi shook his head dullly, but did not speak.

Yang Dejin looked at her with some surprise: "Nothing was found out? Aren\'t there so many believers in the court? Mr. Xie couldn\'t ask any of them?"

This is not like the work efficiency of Xie Zhirui, the servant of the Ministry of punishment.

Xie Zhi didn\'t hide it either: "My colleagues and I are nodding acquaintances, they will find it strange to ask about this matter, and they don\'t want to say anything more to me."

When Yang Dejin heard the words, she suddenly thought of something, and she said a little reservedly: "I wanted to ask before, is Mr. Xie a little too withdrawn in the court?"

In the original book, Xie Zhi was a cold-faced prison officer. Although his personality was cold and introverted, he seldom had conflicts with his colleagues, and some people still had a good image of him.

Just because of his indistinguishable appearance, many people ridiculed him behind his back for not looking like a man, like an eunuch.

What\'s more, less than a year after he entered the court, he was rumored to be the lone star of the celestial evil, just because he had cut off the lives of many people. Therefore, even though Xie Zhi didn\'t offend anyone, no one wanted to take the initiative to approach her.

Yang Dejin couldn\'t figure it out. Doesn\'t this mean that Xie Zhi is selfless and discerning?

How could such a good-looking person be rumored to be some kind of novelty in the Book of Mountains and Seas that can stop children from crying at night?

Xie Zhi was silent after listening to her question, Yang Dejin was right.

In the imperial court, she really had a look of not getting close to strangers, but that was in order not to reveal her identity as a woman.

The name Tiansha Lone Star was also spread by himself. An unknown identity can stop many people who seek relatives and cling to him. Otherwise, she wouldn\'t be single and neutral after being an official for four years.

Xie Zhi prevaricated: "Many colleagues can\'t understand my male and female appearance, and they don\'t want to make friends with the lower officials."

Yang Dejin: "What\'s wrong with male and female looks? If they only judge you by appearance, it will be their loss. This king thinks Mr. Xie is elegant and indifferent, and looks good."

Yang Dejin was telling the truth, she really felt that Xie Zhi was more comfortable getting along with others than others, and she liked to be friends with such people.

Some people may say that he lacks masculinity and doesn\'t look like a man.

But so what? What exactly does masculinity represent?

Bully? Very aggressive?

What kind of quality is society promoting? It is having a sense of responsibility, being upright and honest, being unyielding and unyielding, and it is all the driving force that inspires ordinary people to be good and beautiful.

Xie Zhi can\'t do this? Of course it can be done.

How can these precious qualities be summed up so blindly by the words "masculinity"? Don\'t you think it\'s ridiculous?

Hearing Prince Yu\'s generous praise and affirmation, Xie Zhi was stunned. I thought to myself that she is indeed an extraordinary woman, sober and gentle.

The more Xie Zhi looked at Yang Dejin, the more he liked it. Maybe it\'s because the two are like-minded people, there is a strange sense of intimacy.

While talking, Xie Zhi\'s house had already arrived.

Yang Dejin saw that he had reached his mansion after walking a short distance, so he simply gave up the idea of ​​going to the palace to find Li Zizhi. Anyway, she had Bai Qingyang and Zhou Huaijin over there, so it would not be too late for him to visit her tomorrow.

"Okay, Mr. Xie said so much, in short, he wants to seek my king\'s help to help you settle this matter?" Yang Dejin stopped in front of Xie Zhi\'s mansion and said.

Seeing that she didn\'t intend to enter the door, Xie Zhi also stopped, but did not directly answer her question: "Prince Yu believes what the officials say, but doesn\'t believe in the so-called oracle?"

In her opinion, Yang Dejin is likely to believe in such metaphysical things like other officials.

It didn\'t occur to her that she wasn\'t interested at all.

Yang Dejin couldn\'t hold back a chuckle:...

She is an atheist modern youth who has been influenced by materialist dialectics, why does she believe in these gods and ghosts? What she is wearing is not some comprehension sci-fi...

"Master Xie, some things are not necessarily true even what I have seen with my own eyes, how can I believe in those non-existent things?" Yang Dejin raised his hand and nodded next to his right eye, "Don\'t bother, Mr. Xie!" write, will you?"

Xie Zhi looked at her, and after a long time, nodded.

"This is for you." Yang Dejin said as he untied the Prince\'s Order hanging from his waist and threw it to her.

Xie Zhi caught it, and the moment he saw the thing, he looked at Yang Dejin in surprise: "This is... a letter from His Highness."

"That\'s right, with this prince\'s order, you can mobilize the prince\'s soldiers at will, and ensure that most of the imperial capital\'s public offices and some high-consumption places are unimpeded. Thank you, sir, you have to keep it well."

Yang Dejin talked triumphantly, feeling that she was becoming more and more like a bully.

The prince\'s letter is to the prince, just like the imperial decree is to the emperor, and it plays a role in seeing things as seeing people. She was relieved to hand it over to Xie Zhi, anyway, it was only for her to investigate the case temporarily.

But Xie Zhi held the piece of agarwood that was hard and exuded a wooden fragrance, and declined, "Prince token is a symbol of His Royal Highness\'s noble status, and an outsider can\'t take this token of prince."

And if anything happened, Prince Yu himself would be the first to suffer, and she didn\'t want to harm Yang Dejin.

When Yang Dejin heard her say that she had a noble status, she just felt that she was always praised by the courtiers and people, and sooner or later she would not know who to be named.

Xie Zhi saw her wave her hand, turn around and leave quickly.

"It\'s okay, you deserve it."

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: This is not some comprehension science fiction!

Li Zichou: How about I wear a book?

Bai Qingyang: What about my rebirth?

Xie Zhi: What if I go back in time?

Yang Dejin: Uh...probably the non-classical entanglement phenomenon caused by the abnormal decay of zero-spin π mesons breaking through the conservation law...I guess.

Bai Qingyang & Xie Zhi:? ?

(looks at Li Zishou)

Li Zichou: ...Indecision, quantum mechanics, right?

Xie Zhi who was isolated in the workplace: I didn\'t mess with any of you.