Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 33: on line

Li Zishou spent a few days recuperating from his illness, and on a certain day in early summer, he resumed his morning court.

In the past, when Bai Qingyang listened to the government behind a curtain, it was always the empress who came to the Xuanzheng Hall in one step.

Today, when Li Zichou walked up to the base of the main hall, she realized that someone was already behind the bead curtain. She paused for a while, bowed to the people inside, and then sat down on the throne of the monarch.

Bai Qingyang looked at her through the beaded curtain. Li Zifu\'s complexion had recovered a lot, but he still had a little sickness on his body. The black court clothes made her skin fairer.

Yang Dejin stood at the bottom of the head, seeing that she was in good spirits, and her speech was neither nasal nor hoarse, so she felt relieved.

At the court hall after a few days, everyone expressed condolences and concern for the queen\'s illness.

Zhou Huaijin was also standing in the ranks of civil servants. He was wearing the lowest white official uniform, so he should not be qualified to go to the court, but he was also a celebrity around the empress. These officials dared not say anything, and even took the initiative to stand behind him with.

Zhou Huaijin was not too polite, and he was confident in occupying the first position of civil servants.

Liang Jing looked at Zhou Huaijin who was standing two steps away to his left, feeling very upset.

How dare this little boy stand on the same level as the current prime minister? Is there any law? !

Of course Zhou Huaijin felt the disdain from Liang Jing on the right, he was not angry, and even teased this corrupt official brazenly.

"Hey, Prime Minister Liang, the jade wrench you are wearing today is really dazzling and ingenious." Zhou Huaijin flattered her exaggeratedly.

Liang Jing squinted at him, and snorted arrogantly: "Master Zhou was born in a rough place, and I may not have seen it before, but this is a high-quality Hetian jade from the northwest." He rubbed it with his fingers as he spoke, as if to show off.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Huaijin was even more exaggerated: "Really?! I want to find one to collect."

Liang Jing sneered: "Master Zhou? Forget it, there is no other treasure like this in the world."

Zhou Huaijin restrained his flattering smile a little, and turned into a meaningful smile: "Oh—no wonder, this jade wrench of Prime Minister Liang is probably not even comparable to the jewels in the treasury of the Holy Lord."

Liang Jing\'s face froze suddenly, and his slender mustache trembled slightly.

A few officials who were close behind laughed outright with a sneer, thinking that this was in the Xuanzheng Palace, they hurriedly stopped them and pretended nothing happened.

Hearing those laughs, Liang Jing turned around and glared at the people behind, gritted his teeth and said to Zhou Huaijin, "Lord Zhou, please be careful with your words."

Zhou Huaijin withdrew his gaze from the jade finger, raised his eyebrows, and ignored him with a cynical look.

Liang Jing: ...

Reverse and reverse! A mere low-rank official dares to ignore him!

Yang Dejin stood not far away and heard the entire conversation between the two.

He thought that Li Zichou had found such a talking horse boy, she deserved to be her.

The Ministry of Rites made a detailed report on the results of the spring scientific research. Including the job assignment and entry preparation of the candidates in the list, and finally, by the way, the empress\'s hard work.

All work reports were carried out in an orderly manner, and the hall was peaceful.

It\'s just that I don\'t know who started it first. The issue of royal heirs was mentioned intentionally or unintentionally. Several officials persuaded Li Zichou to select young talents to enter the harem to deal with the issue of succession to the throne.

"Your Majesty, at present, Haiyan and Heqing are in great prosperity, and the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful. While His Majesty is young, the issue of heirs should be considered early."

"My minister seconded the proposal! Although the harem already has a queen empress, the empress empress and the emperor are both women, so they cannot give birth to a prince for Dasheng."

"The veteran thinks what Master Qin said is reasonable." Liang Jing also came to meddle, "There is no one in the East Palace at the moment, and it may be too late to make plans in the future."

Yang Dejin frowned slightly, unable to help but wonder, this is something that is not in the plot of the book.

Think about it too.

The original owner, Li Chou, who was obsessed with masculinity all day long and prostituted herself all day long, how could it be these ministers\' turn to worry about her future generations.

Now Li Zifu only cared about Bai Qingyang, so it was no wonder those courtiers cared less about salty carrots.

The ministers were also surprised. The queen had kidnapped so many handsome young men into the palace before, but why didn\'t she see that the queen was pregnant?

Because of Li Chou\'s licentious behavior before, they would not intervene in the affairs of the harem.

But starting from a certain day, this empress seemed to have lost interest in all men overnight, not only dismissed the faces who were kept in the harem, but also only favored Bai Qingyang, the empress.

Everyone, Monk Zhang Er, couldn\'t figure it out. He didn\'t know what kind of medicine the empress had taken wrongly.

Li Zichou looked a little embarrassed, and glanced at Zhou Huaijin and Yang Dejin.

She was not interested in love and marriage before, but now that she has encountered the situation of wearing a book, she doesn\'t want to be bound with a man even more.

She wanted to skip this topic: "I don\'t want to think about the issue of children right now, let\'s talk about it later."

Zhou Huaijin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty has just started to take charge of the government, and it is time to make great achievements. Regarding the issue of heirs, you don\'t have to rush."

Li Zichou wanted to turn the story over, but the courtiers below him were not so easy to deal with.

"Your Majesty Zhou\'s words are wrong. It\'s a good thing that His Majesty wants to work hard to rule the country, but the succession of future generations is related to the stability of the imperial power, so you must not treat it like a joke!"

"My Majesty, I know that your love for the empress is deep and righteous, and you have no intention of stirring up harmony between the empress. It is just for the prosperity of future generations, please make a decision early!"

Zhou Huaijin looked at the two speakers and frowned, how could even the Queen\'s faction...

The officials in the court seemed to be ignited suddenly, and they all began to persuade Li Zishou.

After hearing what the official just said, Bai Qingyang subconsciously looked at Li Zichou who was sitting on the dragon chair.

Deep affection? Harmony between the emperor and the empress?

Li Zichou looked even more embarrassed, with a hint of impatience between his brows.

Bai Qingyang lowered her eyes and smiled self-deprecatingly.

how can that be possible…

Liang Jing doesn\'t know what\'s going on, usually he should only look after Li Zigong, and he will have whatever attitude the empress has. He often makes some princely and non-factional officials blow their beards and stare in court, but they don\'t dare Go against this corrupt official who has won the trust of the empress.

But at this moment, he actually followed the officials below, earnestly persuading Li Zifu.

Good guy, when did Queen\'s faction and Prince\'s faction become so harmonious?

They have always stabbed each other with the idea of ​​"I think what you said is wrong, you are a trash, and your master is also a trash", and it is common for people to quarrel in court.

This time they actually stood on the same front and began to persecute the Empress.

There are oddities.

Yang Dejin didn\'t make a sound, her eyes searched the ranks of civil servants. Xie Zhi never participated in this kind of discussion, so he never spoke.

Yang Dejin found that she just lowered her head with a heavy expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"The royal family has no more descendants, and the great prosperity will end sooner or later!" I don\'t know who has the courage to say this sentence in the court, and the voice is still very loud.

The group of officials suddenly became quiet, and dozens of eyes looked at the same person.

Only then did Qin Guang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, realize that he had said something outrageous, and quickly fell to his knees on the ground, kowtowing and shouting for forgiveness.

Li Zichou was indeed a little impatient, and he was even more furious when he heard Qin Guang\'s words.

Dasheng will perish without descendants?

It\'s nonsense, and she doesn\'t take Li Zishou too seriously.

At first, she also felt that these officials had a sense of déjà vu of relatives urging marriage they met when they visited the house during the Chinese New Year, and each of them insisted on worrying about their own emotional problems.

But with so many "relatives" who were neither relatives nor relatives besieging him together, Li Zichou was really angry, he was really a group of difficult old fritters.

"What\'s the matter? It\'s been less than a year since I took the throne, and the lovers are eager to find a new family?" Li Zichou\'s words were full of sarcasm, "At least let\'s pretend for a while?"

"Chen, Chen, etc. have absolutely no such intentions!"

Li Zichou sneered, got up from the dragon chair, stepped off the platform, and stood in front of Qin Guang who was kneeling on the ground.

"Tell me why you want me to give birth to an heir in such a hurry?" Li Zishou suppressed his temper, "I don\'t want to hear those high-sounding reasons, I want to listen to the truth."

Qin Guang didn\'t raise his head, his hands were clenched into fists nervously, his palms were full of sweat, even though he was very scared in his heart, he just kept silent.

He dared not say why.

Liang Jing saw that his people were being troubled by Li Zichou, so he quickly made a siege and said, "Your Majesty can understand that His Majesty doesn\'t want an heir for the time being. If you can enrich the harem first, it\'s okay to call a few men into the palace to serve His Majesty?"

Hearing this, Yang Dejin knew that Liang Jing had no good intentions, and before Li Zichou could speak, he spoke to the line: "No! The master of the harem is still watching from behind the bead curtain, and recruiting male pets into the palace is definitely a harem business." .Since it is a harem matter, of course it is entirely up to the empress, Prime Minister Liang is trying to overwhelm the host?"

Liang Jing said that he wanted to find a male favorite for the Empress, but how many eyeliners there are among those men!

And if these demons and goblins are really allowed to enter the harem, what if Li Zichou\'s innocence is tarnished? ?

No way! She doesn\'t allow her good friend to be wronged like this! !

Yang Dejin suddenly had a sense of mission called protecting the purity of her best friend.

Bai Qingyang looked at that person\'s back, and seemed to feel a trace of her sullen emotions.

If she was normal, she would have made Qin Guang stand up. She was not used to others kneeling down to her.

But at this time, she just stood there quietly, standing in front of the Minister of the Ministry of War who was kneeling and kowtowing, while the prime minister and the prince were arguing, she just listened, and had no intention of stopping it.

Liang Jing listened to Prince Yu\'s words, and felt disdainful in her heart, thinking that Yang Dejin used the empress as a shield, but in fact she was afraid that the birth of the emperor\'s heir would ruin her event.

Prime Minister Liang never acknowledged this wild prince picked up by the late emperor. Who knows if she is the child of Emperor Lie and Concubine De?

Her surname is not Li!

Yang Dejin, whose royal lineage is doubtful, still wants to sit on the dragon chair?

What a dream! Pooh!

Yang Dejin didn\'t know Prime Minister Liang\'s inner drama, she only knew that she would never let any man enter the palace under the pretense of serving the queen.

"Your Highness, Prince Yu, don\'t need to talk about the Empress Empress. The Empress Empress is just a blessing from heaven." Liang Jing shot back contemptuously, folded his hands in front of him, and knelt down towards Li Zifu, "As the prime minister of Dasheng , You can\'t just watch Your Majesty being bewitched by the daughter of a criminal minister."

"Even if I offend Tianwei today, I still want to ask Your Majesty to extend her favor and summon a man to sleep with you. Please give me your Majesty\'s permission!"

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: What? Someone wants to be a husband?

Li Zishou: ...I am not the same.

Yang Dejin: Haha.

Li Zishou: ...