Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 32: Not acclimatized

Physician Hang is an old man in the imperial hospital, with profound qualifications, basically there are no difficult and miscellaneous diseases that can trouble him.

At this time, the **** of his right hand rested on Li Zifu\'s wrist through the silk, his gray eyebrows were furrowed, and the other hand was pinching his beard.

Seeing his uneasy expression, Yang Dejin wanted to ask Li Zichou how he was sick, but due to her own identity, it was really strange to ask this question.

Fortunately, Bai Qingyang asked for her: "Physician Hang, what happened to Your Majesty?"

Physician Hang was a little uncertain for a while, because Li Zichou\'s pulse showed that he was not just suffering from a cold. She had a fever, which was indeed caused by catching a cold after falling into the water. She\'d faint, looking more from overwork, and weirder...

The elderly imperial physician stood up and asked Lu Xiaoying, the maid who was standing next to her, "Has your Majesty any symptoms of diarrhea or insomnia recently?"

Lu Xiaoying replied honestly: "Before His Majesty just fell asleep, he suffered from severe abdominal pain. He also had this symptom after falling into the water yesterday. As for insomnia... His Majesty always goes to bed very late, and he doesn\'t let his servants keep watch..."

Yang Dejin thought silently: It\'s just the normal routine of modern people.

Although Li Zishou was in Tianshu Palace, Bai Qingyang\'s secret sources reported every day that Li Zishou\'s lights were turned off almost at midnight, and Bai Qingyang didn\'t know what he was doing when he went to bed so late.

Imperial Physician Hang nodded, and reported to Bai Qingyang sideways: "My empress, Your Majesty may have been overworked recently, and also fell into the water to catch a cold, so you may have a fever. But for some reason, Your Majesty still has symptoms of acclimatization."

Bai Qingyang, Zhou Huaijin and the others were startled: Unaccustomed?

Yang Dejin was also taken aback: "Shui Tu..."

Ah—she remembered!

Li Zichou was originally from the south. Yang Dejin just met Li Zichou when she was a freshman. Seeing that she was a little uncomfortable at that time, she realized that it was the first time for Li Zichou to go to university in another place.

Linjing is located in the north, and Li Zichou seemed to be fine a few days ago, probably because his immunity weakened after catching a cold, and the symptoms of acclimatization appeared only then.

When Yang Dejin made a sound, Bai Qingyang immediately looked at her.

Yang Dejin: ...

Seeing her look away again, Bai Qingyang\'s eyes became more thoughtful.

Zhou Huaijin was puzzled: "Physician Hang, did you make a mistake? Your Majesty is a native of Linjing, why did you say that you are not acclimatized?"

Bai Qingyang thought casually: It\'s because the inner soul is different.

She looked at the woman lying on the dragon bed. This person was her nominal lover and her monarch. It was just because of an absurd imperial edict that tied the two women who were both together.

And now this Li Fu...

Bai Qingyang\'s eyes fell on Li Zishou\'s face. Although his face had not changed, it was another person.

Bai Qingyang didn\'t care where Li Zichou\'s soul had gone before, she cared more about where Li Zichou would be placed in her plan in the future.

Doctor Hang and Zhou Huaijin couldn\'t explain clearly either, so they simply prescribed two nourishing and health-preserving prescriptions and told Lu Xiaoying to take them for her master, Zhou Huaijin took the prescriptions suspiciously.

Tai Physician Hang reassured everyone, saying that there may be many factors that caused Li Zichou\'s physical discomfort, and the treatment is not that complicated. As long as he takes care of him with peace of mind, the disease will definitely be cured.

The imperial doctor said so, and the few remaining people who don\'t know medical skills have to follow the doctor\'s orders.

After Doctor Hang left with the medicine box, Bai Qingyang asked Yang Dejin, "His Royal Highness Prince Yu is also here to visit the Emperor?"

Yang Dejin: "Exactly."

Hold on, Yang Dejin!

Zhou Huaijin secretly watched the conversation between the two, and asked Lu Xiaoying to find the medicinal materials after reading the prescription.

"I can\'t tell that Prince Yu is so kind-hearted."

Bai Qingyang\'s words seemed to be stabbing her, but he was actually right.

She remembered that she was able to reunite with her mother thanks to Prince Yu\'s blessing.

Now that Xie Zhi is forced to cooperate with Yang Dejin, I don\'t know how much he knows about himself. Instead of using this as a threat, he helps out instead?

This was what bothered Bai Qingyang the most.

Yang Dejin didn\'t know why she stabbed herself, thinking it was the heroine\'s natural hostility to the villain\'s cannon fodder, she only maintained an impeccable smile and replied: "How can I say that this king is also the uncle of Her Majesty, come and see me when I\'m sick." My niece should too."

"Prince Yu has a heart..." A hoarse and weak voice sounded, Li Zishou\'s pale face was full of guard, and he stared at Yang Dejin for a moment.

Yang Dejin, I\'m going to you, who is your niece? ?

If you want to be my cheap uncle, go ahead and make your dream come true.

Yang Dejin also made a surprised expression, maintaining an embarrassed smile: Look, I just woke up and was still sick, so I started acting. What is dedication? !

In terms of acting skills, Li Zizhi may not be able to compare with Yang Dejin, but in terms of dedication, Yang Dejin is willing to bow down, and she wants to give her bad friend a best employee award.

Oh, Li Zishou is the boss, she is the employee...

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that she had woken up, Zhou Huaijin hurried forward to help her sit up, "Are you woken up?"

Bai Qingyang, who was just about to reach out to help someone, frowned slightly, watching Zhou Huaijin\'s movements: She had discovered before that Master Zhou\'s contact with the Empress was too natural and close.

Could it be that he was disrespectful?

Li Zichou sat up, his head was a little groggy, and his nose was still a little blocked.

When she saw Bai Qingyang, she was stunned for a moment, remembering that he almost couldn\'t be rescued from drowning the day before yesterday, so she asked, "Why did the queen come here? Is your health okay?"

Bai Qingyang thought that you came to ask me because you were sick, but she was still grateful for her concern: "I\'m much better now, my concubine, thank you Your Majesty for saving your life."

Li Zishou smiled weakly: "The kindness of saving lives is too serious. If I don\'t go into the water, someone else will go into the water. It\'s just that the situation is critical at that time."

Bai Qingyang remained silent, and there was a secret touch in his heart. After all, it was a little different for Li Zi to save her...

Yang Dejin stood aside, clasping his hands while observing the atmosphere between the two.

Maybe it was Li Zishou who took the risk to save Bai Qingyang, and the dialogue between the two was surprisingly harmonious, which made Yang Dejin feel a little relieved.

"Your Majesty, you should take care of your body in the next few days. The dragon body is important..." Seeing her wake up, Chen Feng stepped forward to express his condolences. "As for the training of swordsmanship, physique and riding, I can slowly make up for it later."

Yang Dejin clicked his tongue after hearing this, and then looked at Li Zichou: Li Zichou, you just found yourself a gym trainer...

Li Zichou was also very moved when he heard the first half of his sentence. After listening to the second half of his sentence, the expression on his face froze, and he said something I understand, and then let Chen Feng go.

"Then...does Prince Yu want to ask me for something?" Li Zichou looked at Yang Dejin.

God knows how many question marks she felt when she woke up and saw so many people around her bed.

He was not used to people being active in his private space, so he kicked out all the court ladies, leaving only Lu Xiaoying to act as a bodyguard.

This is great, I caught up with the time to see myself, I didn\'t sleep well, I don\'t know if I\'m drooling...

"I\'m just here to visit the emperor." Yang Dejin glanced at Bai Qingyang awkwardly and replied.

"Prince Yu has a heart." Li Zichou said expressionlessly.

Zhou Huaijin and Bai Qingyang couldn\'t figure out the two people who were not very familiar with each other here. Is this Prince Yu an enemy or a friend?

The four fell into a brief silence, Zhou Huaijin and Bai Qingyang looked at Yang Dejin, Yang Dejin looked at Li Zichou, and Li Zichou looked at his bedding.

Finally, Li Zichou frowned and said, "Prince Yu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yang Dejin wanted to speak, but he looked at Bai Qingyang and Zhou Huaijin meaningfully, and Li Zichou understood.

"Queen, Huaijin. Prince Yu may have something important to tell me." It meant to let the two avoid it.

Bai Qingyang hesitated, Yang Dejin and Li Chou were facing each other in court, she didn\'t know if Prince Yu would do anything out of the ordinary.

However, Zhou Huaijin thought about it carefully, and decided to listen to Li Zishou\'s words, persuaded Bai Qingyang a few words, and took her away.

After the gate of the palace was taken, Yang Dejin confirmed that all irrelevant personnel were cleared away, and then said to Li Zichou, "Bai Qingyang is not so hostile to you anymore, she seems a little worried about you."

Li Zishou lay down again: "She is worried that I will jump out of her plot."

Yang Dejin shook her head, she could really feel Bai Qingyang\'s concern for Li Zifu just now, this should be a good thing, right?

She remembered the artificial respiration yesterday again, couldn\'t help rubbing her hands, and asked enthusiastically, "Zixou, why did you dare to kiss me the day before yesterday?"

Li Zifu flung his eyes at him, thinking that I am dying of illness here, how can I have the heart to joke about this hurtful person: "Why kiss me, I\'m saving people! You neodymium and copper are really..."

"What?! Are you Kongtong?!"


"..." Yang Dejin choked on Xiaodi, "How does it feel?"

Now the silent person became Li Zifu, hoarsely shouting: "I don\'t feel anything!"

Yang Dejin said sharply, "It\'s a lie."

Li Zichou turned his head away and didn\'t want to talk to her.

How could it be possible to feel nothing? It\'s just that at that time, I was so focused on saving people that I didn\'t have time to feel the coolness.

After being teased by Yang Dejin, she felt a little ashamed in retrospect.

I didn\'t expect that the first time I had a relative was because of artificial respiration, and the other party was a girl...

"Okay, okay, I won\'t joke with you anymore, what do you want to tell me?" Li Zichou felt more and more ashamed as he thought about it, so he hurriedly changed the topic.

Yang Dejin knew that Li Zichou was not interested in men and women at all, so he took it in tactfully and started talking to her about business.

After a brief explanation, Li Zichou frowned: "You said, I was the one who should have fallen into the water in the book?"

Yang Dejin nodded and said, "It turned out that Bai Qingyang fell into the water now, and she recovered very quickly, but now you really want to lie down and recuperate."

Li Zichou felt a little headache and couldn\'t figure out the context. She was still having a fever, and she was uncomfortable, and there were several deep grooves between her brows.

Yang Dejin saw her looking deep in thought, and hurriedly told her not to worry too much, take care of her body first, and think about the future.

The author has something to say:

Bai Qingyang: I feel that Zhou Huaijin has disrespectful thoughts towards you.

Li Zishou: Huh? who?

Yang Dejin: He is Li Zichou\'s horse boy, not Li Zichou\'s horse boy...

Zhou Huaijin: I\'m so annoying, don\'t cue me.

Kongtong is a deep cabinet! (violence)