Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 16: Empress confidant

"What does Prince Yu think?" Li Zichou looked at Yang Dejin and asked.

Yang Dejin:? Why did you throw the pot to me? Is that written in the script?

But Yang Dejin reacted quickly, and understood that this was Li Zichou trying to pull himself into the scene.

So Yang Dejin stood in the lower position and raised his hand to salute Li Zichou: "Your Majesty, I think Xie Shilang is right. Let alone the palace examination, the empress\'s phoenix body is the most important thing about swimming in the lake."

All the officials saw that Li Zichou\'s face was unhappy after hearing this, and they all sweated for Prince Yu: the queen was already dissatisfied with Prince Yu, and Prince Yu rushed to sing against the emperor.

Hope people are ok.

Unexpectedly, Li Zichou was very satisfied, and Yang Dejin really understood what she meant!

Xie Zhi was still thinking about why Prince Yu wanted to help him, but he heard someone speak again:

"I support Prince Yu and Lord Xie. Your Majesty should put your empress\'s health first."

It\'s Lieutenant Ji of the City Defense Patrol Division.

Li Zichou saw that the double play was almost done, so she patted the armrest of the dragon chair: "Okay, okay, you ministers will consider for my queen, I wonder what the queen\'s wishes are?" After speaking, she turned to Bai Qingyang look in the direction.

Bai Qingyang could see Xie Zhi\'s eyes looking over through the bead curtain, but she still said: "The courtiers and concubines are all under His Majesty\'s arrangement."

Li Zichou: "Okay, then it\'s hard work for the empress to accompany me for a while, is there anything else you want to say?"

Xie Zhi heard that Bai Qingyang had said so, so he had no choice but to give up.

Before going to court, Yang Dejin gave Xie Zhi a look.

Yang Dejin waited for Xie Zhi not long after waiting for a tower on the second palace wall of the palace.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yu." Xie Zhi saluted.

Yang Dejin turned around and asked her to excuse herself.

Xie Zhi was wearing a crimson court dress with a round collar, embroidered with gorgeous and exaggerated peacocks, a Hetian jade pendant with red tassels on his waist, and a black gauze hat on his head, just like an ancient civil servant\'s attire.

"I don\'t know what your highness wants to do with the official?"

Yang Dejin didn\'t answer her directly, she felt that she had to pretend, so she just leaned on the fence and watched: "Master Xie, do you know that you can see all the ministers who are about to walk out of the palace here?"

Hearing this, Xie Zhi looked over the railing and looked down. There is indeed a large square from Chengtianmen to Duanmen. Officials have to pass through this way when going out of the palace.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Xie Zhi now keeps a respectful distance from this Prince Yu who is pinching his weakness, trying not to offend him.

"Come on, Master Xie, look at that man who just walked out of Chengtian Gate, wearing a light purple official uniform and wielding a sword."

Xie Zhi looked in the direction of her finger: "It\'s Qin Guang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, what\'s wrong with him?"

"How about others?" Yang Dejin asked casually, "Just tell the truth, there is no one else here."

Xie Zhi hesitated in his heart, he didn\'t know what kind of medicine was sold in Prince Yu\'s gourd, so he just answered honestly: "I\'m just an idler, as Minister of the Ministry of War, I have never led a soldier or fought a battle, and it\'s all up to Prime Minister Liang to pull me out."

Yang Dejin nodded, said nothing else, and pointed to a military officer in black armor in the middle of the square: "Then what about the one in armor?"

Xie Zhi observed Yang Dejin\'s expression, trying to see something, while looking at the person she was pointing at: "General Zhenxi Huang Qian, the second son of Prince Pingxi, has been in the army for nearly ten years and has made countless military exploits. , so much better than his elder brother, I don\'t know where he went."

Yang Dejin glanced at her: "You think highly of him?"

Xie Zhi showed no expression: "It was Your Highness who told me to tell the truth."

Yang Dejin smiled, and continued to look at the square below. She saw an acquaintance, so she asked again: "Where is Ji Zhuilu?"

This time, Xie Zhi didn\'t look at Yang Dejin and replied directly: "Lieutenant Ji is dedicated to his duties, but his achievements are mediocre."

Yang Dejin: "He spoke for you in the court just now."

"This is true."

Yang Dejin glanced at her again, but said nothing.

But Xie Zhi couldn\'t hold it anymore, she didn\'t understand what Prince Yu wanted to call her here, she asked: "Your Highness, if there is nothing else, I have to go back to the office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to handle the case."

Yang Dejin fiddled with the Prince\'s Token on his waist, which was a token made of precious agarwood, symbolizing the noble status of Prince Yu.

She originally approached Xie Zhi just to show her presence, but now it was really getting late, so Yang Dejin was willing to let him go: "Go."

Xie Zhi pursed his lips in displeasure: Prince Yu brought her here, but did nothing but ask a few words, what a waste of time.

"You work in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, have you read the files of Dali Temple?" Xie Zhi turned to leave when he suddenly heard Yang Dejin say this.


"The king will send someone to Mr. Xie\'s residence later."

Xie Zhi didn\'t expect that Prince Yu could really do what he said. She was surprised and grateful, but she still replied calmly: "Thank you, Your Highness."

After Xie Zhi left, Yang Dejin turned around, smiled lightly, and said to himself, "This sentence sounds quite sincere."


Zhou Huaijin brought four people back to Li Zichou. At first, Li Zichou wondered if there were too few of them, so Zhou Huaijin put on a look of "you don\'t understand" and said that his confidantes are good but not many.

I have to say, Li Zi has paid off. Because Zhou Huaijin really put in a lot of effort in finding someone.

Let\'s talk about the maid who is now inseparable from Li Zichou\'s side. Her name is Lu Xiaoying.

When Li Zichou first met her, his face was full of question marks, he pulled Zhou Huaijin aside and whispered: You found me such a thing and came back?

Zhou Huaijin hurriedly appeased the emperor and said that His Majesty should not worry, he asked Lu Xiaoying to perform for her.

So when Lu Xiaoying completely reproduced Li Zichou\'s voice, accent, walking posture and even some little habits that Li Zichou didn\'t realize, Li Zichou\'s eyes almost popped out.

However, when Lu Xiaoying saw Li Zichou for the first time, she had already memorized her actions in a comprehensive way, and she could reproduce them perfectly. Only then did Li Zichou know what it means to be a master among the people.

In addition, Lu Xiaoying\'s body shape is almost the same as that of Li Zichou, and because of her career in acrobatics, she has a foundation in martial arts. This is a perfect stand-in for Li Zichou.

Zhou Huaijin was quite proud, saying that he also happened to meet Lu Xiaoying\'s troupe performing, and it took a lot of flickering... er, no, it took a lot of negotiating to get her to talk.

This Lu Xiaoying can be said to be the trump card of the troupe. She doesn\'t talk much, and what she is most proud of is her voice that can imitate things. For her, it doesn\'t matter where she earns money as long as she can use her voice well.

The old team leader probably knew her thoughts well, so he confronted Zhou Huaijin himself, thinking that he must keep Lu Xiaoying.

So when Zhou Huaijin was arguing with the old class leader, Lu Xiaoying stretched his muscles beside him.

When Zhou Huaijin was intimidating and luring the old class leader, Lu Xiaoying practiced her voice beside her.

In the end, Lu Xiaoying was ready to go on stage, and Zhou Huaijin was able to deal with the old team leader well.

Lu Xiaoying\'s stand-in, Li Zichou, was really satisfied, so when Li Xunchan was introduced, Li Zichou didn\'t seem so surprised.

At most, it is how the name of the belly was chosen.

Li Xunchao is even more amazing, she can be considered a big lady, and her family is a merchant, and she is the kind of merchant who travels all over the world, going up and down the mountain and sea.

Since he was born, he has followed his parents to do business everywhere, and his footprints have almost set foot in the entire Dasheng. foreign language.

When Zhou Huaijin came to the door, Li Xunxuan was losing his temper with his family, saying that he was tired of doing business.

Her father asked her what she wanted to do if she wasn\'t a businessman, and she actually said that she wanted to be a soldier. Her mother said to her again, how could a girl go to the battlefield to fight the enemy desperately?

So both parents would not let her run out.

Zhou Huaijin went to discuss it with her parents. Her parents heard that the current emperor had a bad temper, and they were afraid that Li Zixuan would kill people randomly, so they would not allow Li Zhaoxuan to enter the palace.

It was Li Xunchao who heard that the Queen needed him, and followed Zhou Huaijin to stalk them, and Li Xunchao\'s parents reluctantly let him go.

Zhou Huaijin swore that as long as Li Xunxuan didn\'t make a big mistake, there would be absolutely no danger.

Li Xunxuan also promised to send someone to send a letter to the caravan every other month to report his safety.

Another reason why Zhou Huaijin fell in love with Li Xunchan was that she traveled around with the caravan all year round, she had no temper, and she had strong management skills.

And in order to prevent the robbers who robbed the caravan halfway from hurting their lives, her parents let her learn self-defense since she was a child, so Li Xunchao also has two brushes.

Li Zichou repeatedly praised Li Xunchang as a walking geography strategy. When Zhou Huaijin asked her what a geography strategy was, Li Zichou said to Zhou Huaijin that he was simply a contemporary Bole, and he was a thousand-mile horse at a glance.

Zhou Huaijin was a little flattered by the praise, and when he just smiled and waved his hands to say where, he had long forgotten what he wanted to ask.

The last two are even more heavyweight, a pair of twins, from the Southwest.

Both Chen Feng and Chen Feng are generals defending the city of Yizhou in the southwest. Chen Feng is the older brother and Chen Feng is the younger sister.

These two, as generals of one party, have nothing to say about their strength. Even Li Zichou, who had just arrived here, had heard about the famous twin generals of Yizhou from those military officers.

But Li Zifu stared at a pair of beautiful peach eyes and asked Zhou Huaijin in disbelief: "I told you to find someone, why did you go to Yizhou City to poach someone?"

Then it wrote "You are not kind" all over the face.

Zhou Huaijin complained, saying that it was really not that Zhou Huaijin went to Yizhou to pry the wall.

In fact, inviting this Gemini will be the least of your troubles.

It turned out that after the twins quelled the previous Yizhou rebellion, repelled the invading army of the Nanman, and dealt with a group of unscrupulous businessmen who smuggled and smuggled, Yizhou was peaceful for a long time.

If there is no war, the military pay of the two will be reduced. Kong has a unique skill on the battlefield, but it has no place to use it. It feels really boring to guard Yizhou City.

When I heard that Zhou Huaijin wanted to recruit, his elder brother Chen Feng asked how much his salary was, Zhou Huaijin only said the minimum amount, and he immediately said that he would enter the palace.

The younger sister, Chen Feng, saw that he was taking the first step, and was not to be outdone, saying that she would go too.

Li Zichou was stunned for a long time after hearing about the two brothers and sisters: Well, isn\'t this just because he thinks the wages are low and wants to quit, so... so realistic.

Is this talent recruitment so casual?

She would like to call Zhou Huaijin "Ace Headhunter"!

The author has something to say:

Li Zishou: I actually found all the executives who ran away from the headhunting company, as expected of me.

Yang Dejin: Wasn\'t it just released from your cheap daddy\'s blacklist? It sounds like you\'ve been crippled...

Li Zishou: As expected of me.

Yang Dejin: ...

There are more new characters, and the writing style of Godsend is limited, so I have to spend some space to write it to prevent readers from getting confused.