Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 15: The Butterfly Effect

"Oh, let\'s not talk about this, look at what good things I brought you." Yang Dejin waved his hand, and put a snack box in his right hand on the small table.

"What is this?" Li Zichou got up when he heard this and walked to the short table.

"Open it and have a look." Yang Dejin gestured excitedly.

According to what she said, Li Zifu opened the food box, and saw two plates inside, one filled with baked pie-shaped desserts, and the other was triangular pastries sprinkled with milled tea powder.

Li Zichou\'s eyes brightened: "This is..."

Yang Dejin raised her eyebrows high, looking very proud: "Hey, isn\'t it good? Lao Yang\'s exclusive secret recipe, homemade soufflé and matcha cake. Come here, the chopsticks are here, try it."

Li Zichou took the chopsticks she handed over, first cut a small piece of soufflé and put it in his mouth, Li Zichou\'s eyes were instantly filled with amazement.

Then he took a small piece of matcha cake, and then exaggerated "Hmm!"

"Isn\'t it delicious?!"

"Hmm!" Li Zichou was so greedy that he couldn\'t speak, so he quickly picked another piece.

"Hmph, I tried many times to make the finished product."

Li Zichou swallowed and asked, "Aren\'t you going to eat it? How did you make it?"

Yang Dejin waved his hand: "I don\'t need it, I ate a lot of failed operations in the kitchen of the Prince\'s Mansion, and I almost threw up."

Li Zichou paused for a while when he was pulling the cake, then he glanced at her and said, "I said why you haven\'t come to court for several days, so you are tinkering with this thing."

The smile on Yang Dejin\'s face froze for a moment, and then changed into a bitter face: "It\'s too early."

Li Zifu looked at her while eating.

"I figured it out. If I want to go to court, I have to get up at four o\'clock in the morning. I never got up so early when I was taking the postgraduate entrance examination!" Yang Dejin said while making a four with her fingers.

"All right, all right, if you really can\'t get up, forget it. But you have to be there when you have something to do."

"Hey, I knew Li Zibao that you are not that kind of devil boss."

"Okay, okay, you make this..." Li Zifu gently tapped the smooth surface of the soufflé with his chopsticks, "You need butter and cream, right? Where did you get it?"

Yang Dejin acted like "You\'ve got the point", pulled up a chair and sat down: "Damn, that thing is easier to do than you imagined. There are several Hu merchants in the food business in Beijing. They It’s sold there. But people in Dasheng don’t seem to know how to eat it, so basically no one buys it. Oh and there’s more…”

Li Zifu saw her remove the upper layer containing the cake, and the bottom layer contained a water bag, the kind often used by nomads.

Yang Dejin handed the water bag to Li Zichou: "Try it."

Li Zichou: "What is this?"

She uncorked the water bladder and took a sip.

Li Zishou:! !

Yang Dejin: "Is it good?"

Li Zichou: "Drink well!"

Yang Dejin: "This is pure natural milk tea with no additives. I originally wanted to make sparkling water, but I really didn\'t find any way to press the carbonic acid into the water, so forget it."

Li Zichou saw her frowning face, but her tail looked like it was going up to the sky, cleared his throat and said, "Yang Dejin, you don\'t want to come to the palace just to give me your dessert and milk tea, do you?"

"Of course not." Yang Dejin stood up and walked around, "I found Bai Qingyang\'s mother at Xie Zhi\'s house."

"Xie Zhi has taken Mrs. Bai back?"

Yang Dejin nodded and said, "I also find it strange that Xie Zhi should have picked up Mrs. Bai later, and the original text clearly said that Mrs. Bai died suddenly halfway."

Li Zichou: "It\'s so strange, the plot has changed?"

"There are some discrepancies." Yang Dejin thought hard, not knowing exactly where the change started.

Li Zichou frowned and thought for a while, then she looked at Yang Dejin and said, "Could it be the butterfly effect?"

A butterfly flapping its wings lightly in the South American rainforest may trigger a hurricane in Texas two weeks later.

Yang Dejin obviously also thought of this possibility.

The arrival of her and Li Zishou will inevitably trigger some hidden events, which will cause the deviation of the plot of the original book.

Yang Dejin touched his chin, leaned against the table and said, "It\'s possible, but I don\'t know how far the plot can change. At present, it\'s just Mrs. Bai who changed the ending of her death and settled down in Xie Zhi\'s house."

Li Zishou\'s eyes suddenly brightened: "Part of the reason for Bai Qingyang\'s blackening is because of her mother\'s death. Now that Mrs. Bai is safe and sound, can that change the serious consequences of Bai Qingyang\'s blackening?"

Like stabbing yourself to death with a sword.

Yang Dejin also reacted: "Yeah, if Bai Qingyang didn\'t suffer so many horrific things, then she wouldn\'t be blackened?"

The two looked at each other for a while, and both saw hope.

"It\'s decided, we need to take good care of the heroine\'s mental health, but there\'s no rush, we have to take our time. This isn\'t the scientific expedition that I\'ve been waiting for for a long time, and it\'s about to start. I just want to discuss countermeasures with you." Yang Dejin finally remembered the main purpose of entering the palace tonight, and quickly brought the topic back.

"After the general examination, there will be the palace examination, so it\'s my turn to appear." Li Zichou continued her words.

"That\'s right, after the top three of the first class are selected in the palace examination, the Jinshi will tour the city and the lake with you and the officials."

"And at this time, as the empress, I began to have no time to control the heroine. Bai Qingyang took this opportunity to spread hidden stakes in the palace."

Yang Dejin: "That\'s right, so I want to ask your opinion?"

Li Zichou was puzzled: "What is my opinion?"

Yang Dejin knocked her on the head bitterly: "Tsk! Think about it, why did Bai Qingyang in the book find this opportunity to take the exam to develop his power?"

Li Zichou still didn\'t react: "Because... the original body doesn\'t have time to take care of her?"

Yang Dejin nodded: "In other words, the original owner didn\'t want Bai Qingyang to interfere in the affairs of the court, including the imperial examination and selection, so he left Bai Qingyang alone in the harem."

Li Zichou seemed to understand a bit: "Oh—you want to ask me if I should bring Bai Qingyang with me during the palace examination and lake tour."

Yang Dejin snapped his fingers: "That\'s right! You are actually in a bit of an embarrassing situation. If you want to keep her by your side, it will be a disguised way of hindering the heroine from expanding her power, and maybe it will ruin her original plan with Xie Zhi. But if you find an excuse to lock her in the palace, it will destroy the illusion of harmony between the emperor and empress that you have created in front of the courtiers in recent days, and they will start to secretly suspect your relationship with Bai Qingyang, and even cause Bai Qingyang to treat you negative growth in favorability."

Yang Dejin looked at his friend in deep thought, and asked, "So what are you going to do?"

After weighing carefully, Li Zishou replied: "Take it with you, favorability is more important than anything else."

Yang Dejin got her attitude, and nodded: "Okay, the Ming court will probably focus on the matter of the exam, and I will go to court on time, and then you can plan with those officials."

"it is good."

"By the way," Yang Dejin wandered slowly in the study, flipping through the files placed on Li Zishou\'s desk, "What did the heroine come to you just now?"

"The case of Prime Minister Bai was mentioned, but I guess she originally wanted to spy on my current situation."

Yang Dejin chuckled: "It\'s a good thing she is willing to take the initiative to come to you. Oh, speaking of Prime Minister Bai\'s case..."

Li Zichou knew what she wanted to say, so he pointed to the flat-topped table in the study, and said, "There, there are all files related to the case of Prime Minister Bai on the table. I really can\'t see any flowers, you Give it to Xie Zhi."

Yang Dejin: "OK."

"Remember to give it back to Dali Temple." Li Zichou shook the water bag in his hand and said, "Do you think this case of Prime Minister Bai can be solved?"

Yang Dejin shook her head negatively: "I think Xuan, after all, is an old setting that the original author couldn\'t write clearly. It\'s too difficult to solve the case."

Although Li Zichou had just boasted to Bai Qingyang, but he still had no idea in his heart, and Bai Qingyang himself might not have hope.

Simply follow what Yang Dejin said, just throw it to Xie Zhi, it doesn\'t matter whoever solves the case.

"Okay, that\'s all I need to pay attention to recently, then I should go back."

"Hmm, be careful."


Court the next day.

"The Ministry of Households will allocate some money to the Ministry of Rites, and you can give as much as they want." Li Zichou said while sitting on the high hall in a dark dragon robe.

"I obey the order." The one who answered Li Zichu was Qian Zhouzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

"Bachelor Su, you are the chief examiner of the exam, you must ensure the fairness of the exam, and you must not make any mistakes, understand?"

"The old minister understands." Su Cheng, a scholar of the Wenyuan Pavilion with a long beard, leaned over to receive the order.

"Also..." Li Zichou and Yang Dejin looked at each other secretly, and continued, "I hope the queen can go with me this time in the palace examination and the following trip to the lake."

After Li Zichou finished speaking, he looked towards the bead curtain beside him. In fact, Bai Qingyang was sitting on the phoenix chair behind him. Bai Qingyang could see Li Zichou, but Li Zichou couldn\'t see her very much.

As soon as Li Zichou said this, all the civil and military officials below began to speak in a low voice.

They knew that the empress paid more and more attention to Bai Qingyang recently, and she led her to listen to the government behind the curtain. Everyone also restrained some of their previous views on Bai Qingyang. After all, the empress had begun to take the lead in changing her attitude.

But this time, no one expected that the empress would even bring Bai Qingyang to the imperial examination.

Even Bai Qingyang was surprised that Li Chou in his previous life deliberately ignored him during the imperial examination and did not allow him to leave the palace for half a step.

Even if Li Chou was not the same Li Chou as before, Bai Qingyang still subconsciously thought that the situation would continue as in her previous life, and she was already prepared for the emperor to find a reason not to let her leave the palace. did not expect…

"Your Majesty, I think it\'s not possible." Xie Zhi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Really? Can Xie Qing tell me why not?" Li Zichou glanced at Yang Dejin, and found that the other party looked at him with a clear look.

Bai Qingyang and Xie Zhi really had an arrangement.

"...In ancient times, the emperor and the empress dowager should preside over the palace examination. The current empress dowager has passed away, and the empress has no experience in presiding over the palace examination. She may not be able to take on this important task." Xie Zhi tried every means to find reasons for Bai Qingyang, "As for Swimming in the lake, I heard that the empress will feel unwell when taking a boat, so..."

Yang Dejin didn\'t even want to admit that she, Prince Yu, had personally befriended her, she couldn\'t even make up an excuse, what a waste!

When she said this, not only Li Zishou and Prince Yu felt a little far-fetched, but even other officials talked about it.

Liang Jing, who is the queen\'s steadfast dog, said, "My lord Xie\'s words are wrong. The empress is the mother of this prosperous country. Of course, she is qualified to appear on the occasion of the imperial examination. Experience is created. As for swimming in the lake , both civil servants and military generals have to go, and it doesn’t mean that sailing on the sea will not cause seasickness, don’t you think?”

The mustache under Liang Jing\'s nose trembled, and he opposed Xie Zhi plausibly.

Liang Jing was also very puzzled by the sudden change of temperament of the empress.

The good-for-nothing princess who was so easy to please in the past has become strong and rational now. Although Li Hui was also strong before, it is not the same.

Before, Bai Qingyang was secretly warned by her because of her yin and yang eccentricity, but that was the first time Liang Jing felt timid about Li Chou.

It\'s really hard to be an official, so I can only please the empress first.

Xie Zhi lowered his head sullenly, a little angry.

Originally thought that after the imperial examination started, the empress would be so busy that Bai Qingyang could find a chance to go out of the palace to meet his wife.

Xie Zhi and Bai Qingyang had made plans a long time ago, but Li Fu suddenly wanted to bring Bai Qingyang with him again.

This will be difficult.