Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 137: to pull

"Did you go to dinner with Her Majesty the Empress again today?" Xie Zhi asked on the way home.

"Not today, I just went for a walk by the river." Yang Dejin replied.

"What did you talk about?"

"Worry about the love affairs of some young people." Yang Dejin said old-fashionedly.

"That\'s right." Xie Zhi laughed, and after a moment of silence, he added, "I heard from Bai Qingyang that Her Majesty wants to take the Zen seat."

Yang Dejin: "Hey, Li Zichou saw that Bai Qingyang\'s regent ability is so strong, and wanted to make her a regular, but he didn\'t appreciate it at all."

Xie Zhi: "I heard from her that she crumpled the imperial edict and threw it back. She also said that she would never be emperor even if she died."

"Such a tiger? As expected of her."

"That\'s right, as expected of Bai Qingyang, he easily did what I couldn\'t do." Xie Zhi said pointedly, "You can actually express your affection to the person you like..."

Yang Dejin was silent for a while, she understood, but her tone was still relaxed: "Is there anything you can\'t say directly? It\'s not something difficult to say when you like someone."

"Really?" Xie Zhi rolled his eyes, "Then do you have someone you like?"

"Of course there is."

Xie Zhi paused, then quickly stepped forward to stop her: "Who is it? Do I know him?"

She had been by Yang Dejin\'s side every step of the way, why was someone else taking advantage of her? Who is that man? Is it a subordinate official of Zhongshu Province?

Xie Zhi was thinking sullenly, but Yang Dejin stared straight at her, pinched his chin with his hands and thought for a while: "It should be regarded as acquaintance."

"who is he?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I, I..." Xie Zhi lingered, "As your aide, I should also advise you in this regard."

After hearing this, Yang Dejin looked at her with a complicated expression, and sighed.

Still can\'t say it?

Xie Zhi is really...

Xie Zhi undoubtedly likes her and treats her very well, but she... is too far away from her.

She is always used to suppressing her emotions, and treats this liking with a far-sighted but not playful attitude, as if preconceived that this emotion cannot be responded to, and likes herself passively.

Xie Zhi\'s confession seemed to just want her to know that there is such a person who likes her, that\'s all.

Yang Dejin didn\'t like this. Sometimes she would reflect on herself. Could it be that she wasn\'t charming enough to make Xie Zhi ignite his fighting spirit to pursue her?

Doesn\'t Xie Zhi like her? Then why not say it openly? Don\'t want to date her? Don\'t want to fall in love with her? Want to take it a step further?

Or does it mean that her feelings for him only stop at this level?

It was for this reason that Yang Dejin never responded to Xie Zhi. Xie Zhi was too reserved, and she had no way of knowing her true thoughts, so she couldn\'t confirm the depth of this admiration.

"Xie Zhi, is this your truth?"


"..." Yang Dejin was at a loss for words, she looked a little unhappy.

"So who exactly do you like?"

"Does anyone I like have anything to do with you?" The other party\'s dishonesty made Yang Dejin quite irritated, and his tone was inevitably a little rushed.

Xie Zhi was a little at a loss, she just wanted to know who that person was, but she didn\'t expect this to make Yang Dejin unhappy.

"I\'m sorry, I didn\'t intend to ask the bottom line." Xie Zhi bowed his head and apologized, "If you don\'t want to talk, I won\'t ask."

Yang Dejin didn\'t speak, Xie Zhi had no choice but to change the subject and said, "I didn\'t expect that such an outstanding person as Bai Qingyang would be rejected."

"She will be rejected has nothing to do with herself." Yang Dejin said lightly, "It has something to do with the person who rejected her."

"Her Majesty clearly cares about her, so why..." Xie Zhi didn\'t know anything about love affairs, "Could it be because they are both women?"

"Which gender love is not love? Li Zishou rejected her precisely because he cared too much about her."

Xie Zhi couldn\'t help but look at her more: "You and the empress are close friends, do you think the empress is also interested in Bai Qingyang?"

Yang Dejin said: "I know her well. She has never cared so much about anyone. Although she doesn\'t realize it, I can tell that she likes Bai Qingyang."

"That\'s good." Xie Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Dejin glanced at her strangely: "What do you mean? Your lord didn\'t catch up with anyone, so you gloated instead?"

"No." Xie Zhi shook his head, "I\'m afraid that Luo Hua will be ruthless because of her intentions. She has never been attracted to anyone, and this time she has opened up, and the other party is the emperor.

"Although it is disrespectful to speculate on the holy will, I am still worried that the queen will disappoint her heart.

"But since they hit it off, they should be able to get together in the end."

Yang Dejin responded casually: "Maybe."

It depends on whether Li Zifu can figure it out.

"Don\'t you want them to be together?" Seeing Yang Dejin\'s nonchalant look, Xie Zhi couldn\'t help being puzzled.

"Do you really want them to be together?" Yang Dejin didn\'t answer, but asked instead.

"I naturally hope that lovers in the world will eventually get married."

"Really?" Yang Dejin looked at her, "Would it be the same if it were me?"

The expression on Xie Zhi\'s face froze slightly, and then he changed into a smile: "Of course, as long as you can be happy."

"What if I\'m unhappy?"

"Then I hope you get rid of the person who makes you unhappy as soon as possible."

"What if I can\'t get rid of it?"

Xie Zhi looked at her, pretending to be relaxed, he couldn\'t do it anymore: "I\'ll help you." She said it very seriously, as if she was swearing to her.

"I didn\'t expect Mr. Xie to value me so much."

"Well... Between friends, it should be."

Yang Dejin smiled: Are we friends this time...

"Then I also wish Mr. Xie that he will get married with the beautiful woman as soon as possible and grow old together."

She called her Master Xie, and there seemed to be some trap in her words.

"We\'re married..." Xie Zhi smiled wryly, "How dare I ask for extravagance?"

Facing Yang Dejin, Xie Zhi was always on guard.

"How can it be said to be an extravagant request? Mr. Xie is so outstanding, it is very lucky to be liked by you." Yang Dejin said to himself, without going to see Xie Zhi, "I think the other party thinks so, too. For your wishes, she will definitely accept it."

"She..." Xie Zhi kept paying attention to the people around him from the corner of his eyes, "Will she do it?"

"Why not? If it were me, I would definitely not miss Mr. Xie."

Yang Dejin spoke frankly, with a serious look, but also as if joking. When Xie Zhi heard this, he turned his head slightly to look at her, and for some reason, she asked:

"Then what if I\'m really interested in you?"

Yang Dejin smiled knowingly, and she stopped, unlike the other party\'s half-sincere and half-joking temptation, she looked directly at Xie Zhi, and said seriously and solemnly, "Then I will also Reciprocate with the same heart.”

Xie Zhi met Yang Dejin\'s gaze with astonishment in his eyes, and remained silent for a long time.

Yang Dejin: "Master Xie won\'t do this?"

Xie Zhi didn\'t respond: "What kind?"

"If the person you like likes you too, wouldn\'t you want to be with her?"

"... Will such a thing as being happy with each other really happen to me?"

"Master Xie, do you know what the law of mutual pleasing is?"

"The law of mutual pleasing?" Xie Zhi heard it for the first time.

"For example, dogs were domesticated by humans thousands of years ago. There are many reasons why people like dogs, because they are loyal and reliable, and because they are lively and cute." Yang Dejin cited an example, "But in addition , there is a purer reason for people\'s love for dogs."

"what reason?"

"Because dogs have no bad intentions, they just love people sincerely, so people also like dogs."

"Well... makes sense."

"So I think I am the same person. I like you because you like me."

Xie Zhi snorted, and suddenly realized: "You say I\'m a dog?"

Yang Dejin: "..."

Yang Dejin: "..."

Yang Dejin: "Yes! You are a dog!"

Xie Zhi: "..."

Yang Dejin laughed angrily. She tried to guide Xie Zhi to tell her true thoughts, but the other party\'s words directly locked her throat.

She was so straight, but Xie Zhi still pretended not to understand, she was so **** off, let her leave her alone!

Xie Zhi always felt a little funny when she heard her scolding herself angrily: "What\'s wrong with you?"

"It\'s nothing, I should have known that a person who pretends to be asleep will never wake up!" Yang Dejin was annoyed.

Yang Dejin really didn\'t understand what Xie Zhi was worried about. Doesn\'t her own happiness matter as long as the other person is happy?

Xie Zhi\'s smile faded, Yang Dejin said so much, it\'s not like she didn\'t catch it.

She just wanted to convey her own heart, and her biggest hope was to maintain the status quo. As for other things, she didn\'t dare to ask for too much.

She is afraid that the relationship between the two will break down, and has subtle fears about the possibility of a happy marriage. She herself feels contradictory.

But now that Yang Dejin has said so, maybe she should change her mind, and before that, she still has something to figure out.

"Hey, Yang Dejin," Xie Zhi suddenly changed the topic, "Why did the empress suddenly think of letting Bai Qingyang succeed? You know something, right?"

The topic changed too quickly, and Yang Dejin didn\'t react immediately: "Xie Zhi..."

"It\'s a matter of course that you understand me and Bai Qingyang, but Bai Qingyang and I don\'t know anything about you." Xie Zhi looked at her, "You guys are incompatible with us, what kind of existence are you?"

"I know you have a keen insight. You should have noticed the matter between me and Li Zishou very early." Yang Dejin didn\'t answer directly, but asked, "Why did you choose to ask me today?"

This time, Xie Zhi was silent for a while, and she slowly said, "I... have to leave the capital for a while."

"What?" Yang Dejin\'s eyes widened, "Leaving the capital, where are you going?"

"Go to Yongzhou."

"What are you doing at the border? There is still a war over there..."

"The war will end soon, and that\'s why I\'m here." Xie Zhi patiently explained, "Meng Shike is in charge of the secret connection on the grassland, and I\'m in charge of the Yongzhou side, so Bai Qingyang Give me this task."

Meng Shike is responsible for negotiating with Yeluyi to reach a cooperation, while his task is to facilitate the peace talks between the two states.

"Then I will send someone to protect you."

"No, this operation is a military plane, and my whereabouts must not be known to anyone."

"...can\'t I too?"


"Then when are you leaving?"


"I see…"

Xie Zhi said sorry, but Yang Dejin shook his head: "So why did you ask me that question before the mission?"

"The empress wants the Zen seat, Bai Qingyang thinks she wants to run away, and you and the empress have been friends for many years..."

"Are you afraid that I will leave without saying goodbye when you are not in Linjing?" Yang Dejin asked.

That\'s why I want to get the answer before she disappears.

Xie Zhi: "If you are not good at answering..."

Yang Dejin interrupted her: "Xie Zhi, I will not leave without saying goodbye, nor will I disappear without a word."

"Yang Dejin..."

"I will tell you everything you want to know, but I also have a condition."

"What conditions?" Xie Zhi asked, but she held up her right hand.

"Some things, I hope you can say it without reservation."

Xie Zhi was slightly startled, she shook the other\'s hand back: "...It\'s a deal."

"It will be very cold in the north, bring more thick clothes, I will wait for your good news in Linjing."

"Well, you have to take care of yourself too."

The author has something to say:

Li Zishou: I thought the progress of these two people was so fast, but it turned out that they were not dragging their feet.

Bai Qingyang: Boss, let alone second child.

It’s so annoying, dragging is really too difficult to write, can I just judge them to get married (?)

Just an ordinary business trip, Xiaorui will be fine