Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 136: sense of stability

"Oh no, what\'s the matter with you? Why do you run to me every day?!"

Yang Dejin couldn\'t bear it anymore, she had to talk about Li Zishou today, is this person really that boring? !

It was fine once, but she endured it twice, and came every time, Yang Dejin really wondered if Bai Qingyang planted landmines in the palace for her.

"I say you, don\'t you have a job? Don\'t you have a life? Can\'t you find something to do?"

Faced with Yang Dejin\'s continuous questioning, Li Zichou hesitated to speak, as if there was something that made it difficult for her to say it in public, she looked around and made a gesture for Yang Dejin to approach.

Yang Dejin folded her arms with a sullen expression on her face, but still leaned over and brought her ears close to her.

After hearing what Li Zichou said, the expression on Yang Dejin\'s face instantly changed from impatience to shock, and he whispered, "I\'m going."

"real or fake?!"

Li Zichou sighed: "I can joke about this kind of thing." She really didn\'t know what to do.

After hearing this, Yang Dejin quickly distributed the work in hand to other employees, and then yelled at Zhong Shuling: "Boss Wen, I have something to do temporarily, so I\'m leaving first!"

Zhong Shuling\'s voice came from another corner of the office hall: "Congratulations to Prince Yu!"

Yang Dejin turned back to Li Zichou and said, "Go, go, I can\'t wait!"

Li Zichou: "..." Can\'t wait to hear gossip, right? !


Along the Qujiang River, the two walked side by side.

"What\'s going on? What exactly did Bai Qingyang say?" Yang Dejin asked as he walked, and when he asked, he hurriedly urged, "Say it, say it!!"

Li Zishou: "Just... she said she likes me."

"That\'s it?" Yang Dejin was obviously dissatisfied with her answer, "Let\'s talk about it!"

"How can I expand on this matter?"

"That won\'t work. I have to hear you timely and truthfully detailing the details, objectively and dialectically reflecting the causes of specific events, the ins and outs, and the ins and outs."

Li Zichou: "..." Where did such a long adverbial and object come from? !

"You have no right to remain silent, speak up!"

"...Didn\'t I say I wanted a Zen seat?"


"Bai Qingyang discovered the edict I wrote for the position of Zen."

"Discovered? How did she react?"

"She..." Li Zichou was still a little apprehensive now, "very angry."

"I think so." Yang Dejin nodded unsurprisingly, "So she had a showdown with you and confessed to you?"


Yang Dejin wowed, thinking of something, a strange smile appeared on his mouth.

Li Zishou: "??"

Such a smile from Snow White\'s stepmother, Li Zichou couldn\'t help but rubbed his arm.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Ah, no, it\'s nothing." Yang Dejin shook her head, drove out the inspirations in her mind that would make her write down the ten thousand-character fanhumanities in tears, and cleared her throat, "You continue to talk."

"Oh..." Li Zichou looked at her suspiciously, and then told her some things that happened later.

After hearing this, Yang Dejin let out another wow, and he could imagine the scene when Bai Qingyang said this.

Is Bai Qingyang such a character set up so fast and bravely?

"And the most frightening thing is..." Li Zishou said with a heavy face, "She called me by my name, and she knew that I was not Li Shou."


Li Zishou: "..."

Li Zishou: "?"

Li Zichou: "\'Oh\', it\'s over?"

"\'s mainly about this..." Yang Dejin leaned back tactically while walking, "It\'s no longer a secret."


Seeing her surprised look, Yang Dejin couldn\'t help frowning: "Do you really think that people can\'t see anything? You and the original owner are not the same kind of people."

"I know, but..."

When exactly...?

Xu knew her question, Yang Dejin said: "She should have noticed it very early."

Outsiders may still think that the empress has changed her temper, but people who get along day and night can detect the slightest difference, from words and deeds to habits, she sees everything in her eyes, especially that person is still Bai Qingyang.

Whether Li Zishou is good or evil, enemy or friend, she is like a mirror in her heart.

In this way, Xie Zhi knew it well, after all, she was better at knowing people than Bai Qingyang.

"Hey, didn\'t she confess to you? What\'s your response?"

Li Zichou: "How else can I respond? Of course I refuse."

"Why?" Yang Dejin squeezed her chin and looked her up and down, "I don\'t look straight at you, do you?"


"Or, you don\'t like the heroine?" Yang Dejin narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Zichou.

"What mess?" Li Zichou frowned, "How could I agree?"

She answered too decisively, as if the option of accepting Bai Qingyang\'s admiration was never in her consideration, Yang Dejin was slightly surprised: "You reject her liking so much?"

Could it be that Li Zifu is really Kongtong?

Li Zichou shook his head: "No."

"Then why..."

"Because I think it would be irresponsible if I agreed to her."

"How to say?"

"Because I\'m an outsider, I don\'t belong here, I have knowledge and memory beyond this world, and this is unfair to Bai Qingyang."

Yang Dejin was stunned when she heard that, she didn\'t expect Li Zichou to think so much.

"I didn\'t want to come into this world. I didn\'t want to... let her suffer from the imbalance brought about by this difference."

"Zixou, Bai Qingyang cares about you very much, she will not give up liking you because of this difficulty."

"But if I accept her liking, I have to confess to her. I can\'t hide my origin. This is my respect for her." Li Zichou stared down at his toes, "But I can\'t give it to her." Enough sense of stability, I can\'t appease her possible emotions of worrying about gains and losses."

"Sense of stability..."

"She likes me, and I\'m very happy, so I can\'t even imagine how she will react when I suddenly disappear in front of her. If she is wronged, I will probably be very sad."

Yang Dejin didn\'t make a sound, but stopped. Li Zifu lowered her head and didn\'t notice it at first, but it was only after the silence around her for too long that she realized that Yang Dejin didn\'t follow.

Li Zichou turned back in confusion, and looked at her: "What\'s wrong, Yang Dejin?"

"Zi pay." Yang Dejin called her, with a somewhat lonely expression, "Do you really think we can go back?"

Li Zichou didn\'t reply, and the two were relatively silent. The twelfth lunar month has not yet arrived, and the river has not yet frozen, but the water of the Qujiang River cannot read the melancholy of the two, and is still flowing indifferently.

The two stopped in place, looking at the wide Qujiang.

"Whether I can go back or not, I will not be a good match for Bai Qingyang." Li Zichou calmly brought the conversation back.

"Zixou, I think you made a mistake." Yang Dejin said suddenly.

Li Zichou looked at her with puzzled eyes: "What?"

"Zi reward you... probably because he likes Bai Qingyang?"

"I do not know…"

Li Zichou thought of that long dream again, which mixed the memories of two time and space, like an illusion, grotesque, but very real.

In the dream, they meet, they talk to each other, abandoning their initial prejudices, they become more than friends but less than lovers, in each other\'s hearts, each other is always special.

But the scene of separation is also painful. Li Zichou must never experience that kind of despair again. It is also because of this that she wants to kill this possibility before it even begins.

Like it? she does not know.

Li Zi\'s reward is unknown, but Yang Dejin knows it well.

"Zichou, you don\'t want Bai Qingyang to get hurt because of indulging in this relationship, I can understand that." Yang Dejin immediately turned around, "But Zishou, don\'t you think you have too many worries?

"There are many reasons for not loving each other, but there are no reasons for falling in love.

"It\'s clear that you and her are connected, so why don\'t you let go of your worries and respond to her frankly?"

Li Zichou: "But I can\'t..." Halfway through, he didn\'t know what to say.

After a while, Li Zichou said again: "We still have the death flag on us."

"Zixou, we have taken off the title of villain, you said so." Yang Dejin said slowly, "Bai Qingyang likes you, and you are my good friend, I really can\'t think of any reason why she would kill us .”

Li Zichou murmured: "Hmm... can\'t love it?"

"...Shouldn\'t be blackened to that extent." Yang Dejin lost his voice, "Furthermore, you can\'t love him, and you are the one chasing after him. What does it have to do with me?"

"..." Thirty-six degrees\' mouth actually spoke such cold words.

"Bai Xiang\'s case is over, and the heroine\'s obsession is over. Now she\'s not interested in becoming emperor, and we won\'t be used by her anymore."

Li Zichou didn\'t speak any more, Yang Dejin knew what she was worried about and what he was hesitating about, she patted her on the shoulder: "Zixou, you can\'t just reject Bai Qingyang\'s feelings hastily, you have to give her a more sincere one." respond.

"Think about it carefully. After careful consideration, no matter what choice you make, I will support you."

Li Zichou looked at the hand in front of him, and raised his fist to touch her: "Yes, I will, thank you Dejin."

The two took a walk along the Qujiang River for a while, then walked in the direction of the palace, and happened to run into Xie Zhi at the gate of the palace. Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, Li Zichou saw that Xie Zhi had something to say to Yang Dejin alone, so he bid farewell and went to the palace alone.

"It\'s so late to come back." As soon as I entered the inner hall of Tianshu Palace, I heard someone say so.

Li Zishou\'s footsteps paused, and an inexplicable feeling of evasion arose in his heart.

"Hmm...something happened." Li Zichou responded dryly, "Qingyang, you...are you done with the court affairs?"

Bai Qingyang said no, put down the paperwork he was reviewing, and walked straight to Li Zichou, who subconsciously took half a step back.

Seeing this, Bai Qingyang chuckled, "What are you doing? Are you afraid that I\'ll eat you up?" As he spoke, he was about to help Li Zichou take off his collar coat.

Her tone was too intimate, and her movements were too natural. Ever since she confessed her feelings, Bai Qingyang didn\'t seem to bother to hide it anymore. She approached too boldly, which made Li Zichou a little overwhelmed.


Li Zichou wanted to say don\'t bother her, but accidentally took her hand. She immediately withdrew her hand as if being burned, and pinched her fingertips angrily.

Bai Qingyang took her hand, "It\'s so cold, why don\'t you bring the stove with you?"

"It\'s, it\'s okay, it\'s not very cold."

"You went to find Yang Dejin again?"

Li Zichou hummed.

Bai Qingyang used the heat from his hands to warm her up. After a while, she said, "The next time I leave the palace, I will send some followers to follow you."

Li Zichou frowned slightly: "You want to send someone to watch me?"

Bai Qingyang pursed her lips, she clutched the other\'s front, and looked into the other\'s eyes.

A ray of warm fragrance rushed into Li Zifu\'s nostrils, making her in a trance for a moment. When she came to her senses, the distance between Bai Qingyang and her was only a few feet away.

Reminds her of that day when Bai Qingyang suddenly approached her like this, wanting to ask her for a kiss, but after she turned her head slightly to avoid it, the other party seemed ashamed, angry and sad, and angrily threw the unfinished book on the ground. into her arms, and ran away.

"Spying on you?" Bai Qingyang stared at her, his eyes showed the injury after being maliciously speculated, "I\'m just will run away without saying a word..."

"Ching Yang..."

The author has something to say:

Li Zishou: Save me, save me, save me! !