Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 94 - SUSPICIOUS SWEET BAO! (3)

[Yang Menghuo POV]

"So, cry baby, go finish your stuff first before asking this thing to me because you\'ll keep getting the same answer."

"Okay, Jie…" Menghuo nodded obediently. He then eats a lot more. "Jie, can I eat yours?" He asked.

"Sure," Shi Ying watched Meng Bao ate two plates for dinner, and she wouldn\'t lie that she had more fun eating with Meng Bao than with Alex.

Something about Meng Bao always gave her such a soothing feeling that she didn\'t get with any other person, whether it was a man or woman.

As if it had always been exclusive to Meng Bao only.

After dinner, Yang Menghuo helped Jie wash the dishes obediently and then sat beside his Jie, eating ice cream while watching some drama on TV..

Shi Ying peered at Meng Bao suspiciously and said, "Don\'t you dare to drop your ice cream on your shirt again. I will smack your belly with that broom rather than wiping it."

Yang Menghuo was shocked when he heard this. He had actually planned on doing it, hoping that his Jie would wipe his stomach. Turned out, she already read his mind.

Still, though, Yang Menghuo thought this kind of peaceful evening, he would get used to it. Because it was comfortable, eating dinner with someone that he loved, watching movies, and snuggling together.

Well, except for the last part. Because his Ying Jie pushed him away the moment he wanted to snuggle with her.

Anyway, this was already a sign that Ying Jie wasn\'t a woman who was so easy to give herself to a man. It also showed that his Ying Jie was a committed, mature woman who wanted a serious relationship.

So everything came down on him, whether he could get in touch with Batman Jie and talked to her about their feelings.

Yang Menghuo still couldn\'t decide on this, though. He knew he was wishy-washy. But he truly loved Batman Jie and Ying Jie equally. It made him felt like he was two-timing both of them.

\'Aish, if only Batman Jie and Ying Jie are the same people, life would be a lot easier then,\' Yang Menghuo thought.

Amid his time relaxing with Ying Jie, he got a message from Li Dengjun.

*Li Dengjun: Boss, I\'ve caught the one named Bai Yunyu. And about the one named Deng Jun… I will explain it to you later. I will wait in this place.*

Li Dengjun shared a location for Yang Menghuo. Menghuo grinned when he got this message. He then looked at his Ying Jie and said, "Jie… I still have something to do. I need to leave now."

"Ah, so soon?" Shi Ying asked. It was a bit unfortunate because she wanted to spend more time with Meng Bao. But she knew that Meng Bao was actually a very busy man. At least, he should be a busy one, knowing the life he led as the business mafia.

"Alright then, you can leave, Meng Bao," Shi Ying said.

Yang Menghuo opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but then he restrained himself and lowered his head. He took his jacket from the hanger and opened the door.

"Jie, I\'m leaving…" Yang Menghuo said.


Shi Ying suddenly walked towards Yang Menghuo. Yang Menghuo blinked few times, thinking that maybe his Jie wanted to say something that he wanted to say.

But what he got was a lot better than that.

Shi Ying suddenly kissed Yang Menghuo\'s cheek, and the edge of their lips brushed.

"There is an ice cream stain on your cheek, so I want to clean it before you leave," Shi Ying said and winked.

Yang Menghuo blinked few times. His mind was in complete chaos right now. He didn\'t know what to say and what to do, and his face turned red immediately.

He tried to take one step in and circled his hand around Shi Ying\'s waist. He pulled Shi Ying closer. His body trembled with excitement as he closed his eyes and pouted his lips like an idiot.

Shi Ying laughed at this and shoved her hand on Menghuo\'s face to stop him. She then swirled around to escape from Yang Menghuo\'s gentle embrace and said, "Nu-uh, it\'s only me who can do that."

"B—But…" Yang Menghuo tried to approach his Jie again, but Shi Ying retreated even more and took the broom to use as a sword.

"Okay, Meng Bao, you can leave now."

"But—But just now…" Yang Menghuo couldn\'t make a single proper sentence in his brain. The intelligent, rich, and powerful business mafia, Yang Menghuo, had short-circuited that he became stupid.

He tried to make up some words, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was just…


Shi Ying laughed at Yang Menghuo and then tapped his leg with the broom, "Okay, you can go now, earn more money or just… do something else."

Yang Menghuo was like a statue for a good while, then he finally turned his body stiffly and walked to the door again. Before he left, he kept glancing back at his Jie, hoping the same thing would happen twice.

"What are you looking at? Just go ah, there is no second time!" Shi Ying yelled.

"Wu…" Yang Menghuo looked so down, but Shi Ying knew this was just part of his acting again. "Ying Jie… once we get married, I will make sure to get all the missing loans from you…"

"Loans?" Shi Ying frowned, but Yang Menghuo already left and closed the door. Shi Ying sighed and threw the broom.

She imagined the kiss that he gave to Meng Bao just now. It was not even a kiss. It was mostly a peck that only brushed their lips slightly. She did this twice with Alex, but mostly because Alex was the one who initiated it first.

She wanted to know how it felt with Meng Bao because, with Alex, she couldn\'t feel anything. It was embarrassing, but it didn\'t make her heart went pitter-patter.

She imagined the peck she just had with Meng Bao again, and her face turned red. Because up until now, she still had that butterfly in her stomach, and her heart was beating faster. It was short… but it felt infinitely better than kissing Alexander Priest.

\'Maybe this is what they call love?\' Shi Ying thought.

\'W—Well, I won\'t lie that kissing Meng Bao is so good. I have to restraint myself before things went too far. Especially since I know Meng Bao is not someone who knows about self-control.\'

\'Hehe, I wonder what Meng Bao is doing outside. Is he acting like an idiot again?\' Shi Ying pondered but decided to just stop and took a bath after a long day.


Yang Menghuo had become stupid. He stood in front of Ying Jie\'s door, hoping that his Jie would suddenly open the door and kissed him again, but he knew it wouldn\'t happen.

Yang Menghuo sighed and then walked away. He walked to the lift and went to the parking ground because he still had to see Ying Jie\'s other dates, Deng Jun and Bai Yunyu.

\'But I want more ah…\' Yang Menghuo thought. He kept thinking if he could be a bit of a scoundrel and pushed Ying Jie there.

But he didn\'t want to scare his Jie. Although he was ready to risk everything, he still needed consent from his Jie.

"Ah, am I too much of a saint not to force Ying Jie about there?" Yang Menghuo pondered while he started the engine of his car.

"But I really don\'t want to hurt her. This feeling is indeed amazing, but if the cost is Ying Jie getting scared or traumatized of me… then I would rather not…."

"I just have to make sure that Ying Jie can repay all this torment she put towards me… during our first night," Yang Menghuo thought.

He paced through the city to the outskirt, where the map led him to an abandoned building.

\'But first, I still have to make sure that nobody will covet my Jie. Because she is a true beauty, even though she never believe it when I said so.\'

Yang Menghuo walked to the abandoned building, he called Li Dengjun, and when the call was connected, he asked,

"Where are you?"

"Ah, yes, Young Master, I\'m inside the third room on the ground floor. The light is still on," Li Dengjun said.

Yang Menghuo walked further until he finally saw a room with light.

He pushed the door. He saw Li Dengjun standing in a black suit, and another man was sitting on the chair, with his hand and leg tied to the chair.

The man was probably around nineteen years old or a bit older. He looked fresh and handsome, but what made Yang Menghuo baffled was this man didn\'t have an ounce of fear in his eyes.

When he saw Yang Menghuo, the man suddenly said, "Ah! The main lead is here!"