Rent A Boyfriend!


"I will take care of this last guy later. I still need to have a talk with the other two soon…"


I checked my phone while eating lunch with Shi Qiang. I opened that Rent A Boyfriend app to find that all three of my orders for my rental boyfriends had been accepted, including Alexander Priest, which I was a hundred percent sure, was actually my new manager.

Qiang stopped munching and asked me, "Ying Jie, all of them have accepted your order? How about Yang Menghuo?"

"Eh? I actually forgot that I\'ve also ordered him…" I admitted shamefully. Because that big crybaby kept on pestering me every day even though it wasn\'t a rental boyfriend situation, so I just forgot about him in the Rent A Boyfriend app.

I checked Meng Bao\'s order status and found out that he hadn\'t accepted the order. Which made me frown, "Eh, Yang Menghuo hasn\'t accepted my order yet."

"Really? Maybe he\'s just busy," Shi Qiang said. She ate another burger as she commented.. "Jie, you should eat too. Don\'t be shy."

I rolled my eyes when she said that, "Why are you offering the food that I bought from my credit card?"

"Hehe~" Shi Qiang giggled shamelessly. "Thank you for the meal, Jie."

I glared at Shi Qiang and her ferocious appetite. She had three burgers, two packs of French fries, three rice bowls, and six fried chicken. And she ate everything in one sitting, which made me wonder if she was actually a dump truck inside the shell of a beauty.

"I\'m full just by seeing you eating, Qiang," I said. I checked on the phone and started opening the \'Deng Jun\' profile since he was the one with the earliest date, which was two days from now.

*Shi Ying: Hi, my name is Shi Ying. I see that you\'ve accepted my order.*

It took a moment until Deng Jun replied:

*Deng Jun: Yes, thank you so much for ordering me. I see that you\'ve planned our date for two days from now, where do you want to meet? I\'m an office worker, so I can only start the date after five on Wednesday, is that okay? ^-^*

I chuckled when I saw that cute emoji, then I replied,

*Shi Ying: Let\'s just meet at the mall near the city square in the evening. Actually, I want to discuss hiring you as my rental boyfriend for the weekend for an important family gathering. I will tell you about the condition later, okay?*

*Shi Ying: Don\'t worry, I will pay extra for your service!*

*Deng Jun: Sounds interesting. I will make sure to empty my schedule for the weekend. Thank you for choosing me, Miss Shi Ying! ^u^*

"Awww, so cute, he uses emoji!" I commented.

*Shi Ying: Haha, don\'t be too formal with me. Just call me Ying Jie, since I\'m older than you. Also, you look so cute when using those emojis!*

*Deng Jun: Hehe, okay, Ying Jie!*

Deng Jun then sent a sticker instead of emoji, which was a cat with a heart. It was so cute, really!

"Qiang, look at this guy. He is using emojis and stickers, so cute~" I said to Qiang.

However, Qiang didn\'t seem to care and replied, "Jie, that\'s just because you have no regular friends or dates. Your contact is filled with old men and aunties working colleagues and Mr. Yang Zhuhuo\'s business partners, right?"

"Aish, why do you need to ruin my happiness," I rolled my eyes.

"Just a bit of reality check, Jie~."


After I\'m done texting Deng Jun, I texted WuxianXWangji.

*Shi Ying: Hey, WuxianXWangji! I see that you\'ve accepted my order!*

*WuxianXWangji: Ahh, the FL of this world! Nice to meet you!*

I frowned when this guy replied like that, \'What is FL?\' I pondered, then I suddenly got another text from him.

*WuxianXWangji: Sorry, I was just blabbering. My name is Bai Yunyu! I\'m just a regular small-time actor, definitely. I\'m not here because Pupa keeps on pestering me to visit its favorite spicy chicken author\'s novel!*

I frowned even more. I\'m starting to wonder if this guy a bit of a nut job or what.

\'What is Pupa? What spicy chicken author?\' I kept pondering. \'This guy is not crazy, right?\' I glanced at Shi Qiang. I was afraid that she would be kidnapped or something.

*Shi Ying: I\'m sorry, but I don\'t really know what you\'re talking about.*

*WuxianXWangji: Hehe, nothing, nothing. I\'m just blabbering again. Anyway, you want to have a date with me on Thursday, right?*

I glanced at Shi Qiang and asked her, "This guy, WuxianXWangji, asked whether you want to have the date on Thursday."

"Sure, I mean, why not. I just want him to accompany me anyway," Shi Qiang replied while drinking her second boba milk tea.

*Shi Ying: Okay, please give me your phone contact, it\'s my sister who wants to have a date with you.*

*WuxianXWangji: Sure! I\'m always wondering how can a beautiful lady stay single in two novels for a long time. I pity her a bit, honestly, hehe~*

\'This guy is seriously weird,\' I thought.

After this guy gave me his contact. I gave it to Shi Qiang and then chatted with the last guy, who was the last boss for me,

Alexander Priest.

Our chats connected as I braced myself and started typing my message, but Alexander Priest suddenly sent his text first.

*Alex Priest: Hey, beauty, are you calling for me?*

I cringed so hard when Alexander Priest called me beauty. Because first, it was wrong, and second, this was the same guy who ruined my morning with his joke!

*Shi Ying: Heh, confident as always, Mr. Manager.*

*Alex Priest: Oh, of course. I need to be confident. That\'s why many women want me, haha!*

\'Well, glad that I don\'t want you, you pervert, an annoying manager who stole my first kiss!\' I cursed at him in my heart.

*Shi Ying: Hmph! Whatever. Why are you in this app anyway? Are you really that desperate to get a new date?*

*Alex Priest: What? No, of course not. I was just bored cuz my cute Paper Bag Secretary hasn\'t returned yet. You should return soon, so you can play with me. Don\'t be too late, okay? Or I will play with someone else~*

*Shi Ying: Tch, who even wants to play with you? Peh! Peh! Pei! Nasty! Disgusting! You can play with a gorilla for all I care!*

*Alex Priest: Awww, why are you so shy? Relax, my cute Paper Bag Secretary. I will not cheat on you, especially after you agreed to be my girlfriend~*

*Shi Ying: Hah! I bet you said that to every girl in your DM!*

The more I talked with this unscrupulous guy, the more I got annoyed by his antics. But at the same time, chatting with him was actually quite fun.

*Alex Priest: Fine, fine. Don\'t worry, I just have my eyes on you now. I will try my best~*

*Alex Priest: Anyway, how about this Rent A Boyfriend thing. So, You\'ve ordered my service this evening? After work?*

I grinned maliciously. Fortunately, Alex didn\'t need money from this application, but he still had to follow the rules, or his IP would be blocked forever by the app. At least, that was what the advertisement told me.

I wanted to make him my slave for the whole evening! MUAHAHAHAHA!

*Shi Ying: This evening, I want you to accompany me to buy stuff after work. I need to have my shopping spree today.*

*Alex Priest: Oh~ Expensive, aren\'t we? Well, don\'t worry, I can always treat you with everything you want as long as you give me a kiss.*

*Shi Ying: No thanks, I\'d rather stay poor than kissing you!*

What? You think your Jie is a cheap woman who wanted the money from men?!

Well, I wanted to be pampered, of course. But I want it from someone that I love, maybe my boyfriend or my husband! Not just a random stranger with money!

Besides, little did Alex knew, I just wanted to go to the grocery. Because a certain someone had eaten so many of my stock in just two days.

I remembered Meng Bao, who ate dinner twice. At every dinner with Meng Bao, I basically cooked a lot of food, especially that hotpot one. Because somehow, it was relieving when I saw Meng Bao eating healthy.

I knew Meng Bao already said that he would buy it for me, but I still doubted that a mafia-like business tycoon could actually do my task well, especially since he was really clumsy about anything not related to money and business, it seemed.

*Alex Priest: Okay then, you\'ll be my first date here in China, and probably would be my last date as well! Since I would not move on from you~*

*Shi Ying: Please move on. I don\'t want a pest to keep pestering me.*

*Alex Priest: Ahahahaha~ Fine, fine, Paper Bag Secretary, return early to the office. Talk to you later~*

Alexander Priest sent a kissing sticker which made me retching in disgust.

"Nasty, absolutely nasty!" I yelled and closed the Rent A Boyfriend app.