Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 88 - MENG BAO ON THE HUNT!

[Yang Menghuo POV]

Yang Menghuo checked the assigned date of these three people that were hired by Ying Jie. He had to make sure that he could cancel the dates from these three people! No matter how, even if he had to use violence and underhanded method, he had to do it.

Because imagining Ying Jie holding hands with other guys made him restless and angry for an apparent reason.

"Okay, I\'ve found the designated dates of the two of them, Deng Jun and Bai Yunyu."

Yang Menghuo checked that Deng Jun had a planned date with Ying Jie on Wednesday evening while Bai Yunyu on Thursday evening.

\'So I still had time to kidnap—I mean, to have a talk with them. I\'m sure they will take it seriously once they meet the cement in their feet…" Menghuo thought.

But what he couldn\'t find was the identity of the last man. Because he was a newbie, his identity, including his first order, wasn\'t visible for Jinxing and Menghuo..

This was the reason why Rent A Boyfriend staff encouraged many of these rental boyfriends to verify themselves first in their office or via online verification.

It was also very rare for an unverified account to get their first date instantly. So all Yang Menghuo could do was making sure that Ying Jie would be busy for the entire week and the next week, so she wouldn\'t have the chance of dating another guy!

\'In fact, I should try to find her workplace, but… that means I have to stalk on her in the morning. Is it really ethical of me? Ying Jie will definitely be furious if she found out about it, though…\' Yang Menghuo kept thinking because it always reminded him that he might\'ve become too hasty.

He knew that he could just find Ying Jie\'s workplace with just a bit of search, but that\'d need him to pry on her identity by calling his government friends.

As much as Menghuo wanted to know EVERYTHING about Ying Jie, he was also scared that Ying Jie might\'ve suspected him of stalking.

Yang Menghuo imagined if Ying Jie knew and then furiously dismissed him out, like an angry wife who threw her slightly sociopathic boyfriend.

Menghuo shivered just with that imagination. All he could do right now was kept searching for Batman Jie, ensuring that Ying Jie hadn\'t come in close contact with any men and eliminate any threat.

Menghuo also wanted to make sure that he could protect Ying Jie, especially from her monthly rent archnemesis and no grocery doomsday!

"I want to make sure that Ying Jie falls in love with me from my dedication!" Yang Menghuo promised himself. Like a true Pisces, he was a hopeless romantic who wanted to love and feel loved, so he didn\'t want Ying Jie to be scared because of his undoing.

The most extreme thing he could do right now was to kill those men who dared to covet his Ying Jie. Yang Menghuo\'s gaze darkened whenever he imagined those men trying to take his Jie.

"I will make sure to cement their feet and kick them in the bottom of the lake. Or give them many grievous wounds, and then pour saltwater and lime to make sure they know when to shut them up… forever."

Yang Menghuo called Uncle Guo, his senior executor subordinates who could always do unscrupulous things without any trace, but Menghuo wasn\'t planning on using him for now because Uncle Guo wasn\'t someone who was easily controllable and patient. For things like threatening, there was someone else who was better than him.

\'Hello, Young Master. What do you want me to do?\' Uncle Guo said leisurely on the phone.

\'Uncle Guo, I need your help.\'

\'Help? Ah, Young Master Yang wants to kill your business competitor again? Aiya, Young Master, I know that you\'re ambitious about being the number one, but making too many enemies isn\'t good!\' Uncle Guo said. \'That being said, I\'m always ready whatever you want me to do.\'

\'… I want you to give me the number of your apprentice, who is his name again? Li Dengjun? I heard that he is a bit more patient than you.\'

\'Eh, that stinky boy? He is too patient! I told him to kill that guy who has been on the run for tricking you and stealing your money, but he just spared him. All he did was punch him until his face is unrecognizable! He is so ineffective, boss!\'

\'Good, that\'s what I need. He\'s good at taking someone away, right?\' Yang Menghuo asked again.

\'Oh, sure! He is good at kidnapping! So you want to kidnap now, Young Master? Aiya, so troublesome. Why do you have to be soft? Quick and easy execution is the most practical way!\'

\'No, Uncle Guo. This one, I don\'t want to scare someone that I love.\'

\'Love? Oo~ Okay then, this old uncle doesn\'t have anything to say about love. I\'ve divorced with three kids anyway, ahahaha!\'

Yang Menghuo hung up the call, and then Uncle Guo sent Menghuo Li Dengjun\'s number to Menghuo.

Yang Menghuo nodded and called Li Dengjun. After the call was connected, Yang Menghuo uttered his request without any dilly-dally.

\'Li Dengjun, this is Young Master Yang. I need you to do something for me. It\'s about interrogating and threatening.\'


[Shi Ying First POV]

I returned from Feng Group in the evening, around four. And when I arrived at my office, it was already five. So everyone already packed up their bags and left.

Mr. Yang and I went to the highest floor and found out that Alexander Priest, my new manager, hadn\'t moved from his office yet.

Mr. Yang Zhuhuo realized this and said to me, "Secretary Shi, I will also leave early today. You should check, Alex. Maybe he is still working inside. As I expected, Alex is a good man and a hard worker, unlike my son, who is a lazy wastrel," Mr. Yang said as he walked with his bag to the lift.

"Aish, what is this guy doing anyway? I don\'t think he\'s actually working," I rolled my eyes and then walked to the manager\'s office.

When I opened the door, I saw Alexander Priest, with a pillow under his head. He slept soundly on the sofa after eating his takeaway lunch. He even had a blanket to cover his leg!

\'What in the professionalism is this?!\'

I worked my ass off and accompanied my boss to work while the manager was sleeping soundly without much care about the world. This was really what they called privilege!

I snatched the pillow under Alex\'s head and then hit my manager with it, "Boss! Boss! Mr. Priest, wake up, you lazy bum!"

I yelled. It took a while until Alexander Priest woke up. He looked around in a daze, and when he saw me standing in front of him with a sarcastic smile on my face, he jolted.

"Good morning, Mr. Alexander Priest. It seems that you\'ve worked hard today."

"P—Paper Bag Secretary, why are you here?"

"Who do you call Paper Bag Secretary?!"

Alexander Priest was still dazed for a while, and he went to the bathroom to wash his face. He returned and stretched his muscle before yawning again.

"Ah, I\'ve washed my face. Are you ready for our date? I really thought that I will have to wait for the whole night until you return. Seriously, although you\'re very cute, it\'s not good to keep your date waiting, you know."

"You are not my—Ugh, fine, let\'s just go now," I said.

Alex and I went to the parking lot, and then he guided me to his car, which was a Maserati, just looking at the logo.

"Hehe, I hope you like my car. I bought this with my own earning, you know. A Maserati GranTurismo S Mansory," Alex boasted about his car proudly, especially when he said that he bought it with his own earning.

I mean, I had no interest in the car, and I personally thought it was a waste. But this was just rich people and their stuff. Personally, I\'d rather buy an asset, like land, house, gold, or anything that could last forever.

"Good, I guess," I replied.

Alexander Priest opened the car door to me like a gentleman, and then he went inside. He started the engine and asked, "So, since we haven\'t set up our date yet, how about going for dinner first?"

"Dinner? Well, I don\'t mind," I said. "But we don\'t have much time. We need to go on our first date spot before it closes."

"Eh? You\'re already preparing where we should go? Wow, Secretary Shi, I didn\'t know that you\'re this excited about going on a date with me. Did you finally fall in love with me and my charm?"

"What charm? I\'ve been planning this even before I ordered your rental service!"

With a malicious grin on my face, I told him about our date spot, "We\'re going to Hypermart in Sanli Street. I need to restock my fridge."