Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 51 - PAPER BAG SECRETARY! (1)

It wasn\'t long until I snatched the paper bag from the trash can and used a scissor to put two holes in it.

I checked my five second craft, the paper bag with two holes for my eyes. This might not be much, but this would be my job-saver against the big baddie Meng Bao.

"Alright, the plan has been executed. I\'ll make three cups of coffee now."

I went to the kitchen and started brewing three cups of coffee for Alex, Mr. Yang, and Meng Bao. I put the exact measurement for Alex and Mr. Yang\'s coffee, since I don\'t know Alex\'s preferred measurement. But for Meng Bao…

\'Didn\'t he said to me that he doesn\'t like strong coffee?\' I still remembered that time when we went grocery shopping yesterday. I asked him in the passing what kind of coffee that he liked, and Meng Bao said that he didn\'t like strong coffee and would prefer a lot of sugar or a mixture of milk..

\'I can\'t give him the same measurement, what if he doesnt like it? Hmm...\'

\'Dang… we don\'t have milk…\' I searched for milk in my pantry, and we didn\'t seem to have it since both I and Mr. Yang never favoured milk too much.

\'Guess I\'ll just give him lots of sugar,\' I thought. I put two blocks of sugar on his coffee and stirred it. I put Meng Bao\'s coffee on a different patterned cup, so I didn\'t accidentally give him the wrong cup. I put all the coffees on the tray and put the paper bag on my head.

\'Okay, Shi Ying, our mission is to keep the job. It\'s too hard to get a new job nowadays, and Meimei needs a lot of money for her cram school. You\'ll be doomed if you lose this job now.\'

I took a deep breath and pushed Mr. Yang\'s office door open with my shoulder.

Mr. Yang, Alex, and Meng Bao stared at me with astonishment and a confused look in their eyes. They blinked few times but said nothing. Probably because they were too surprised seeing a secretary delivering three cups of coffee on a tray with a paper bag cover her face, only showing her eyes.

I bit my lower lip to bear the shame and carefully put the coffee cups on the table and specifically put Meng Bao\'s different cup on his side and slid it closer, so Meng Bao understood that it was specifically for him.

I bowed my head and intended to leave as soon as possible.

But it was Alex, that damned man suddenly laughed out loud and called me, "Secretary Shi, why are you putting a paper bag on your head? Is this for your random comedy skit? AHAHAHAH!"

\'Shut up, you foreign ass, I\'m trying to keep my job here!\' I cursed inside my heart. But I clenched my fist and decided to rush to the door. But Alex suddenly grabbed my wrist and asked;

"What\'s the hurry, Miss Paper Bag? I\'m your new boss here, and I\'m asking you a question," Alex taunted.

I turned my head and noticed at the edge of my eyes that Meng Bao was watching me with a bewildered look. The cold gaze that he showed to everyone melted, but he was probably too confused at the comedy skit in front of him to say anything.

"Why are you wearing that paper bag? Is this a new comedy skit? I have to say that it worked well on me," Alex giggled happily as he watched me. "Is this your attempt so Xiao Meng wouldn\'t see your face? If you want to keep yourself exclusive for me, then I guess I have to do the same," Alex said.

\'Oh damn it, just shut up and let me go!\' I cursed in my head again. I dared not open my mouth because I was afraid that Meng Bao might find out because of my familiar voice.

I shook my head and tried to pull my hand, but Alex insisted on holding me until I answered, "You haven\'t answered anything, Secretary Shi."

I saw Meng Bao was actually expecting me to speak. He probably already guessed in his heart about my identity but was unsure because of this absurd comedy in front of him.

Since Alex wouldn\'t let me off until I say something, I had to lower my pitch, so I sounded heavier to hide my true voice.

"Now tell me, is this because you don\'t want Xiao Meng to see your charm? Because you don\'t want him to fall in love with you, Hm~?" Alex had a smug smile on his face. "Just tell me that you want to be exclusive just for me, right? Then I\'ll consider having myself exclusive for you as well~."

\'Damn this, I have to follow his words to escape!\'

I took a deep breath and answered with my heavy voice, "Yes, Mr. Priest."

"BWAHAHAHAH!" Alex\'s laugh echoed around the big office with a tall ceiling. He really was laughing as if it was so funny. Alex finally released my wrist and nodded few times, "Fine, fine, I understand. I\'ll try to restrain myself since you want to play the game like that."

I didn\'t understand what Alex was saying, but as long as it got me out of this jobless-risk situation, then everything was okay.

Mr. Yang cleared his throat to interrupt this weird comedy skit in front of him, "Secretary Shi, you can leave now."

I bowed my head and glanced at Meng Bao, who was still confused. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least, Meng Bao didn\'t seem to notice my identity completely.

I left in a hurry and closed Mr. Yang\'s office door immediately. I took off the paper bag from my head and slumped on my desk, "Damn, at least I didn\'t get noticed, right? But I will have to be careful whenever Meng Bao comes to the office. I need a good reason to leave whenever he\'s around."