Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 144 - WEIRD BAO

I entered my apartment and put down the box. I wanted to unpack these, but I realized that I couldn\'t live here any longer because the monthly rent was too much for me.

I mean, true, Mr. Yang had given me a very generous two years of my salary as compensation. But the salary didn\'t include a bonus and such. I earned my money mostly from overtime and weekend bonus. Not with my main salary.

I could just ask Meng Bao about this, but I still had my pride. He wasn\'t my husband, not yet, so it was so unethical for me to ask for money.

"I should\'ve married Meng Bao sooner, so I didn\'t need to worry about this," I joked to myself.

Well, now that I couldn\'t stay here, the best thing to do right now was to call Shi Qiang.. She had been very busy nowadays. She said that her boss, Mr. Feng Xiaojun, had been very busy, tackling many business deals.

And she said that Jiang Jinxing was busy courting Mr. Feng Xiaojun, even though Mr. Feng usually ignored his advance.

Ah, I should\'ve followed this delicious story of the handsome Mr. Feng Xiaojun from the start. It\'d be an amazing, funny BL story!

Though I wondered, Shi Qiang said that she\'s currently writing Mr. CEO Secretly reads BL, but she was so busy nowadays.

Did that mean the story had gone on a hiatus? Damn, I should\'ve pushed her to write more.

Thus, I called Shi Qiang. After few beeps, she finally picked it up.

"Hello, Ying Jie?"

"Qiang, where are you right now?" I asked.

"I\'m in the office, of course. I heard from mom that you\'re finally engaged with Yang Menghuo? Is that true?" She asked.

"Well, not yet. There is a problem. But the most important thing right now is uh… I really need a place to stay. I\'ve been fired."

"FIRED?!" Shi Qiang\'s voice rang in my ears. I had to distance myself from the phone a bit.

"H—HOW?! Did you get caught sleeping with your coworker by Yang Menghuo?!

"… Shi Qiang, if he caught me sleeping with someone else, I doubt unemployment is what I will get. I\'ll be un-alive instead," I rolled my eyes.

"Then how? You\'re literally the backbone of that company for years!" Shi Qiang pointed out.

"Well, because my mother-in-law doesn\'t want Menghuo and me to get married. So she fired me out of the office," I replied truthfully.

"… So we\'re going to play that evil mother-in-law stuff here as well? I thought your story with Yang Menghuo will be a sweet light rom-com between a lazy billionaire and a hardworking leftover woman."

"Hey, you don\'t need to point out that leftover part!" I yelled.

"Anyway, you have my spare key, right? Just stay in my apartment, Jie," Shi Qiang said.

"Well, not today. I still have to settle some stuff first. My monthly rent hasn\'t ended yet anyway, maybe in few days," I informed.

"Sure, I\'ll also help you find a new job as well. Maybe my boss can help."

"No, need for that one. My new manager already said that he will help me find a job. You just need to focus on what you\'re doing right now," I said.

"Ah, well, I guess I have to focus. I\'ve been helping Mr. Feng to block these three men chasing after him. They\'re so handful!" Shi Qiang complained.

"I thought you\'re a rotten woman like me. Why don\'t you try to match them together?" I asked.

"Well, that\'s because my boss said no, so I have to follow his wishes. He\'s still my boss in the end," Shi Qiang sighed deeply and then said, "I have to go now. Just stay in my apartment, Jie."


Ah, damn it. I wanted Shi Qiang\'s job instead. She got to see Mr. Feng\'s love life with three men. What a life I wanted to live….

I checked the date and saw that I needed to leave the apartment five days because my rent would end there.

I shrugged, "Oh well, I guess I\'ll live with my sister soon."

I walked to the kitchen to cook for lunch. It\'s been a while since I cooked lunch during workdays. I felt weird but refreshing at the same time.

After I cooked for lunch, I took a pic and then sent it to Meng Bao. I cooked stir-fried minced pork for lunch. I checked the hour, and it should be late at night for him. So I just said,

Ying Jie: I will eat this alone.

There was no answer from Meng Bao, which was quite unfortunate. Because I thought Meng Bao would always reply to me even though he was so busy or tired.

"Ah well, he must\'ve been sleeping right now. Better not disturb him," I said to myself, and then I started eating my lunch.

I was eating right when my phone suddenly rang. I frowned when I saw the caller.

"Baobao? I thought he is sleeping right now."

I picked up the call, and all I could hear was the painful groan of Meng Bao, "Ying Jie…."

"Baobao? What happened? I thought you\'re sleeping. You shouldn\'t work so much," I said. "Aish, I know that you want to provide for us in the future, but overworking won\'t help you. I don\'t want to be a widow now! Ahahaha!"

"Jie… I\'m sorry…."

Huh? Sorry?

"Sorry? Why do you need to apologize?" I asked.

"I\'m… sorry…." Meng Bao repeated his apology to me. Which got me worried.

"Bao? Are you alright?" What happened?"

I could hear Meng Bao\'s heavy breaths as if he was in the middle of an exercise…

Okay, I had to say the situation right now was a bit weird…


"Urgh, ah!" I could hear a moan from Meng Bao, and then he apologized for the last time, "I… I\'m so sorry, Jie. I\'ve tried my best. I will not do it again…."

"I will return soon…."


Meng Bao suddenly hung up the call. I gulped as I stared at the stir-fried minced pork in front of me. I sighed and went to Zhu Luli\'s room. I\'d rather give this to her because I suddenly lost all my appetite.

What happened to Meng Bao anyway? He suddenly called me and then apologized few times, then hung up the call. That was some shady stuff.

"Oh well, I hope he\'s alright. Can\'t wait to meet him!" I said.

I returned to my room, changed my shirt to yesterday\'s teeshirt and pants. I took my broom and started cleaning because I didn\'t have time to clean my room yesterday.


Late at night, I was still reminded about what Meng Bao did in the afternoon. I wondered if something happened to him, but I guess it wasn\'t my place to ask. Because he still had his problem with his mother.

And his henpecked dad also didn\'t support us either, or at least, he didn\'t have enough bravery to argue with his wife.

"Aish, if Meng Bao and I got married in the future, I\'ll make sure that he will not be a henpecked husband! I would not beat him often unless he did some stupid stuff!"

I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang again. I thought it was Meng Bao, but when I saw the caller, my face brightened, because this might be the good news about my new job!

"Hello, Alex?"

"Ying Jie, good evening!" Alex greeted cheerfully. "So, I\'ve been calling my friend, and he said that he needs a new senior secretary because his previous one wants to retire due to a family matter. If you want, then we can go together tomorrow morning."

"Wait, really? That fast?!" I was surprised by Alex\'s ability to get me a job in less than 24 hours.

"Yes, Jie, it\'s not hard for me to find you a job," Alex said. "I will make sure that you get a good job, don\'t worry!"

His connection was really something. As long as I can hug on his golden thigh, then I can get a good job easily! Ahahahaha!

"Aish, Alex, you really helped me ah. Do you need anything? I can help, you know."

"You can always help by going for lunch after your interview. That\'d be nice," Alex suggested


"Okay, see you tomorrow, Jie. I will pick you up at 9. Don\'t forget to share your location."


I was so excited, thinking about how I could get a new job soon. Alex was truly amazing, ah!

"Oh, maybe I should ask Alex to give my little cousin, Shi Yanyue, a job as well. That\'d be good. She\'s a university graduate and smart as well. She should get a good job in the city!"

"Ah, should I tell Meng Bao about my interview tomorrow?"

I was considering it for a moment, but then I remembered that Meng Bao sounded a bit weird on the phone before, and he must\'ve been busy.

"Oh well, I will just surprise him with my new job! Haha~"