Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 28

Lin Ming decided to tame the lynx, which looks like a beautiful big cat.

Although he also wondered why such animals, which only appear in cold areas on high mountains, appear in this valley? Is the altitude here actually quite high?

Or did you come down from those towering peaks?

Lin Ming looked at both sides of the valley. There were towering and spectacular peaks with layers of snow and clouds.

Although I don\'t know how the little guy got down, looking at the hair on his sharp ears like two small antennas, Lin Ming really liked this guy more and more.

In particular, this guy is now the size of a tiger, with thick black spotted hair on his body, and those teeth are as sharp as a small dagger. If there is no mark on the property panel, Lin Ming really thinks this guy is actually a tiger or a leopard,

Now, he wants to know what to do in the first step of how to tame this guy, but before that, he needs to check the little guy\'s property panel.

[race: mutant lynx]

[realm: enter level 3]

[ability: break the throat and rush lv4, breaking the opponent\'s throat to death with powerful explosive force and impact. It is quite effective even in the face of creatures several times larger than yourself.]

[special ability: fight alone LV3, attack power increases by 30% when fighting alone]

The panel is pretty good.

Lin Ming is very satisfied with the lynx\'s ability and special ability.

Attack power, which he attaches great importance to, and Lin Ming is delighted by the lynx\'s ability in the direction of attack.

If this guy develops smoothly in the future, he should be able to become his right-hand existence. However, you can\'t eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The bamboo branch cage was pulled out of it. Suddenly, the lynx was free and rushed out at the first time!

However, it doesn\'t know that the 300 meters around here are all under Lin Ming\'s control.

Although the lynx\'s speed was very fast, it was caught back by Lin Ming\'s roots like a dragon before running out for 100 meters.

"Sure enough, the first choice to let go is to escape..."

The wildness of wild animals is almost innate.

Look at the lynx, which is also an adult, and its habits are even more so.

Simple domestication methods do not work at all.


Looking at the two jackals who have been gnawing at the bamboo cage with their teeth and roaring all the time, Lin Ming knows that it\'s time for them to come out.

They seem to be very restless all the time, and they are very angry about Lin Ming\'s trapping them.

When the bamboo cage was opened, two jackals rushed out. After being trapped for two days, they were already hungry.

Lin Ming, a mutant plant, has a magnificent aura and the strength enough to shock the valley, so they can\'t ignore it.

In their genes, they have a natural fear of "power".

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages - the instinct of animals makes their thinking tend to escape.

However, even if they saw the picture of the lynx being caught back, they still chose to escape.

As a result, nature was caught back like a lynx.

After that, Lin Ming let one of the jackals go again, but he placed dozens of bamboo branches like Youlong around it.

"Woo..." the Jackal\'s dark brown eyes were fierce, his limbs were forked, his tail drooped behind him, and his whole body trembled.

In the low roar, the sharp fangs try to show its existence.

Even at this time, the Jackal was not afraid at all. Even Lin Ming, his opponent, knew that he would never be able to fight.

Lin Ming tied the other jackal and the lynx with bamboo branches and moved near the jackal, while other animals trapped in the bamboo cage looked here.

A slender bamboo branch stretched out in front of the roaring jackal, suddenly turned into a green whip shadow, and suddenly hit the Jackal!

"Ouch, ouch..."

After the Jackal gave a scream, a deep bone whip mark appeared on his back, and the blood kept flowing out, shocking!

"Obedience or death?"

Lin Ming\'s bamboo branch was placed on the jackal, and another bamboo branch grabbed a big rock.

Whip shadow flashed, and the rock burst into countless pieces!

Lin Ming\'s meaning is quite obvious.

I can break this hard rock into pieces. I left my strength when I beat you just now.

If you want to die, it\'s easy, if you don\'t want to surrender.

The Jackal held back the sharp pain and purred in a low voice. It had lost its just defiance. At this time, it had buried its head and could not stop shaking all over.

Lin Ming\'s bamboo branch gently stroked his back. This guy no longer resisted, but let Lin Ming ravage him.


The Jackal has surrendered to him.

Looking up at the other jackal, the lynx and other animals, they were completely quiet.

Lin Ming feels that this move seems quite good.

The so-called setting an example to others, but that\'s all.

The effect is quite good.

Then, after the big stick is given, the carrots must also be arranged.

In order for the Jackal to follow him completely, the spiritual liquid they have been coveting must be given.

Lin Ming stretched out the bamboo branch containing the liquid, and the translucent light green liquid on it was salivating.

At this time, all the animals were staring at Lin Ming\'s branch. The desire contained in their sight could not be contained.

The Jackal smelled the sweet smell, even regardless of his injury, tried to climb to the Lingye branch, opened his mouth and bit!


The nearby bamboo whip whipped it fiercely, directly pulled it out of a distance of more than ten meters, hit a small tree, and immediately broke the tree!

"Wuwu..." the Jackal vomited blood at the corner of his mouth, convulsed all over, and his eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

Lin Ming\'s branch stroked him again and grabbed him: "you can\'t drink when I don\'t allow you to drink."

The Jackal\'s eyes suddenly opened and gradually dropped down, and the last stubbornness in his eyes disintegrated.

Even with simple intelligence, the wild animals don\'t have many circuits in thinking.

Lin Ming knew that this mechanical logic would soon make them clear who has the final say.

The bamboo branch was still flowing with spiritual liquid this time, and the wounded jackal did not dare to lick it again, or even look at it again.

Lin Ming is very satisfied. This guy has set an example.

Looking at other animals, they don\'t have the appearance that they were just eager to see the liquid.


It seems that this guy finally understands.

This time, the bamboo branch reached out to the Jackal\'s mouth and motioned him to drink, but he looked up at Lin Ming. Under the appeasement of Lin Ming\'s bamboo branch, he finally opened his mouth and drank.

Soon, the wound on his body, like magic, quickly scabbed and recovered as before.

This time, the bamboo branch put down the lynx and another jackal. They all lay down on the ground honestly, didn\'t escape, and didn\'t rush to drink the spirit liquid on the bamboo branch.

With their initial intelligence, they have learned what to do and what not to do under the effect of Lin Ming\'s setting an example to others.

Lin Ming also let go of the bamboo branches of the three little monkeys, the little bear, the iguana, the Red Crowned Crane and the egret.

These guys seem to have been successfully domesticated and fully understand the rules.

Lin Ming suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment. He felt very comfortable.

[Ding, you have successfully tamed the mutant jackal, the mutant lynx, the mutant macaque, the mutant bear cub, the mutant hyena antelope, the mutant egret and the mutant Red Crowned Crane, and successfully obtained 1000 evolution points!]

[Ding, you can choose to upgrade your ability.]