Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 27

"This trend... What\'s going on?"

Lin Ming uses his aura to sense and has been paying close attention to the team of 16 people.

This is also because the little cute snake, even the aura sensing of the two giant pandas, also appeared nearby at the same time.

Lin Ming also learned that these two guys actually attacked those humans in the gap between their return!

He was quite worried to tell the truth.

Although Xiaomeng snake\'s strength has reached the level of level 5, you know, that opponent\'s aura is red and higher than Xiaomeng snake\'s level 6!

As for the giant pandas that have only entered the second level, Lin Ming can\'t care about them at all. They can live by selling cute goods alone.

However, it didn\'t take long for Lin Ming, who had been a little uneasy, to suddenly find that the aura sensing of two people disappeared after contacting the giant panda, and the aura sensing of the two people met by Xiaomeng snake also disappeared.

After that, the group seemed to be completely confused like headless flies, except for the guy with the strongest aura sensing.

"Wait, the cute snake and the panda killed the advanced human beings?"

Lin Ming still has some confidence in the strength of the little cute snake. The little guy\'s speed is quite fast now, and he is like a silver body. He is very dexterous when climbing trees or swimming in the grass.

But this little guy\'s attack power is really limited.

And the panda, the guy who only entered level 2, could kill two humans who even reached level 3, which really surprised him.

But there is no doubt that these two guys killed four enemies in a very short time.

The next development surprised Linuo.

The group scattered after being attacked by pandas and cute snakes, but it didn\'t take long for them to be found one by one by the strongest.

Of course, there are still three who are far away from them. They seem to be lost and wandering around the valley.

"Wait, these people... Seem to be retreating." Linuo saw that the strong man with eight people went straight to the valley exit, and retreated in the direction they came.

And those three people seem to be left here by them.

However, this is quite the right decision.

If they keep moving towards the center of the valley where he is.

Lin Ming also has absolute confidence in these nine people and let them be wiped out.

Moreover, according to the emergence of this situation, Lin Ming has some speculation about it.

Is this valley unable to communicate for some special reasons? Can\'t even use a compass or something?

Otherwise, why do these people leave these three people here and ignore them? This is not normal.

Lin Ming began to think that the aura here might affect the magnetic field or shield all communication signals.

Otherwise, the current situation makes no sense.

Sensing the aura, Lin Ming found that Xiaomeng snake and panda were already on the way back, and the speed was not too slow.

Their aura fluctuates normally, which proves that they are not hurt at all. Lin Ming is quite satisfied with this.

Although, even if they were seriously injured, he can now restore them to full health with spiritual liquid.

Lin Ming, now, re-examine this change.

Now, after they entered the valley, they began to withdraw again in just a few hours. Seven little wolves, little cute snakes and even the panda contributed greatly.

And he was hiding behind the scenes and didn\'t make these people aware of his existence in any way.

For those people, it\'s just a valley forest sea inhabited by slightly powerful mutant creatures.

Lin Ming also hopes that they think so. Even he thinks that these people who escaped by chance should think so.

Controlled the breath of their aura. Even if those people have a machine that can detect the aura here, it is estimated that the measured concentration will not be too high, right?

But next, there are actually two possibilities.

First, these people will bring more people to come here to find out, and even catch all the mutant creatures here.

Second, they will give up, and then wait until a certain extent to explore the valley.

No matter what happens, Lin Ming is not surprised.

After all, he knows very little about everything. He doesn\'t really know what these people are doing here.

He just knew that there was something in the valley enough to attract them.

As for whether it was him or something else, I don\'t know.

But Lin Ming did not completely give up hope. After all, there are three people who have not gone out in the dense forest, and they may be the key to providing all the information he wants to know.

"Small one, small two and three, you three go and stare at the enemies, don\'t attack, and kill the mutant creatures that attack them."

After thinking for a while, Lin Ming decided to let them be responsible for "protecting" the three human beings.

At least, make sure at least one doesn\'t die before he comes up with a way!

The bamboo branch gently stroked the three of them and made them drink some spiritual liquid. After that, Lin Ming tried to instill his own ideas into them.

Lin Ming wants to know whether these simple instructions can fully understand the initial development of Lingzhi?

After a while, he saw Xiao Yi. They each howled, bowed to themselves, and then ran past the lake and into the jungle.

After this, Lin Ming looks at the remaining four little wolves.

They have been walking around. It seems that they also want to participate in this task. From time to time, they look up at Lin Ming, and there has been a ringing voice in their mouth.

Lin Ming comforted them with bamboo branches, and his eyes also looked at the captive animals who had been looking at the direction of Lingye bamboo branches before.

He knew that it seemed he could tame a wave now.

After drying them for two days, they did stop a lot, especially the egret and the Red Crowned Crane. They seemed quite honest and didn\'t even cry any more.

Of course, there are dishonest ones. Two jackals and the black bear cub have been biting the bamboo cage with their teeth, as if they wanted to escape from it.

It\'s normal. It\'s strange if you don\'t resist at all.

He looked at the three monkeys, the lynx and the hyena. These guys seemed to be very smart and looked at themselves pitifully all the time.

Lin Ming can see that they seem to be very eager for Lingye. Whenever the wolves take a drink, they lick the bamboo branch with their tongue. It\'s very interesting.

Well, first choose a lucky guy from these.

After thinking about it, Lin Ming decided to tame the lynx first.

The main reason is that this guy looks like a cat.

"Well, check out this guy\'s property panel first."