Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 802

"See you in the summer vacation?"

This sentence is in response to the sentence left on the activity page after holding the "ar red envelope to accompany you for the new year" during the Spring Festival at the beginning of the year: "I\'ll see you in the summer vacation!"

Through that spring festival activity, many netizens have a strong interest in AR games.

Over the past few months, various ar game fans have been paying close attention to and looking forward to the official game news of Huizhong.

They also deduced from what official account of WeChat and the official micro-blog message were what the WeChat saw in summer vacation. That is, Hui people will soon launch a AR game on the summer vacation, and the elf can dream GO.

"Fairy treasure dream go" is an AR game developed by Nintendo in Japan, provided by Huizhong with technical support and distributed by global agents.

Since the Spring Festival at the beginning of the year, many ar game fans in China have been full of expectations for this game.

Overseas, tens of millions of players who pay attention to this game have also been looking forward to this game for a long time.

Especially in Japan, the birthplace of baokemeng, many players are eager to go to Nintendo\'s official website or Twitter every day to urge the game.

"When will go go online?" this topic has even been on the hot search of Yahoo News website in Japan for many times.

Nintendo officials, like Huizhong officials, have always only said that they will go online in the summer vacation. As for the specific day they will go online, they just don\'t say!

Until July 28, three days before the end of July, a sentence suddenly appeared in various publicity channels, from Nintendo\'s official microblog to Huizhong game\'s official microblog:

"Fairy treasure dream go" will go online tomorrow!

"Fairy treasure dream go" will be launched tomorrow ". In just a few hours, this news has spread all over the world through countless enthusiastic fans looking forward to the launch of the game!

On the same day, the official websites of various language versions of "fairy treasure dream go" were updated synchronously, and "fairy treasure dream go" will be launched globally at 10 a.m. on July 29!

"I didn\'t read it wrong. Is it so sudden that go will go online tomorrow?"

"I\'ve been waiting too long to see you this summer!"

"Can be regarded as looking forward to this game. I played ar game during the Spring Festival, and I fell in love with this kind of game!"

Huizhong games and ELF treasure can dream of the official account of micro-blog and the public under the name of the government. Many of the netizens who have been waiting for the long time are excited to leave comments.

Meanwhile, in Japan, in the US and in Europe, countless players have expressed similar feelings in various channels such as WeChat official account, game player\'s circle, twitter and so on.

"Pikachu, I finally waited for you!" Japanese netizen.

"I used to play baokemeng on the handheld, but now I can finally play the AR version!" American netizen.

"Even I\'ve seen baokemeng animation. Japan was really powerful in those days!" said a British netizen.

At 10:00 a.m. on July 29, "fairy treasure dream go" was officially launched all over the world. Many players all over the world downloaded the game through app stores, even wechat games, jump to app stores and other ways.

In Tokyo, Japan, Takahashi Shinichi, an ash fan of baokemeng, who has always been crazy about social animals working overtime, specially asked for leave today to wait for the public test of ELF baokemeng.

Before 10 o\'clock, Gaoqiao Xinyi, who lives at home, refreshed the application introduction page again and again, waiting for the open download.

Just after 10 o\'clock, seeing that the refreshed page download button changed from gray to blue, Takahashi Xinyi couldn\'t wait to click download.

Takahashi even regretted why he didn\'t install 1g optical fiber at home, but just ordinary 100m broadband.

After the game, Takahashi can\'t wait to enter the game.

Sure enough, as I saw in various publicity CG, the main scene map in the game is a simplified map generated based on reality.

At this moment, including the community where my home is located, several nearby streets, famous shopping malls, buildings, etc., all appear prominently on the map in the game.

In addition, several Baoke dreams active on the map also appear in their own field of vision.

Further away, there is a map covered by white fog. Only when you get close enough to the white fog, can the corresponding map and area be unlocked and explored.

At present, the excited Takahashi Xinyi began his capture journey.

Just downstairs, Takahashi Xinyi found an elf, Bobo bird, in the green belt of the community.

Bobo bird is the most common fairy in Baoke\'s dream. Its appearance is similar to the combination of a chicken and a bird.

When playing ar version of baokemeng for the first time, Takahashi Xinyi excitedly threw the baokemeng ball on the screen to the green circle on Bobo\'s head.

With one hit, Takahashi Xinyi was captured successfully, and Bobo bird became his pet.

As an ashes level baokemeng player, Takahashi Xinyi will not be satisfied with an ordinary novice spirit.

He successively looked for several elves on the map, and successively found and captured different pet elves in the trees and bushes of the community.

Takahashi Shinichi began to hatch, train and cultivate them to upgrade and evolve.

Just then, his cell phone vibrated.

When Takahashi returns to the map scene, a huge rare elf refreshes near the shopping mall on the map.

"Magic wall doll!" Takahashi was shocked. What appeared near the mall was a rare elf.

For a moment, Takahashi could no longer capture ordinary elves in the community.

He hurried to the mall near the community.

As the only shopping mall near the community, this shopping mall radiates many surrounding communities and is very popular.

After Takahashi arrived, he found that many people gathered together in the square outside the mall and bowed their heads to play with their mobile phones.

Far away, Takahashi Xinyi heard them talk about "failed to capture again" and so on.

Takahashi Xinyi understands that the probability of novice players catching rare elves is very low. Only after players practice their own level and pet elves are trained, the probability of catching rare Elves will increase.

Takahashi opens his mobile phone and finds the magic wall doll among the people according to the tips on the mobile phone map.

Takahashi tried to catch it. Unfortunately, like others, the Baoke dream ball he threw was dodged by the magic wall doll.

Nevertheless, Takahashi Xinyi, like other players, did not give up throwing Baoke dream balls out to catch them.

Although the probability of ordinary Baoke dream ball capture is low, it doesn\'t mean there is no chance, right? If you miss this rare spirit, who knows when you will meet it again.

Seeing that he has only an ordinary Baoke dream ball left, Takahashi Xinyi is a little desperate.

Who wants the next second, the ball caught the magic wall doll.

"What happened? How did the magic wall doll disappear?"

"Who caught it?"

"Why is the magic wall doll missing?"

Many players around exclaimed!