Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 801

"Maybe the memory fell into the sea, maybe some of the past can\'t come back..."

The clean voice sang in the melodious melody, and the audience raised their fluorescent sticks and waved with the familiar music rhythm.

Xie Na, sitting beside Feng Xue, gradually moistened her eyes.

Zhang Jie, who sang on the stage, looked affectionately at Xie Na sitting in front of the stage several times.

When Zhang Jie reached the climax, Xie Na had picked up the paper towel handed by Feng Xue and began to wipe the corners of her eyes.

My husband held a concert to sing for himself. Such a move is enough to defeat the heart of any woman.

Feng Xue is also infected by Xie Na\'s emotion. Her left hand is clasped with Fang Zhe\'s ten fingers.

The first song ended in the repeated melody of "this is love...".

Shana has cried her nose.

Zhang Jie on the stage looked at Xie Na affectionately again.

The cameraman\'s lens also captured Xie Na in the audience and projected it on the big screen over the venue.

The audience exclaimed with a smile ready to eat dog food.

"I love you, wife!" Zhang Jie blew a kiss to Xie Na.

The whole audience shouted and coaxed.

In the warm mood of the audience, Zhang Jie opened his voice again and sang the next song "everything is worth it".

At the same time, there were many spectators talking in low voice.

"Wenwen, do you feel the woman next to sister Na on the big screen just now, especially like Feng Xue, Fang Zhe\'s wife?"

"Really? I also feel a little like it. I\'m still dazzled by me! But I think her dress is so non mainstream. It shouldn\'t be Feng Xue!"

"But I feel really similar. Who is the man with glasses next to her? Is it Fang zhe?"

"No, I haven\'t seen Fang zhe wear glasses!"

Many sharp eyed viewers saw Fang Zhe and his wife sitting next to her while the camera focused on Xie Na.

However, the camera swings very fast. Although some viewers pay attention, they dare not confirm it.

On the Internet, "yearning for life" is popular. The audience watched Fang zhe cook with his own Fangxing ecological pork and advertise. They all expressed wonderful expressions.

"My God, there\'s really no one. Fang Shoufu personally goes off to advertise. If the pork is not hot, I\'ll eat it live!"

"Father Fang must be moved to death. You will personally speak and advertise for the son of the world\'s richest man, big filial son!"

"Isn\'t this forcing me to get up? Can the pork eaten by the richest man in the world not be noble?"

"Suddenly I felt that my family was so rich. In the afternoon, my mother just bought a piece of Fangxing ecological pork in the supermarket and said she would make braised pork for me tomorrow."

"I really want to eat the braised meat made by Fang Shoufu. I don\'t know how much the dishes made by Fang Shoufu are worth?"

"Everything is worth it..." in the soothing sound of the piano, Zhang Jie\'s singing ended slowly.

"This song is for the two friends who came to see my concert. I wish them a happy life and their newly born daughter a healthy and happy growth!"

Zhang Jie said thanks on the stage. On the big screen, there were no two mysterious friends who Zhang Jie thanked.

Many audiences at the scene once again guessed who the two mysterious guests were according to the information between Fang Zhe\'s words.

"Who are these two guests? Do you know?"

"The newly born daughter is not really Fang zhe? Isn\'t Fang Zhe\'s daughter just a few months old?"

"It should be the two people sitting next to Xie Na. I just used my mobile phone to zoom in and look at the people next to Xie Na. Unfortunately, they are too far away to see clearly. I think people close to them should be able to see."

"How do I feel? It\'s Fang Zhe and his wife!" in the audience near Xie Na, Fang Zhe and others, an audience picked up their huami 2 mobile phone to turn on the night light shooting mode and narrow the mobile phone lens.

On the mobile phone, the appearance of Fang Zhe and Feng Xue gradually became clear. Although their dress style changed greatly, the audience, who has always been Fang Zhe\'s iron powder, still saw a trace of familiarity.

The audience around him were also surprised. Is it true that Fang Zhe, the world\'s richest man, came to the concert?

"Fang zhe!" the audience sitting somewhere shouted, which made many audience on the scene and even Zhang Jie on the stage hear.

Zhang Jie smiled.

On the big screen, the cameraman\'s lens cut to Fang Zhe and Feng Xue after cross dressing.

There was a cry of surprise from the audience.

"Lying in the trough is really Fang Zhe and Feng Xue!"

"What the hell? Fang Zhe\'s beard is too manly. It\'s nice to wear glasses!"

"My God, my sister-in-law is returning to youth today, rebellious girl! It\'s great!"

Fang Zhe and Feng Xue, who found themselves found, calmly compared their hearts to the camera.

Zhang Jie on the stage also said:

"It seems that everyone has recognized the identity of my friends. I am very grateful that they can come to see my concert in their busy schedule. This is the best support for my acting career."

"Kiss one, kiss one, kiss one!" at the scene, I don\'t know where to start, the audience\'s drum noise slowly swept the whole audience.

Fang Zhe, who was targeted by the camera, turned to look at Feng Xue. Feng Xue also turned to look at him. They looked at each other and understood each other\'s meaning.

Without waiting for Fang Zhe to act, "rebellious girl" Feng Xue has come up and kissed Fang zhe on the face.


The audience cheered, and Feng Xue\'s bold initiative made their blood boil.

On the Internet, Fang zhe hit the audience\'s G-spot with a Cantonese version of "17 years old" after telling a cold joke that Tang monk was also riding a white horse.

"I love you. I didn\'t expect Fang zhe not only to be handsome and rich, but also to sing so well. He is simply a super perfect ideal boyfriend!"

"I\'m really kneeling. With boss Fang\'s voice, he wants to mix in the entertainment industry. The cliff is king of heaven."

"There\'s no reason. Why did God create such a perfect man? What\'s more hateful is, why didn\'t I meet him earlier and let him become someone else\'s husband!"

"Fang Shoufu, hurry to cross the border into the entertainment industry. I\'m tired of watching those mother guns and small fresh meat!"

This night, Fang Zhe and Fang Zhe, 17 years old in "yearning for life", kept refreshing the topics related to Fang Zhe and Feng Xue, such as Fang zhe singing, Fang zhe Zhang Jie concert, Fang zhe glasses, Feng Xue rebellious girl, Fang zhe Feng Xue kissing and so on.

Fang Zhe and Feng Xue became the top traffic stars that detonated the domestic Internet that night!

In July, all kinds of news heat of Fang Zhe\'s cross-border \'entertainment circle\' quietly dissipated.

On the Internet, many student party and game enthusiasts who have been spending their summer vacation constantly go to the Huis and WeChat official account or micro-blog to comment on the message:

"See you in the summer vacation?"