Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 79

Li Yifei, who was about to speak, was blocked back by Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe said to Li Yifei, "in fact, one type of page tour platform you just analyzed is missing."

Li Yifei\'s forehead is sweating. After listening to Fang Zhe\'s analysis just now, he feels that what he said before is the direction, and what he said is a castle in the air.

It should have been Fang Zhe, the boss, who gave him a direction. He, the project leader, came up with a feasible implementation plan. Now it\'s better. They\'ve turned the other way around. Now Fang zhe points out that the page tour platform he analyzed before is missing. At the bottom of Li Yifei\'s heart, it has begun to be a little empty.

He opened his mouth cautiously: "I showed off just now. I have just begun to study the page tour industry for some time. I have some experience. President Fang, if you feel anything wrong, just give me instructions."

"I don\'t deserve the instructions. Let\'s just sit here and talk about problems. Otherwise, when we really start to do it, some problems are not taken into account, that is the dereliction of duty of our policymakers." Fang zhe said this and went straight to the main topic:

"I said that President Li, you analyzed the lack of a page tour platform. In fact, it can not be regarded as a complete page tour platform. However, without this, the page tour industry is also an incomplete industry.

What I\'m talking about is, social networking sites such as, and QQ space. I don\'t know if Li has noticed the sns social networking industry before. Whether at home or abroad, the industry has developed very rapidly in the past two years. "

When Fang zhe said this, Li Yifei interposed:

"I\'ve known this before, because I was in charge of making friends with Sina and doing social networking at Sina. I know a lot about the social industry. Whether it\'s IM communication or sns social network, several famous representative companies and products at home and abroad have been studied. At the beginning, our company" Li Yifei said. It\'s embarrassing to remember that he has left Sina, It was also because he had stayed at sina for too long. He said it smoothly for a moment, so he quickly changed his words:

"When we were at sina, we decided to make friends with Sina. We also liked the explosive trend of the SNS industry, but we really found that we only do independent social networking sites, which is actually Tencent\'s QQ space.

Moreover, unlike QQ space, which has an entrance on QQ, the relationship network is also a flat relationship network on QQ. Our users can only find it by themselves. Originally, the purpose of this project was to make friends with strangers, but later it was found that the relationship between strangers and strangers on social networking sites is very weak. We can\'t force users to add dozens of strangers to form a relationship Tethers can only wait for users to take the initiative to add, so the more they do in the product, the more they fall into a dead end. "

Li Yifei will continue to talk about several other SNS products, which was stopped by Fang Zhe.

"Well, we don\'t do or talk so much about social networking. Now that you know it, you should know everything about our game industry. Happy net, you should all know this?" Fang zhe asked. Li Yifei and Zheng Siwen, who had never spoken, nodded.

"This website was established in March this year and has registered tens of millions of users in seven months now. This website also does sns social networking, but its positioning is different from your Sina dating project. It starts from white-collar social networking and is the working network of office workers. It also relies on some real networks and moves it to the Internet. Therefore, it is difficult In a sense, it\'s much easier than just socializing with strangers.

However, if you have been to this website, you should also know another point. Even if this network exists, why do you maintain this network online? What do you rely on to maintain this network? "

Fang zhe asked two questions. Without waiting for Li Yifei and Zheng Siwen to think carefully, he said:

"The first question seems to have nothing to do with our games. The second is what we rely on. I think you have guessed that one of them is the social games such as parking space grabbing and friend Trading on Kaixin website. It is also important for us to understand the first point. Only by knowing the purpose of users\' social networking on this website can we know what kind of games The product is attractive to users. "

Zheng Siwen, who had never spoken, opened his mouth for the first time:

"I think there are many reasons. I\'ll pick a few main ones and say them briefly.

The first is that in reality, when working at work, the relationship and social interaction between colleagues are too serious and serious. On social networking sites, people may be a lot more casual. Maybe you can praise a colleague\'s dynamic and leave a comment, which can easily narrow the relationship between the two people. This is the first point. Using social networking sites can well maintain and promote users\' work at a low cost Social relationships;

Second, many people may only deal with one group or several people around in the company every day, and the circle may expand many times when they come to the social network. Even, your boss may be in this circle. You may leave a good impression on your boss by going to the news of your boss. This is to expand the work social network and help your boss Help users recognize colleagues who may be difficult to have direct working relationships in real work;

Third, if you leave a company, it doesn\'t mean that these former colleagues are no longer on your work relationship network. We also need to maintain this relationship, and social networking sites are a good place. "

Obviously, Zheng Siwen has made great efforts in the social industry and has been constantly studying it because the company wants to make global im social software in the future.

Li Yifei looked at Zheng Siwen, who had been sitting next to him before and didn\'t speak. He thought that President Zheng was in the company and only cared about daily operation, regardless of business and strategy. Now, President Zheng\'s vision and thinking are not bad at all. If he doesn\'t make a sound, he will become a blockbuster.

Fang zhe nodded approvingly: "President Zheng is right. If Kaixin has been rooted in the work social circle, although the number of users may soon touch the ceiling, the social quality on the website will not be poor.

If he adds a messy network of friends and strangers in the future, although it seems that users are on the ceiling, it is actually easy to reduce their product competitiveness and directly match Tencent\'s QQ space. No one will know what its prospects will be at that time. "

Although Fang zhe finally said "no one will know", in fact, in the ears of Zheng Siwen and Li Yifei, Fang zhe meant that it would be doomed. Such a flag will stand in front of the two top executives of the company. If it does not come true in the future, they will inevitably lose some confidence in Fang Zhe\'s vision.

"President Fang, I want to ask, does our company also plan to build a social network in the future?" Li Yifei thought of Zheng Siwen\'s remarks just now. If he had not specially studied these social products, how could he analyze them so thoroughly in such a short time. In front of president Fang, his words are full of understanding and views on social products. Therefore, Li Yifei wondered whether Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen also had plans or plans to make social products.