Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 759

"We are not short of money. What we lack is a group of people with dreams of building rockets!"

Fu Xinming and Huang Siyi thought of president Fang\'s words with some chicken soup.

If others say this, they must despise it, but president Fang, they know that he is an idealist and can realize his ideals.

Fang zhe interrupted their stupidity and began to introduce their plans to them. First, he contacted some relevant units of the national aerospace system to sort out and investigate the data of relevant talents in the domestic aerospace field.

Fang zhe specially mentioned Peng Xiaobo\'s name to them. Although Fu Xinming and Huang Siyi didn\'t know where Fang zhe heard the name, they kept him and the first Aerospace Institute in mind.

Secondly, from among these people, find a technical leader who is willing to set up a private aerospace enterprise and a group of technical backbone to set up a private company specializing in small liquid rockets. At that time, Zhongying capital and Huizhong will give financial and resource support.

It\'s said to be looking, but Fu Xinming and Huang Siyi have an intuition. I\'m afraid that Peng Xiaobo, as president Fang said, is probably the most suitable leader. As for whether it\'s really suitable, only after contact can we know.

Fang zhe explained, and they asked questions and discussed again.

More than half an hour later, they came out of Fang Zhe\'s office and left by elevator together.

"Well, what do you think president Fang is doing? Is his plan reliable?" Huang Siyi asked.

"I don\'t believe it\'s on a whim. Since the company was listed, president Fang\'s main energy has shifted from the company\'s main business to some high-tech and future fields.

The fields of chips, UAVs, artificial intelligence, car making and Fang\'s general layout seem scattered, but none of them is a high-tech field with great potential in the future.

Now Fang always builds rockets. I\'m no exception. Even if he wants to land on the moon and develop Mars in the future, I don\'t think it\'s anything! "

Fu Xinming\'s answer shocked Huang Siyi. He held out his thumb:

"You cow! Your thinking is jumping off like president Fang, and you are almost catching up with foreign musk!"

"Cut! Fang always has more cattle than musk!" Fu Xinming retorted to Fang\'s fans.

Huang Siyi gave him a wordless look and stopped defending.

Since the boss assigned the task, they did it in a down-to-earth manner. Soon, Huizhong investment department jointly established a special task force with Zhongying capital to promote the matter.


It\'s time for the annual double 11. On the eve of double 11 last year, Fang zhe went to Hangzhou to have a deep conversation with President ARIMA and promote Alibaba\'s speed to sea. At that time, Fang zhe suggested President Ma to change the double 11 Carnival into double 11 global Carnival this year.

With the word "global", the international model of double 11 has become much stronger. Alibaba has invited many international stars, including American basketball star James, international football star David and his wife, and the world\'s top singer Taylor Swift.

In addition, Alibaba international station, Alibaba express, laizanda, the largest e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia invested by Alibaba abroad last year, also participated in the double 11 activities this year.

The word "global" of the double 11 global carnival is becoming more and more worthy of its name.

At more than 23 p.m. on November 10, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sheila was holding her millet PaD2 to catch up with the recently popular translated Chinese drama "why Sheng Xiao Mo" in Malaysia, while waiting for the arrival of 12 midnight.

If in the usual routine, Sheila went to bed early at this time, but tonight is different. She is waiting for the arrival of double 11!

More than a month ago, Sheila noticed the double 11 promotion on laizanda, an e-commerce website where she often buys.

Seeing that a lipstick she had always wanted to buy was reduced by RM30, equivalent to nearly 50 yuan, Sheila immediately looked forward to the double 11!

"Siren, did you sleep? I found another super good Concealer!"

On the side of Xiaomi\'s mobile phone, a wechat message suddenly pops up. It\'s her good friend Amina.

During the time bestie eleven came, two good girlfriends had found many good stuff for sale promotion, from lipstick mask and other cosmetics to toilet paper waste bags and other daily necessities. Two people\'s shopping cart has already added dozens of items in advance.

"Wow! [color], [color], [color], send a link to me Kangkang..." before Sheila said this, Amina has sent the link.

"Good friend, understand me!"

Sirla opened the link, jumped to APP, and saw that this Concealer was very humid, especially suitable for his dry skin, and when the double eleven cut nearly 20 mA, SIRAS did not hesitate to add the concealer to the shopping cart.

The two sisters chatted, and the time quietly approached midnight.

Double eleven, coming!

Sheila threw Xiaomi PaD2 aside and picked up her mobile phone for rush purchase.

Just after midnight, the discounts of various commodities in Sheila\'s shopping cart have taken effect immediately. Looking at the loss of more than 300 RMD, which is equivalent to the total amount of more than 500 RMB, Sheila is very happy. She can buy two lipsticks for 300 RMD!

After Sheila paid the money at one go and spent more than half a month\'s salary, her best friend Amina sent new news.

"Sheila, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

When Sheila clicked the link, 10000 nut gift bags had been robbed. Before Sheila was discouraged, she saw that there would be 5000 free gift bags in the good store in less than half an hour.

This evening, Sheila, who always has a regular work and rest, stayed up late. All kinds of free looting and discounted goods made Sheila\'s mind ripple and couldn\'t control her hand.

Women have no immunity to free and discounted things. This sentence has been best verified by Sheila.

This double 11, the turnover of the entire Alibaba e-commerce Empire broke the record, breaking 100 billion, reaching an amazing 120.8 billion!

Lai Zanda, the Southeast Asian e-commerce platform that joined the double 11 this year, also exceeded 2 billion, nearly 18% of its annual turnover!

Double eleven, with the expansion of Alibaba Empire, has gone to the world, and Huizhong\'s blueprint in the field of global mobile payment is also deepening and expanding!

On November 26, just half a month after the double 11, a news about Huizhong attracted the attention of domestic Internet people.

"Huizhong spent US $1.5 billion to acquire 25% of paytm, India\'s largest mobile payment software. After the transaction is concluded, Huizhong will hold 49% of paytm!"