Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 751


"I still see my beauty and fragrance, I think it\'s a saucy mood!" netizens make complaints about Baidu Lee.

Throughout Baidu\'s investment achievements and development in recent years, it is good to say that it is in line with the rules, and bad to say that it is in a hurry and disorderly medical treatment.

First, the transformation to the mobile terminal was not smooth, and then spent money on Baidu cloud. Although the user scale has increased, the profit is far from expected. Compared with the cash cow of Huizhong cloud, google cloud has become a place for many netizens to save seeds.

Then, google released the slogan of "smashing 20 billion", making great strides forward. The o2o outlet advocated by Fang\'s richest man first makes Baidu takeout and then glutinous rice network. Baidu attempts to crush its competitors and dominate the o2o field with its "huge" cash flow and resources.

Who wants meituan? The public comments on these king players in the o2o field do not bird him. No matter how Baidu throws money and how President Li shouts slogans, he can\'t do it. Even if the takeout segment is hungry, its market share is much larger than Baidu takeout.

Baidu, an old Internet giant, can\'t even deliver takeout. Are you hungry? This Internet rookie has long been laughed at by peers in the industry.

Now it\'s just an investment a few years ago, which has achieved a fairly good return, which makes president Li so satisfied and happy. Look at president Fang, your next door neighbor. People casually predict that the merger of several Internet giants will bring a floating profit of more than 10 billion US dollars this year. Have they been happy?

Although the sarcasm of netizens spread on the Internet, President Li of Baidu naturally couldn\'t see it. Even Fang Zhe, who occasionally went to the microblog, didn\'t have a chance to see it. However, in Hong Kong, media reporters who rely on tracking hot current events and playing with pens saw these gossip and news.

Chen Wen, the chief editor of the financial section of the South China Morning Post headquarters in Dafa Road, Dapu District, Hong Kong, quietly reviewed the manuscripts handed in by her subordinates.

This manuscript is mainly about the hot spot of the merger of Ctrip and qunar. It reviews the merger and acquisition events in the mainland Internet industry in 2015. Although the manuscript is OK, it seems to Chen Wen that it is somewhat regular. This boring chronicle,

How many readers will read it?

Chen Wen called her men over and began to point out:

"The content of your manuscript is enough, but the selling point is not enough. We are writing news, not historical records. You have to express your views."

Two hours later, his men came to Chen Wen again with the revised manuscript.

Chen Wen watched for five minutes and began to point out:

"Although your views have been expressed, they are not sharp enough, sharp enough and attractive enough. How can the sales of our newspaper be improved by your manuscript?"

Looking at the submissive manner of her subordinates, Chen Wen hated iron and said:

"Forget it, let\'s do it first. I\'ll change and polish your manuscript. Go and do something else!"

Chen Wen sent her men away and began to revise the regular manuscript.

If the news wants to attract readers, her words must be sharp enough. Back then, she rubbed against the hot spot of Huizhong\'s stake in tmall and detonated the readers\' attention with the sentence "Alibaba seeks peace from Huizhong".

The sales volume of that issue of South China Morning Post was three times more than usual! She also took advantage of this record and slowly stepped into the position of editor in chief.

Recalling her former glory, Chen Wen suddenly had an inspiration. This year, the mainland Internet industry is so lively. Whether it is the merger of Kuai\'an and Kuai, the merger of 58 same city and, the merger of meituan and public comments, and the merger of Ctrip and qunar, there are the shadows of Mainland Internet giants such as Huizhong, Tencent and Baidu.

Alibaba alone has done little in China this year. The only thing that has stirred up waves is that it invested in an e-commerce company in Southeast Asia in the middle of the year.

Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Wen\'s mouth rose slightly and she had an idea in her heart.

"In the cold winter of capital, mainland Internet giants have helped mainland enterprises survive the winter. Only mainland e-commerce giant Alibaba has ignored this and scattered money to overseas companies!"

When the South China Morning Post published the news report on the above title, it immediately caused an uproar in the financial media circles in Hong Kong and the mainland.

"In the current economic situation of capital winter, even if Alibaba does not give generously to help mainland enterprises, it still invests in foreign enterprises. This is a typical outflow of domestic capital. The mainland government and relevant departments should strictly investigate this matter!"

Some Hong Kong media in collusion with the South China Morning Post have also followed suit.

When the news came back to China, some tabloid media or netizens who had long been unhappy with Alibaba and Alima or did not know the truth also reported or commented one after another.

"Normally, Alibaba is an enterprise controlled by foreign capital. Now it\'s reasonable to send the money we cut our hands to its foreign masters!"

"Yes, I checked Baidu Encyclopedia. It was less than three years since it was founded in Southeast Asia. As a result, Alibaba invested $1 billion at once. Such an obvious money laundering operation can be seen by fools!"

"The country should really check it out. What can a capitalist mixed with a charlatan like Qigong master Wang Lin be?"

"Arima always peddles chicken soup all day and learns to brag. As a result, domestic enterprises are short of money. He doesn\'t even fart!"

Inexplicably, under this evil wind, Alibaba and Alima were put on the cusp of public opinion and denounced by many netizens and the media.

In Hangzhou, Alibaba headquarters, Wang Shuai, chairman of Alibaba Public Relations Committee, ordered to convene a meeting between the public relations committee and colleagues of the public relations department directly under the group to discuss this inexplicable negative public opinion.

Alibaba public relations committee is a public relations department set up in the headquarters of Alibaba group, which manages the public relations departments of the group\'s subsidiaries. The public relations committee is like a headquarters, commanding all public relations departments of the whole group to form a group army.

In addition to the subordinate headquarters, Alibaba public relations committee is also directly responsible for the corporate image of the whole Alibaba group and the personal image of Alibaba Group executives and senior leaders.

At this moment, the meeting room of Alibaba\'s Public Relations Committee is full of noisy discussions. Until now, many employees of the public relations department don\'t quite understand how the public opinion storm came.


Wang Shuai\'s secretary first opened the door and came in. Before Wang Shuai, who was closely behind him, came into the door, the people in the conference room had been quiet for a moment.