Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 622

After a business trip of less than half a month, the backlog of official business here was not as much as he thought, but the Fang zhe family soon figured it out.

Today, Huizhong is already a giant multinational company with businesses spanning hundreds of countries around the world. The whole Huizhong is like a giant aircraft carrier. Even if the captain sleeps in the cabin, the aircraft carrier is still moving rapidly in the direction specified by the captain.

There are tens of thousands of elite crew members who perform their respective duties. More than a dozen vice presidents in charge of various business modules and Zheng Siwen, the intimate housekeeper, Fang Zhe is becoming more and more handy as the shopkeeper.

However, this is both good and bad for Fang Zhe.

The good thing is that he finally doesn\'t have to be as busy as before listing. He has to worry about everything. The bad thing is that he is only 27 years old. It is the time when he is the most energetic, strong and dedicated to his career in his life.

What is hateful is that with the wishful golden finger of the reborn, he has gone through the road that many people have gone through half a lifetime in just six years and achieved achievements that many people can\'t achieve in a lifetime.

In previous lives, like President Ali Ma, he began to toss in his 20s. He retired a few years after Ali was listed. He is already in his 50s. Others are idle. What about himself? Even if from now on, he spends all day, relying on his wealth, he can\'t spend all his life. Moreover, this is not the life Fang zhe wants.

When Fang zhe was just reborn, his goal and ideal were very simple. He made money, made a lot of money, and founded a multinational company at the level of Microsoft and Google.

Now, these two goals and ideals have been realized. Money has become a number for itself. Huizhong has also achieved one of the top in the Internet industry among multinational corporations. Next, if you want to go further, it is nothing more than relying on long-term scientific and technological investment and accumulation, from imitators and pursuers to explorers and leaders.

However, how can it be so easy to be a leader? For example, the Internet and mobile Internet, an era change that takes place only once in more than ten years, how many times can a person encounter in his life?

Whether it is holographic games or artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge high-tech fields of the times, it is difficult to toss out particularly interesting things without decades of deep cultivation. How old should Fang zhe be? I\'m afraid it\'s time to retire.

Even if 5g technology is relatively close, it is estimated that it will take about 2022 in seven or eight years to get something interesting. Such a long time span is still a little long for Fang Zhe, who is less than 30 years old.

Therefore, for a company like Huizhong, which has been established for less than 6 years, it is worthwhile and affordable to set up a future research institute, invest in the future and catch up with one or two epoch-making technology cycles. However, for Fang Zhe, he still has to make his life wonderful and full in more than 30 years before he retires.

The way Fang zhe thought of is to re-establish new goals and new ideals that are enough for him to toss and realize in the next 30 years.

Holographic games, artificial intelligence and so on. No matter how rich you are, you can\'t completely change the time accumulation required for technological development and breakthrough, but some industries are different, such as chips!

Fang zhe has always been eager to do something for China\'s chip industry. A few days ago, in Europe, Lin Tiantian\'s husband John said, "there are so many Chinese people, it\'s good to be a big chip consumer." it was a great stimulus to each other\'s Zhe.

Whether in his previous life or this life, Fang Zhe is a "little pink" with strong patriotic feelings. The more countries he goes to, the greater his achievements. Fang zhe feels more and more deeply about his love and responsibility for his motherland.

At the beginning, when Huizhong was listed, many media around the world were alarmed by sour grapes. Fang zhe still remembers the maintenance of Huizhong by the state media.

It was also at that time that Fang Zhe\'s life ideal gradually added something that seemed ethereal. That is, with his not small achievements and energy, he helped the motherland, a country that has suffered for a century, to revive and achieve great rejuvenation, so that every Chinese can happily live an ordinary and great life!

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you reach it, you will help the world!

The feelings of home and country precipitated by thousands of years of Chinese civilization have long been deeply branded in Fang Zhe and every Chinese.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, it really takes time to accumulate if the domestic chip industry wants to make a breakthrough, but from the height of Fang Zhe, compared with holographic games, a technology that is not available in the world, chip technology is indeed available abroad. In this field, China is still a catcher rather than an explorer. Compared with the latter, the former is much simpler.

At present, there are two biggest problems in the cutting-edge chip field in China and abroad. One is the increasingly crazy technology blockade abroad, and the other is the weak underlying technology of the domestic chip industry, and the whole industrial chain is weak and not robust.

The first question aside, the second question, Fang zhe thinks that with his current energy, he can still play some role.

For example, Liang Mengsong, a man who reduced the gap between SMIC and TSMC for three to five years by his own efforts, did not join SMIC until the end of 2017 according to the time track of his previous life. At this time, he was still working in the R & D Department of Samsung.

In his previous life, Liang Mengsong made great contributions to the successful R & D of Samsung 14nm chip earlier than TSMC. With Fang Zhe\'s current status, it is not particularly difficult to promote Liang Mengsong and a large number of excellent chip industry talents to join SMIC or come to the mainland. After all, only a few people in the world despise money.

Relying on the "sugar coated shells", SMIC and the mainland do not know how many chip industry talents have been dug from Treasure Island and the world. If Liang Mengsong and other excellent talents were dug up one day earlier, would the chip gap between China and the world be narrowed one day earlier?

In addition to talents, it involves the basic technology research at the bottom of the chip field, lithography machine and other core keys. Although it can\'t be solved by throwing money, throwing money can at least play some roles. Now Fang Zhe is the least short of money!

Liang Mengsong and chips are just one field. In fact, there are too many fields and places in China that need to make up for shortcomings and improve. How to leverage the motherland with his current wealth and energy to obtain the greatest benefits and progress is a problem that Fang zhe needs to think often when realizing his new goals and ideals.

When you become the richest man in the world, do you still have goals and ideals in your life?

Few people in the world need to think about this problem, because few people can become the richest man in the world. With Fang Zhe\'s current situation of dominating the list, I\'m afraid no one needs to think about this problem except himself in the next few decades.

Fang zhe remembered that six years ago, he and several roommates in the university dormitory were hanging out in the alley behind the school.

When he was just reborn, he was drunk and spoke out his ideals bravely:

"In the future, I will be a man who drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house and never looks at the price when shopping!"

"I want to start a great company like Bill Gates and jobs!"

"I hope future generations will mention my name. They don\'t just say that Fang Zhe is a rich man, but that Fang Zhe is a great man who promotes the progress of human civilization and makes outstanding contributions to human history!"

Six years later, Fang zhe has achieved the first two points. In the next life, Fang zhe will strive to achieve the third point and become a great man! This is Fang Zhe\'s new ideal as the world\'s richest man.