Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 621

In order to avoid Fang Zhe\'s misunderstanding, pan Naning specially explained that sometimes employees need to play games to change their brains and find inspiration. For this, Fang zhe just smiled and nodded without talking.

Whether in his previous life or in this life, when he led the team in the front line, he often played games with his subordinates. First, it was to narrow the relationship between the top and bottom. Second, it was really to relax and find inspiration. If the atmosphere of the game development team was too rigid and dogmatic, I\'m afraid the game would not be much.

Pan Naning first LED Fang Zhe to the office area of the development team of supercell\'s facade work tribal conflict. Pan Naning thought that since the big boss stopped at the door just now to watch the promotional film of tribal conflict, he must be interested in the production team of tribal conflict.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the office area of the development team of tribal conflict, Fang Zhe, the big boss, looked around with interest, which showed his love for this work.

Seeing pannaning\'s wink, the producer of tribal conflict quietly came forward and introduced Fang Zhe. Fang Zhe, who was also a game producer and has been promoted to a top game producer in his life, naturally knew what he introduced. Therefore, he asked a few questions and gave a few instructions, which made everyone present admire him.

Although the big boss has not visited the front-line production of games for several years, he has not fallen at all in terms of wind direction changes and sensitivity to the game market.

Don\'t lean. Pan Naning led Fang Zhe to stop in another office area. Here is the development team of Island Raiders, which will be launched in the summer vacation.

Fang Zhe, who stopped to listen to the producer of "Island Raiders", briefly introduced the development progress of "Island Raiders".

Now, the online version of "Island Raiders" has passed one round of sealing test and two rounds of file deletion test, and the development team is making intensive bug modification and detail adjustment. In addition, the docking work with Huizhong global distribution team is also advancing in an orderly manner. I believe I can meet global players in the summer as scheduled.

As for the follow-up version development plan after the launch of Island Raiders, the producer also said that the team has an update reserve of three small versions and one large version, which is enough to meet the promotion needs after the launch.

Fang zhe nodded after listening. It seems that "Island Raiders" is progressing smoothly. Supercell and Huizhong will produce a game product with a monthly flow of more than 100 million dollars.

Although supercell is famous all over the world and has contributed billions of dollars to Huizhong, the office area of supercell is not large, accounting for less than half of this floor, and the number of employees of the whole company is only in their early 20s. Therefore, Fang zhe did not visit other places after leaving the Office area of the development team of Island Raiders, Instead, he directly motioned pannanin to take him to the office.

In the CEO\'s office of supercell, Fang zhe casually found a chair to sit down. Although pan Naning stood in his office, he didn\'t dare to sit down directly.

Fang zhe retreated from Li Wen and Catherine and left pannaning alone.

Although pan Naning is more than ten years older than Fang Zhe, because of the superior subordinate relationship and the aura developed by Fang zhe over the years, pan Naning standing next to Fang Zhe is still a little nervous.

"Sit down!" Fang zhe said gently.

Pannanin found a chair from the side. Although it was a chair, his body was very straight.

"I believe you may be surprised and guess how I came to inspect the supercell all of a sudden." Fang zhe looked at Pan Naning with burning eyes. Before he answered, he explained:

"When I come to Europe this time, the schedule is not urgent. In addition, I think you may have guessed that I am a loyal player of tribal conflict. It can be regarded as a round of my player feelings to see the development team with my own eyes."

Hearing that the big boss Fang zhe admitted that he was a loyal player of tribal conflict, pannaning was both excited and uneasy.

Excited by the success of their tribal conflict, even Fang Zhe, the big boss, was captured. I was worried that since Fang zhe was also a player of tribal conflict, would he interfere with their subsequent development plans, dictate their development, etc.

However, pannaning obviously thinks too much, not to mention Fang Zhe\'s identity, it is impossible to guide the game in person. As a player of tribal conflict, Fang zhe naturally has an awareness that players should have, that is, not to point fingers and make comments.

"Do you have any new project plans in the future, I mean after the Island Raiders?" Fang zhe asked.

"Not yet. I always insist on Delegating the right of project approval to each production team. They decide what games they want to play. I think this can mobilize the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the team. If they can\'t even do the games they want to play well, I really doubt that they can do the Games assigned by the company."

Fang zhe nodded when listening to pan Naning\'s answer. Compared with the freedom given by Pan Naning to the development team, it is difficult for domestic game development teams, even several S-level Game Studios under Huizhong, to have such a large degree of freedom.

Gaine Huizhong\'s s S-level Game Studios basically bear the important task of generating revenue and profits for the company. Each studio also has its own game themes and fields that it is good at and core production. Therefore, under the condition of ensuring the project level and success rate, several S-level studios under Huizhong are more inclined to the game studios of Hollywood industrial assembly line.

At first glance, it seems that supercell\'s model of respecting the freedom of the creative team seems to be better than Huizhong\'s s S-class studio, but in fact, supercell\'s model is based on good R & D investment and tolerance for project failure.

So far, supercell seems to have only released two games, cartoon farm and tribal conflict, and the results of both games are very good, but within supercell, dozens of games have been cut off before they are online.

This model is also suitable for supercells that only do small and medium-sized games at the beginning, such as many large-scale projects of Huizhong\'s s S-class studio, some of which spend hundreds of millions to adapt super IP such as animation and novels into games, or dota2, PC masterpiece such as Jedi survival into mobile games, various game giant systems jointly developed with NBA or FIFA, etc, Failure is basically intolerable.

Huizhong\'s s S-level game studio has launched at least three S-level and above game products with an annual flow of more than US $500 million or two S-level and above with an annual flow of more than US $1 billion. Now supercell is only one step away from the S-level studio.

Fang Zhe is looking forward to the performance of "Island Raiders" after its launch, and also looks forward to supercell becoming the first S-class game studio under Huizhong that highly respects the freedom of the production team. If the myth of supercell can continue as in previous lives, Fang zhe doesn\'t mind more under Huizhong

Several S-class game studios with high team freedom.

Fang Zhe\'s inspection at supercell was the last stop of his European trip. One day later, at more than 21 Yanjing time, Fang Zhe\'s private plane landed at Yanjing International Airport.

Xiao biesheng is newly married. Fang Zhe, who hasn\'t seen Feng Xue for several days after returning home early, is conquered at the end of the night.