Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 423

Late at night, a lively party was being held in Ehrlich\'s backyard in the suburb of Silicon Valley.

The colorful lights, the fragrant wine, the lively kidrock on the temporary small stage and more than a dozen men and women reveling with the rock rhythm, all show that this is a happy celebration!

Just three days ago, the stranger social application Kiki produced by Richard\'s team invested by Ehrlich was launched, and in less than three days, the number of natural registered users of Kiki exceeded 500000 without any promotion!

With 500000 downloads in three days, Kiki climbed to the top 10 social application download list in the United States. At the same time, it also made the phone calls of dozens of venture capitalists in Silicon Valley and even the United States to Ehrlich!

Ehrlich, who has been an angel investor in Silicon Valley for more than ten years, is the first time to enjoy such a generous and sought after treatment, US $1 million, US $2 million, US $2.5 million, US $3 million... US $5 million. The valuations of Kiki have been rising all the way.

Ehrlich knew that he was going to make a lot of money this time. Thinking about the 700000 dollars he invested before and after, he would soon double, dozens or even hundreds of times. Ehrlich\'s inner ecstasy was more refreshing than smoking (big) hemp!

In the past, I begged my grandparents to let you invest. You ignored me one by one. Now I want to take a ride when I see that I\'m going to be rich? no way!

Ehrlich was very arrogant and hung up more than a dozen VCs who didn\'t even have a valuation offer of $3 million. In Ehrlich\'s opinion, they were too insincere!

The deafening rock music turned Ehrlich\'s backyard into a temporary song and dance hall. On the big screen on the stage, there were Kiki\'s real-time downloads. Looking at the downloads growing by several or even more numbers every second, Ehrlich\'s inner ambition also became infinitely expanded!

Thanks to his wisdom, he invested $200000 and recruited several more people to let Kiki go online as soon as possible. Otherwise, how can there be the current grand occasion?

One million users, $10 million! This is the exit bottom line set by Ehrlich. According to Kiki\'s current crazy growth rate, I\'m afraid the total number of registered users will exceed 1 million in less than a week. This is also the main reason why various VCs are crazy about Ehrlich and call Ehrlich. In addition, in remote China, a software that also socializes with strangers, Momo, In just one month, it has accumulated 20 million users with a valuation of more than US $500 million. Investors in Silicon Valley have no reason not to be crazy!

Silicon Valley investors have not considered that Momo\'s Chinese software is likely to land in the United States, but in their view, all these risks are worth it. Chinese software and products have rarely entered foreign markets, and as long as they have a time advantage of one to two months, Momo will enter the U.S. market in the future, I\'m afraid I can\'t get back.

Compared with the loss of millions of dollars and the temptation of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, investors in Silicon Valley are willing to take risks!

Richard took a few entrepreneurial partners and happily surrounded Ehrlich with wine glasses.

"Ehrlich, your swimming pool should be renovated. Whenever I want to swim in the backyard, I can\'t make complaints about swimming when I see this pool!" some drunken Richard Tucao.

"Richard just received a call from a woman who said she was Mary, the investment agent of founders fund, and she wanted to meet Richard tomorrow!" Dinesh, who was on the side, butted in and explained with the drunken Richard.

"Founders fund? The fund founded by Peter til?" Ehrlich asked loudly with wide eyes.

"Is there another fund called founders in Silicon Valley?"

"* * * * God! Finally caught a big fish!" Ehrlich was excited. Billionaire Peter til was one of the most famous investors in Silicon Valley. His story of investing $500000 in Facebook was known as the investment myth of Silicon Valley. Although Facebook has declined because of the "privacy door" and the struggle with mypsace for several years, Peter Til\'s return on investment is still more than a thousand times!

In addition to being a billionaire, Peter Thiel also has great influence in Silicon Valley. If he can get his favor, Kiki\'s valuation and future will be unimaginable!

"Did you agree?" Ehrlich asked eagerly. Seeing Dinesh nodding, he felt relaxed and unhappy. He was the angel investor of Richard\'s team and the agent of their grass-roots team. Anyone outside or venture capitalists who wanted to invest or cooperate with them should contact him, This is also one of the conditions that he was willing to invest and support Richard\'s team to start a business. Now the agent named Mary bypasses himself and directly contacts Richard, which makes him smell the smell of danger.

"The next time a venture capitalist calls you, you can ask them to call me directly and don\'t make any suggestions!" Ehrlich warned the dizzy Richard and others. After saying this, his mind was awakened by the cheers around him. Looking along the eyes of the crowd, Kiki\'s download volume has exceeded 600000 on the big screen of the stage!

Ehrlich\'s adrenaline soared further, a week? I\'m afraid that in two days, Kiki\'s number of registered users will exceed 1 million. With a valuation of more than 10 million US dollars, even if he sells one-third of his shares, it will be enough to recover all the investment costs.

Of course, Ehrlich wouldn\'t be so stupid to let others take advantage of it, 10 million dollars? You must have a valuation of at least $50 million before you consider transferring some shares!

Alcohol, music, chaos, lying in a mess from the backyard to the living room or even the bedroom, sleeping after the scuffle. When Ehrlich was awakened by a hasty telephone bell, he was lying on the couch in the backyard, throwing the wine red underwear of an unknown beauty!

"At least d! I didn\'t know I was last night..." Ehrlich thought obscene in his mind, then took out his cell phone and answered the damn phone. What\'s the noise? Do you know you disturbed the dream of a future billionaire?

"Ehrlich, something\'s wrong, Momo is online!" a man\'s anxious and rough roar came from the other end of the phone.

"Momo?" Ehrlich\'s head was still confused after drinking all night. He didn\'t wake up until he repeated it twice: "Momo? That Chinese software Momo?"

After hearing the positive answer from the man on the other end of the phone, Ehrlich\'s head went down for a few seconds. Then Ehrlich, who was only manic and angry, threw his mobile phone directly into the swimming pool not far away and stepped on the red "omen" because he got up and fell down!
