Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 424

Greed is not only the original sin of mankind, but also the ladder of human progress. In Silicon Valley, people will not laugh at greedy people, but only those who do not want to make progress and achieve nothing!

The angry Ehrlich, after wreaking havoc in the backyard, finally woke up the people lying in the bedroom from the backyard after the party carnival.

When Richard asked Ehrlich what he was making when he didn\'t sleep in the morning, Ehrlich grabbed the only empty bottle he could reach and smashed it at him!

Ehrlich is a violent person. Richard, who has lived under the same roof with Ehrlich for a long time, has no doubt about this. After flashing over the wine bottle thrown by Ehrlich, Richard also became a little angry until Ehrlich roared to him, "that fuck\'s Chinese software is online!"

Compared with Ehrlich who had to report what happened in a few seconds after receiving the phone call, Richard was directly stunned on the spot. Kiki imitated Momo\'s development. Later, in order to speed up the development progress, Kiki\'s later development was completely fine tuned after copying the Chinese version of Momo, which was already online. Richard felt that he was familiar with Momo, I\'m afraid they are far more than Kiki developed by themselves!

The innovative soul of Silicon Valley has long been suppressed in Richard\'s heart by evil money and excellent achievements after Kiki went online. It was not until this time that he struggled to release it.

Not far away, dinech and several other Kiki developers who came to the backyard to investigate the reasons for Ehrlich\'s quarrel also heard the news that Momo was online. They were numb and clubbed there. They didn\'t know what to do.

Why, why did the damn chinese software land in the United States so soon? If it landed two months later, I believe Kiki had left it far behind. Even if it landed four or five days later, as long as Kiki\'s users exceeded 1 million, they can get venture capital investment. Even without a valuation of $10 million, a valuation of $5 million is good, At least Ehrlich can get back some capital!

"I said earlier that we shouldn\'t copy. My friends heard that we made a software that copied China and didn\'t even want to associate with me!" dinech complained that in Silicon Valley, there was a natural contempt and estrangement between the innovation party and the money worship party. The former believed in God and the latter believed in Satan!

Dinesh\'s nagging and complaining caused Ehrlich\'s boredom. He roared so loudly that Dinesh closed his mouth and the whole backyard became quiet.

"We can\'t give up. We still have a chance. Momo has just launched. We have more than 600000 download users, and our software ranks first in the app store and other app stores!" Ehrlich is not willing to give up, although "Li Gui sees Li Kui" gives him and Richard\'s team little confidence, But he can\'t watch the $700000 he just spent disappear!

Everyone was silent about Ehrlich\'s sophistry. Ehrlich lost money. Richard and dinech lost their faith and Silicon Valley spirit. Even at this moment, Richard, who had not spoken, had serious self doubt about himself, because this was his fourth entrepreneurial failure!

"We are three days ahead of Momo in the morning. As long as we can immediately get investment and spend money on promotion, we believe we can establish a leading edge soon!" Ehrlich is dissatisfied with the mentality of Richard and others. He has lost confidence before fighting. How could he have liked their team at the beginning.

At this time, a fat blonde who had just joined Richard\'s team a few days ago raised his mobile phone and said:

"They have been recommended by Apple\'s app store!"

This sentence, like the last blow, smashed the only fantasy at the bottom of Ehrlich\'s heart and got Apple\'s recommendation?

Ehrlich understands what this means, which means that Kiki\'s leading edge established three days in advance will soon be overtaken by Momo.

"Moreover, wechat under Huizhong, a Chinese company..."

"That\'s enough!" Ehrlich growled and stopped the fat programmer who had no eyesight. Did he want to sprinkle more salt on his wound?

One morning, Ehrlich never received a call from any VCs again. It seems that overnight, those Silicon Valley VCs around Ehrlich have forgotten the existence of Ehrlich and Kiki!

Life always goes on, and the hot potato always wants to make a move. After a long (big) day of anesthesia, Ehrlich called back the VCs who called him yesterday.

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Ehrlich. We need to think about it."

"Ehrlich, are you okay to call me, $3 million? I\'ll give you $30. Would you please go for a cup of coffee and wake up?"


After dialing back more than a dozen calls, Ehrlich became even more frustrated. His valuation of Kiki decreased from $5 million to $2 million. No one was willing to accept the offer. Even two greedy angel investors wanted to spend $300000 to buy the whole Kiki. Do you think I\'m stupid? More than 600000 users and Laozi spent 700000 dollars and a team worked hard for a month in exchange for 300000 dollars?

Although Ehrlich is unwilling, he has wavered in his heart. If he persists, I\'m afraid no one wants even $300000. It\'s good if the code of this project can be sold for $5000 online. The only valuable thing is still the 600000 users who have just registered Kiki. Unfortunately, Ehrlich doesn\'t know that these users can stay on Kiki for a few days!

When Ehrlich was disillusioned, he suddenly remembered that Richard made an appointment yesterday to meet Mary, the broker of founders fund this afternoon. Anyway, this was their last hope. He expected that the fund founded by Peter til, known as the godfather of Silicon Valley investment, could have a different vision from those VC who fell into trouble!

"Investment of 500000 US dollars, valuation of 2.5 million US dollars!"

Ehrlich did not expect that Mary, the manager of foundations fund, would promise to continue to invest in Kiki!

"However, I have two conditions. First, you must guarantee that there is no possible dispute between Kiki and the software Momo from China. I think it is difficult for you to guarantee this. Therefore, our second condition is that no matter what method you use, you must ensure that Kiki will complete the secondary development and upgrade within half a month, and that after the upgrade, it will not be used There is a possibility of copyright conflict with Chinese software Momo.

If you can\'t do the above two points, our relationship will end, and we will liquidate the project and recover our investment losses as much as possible! "

Ehrlich and Richard, who left the headquarters of foundations fund, had signed a cooperative investment agreement with their names in their bags. The matter was so simple and simple. Without the damn chinese software, getting the investment so quickly would be a good talk in Silicon Valley. However, in Silicon Valley, everyone likes to invest in innovative projects. Even if such projects look so fake and empty, How unreliable, as long as someone is willing to spend money for you.

However, plagiarism projects are different. Silicon Valley hates plagiarism, and Silicon Valley despises plagiarism. However, Silicon Valley can\'t tolerate an outsider and a software from the East acting recklessly in the U.S. market and European market, which they regard as a bag.

The rise of wechat has given them enough vigilance. If they are not careful, they will use the routine of hiding their energy and biding their time + surrounding the city from the countryside to instantly cultivate wechat so that they can hardly resist and compete. Therefore, this time, they will not allow the same thing to happen again.

"This is Silicon Valley\'s challenge to outsiders, but before that, you must wash away your disgusting plagiarism!" this is a phone call from Peter till, whom Mary connected before Ehrlich and Richard left the foundations fund.