Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 337

The media and netizens all over the world have formed an unprecedented condemnation of Facebook on the Internet.

"More than 30 million Facebook users\' data has been leaked. Should a platform that can\'t protect users\' data privacy be shut down?"

"According to people familiar with the matter, there are more than thousands of applications on Facebook\'s open platform that collect and steal user data privacy. Does Facebook know nothing about these applications?"

"Unnamed employees inside Facebook revealed that Facebook has been attacked by hackers and hit the database many times since its establishment. More than half of the more than 30 million leaked user data came from this."

"Facebook held a press conference for the third time. Mark Zuckerberg once again apologized to Facebook users and the public, and said that he would find out the cause of the matter as soon as possible and actively take relevant measures to ensure that similar data leakage and abuse would not occur again.

Meanwhile, Facebook will temporarily shut down the external data interface on Facebook\'s open platform and check all applications on the platform that collect and steal user data. In the future, Facebook will strictly restrict developers and third-party applications from obtaining Facebook user data! "

"Facebook chief operating officer Sandberg said at the press conference that Facebook has seriously betrayed the trust of users, and expressed great regret. Sandberg apologized to all Facebook users on behalf of the operation team and promised that similar events would never happen again in the future!"

In addition to the competing reports of media news, netizens all over the world are also talking about it.

"Ma Dan, no wonder I always get calls from the insurance company these days. I wonder how they got my phone. It was leaked on Facebook!"

"Fuckfacebook, I said I\'ve changed three mobile phone numbers, and the loan company can still give me my mobile phone number. I decided not to fill in mobile phone number, home address and other information on Facebook in the future!"

"The private photos of Taylor swift and her ex boyfriends are so popular that I didn\'t expect Taylor to be such a hot and dissolute woman in private. Who has a full set there? Please send me one. In addition, if there are Kardashian and other female stars, please give me one. The email is * * * * *!"

"My bank card was frozen this morning. After checking, I found out that someone used my bank card number in other places to spend online. Madder knew I wouldn\'t store this information on Facebook, but I have several bank cards. I can\'t remember the card number and password!"

"I often take various psychological tests on Facebook. I think my information should have been stolen!"

"If an apology is useful, what do you want the law and the police to do? What about the 30 million leaked user data?"

As the incident became more and more intense, the impact became greater and greater. Government regulators in many countries and regions around the world, including the U.S. National Security Agency, FBI and British information security agencies, also began to intervene in the investigation, and more things about Facebook data leakage were constantly exposed.

On June 15, two days after the Facebook data leak was exposed, the US National Security Agency announced that two Ph.D. psychologists from the University of Cambridge, UK, began to collect and track the data of nearly two million Facebook users on Facebook through psychological tests, personality tests and other applications two years ago, and make analysis and Research Based on these data The Journal of the National Academy of Sciences published two papers, including "predicting users\' personal character based on users\' network behavior data" and "predicting your behavior based on electronic algorithm model".

On June 16, the British Information Security Agency announced that in view of a large number of data leaks on Facebook and the recent frequent occurrence of network information security accidents, British Internet users are advised to modify their social platform account passwords and other information as soon as possible to strengthen self privacy protection.

On the evening of June 16, Taylor Swift, a famous American singer, posted her last Facebook update on her Facebook. She wrote:

"Goodbyefacebook, from today on, I will cancel my facebook account. See you on twitter!"

Since the private photos of Taylor swift and many of her ex boyfriends were leaked and spread wildly on the Internet, Taylor has been afraid to open her social network platform again, and she asked her assistant Amy to push all the announcements, turn off all electronic devices and stay at home quietly for three days. If her current boyfriend hadn\'t been with her to enlighten her, she might even herself I don\'t know how to face the public and the media in the future!

Until today, Taylor finally perked up. Since her debut, she has been famous for her reckless and comfortable character. Otherwise, she would not change her boyfriend constantly in spite of so many rumors, just to find true love.

Therefore, she finally has the courage to face the private photos of herself and her ex boyfriends spread on the Internet. Fortunately, her current boyfriend doesn\'t mind these. Therefore, she thinks she has nothing to be afraid of. Who hasn\'t had several ex boyfriends yet!

After Taylor sent the last message on Facebook, he cancelled his Facebook account. Many fans who follow her can only see the last message from Taylor through the pictures cut by "quick" netizens.

Although many netizens still tease and seek seeds under these dynamics, most of Taylor\'s true love fans still understand and support her behavior, encourage her to cheer up, and safeguard her rights and interests to the Facebook platform. After all, stars are also ordinary people, and the right to privacy cannot be infringed!

European and American countries value personal privacy far more than domestic countries. Even the days when parents peek at their children may violate the law, not to mention that now, Taylor\'s private photos stored in the encrypted photo album have been leaked, which has been a serious illegal act.

A few minutes after Taylor cancelled his Facebook account, he posted a new update on his twitter platform account:

"In the future, I will only use Twitter to communicate with you. On Facebook, Amy has communicated with my private lawyer and will file a lawsuit against Facebook as soon as possible. I also hope that Facebook users whose private information has been leaked this time can bravely stand up and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests!"

Taylor\'s cancellation of his Facebook account is only the beginning. In addition to Taylor, many other celebrities who have leaked their privacy on the Facebook platform, even if they are afraid of it, have also started to act one after another.

Like Taylor, some of them posted a farewell to Facebook on Facebook, while others announced the cancellation of their Facebook account through their social platforms such as twitter or mypsace or assistant studio account.

With many celebrities and stars boycotting or canceling their facebook accounts in rhythm, ordinary Facebook users with the most users have set off a hot trend of "deleting facebook accounts".

In the previous life, every time there was a data privacy crisis on Facebook, there would be a trend of "deleting facebook accounts". However, because the mysapce platform was no longer available at that time, the Facebook platform was the only choice for users, so these trends in the previous life did not completely explode on the Internet.

But now it\'s different. Facebook not only has a strong competitor MySpace, but also this privacy disclosure crisis is many times more violent than several previous lives. Naturally, the reason is that some vested interests "have been premeditated and prepared"!