Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 338

The so-called vested interests, needless to say, from the surface, Facebook suffered from this data leakage crisis. Naturally, its direct competitor Myspace and its side competitor twitter benefited the most.

Therefore, when Mark Zuckerberg held his fourth press conference, in order to transfer the growing public contradictions, while constantly apologizing and admitting Facebook\'s mistakes, he also said that according to their internal self inspection of Facebook, Facebook has been attacked by hackers and many data thieves and Divulgers, Facebook\'s competitors may be behind it.

As soon as the news came out, the global media were in an uproar. Even if Mark Zuckerberg didn\'t say it clearly, the reporters naturally knew who he was talking about. Of course, it was MySpace, Facebook\'s biggest competitor.

Moreover, the information leakage of more than 30 million users came from the Facebook platform, but there was no relevant stain on mysapce. Many journalists running around for the Pulitzer Prize believe that there is definitely a wonderful conspiracy behind it!

Just after the fourth Facebook press conference, without waiting for the reporters to release the news related to the conspiracy theory proposed by Mark Zuckerberg that may be secretly instigated by competitors, mypsace also held a press conference. At this press conference, Bruce, who has been promoted to chief operating officer of mysapce, said:

"During this period of time, due to the serious data leakage crisis on our competitor Facebook platform, our MySpace platform has also strengthened the privacy and security protection of user data and the investigation and cleaning of third-party applications.

However, since the establishment of our MySpace platform, we have always attached great importance to the user\'s personal privacy data and security. All third-party applications need the user\'s permission before using the user\'s data. Therefore, no serious privacy disclosure has been found yet! "

According to Bruce\'s statement on behalf of MySpace, it means that MySpace has always attached great importance to the privacy and data security of users, so it does not give an opportunity to companies stealing data such as third-party applications.

At the press conference, Bruce showed third-party applications operating on both Facebook and MySpace platforms, including psychological tests, personality tests and other applications that stole users\' privacy data on Facebook. Although these applications operate on MySpace platform, MySpace will give users prompts and warnings when they collect users\' privacy data, Only with the consent of the user can these applications obtain relevant data.

Bruce showed the media and reporters attending the meeting in detail MySpace\'s data security management mechanism, up to more than a dozen layers of permissions and security protection, not to mention third-party user theft. Even if MySpace platform uses these data itself, it will also apply for permissions from users.

The rival Facebook, in order to improve advertising revenue, launched the so-called personal information * * quasi advertising. Behind it, it made use of a large amount of user privacy data without user consent!

In contrast, the two sides made a decision. At this time, the media and journalists have not only targeted Facebook data leakage, but also Facebook\'s own abuse of user data.

Over the past two years, with the slowdown in Facebook\'s profit on the third party platform, Facebook\'s revenue and profit growth engine has become an advertising business that is put into the user\'s personal information flow. These advertisements have attracted Facebook users to make complaints about the more accurate advertising, while raising the Facebook revenue, they also made many Facebook users panic.

Because they feel that their every move on Facebook seems to be spied and monitored by Facebook and a bunch of advertisers!

Facebook\'s behavior of ignoring user data and personal privacy for revenue and interests has been more severely criticized by the media and the public. Mark Zuckerberg wanted to throw dirty water on mypsace at the fourth press conference to transfer contradictions. Before he made a move, he was completely broken and attacked by mypsace!

Hehe, maybe Mark Zuckerberg didn\'t figure out who the owner behind mypsace is. It\'s News Corporation, a global media giant. Playing with public opinion, people are experts!

The whole network media reports and public accusations lasting more than a week have caused the corporate image of Facebook to plummet, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the entire Facebook employees are also suffering.

This suffering comes not only from the pressure of external media and public opinion, but also from the request of the National Security Bureau and the FBI to cooperate in investigating the theft of user data.

Every day, the employees in the Facebook office building can no longer work normally, but are constantly interrogated by FBI investigators. This posture makes Facebook employees sad. I\'m afraid many people never thought that they would be interrogated by the FBI one day!

However, the FBI\'s investigation of Facebook did have a great effect. In just three days, the FBI found that there were three Facebook internal employees who took advantage of their positions to resell more than 60t of Facebook user data to the outside world for millions of dollars, including one employee and a very high-level director of the security department!

Mark Zuckerberg was so angry when he heard the news reported by his employees that it was really difficult to prevent domestic thieves day and night. If the FBI had not intervened in the investigation and found out these insiders, who knows how many user data leakage crises would happen to Facebook in the future?

Without exception, the FBI\'s discovery of the insider on Facebook soon made headlines in major news media around the world.

"The FBI found three employees selling Facebook user information on facebook"

"Facebook security director resells more than 60t of user data to the outside world. Mark Zuckerberg\'s promise that it will never happen again is a joke?"

"Is it a dereliction of duty, a management loophole, or an unknown employment? The head of Facebook security is behind the scenes!"

"When security executives start selling user information to the outside world, how does Facebook ensure the security of user data?"

The news that Facebook found the insider undoubtedly added fuel to the public opinion of the Facebook data leak. Many Facebook users and netizens who had fantasies about Facebook were completely disappointed with the platform!

"Bye, Facebook, even your head of security is reselling user data. I really don\'t dare to go on!"

"What is more hateful than third-party application theft is self-theft. I can\'t stand you using our data for precision marketing and playing so many advertisements, but you have to sell my data to all kinds of messy companies after playing advertisements. I really can\'t stand it!"

Amid the uproar of public opinion, US government departments can no longer sit still.

On the morning of June 25, the U.S. Congress released a message to ask Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, to attend a hearing at the Capitol building at 2 p.m. on June 27 and explain to members of Congress about the recent Facebook data leakage!

As soon as the news came out, the world shook!