Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 194

The problem of players\' recharge has always been one of the most serious problems in the process of game operation. However, Zhongle has been established for a long time and has operated dozens of games. Although this problem is serious, it is not without experience. This time, it is because there are many affected players and a wide range of players, That\'s why more problems arise.

Because "Shenmu" is the only generation game currently promoted by Zhongle. There are a large number of existing players in the game and new registered players all the time.

With a large base, many players are affected by using third-party recharge. Therefore, many players with bad temper directly make trouble in the game, insult Zhongle platform and developers on the world channel, and make chaos everywhere, such as killing trumpets, which affects other players\' normal games.

"The situation is temporarily under control. Our operation Department has issued an official announcement in each server of the game, suspended the recharge service of this channel, and indicated that it will repair the problem as soon as possible and compensate the relevant players."

Li Yifei has been responsible for dealing with these problems since the establishment of Zhongle page tour platform. This time, it is also because of the great impact of things, which is a serious operation accident. According to the system, he must report to Fang Zhe.

"Has the problem been found out? Is it a technical problem or?" Fang zhe asked again.

Li Yifei nodded and explained, "it has been found out. It\'s a technical problem, but it\'s not our problem, but something wrong with a third-party payment channel called Yifu that we cooperate with."

Fang Zhe leaned back and leaned back on his chair, but in his head he thought of other problems. There were many kinds of games on the public music platform, including the most traditional point cards, online banking, third parties, such as Alipay, Cai Fu Tong and other large and small payment channels, which can be used to recharge and recharge more than 10 ways. There is no recharge channel for Zhongle or Huizhong.

Firstly, Huizhong does not have such business at present. Secondly, it also wants to carry out the third-party payment business directly connected with the bank. The company must have sufficient strength. The bank cannot casually open these important and sensitive business data interfaces to a company.

In the previous life, in order to strengthen the supervision of third-party payment institutions, the central bank issued corresponding payment management measures in 10 years, and issued the first batch of third-party payment licenses in China in September 2011.

Since then, all unlicensed third-party payment institutions or companies shall not carry out payment business without authorization.

For a third party payment license, Alibaba\'s Alipay has also been involved in many things like breaking up Alipay.

It is widely said in the industry that the market price of such a payment license starts at 10 million, which is still priceless. In previous lives, I don\'t know how many companies crowded their heads and blood for such a license.

After the central bank suspended the issuance of payment licenses in 2015, latecomers who want to get a license can only transfer or be acquired by licensed companies. After a false calculation, the price of each license including bank card receipt, Internet payment, mobile payment and other different functions is hundreds of millions or even more than a billion.

In a short-sighted view, the payment business is only a third-party payment channel, which is no big deal. In the long run, the payment business is related to Internet finance, credit investigation business, o2o business and other money related businesses.

As can be imagined, the Alibaba\'s Alipay ant\'s gold suit, which was not in the market in 18 years, has given us a valuation of US $150 billion. In the meantime, we can imagine that the prospect of the financial business of the payment business and the related financial businesses is so vast that no one can match the eyes of the horse dad. Fang Zhe, the reborn man, is unlikely to be completely indifferent to this big cake.

Fang zhe thought for a moment. The payment business can\'t be delayed any more!

Nowadays, Alibaba\'s Alipay has been established for more than 5 years, and Tencent\'s fortune paid has been established for more than 4 years. The sooner the payment business is launched, the sooner the gathering can catch up with the strength accumulated in two aspects.

In the mobile Internet era, with the explosive growth of mobile Internet users and the emergence of o2o and other payment scenarios such as takeout and taxi, payment services and financial services will also enter a period of rapid and vigorous development. If you miss this time, it will be difficult for Huizhong to enter this field in the future, Baidu wallet and Baidu finance, which Baidu has been unable to do, are a living example.

In terms of the business scale and revenue strength of Huizhong, it is not impossible to cooperate with banks to carry out payment business. Although the regulatory window is beginning to narrow, it is much looser than two years later. Many third-party payment companies or institutions in previous generations were basically established before or now.

However, with Huizhong\'s current businesses, it is inherently difficult to breed and develop payment services. Although there are tens of millions of users on the Zhongle platform, the number of paying users is only hundreds of thousands or millions at most. Compared with Ali\'s e-commerce business and Tencent\'s various online life businesses, At best, it\'s a drop in the bucket.

As for Huizhong\'s mobile and end-to-end travel business, end-to-end travel is still in its infancy. Not to mention that mobile travel also focuses on overseas, not to mention how difficult and complex the policy supervision that needs to be dealt with to carry out payment business overseas.

On apple Appstore, the Alipay of the previous generation Ali was not until the end of 16, but then it landed on apple Appstore, not to mention that the company didn\'t even have a payment business. The Android side had no need to think about it. Before the Huai crowd had some influence in the international arena, I\'m afraid no company would be willing to use the payment business of Hui Zhong.

However, some people give pillows when they doze off. Although Huizhong\'s business is not enough to support the development and growth of payment business, Huizhong can invest and ask for foreign assistance!

For example, honey bud established by sister-in-law Wang Nan, although it is just beginning to do now, it represents hundreds of billions of mother and child market, trillions of Gmv and transaction volume, and JD finance in its previous life, which has been slowly done by relying on its own e-commerce platform.

This is the first. Second, Fang Zhe and Huizhong can also invest in other e-commerce platforms or o2o business companies in advance. Jingdong, Jumei premium products, mushroom street, hungry, meituan, Didi, ofo and many other companies with massive payment business can require them to use Huizhong\'s payment business under the binding of investment relationship.

The reason why Tencent shares Jingdong in previous times is to compete with Ali\'s e-commerce business on the one hand. On the other hand, it is also to prevent Alipay\'s expansion and expand WeChat\'s payment expansion. Fang zhe remembers that Jingdong is a ban on Alipay.