Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 193

What do you want your phone for? I don\'t want to make friends with you. Fang zhe thought of it at will.

In order not to embarrass the atmosphere, Fang zhe asked, "what did you tell me when cutting the ribbon this afternoon? It was too noisy and I didn\'t hear it!"

"Guess!" Feng Xue said, staring at Fang zhe with beautiful big eyes.

"Are you praising me for being handsome?" Fang zhe turned to look at her and hurriedly turned to look at the road. It was just summer, but the girl had put on cowboy shorts and a pair of white long legs, which made Fang Zhe, an old driver who had been driving for nearly ten years, feel a little unstable steering wheel.

Feng Xue noticed Fang Zhe\'s expression and said with a smile, "president Fang is worthy of being a boss. He has a good face!"

At this time, Fang zhe didn\'t want to take out his mobile phone, but it didn\'t ring for face. Fang zhe took out his mobile phone and looked. It was Li Yifei who called. It should be something. Fang zhe stopped the car to the roadside, got off and connected Li Yifei\'s phone. After a while, he returned to the car. During this period, Feng Xue sat in the co driver bored and didn\'t move.

When the car was restarted, Feng Xue smiled and said, "president Fang is really a good citizen who abides by the law. He stopped by the roadside when he answered the phone."

These days, few people stop at the roadside to answer the phone, and there is no such provision in the traffic law. Feng Xue thinks that Fang zhe deliberately stopped at the roadside to answer the phone, and doesn\'t want to hear his phone content.

Fang zhe looked at her and didn\'t bother to explain. Do I have a psychological shadow when driving? Do I have to tell you?

Tianke Youlian, since Fang zhe was reborn in a car accident, Fang zhe has always been a good citizen who abides by the law. He has seen it at least three times when crossing the intersection.

Even so, on a rainy day, Fang zhe didn\'t dare to drive out alone. Either he asked Master Zhang of the company to give him a ride, or he rubbed Zheng Siwen\'s car. Fortunately, his home is close to the company and often just walked back.

As for hiring a full-time driver or something, Fang zhe has no such idea for the time being. He is "young", which is the age he likes to drive himself. He doesn\'t want to sit on the right side of the noble rear row all day like those big bellied bosses.

Feng Xue felt that Fang zhe was too lazy to explain. She guessed right. It seemed that boss Fang was really wary of herself, but she didn\'t mind and continued to chat up:

"I didn\'t expect you to wear Armani like this and drive the big boss of Land Rover. Your mobile phone is still a few hundred yuan Nokia. Is this mobile phone very important to you?"

Feng Xue thought that Fang zhe had been unwilling to use his mobile phone for himself just now, and felt more and more that he guessed very correctly.

Fang zhe looked at her and explained, "when I was a sophomore, my mother bought it for me. I\'m used to it!"

Feng Xue flashed a strange look at the bottom of her eyes and joked: "I didn\'t expect that Fang is still a very nostalgic person!"

Fang zhe didn\'t respond to her, and Feng Xue didn\'t take the initiative to speak again. She was quiet all the way until the car drove downstairs to 51wan company. Feng Xue took out a paper and pen from her bag, wrote her mobile phone number and handed it to Fang Zhe, saying:

"No, this is my phone. I\'m free this weekend. If you want to have time, come out and play together!"

Feng Xue smiled and watched Fang zhe take the note. She stepped out of the car with her slender white legs and closed the door. She said, "if you don\'t call me, I\'ll ask sister Nan for your phone. I\'m sure she won\'t refuse me!"

The door closed. Looking at Feng Xue stepping into the office building step by step, Fang zhe didn\'t move or react at all. Until Feng Xue waved goodbye to him, he raised his hand and waved it casually twice. Then he started the car and left!

"She must have ulterior motives! It must be!" along the way, Fang zhe kept reminding himself that God could not be so good to himself, at least emotionally!

Fang zhe returned to the company and called Li Yifei and the relevant personnel of the page tour Platform Department for a meeting. In fact, Fang zhe was right to avoid Feng Xue at that time, because part of what Li Yifei told himself was about 51wan advertising alliance, kicking some advertising channels out of the alliance.

Of course, the word "kick out" may have been used a little too much, but 51wan and other page game platforms no longer put advertisements on these advertising channels. Originally, before the establishment of 51wan advertising alliance, page game platforms and advertising channels did their own work. At most, everyone has an ordinary cooperative relationship, and no one can control whether I cooperate with your competitors or not.

However, after 51wan created the advertising alliance, the advertising channels controlled by the alliance became the so-called strategic partnership, which means that we are together. You can\'t help my competitor Zhongle. Under the temptation of 51wan alliance, these advertisers abandoned Zhongle and joined 51wan advertising alliance.

Now 51wan is streamlining the advertising of the alliance to save operating costs. Advertisers with relatively high channel prices are unlucky. 51wan alliance does not give them advertising, and Zhongle has no cooperative relationship. Although 51wan alliance has lost a liquidated damages, it is useless. When this money is spent, does the whole company drink West and north wind?

So these advertisers and advertising channels who abandoned Zhongle before, driven by the instinct to keep their jobs, have the cheek to ask for Zhongle. Seeing that Zhongle has spent so much money on advertising in Baidu and many channels of the whole network, but none of them is for their own family, these advertisers and advertising channels are almost red!

Continue to cooperate or not? This is directly related to Huizhong\'s attitude and way of dealing with such events in the future. Li Yifei couldn\'t make up his mind, so he called Fang zhe for instructions.

"Cooperation is OK, but they have to pay their due price!" this is the tone set by Fang zhe at the meeting. What price to pay is the specific content to be discussed at the meeting.

Because there is a precedent of betrayal five minutes ago, Huizhong, whether Fang zhe or other executives, is very disgusted with such events, but the company pursues profits. Now most of the traffic of Zhongle is in the hands of a Baidu channel, and the eggs are not put in a basket. For the health and stability of the development of Zhongle, Fang zhe also decided, Continue to cooperate with these advertisers and advertising channels.

After the outcome of the matter was decided, Fang Zhe\'s face became serious. He looked at Li Yifei sitting on the right and asked:

"Is the situation under control? Are those players still making trouble in the game?"

Fang zhe asked about this, which is the second thing li Yifei called him to say. Many players in the divine tomb reported that they recharged the Yuanbao through a third-party channel, and the money was deducted, but the Yuanbao did not arrive!