Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 102

Outside the screen, Fang zhe watched the world channel scold the Royal Gang because of his war, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"That\'s right. There\'s no lively game atmosphere!"

Fang Zhe is proud of his success as a nursery.

QQ didi rang, but the fat man sent him a message. He had registered his account and contributed 1 yuan to the company to pay the first charge. He joked to let his boss reimburse him!

Fang zhe replied, "send me your account ID, and I\'ll give you the best equipment. You don\'t have to practice the level. I\'ll ask GM to adjust it for you."

The fat man replied to a line 666.

At this time, the fat man was very excited. NIMA, sure enough, he played his own game, but the treatment was different. In the past, he used to play other people\'s games, forced himself to brush experience and equipment all day, and smashed tens of thousands of pieces, which is a medium level. Now, the fat man watched the level 3 wings of several royal families passing by arrogantly. When I changed my equipment, I\'ll kill you for seconds.

Fat people also see the curse war between Fang Zhe and the royal family in the world. However, even if PK, will Fang Zhe\'s game boss let himself lose?

How can a fat man want to miss such a good thing? Not only that, the fat man also called Yingying online on QQ.

After a few minutes, Fang zhe sent a message, asked him to log in again and refresh the data, and then came to the boar king boss to find himself.

Fat people quit the game and re-enter. Their level has become level 90. They are just outside the top 100 in the ranking list. This is also in order not to attract the attention of players. Otherwise, when players on the list see such a high-level person suddenly, they must fry the pot.

According to Fang Zhe\'s instructions, the fat man opens the email. NIMA is dressed in purple with 20. Dugu zhantian, the 10th player in the combat power list just now, is only dressed in purple with 22. If his equipment is thrown into the ranking list, how can he be ranked in the top 20!

The fat man operates the role and goes to the refresh point of the boar king boss in the wild area. Good guy, there are hundreds of people around the boss point. There are many people with royal prefix and many other casual players watching the excitement.

All kinds of colorful wings, weapons and mounts have a luminous effect, rendering a colorful light on the screen.

The chat channel nearby brushed quickly, and the fat man looked at it.

Imperial family Sun Shao: hasn\'t the grandson come yet?

Huang Zu San Shao: No, there are too many people. My computer is a little stuck.

Liu Shao: the brothers of the guild said he was still in the city. They were secretly scolding him there.

The royal family is crazy and less: shit, it\'s boring. I thought I could fight. J8 is alone and hides in the city.

Younger sister Huang: brother Kuang Shao, just now Pangpang Mi told me that the heavenly king had come out of the city and walked this way.

Royal family Kuang Shao: brothers, the end of the Qing Dynasty, not all of our guild sent him back to the city.

Prince Chen of the royal family: how can I see that there seems to be someone who buried his love in our crowd.

Royal crazy little: shit, I saw it too. It\'s estimated that it\'s just transmitted. Fuck him!

Younger sister Huang: but his name seems to be funeral love_ Oh, my God, not the king.

Royal family Chen sanshao: all the same. Sb is the one who buried his love.

The fat man crowded in the crowd, watching the news of the chat channel, knows that he has been found. Now there are hundreds of people on the screen, and the roles are crowded together. Even the names may overlap and can\'t be seen clearly, not to mention the fat man\'s level 6 big wings just after changing clothes.

People in twos and threes began to fall on the screen, but the Royal people began to clean up. After several people fell around the fat man, his role was finally seen by most Royal people.

Royal ghost line: shit, it\'s a level 6 big winged son.

Younger sister of the royal family: those who bury their love are so rich!

The royal family\'s crazy little: I\'ll give you one right away if you have money.

Royal Marquis: shall we fight with him alone or together.

Royal family crazy Shao: fight alone. These provincial sb say that our royal family bullies people, and the heavenly king, I stab him for a second!

At this time, Fang zhe just went out and asked GM to help him readjust his role data. In order not to expose himself, his level was only increased by two levels to 72, but all kinds of attributes that can be clicked with money, such as equipment and internal skills, were adjusted very high. He was on the combat power list and buried love_ The heavenly king has ranked eighth. In front of him, there are only two royal family players, one is the fifth royal family crown prince, and the other is the seventh royal family crown prince.

When Fang zhe manipulated his role to the boar king boss point, he saw the funeral love surrounded by a group of Royal people at a glance_ Batian is a soldier, that is, the role of fat man.

The emergence of Fang zhe caused a commotion among the royal family.

Huang Kuang Shao: stop talking. I\'ll tell him!

After the royal family Kuang Shao finished typing this sentence on the nearby channel, the news brushing speed of the nearby channel slowed down until no one spoke at last. It seems that this Kuang Shao has a good position in the royal family.

Fang zhe looked at him. He didn\'t see him for a while. This crazy little is already a level 6 wing. It\'s OK. It\'s good. He helped the company earn 4000 yuan.

Yes, according to the value setting in the game, if you want to brush level 6 wings three days before opening the service, you have to spend at least 5000 yuan. The cost decreases with time. The more later players brush more materials, the less materials they spend on buying. This is also the setting of most games. If you want to be awesome, you can either spend time or money.

Royal fan Shao: madder, you SB are very rich.

However, when Fang zhe disappeared for a while, he was depressed. He thought he had a level 6 wing. When the heavenly king came to fight alone, he must have killed him for a second. He didn\'t want others to have a level 6 wing now.

Bury love_ Batian: don\'t be BB. Who will fight with who? We\'ll stay with you to the end.

Huang Kuang Shao: fuck, I\'ll kill you first!

After typing this sentence on the nearby channel, the royal family crazy Shao challenged the fat man. Both of them were soldiers. Therefore, on the screen, people saw two level 6 big wing soldiers with dark blue butterfly wings, each holding a luminous sword and cutting each other. Although legendary games are basically numerical, there are some special effects in combat, Two people put skill PK on each other. It\'s quite like that when you look at it seriously.

After dozens of seconds, the royal family was cut to the ground and buried their love_ Batian had only a trace of blood left. It seemed that they were almost between Bozhong and batian.

The imperial family lying on the ground was crazy and few bodies. After a flash of white light, they disappeared. It seemed that they were ashamed and returned to the city.

There was silence around the royal clan. Among these people who came here this time, crazy little combat power was already high, and he also raised level 6 wings. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the one who buried his love, and the soldier who buried his love left only a trace of blood, indicating that their role attributes should be the same, and the only reason why they might lose, It\'s that the soldiers who bury their love in their skill release are better than crazy few.

Originally, I thought it was only money that buried my love. Unexpectedly, my skills in playing games were not bad.

Of course, the fat man\'s skills are not bad. At least he is also a person who has played online games for many years. He is also the leader of Fang Zhe\'s previous guild. Even if he has the same brainless throwing skill, the fat man can calculate the best release order according to the skill damage and effect to achieve the maximum damage.

At this time, the fat man sitting in front of the computer screen was breathtaking. If PK lost just now, he would lose his face. Not to mention that he has been playing online games for many years, he gave Fang zhe the best equipment, and this is still their own company\'s game. If he lost, he would lose face.

But now that PK won, the fat man was happy. He knocked on the keyboard and said directly on the nearby channel, "who else?"

When the royal family saw this sentence, they directly thought of the gang boss played by Feng Xiaogang in the film Kung Fu.