Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 101

Fang zhe looked at the flashing red light on both sides of the computer screen and knew that he was challenged by the imperial family.

He quickly ordered a bottle of blood medicine from the bag to return blood, and quickly changed his clothes. Each piece of top-grade equipment was worn by Fang Zhe. The wings behind him became the unique light blue of level 5 wings because of the addition of equipment attributes.

When a bottle of advanced blood medicine went down, Fang zhe lost half a tube of blood and filled it again.

Then, Fang zhe put a spell skill "extinguish the sky fire" to the imperial family Chen San Shao. After one skill went on, he lay on the ground.

"Shit" Zhang quanegg\'s angry scolding echoed in the Internet cafe, and many people turned to look at him.

Zhang quandan ignored the people in the Internet cafe looking at his strange eyes and stared at the light blue level 5 wings behind Fang Zhe\'s mage.


Zhang quandan was depressed at the bottom of his heart. In front of NIMA, the mage dressed as a pig and ate a tiger. He was clearly equipped with the best equipment. He had to pretend to be a level 1 white bladder garbage number. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t rush up to dry him with a hot head.

Bury love_ Heavenly King: "sb"

Zhang quandan was completely angry. Even if Fang zhe scolded him just now, he didn\'t think he would be so angry now, but Fang zhe only replied to his two letters "sb", which is how cold and contemptuous.

"* * * you have the seed to wait here for me. I\'ll let you know who sb is later!" Zhang quanegg clattered on the keyboard and typed a sentence, and then switched the guild channel to call people.

Level 5 wings is already a medium paying player in the game. It doesn\'t cost 1000 yuan. It takes at least a week to brush level 5 wings. Obviously, Zhang quanegg feels that he can\'t do Fang zhe at present, but their royal family is a grand guild in the online game industry. This time, their guild settled in the game. There are more than 300 people in this area alone, of whom are much richer than him, Clean up Fang Zhe, that is, every minute.

Fang zhe ignored his cruel words, but switched the game interface and opened QQ. The fat man on QQ sent him a message that he had returned home, opened the computer and asked him to send himself a game link.

Since Huizhong set up a game studio in Jianghai, fat man quit his original job and went to this studio. Now he is also an employee of Huizhong. However, he has no superior and subordinate relationship with Fang Zhe. Fang zhe also told him that if he wanted, when Fang zhe had surplus money, he would lend him millions to start a business.

But now the fat man doesn\'t have the idea of starting a business. He and Yingying are on their honeymoon. In order to take care of the fat man, Fang zhe specially opened his studio not far from Yingying\'s home, and his apartment is nearby.

Today, he accompanied Yingying out to the street. When he came back, he planned to play the game they pushed with Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe sent him a game link and his own game character information, asked him to find himself in this area, and then switched back to the game interface.

At this time, on the game screen, there are several players with royal prefix, including mages, soldiers and Taoists. All of them have wings above level 3, and one of them, like Fang Zhe, is a level 5 wing.

Fang zhe looked at the nearby chat channel.

Chen sanshao of the royal family: Liu Shao, this is called funeral love_ Master sb of the heavenly king.

Liu Shao: I\'ll call someone again. I\'m afraid I can\'t beat him alone. I just looked at his equipment. They are purple clothes with 10. They look very rich.

Imperial family Sun Shao: three shaos, please resurrect first. Why are you lying on the ground?

Chen sanshao of the royal family: I upgraded my wings at that time, and I didn\'t have any ingots

Sun Shao of the royal family:

Liu Shao: I\'ve already called someone. Come here, crazy Shao. Our two level 5 wings must kill him.

Imperial family Sun Shao: is this sb not online? We haven\'t seen him move for a long time?

Liu Shao of the royal family: whatever, it\'s better if he\'s not online. We just kill him directly.

Wang Sun Shao: then I\'ll go straight up and kill him.

Liu Shao: don\'t. If you attack him, he will fight back automatically. You can\'t beat him.

Fang zhe looked through the chat records of the nearby channels. It seemed that there were really many "young masters" of their royal family. At this time, a new player appeared nearby. Fang zhe saw that it was the player named "crazy young of the royal family" in their mouth. Like Fang Zhe, he was also a level 5 wing Dharma Master.

After the appearance of the royal family crazy few, several people of their guild came to Fang zhe together and became surrounded.

Madder, it would be funny if the big boss was killed by the player. If he wanted to, Fang zhe quickly clicked the return to city button.

A white light flashed, and Fang zhe disappeared directly in front of the royal family.

Royal family fan Shao: "what\'s the matter, J8? I scared away as soon as I came..."

Royal family Sun Shao: "madder, I thought this sb was not online. I knew I had ordered his PK just now."

When players are in PK, the game characters can\'t go back to the city. If Sun Shao had PK with Fang zhe just now, I\'m afraid Fang zhe has been beaten to death by them.

Liu Shao of the royal family: "forget it. Wait until you meet him next time. I think he is also very rich. In the future, you should stay away from him as far as possible."

Chen sanshao, the newly resurrected royal family, made three calls on the nearby channel. Although he was depressed, he couldn\'t say more. Liu Shao in the gang was much richer than him, and his position in the gang was higher than him. He was killed by Fang Zhe. It was very embarrassing for Liu Shaoneng to come and help him find the field.

Zhang quandan in the Internet cafe scolded angrily, "don\'t let me see you again, or I\'ll kill you!"

He just scolded. The actual situation is the same as what Liu Shao said. He doesn\'t want to meet Fang zhe again. After all, Fang Zhe is a level 5 wing and can\'t beat him!

Several people of the royal family were about to leave and continue to be busy with their own affairs when a word suddenly appeared on the world channel.

Bury love_ Heavenly King: the royal family\'s sb, the boar king boss has the ability to fight alone. What\'s the ability of a group of people to bully me?

Madder, even if you have a good temper, Liu Shao, a reasonable royal family, is also a little angry. This sb doesn\'t need to clean up!

At the same time, the royal family\'s Guild channel was also fried. A bunch of brothers in the guild asked what had happened, who was the sb on the world channel, and so on.

Zhang quandan, who just turned off his engine and was depressed, looked at the situation and scolded in his heart: "* * * *, look at your arrogance!"

Then, Zhang quandan explained the whole story in the guild channel, but the reason for provocation changed from his mockery of Fang Zhe\'s guild name of "burying love Royalty" to Fang Zhe\'s mockery of their guild name of "Royalty".

That\'s great. The guild channel. The elders of the royal family speak directly.

The king of the royal family: "dry up! Later, the brothers will guard his body and kill him until he quits the game!"