Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 448

Mo Tianxing tried to contact Zhang Mingdi and found that this person had evaporated like the world. Suddenly there was no trace and disappeared more thoroughly than Zhang Bing.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Mo Tianxing has a big alarm in his heart. I\'m afraid Zhang Bing has really had an accident this time.

Because it was a newly married honeymoon, Mo Tianxing didn\'t want to affect the family\'s travel mood, let alone worry Xinyi, so he didn\'t tell her that these things were carried out privately by himself.

However, Tang Xinyi, who has a delicate mind, often saw him making phone calls and sending messages with his mobile phone, which aroused her suspicion.

There are many things that Tang Xinyi won\'t notice and worry if he doesn\'t say.

Mo Tianxing went outside again to answer the phone and came back. Tang Xinyi specially supported her daughter, walked up to him and asked with concern: "Tianxing, is something wrong?"

Based on her understanding of men, Mo Tianxing would never call and send messages so frequently if there was no special emergency.

Mo Tianxing didn\'t want to worry her. He shook his head. "It\'s all right, just the old guys in the company. They\'re annoying." he casually made an excuse.

Of course, women know that he is lying and why he is unwilling to tell himself the truth.

He stepped forward and looked into his eyes seriously. They looked at each other, "God, we have sworn that we will share our blessings and difficulties. Are you sure you want to hide it from me?"

The tone is calm, without any ups and downs, but it is like a stone, thrown into a man\'s heart, rippling layers of ripples.

"Well, I\'ll tell you." the man raised his hand and surrendered.

Facing Xinyi\'s eyes, he can no longer lie.

"Zhang Bing is gone. I\'m asking someone to find him now." the man confessed honestly.

Tang Xinyi frowned, "what is missing?" Zhang Bing is one of Mo Tianxing\'s good brothers. She has a good impression of him, a little two, a little cute.

Mo Tianxing said that the matter between Xu Anna and heiyunlong can be solved thanks to his half brother Zhang Mingdi. In this matter, she owes them a big favor.

Although Tang Xinyi is a female generation, she must repay her kindness!

Mo Tianxing explained to her, "I haven\'t figured out the situation yet. Zhang Bing\'s father, Zhang Rudong, called me and asked about his son\'s whereabouts. He said he hadn\'t returned to Zhangjia for three days and couldn\'t contact anyone. I figured out that Zhang Bing might have an accident and was trying to find someone."

"Have you been kidnapped?" the woman opened her eyes.

Tang Xinyi has a shadow in her heart about the word kidnapping. Sobbing, is there anything more unlucky than her? Xu Anna kidnapped her three times alone!!!

Fortunately, every time Mo Tianxing saved her at a critical juncture. Otherwise, Meng Po Tang didn\'t know how many times to drink it.

The man frowned and hesitated to shake his head to her worried eyes. "It\'s not clear at present, but it\'s unlikely to be kidnapped. If Zhang Bing is kidnapped, the kidnappers will contact Uncle Zhang for money, but so far, Uncle Zhang hasn\'t received any information from the kidnappers, so it shouldn\'t be kidnapped."

"Since he wasn\'t kidnapped, why? Do you think Zhang Bing just went to play and forgot to contact his family?"

Tang Xinyi helps Mo Tianxing analyze.

Mo Tianxing pulled the corners of his mouth and shook his head. "It\'s impossible. Zhang Bing never did such a thing. Besides, before he disappeared, there was no conflict with his family, and there was no reason to suddenly disappear. I guess" when he said this, the man paused for a few seconds.

In the past, Zhang Bing did not return home for several days, but he could still get through the phone. He would never make it impossible for his family to contact him.

Three days, three whole days, no home, no phone calls, no news.

"Guess what?" the woman urged.

The man continued: "I guess Zhang Bing may have fallen into the hands of his enemy. His boy likes to make trouble, and many people offend..."

"No!" Tang Xinyi was shocked.

Mo Tianxing\'s face was dignified. "I\'m just guessing. There\'s no evidence yet. However, I\'ve arranged for people to check one by one. No matter who, if I really dare to lay a black hand on Zhang Bing, Mo Tianxing will never let him go."

A cruel light flashed in the man\'s eyes, and his brother Mo Tianxing dared to move. Hum, he will make him regret coming to this world.,

Tang Xinyi was worried. "Tianxing, I think we\'d better go back first. Now it\'s not convenient to find someone abroad." Zhang Bing is mo Tianxing\'s friend, that is, her friend. Now Zhang Bing is gone, and of course she needs to help.

The man raised his eyes and looked at her with some hesitation, "but, our honeymoon..."

Tang Xinyi shook her head. "Honeymoon is important, or people are important. If we miss the best time to save Zhang Bing in order to spend this honeymoon, husband, we won\'t be at ease in our life, so go back to China. It doesn\'t matter to me."

The man stared at his beloved woman and said, "Xinyi, it\'s nice to marry you!" he gently hugged the woman in his arms and gently kissed her on the forehead.

That afternoon, the two ended their honeymoon trip ahead of schedule and flew back to China by private plane with Tang sugar.

Mo Tianxing found that Zhang Bing\'s last appearance in public was at * * airport. Under the surveillance camera, he picked up a beautiful woman with beautiful face and body, and then left the airport in a red limited edition sports car.

People doubt that Zhang Bing doesn\'t have a girlfriend? Who is this woman?

Keep checking. I can\'t find out the identity of the woman!

When Zhang Bing picked up the plane, he held up a hand card that said "bikachu".

In other words, Zhang Bing doesn\'t know who the woman is. It\'s likely that the two met for the first time.

Is it a netizen?

On TV, it is not often reported that netizens are cheated of money and color, or even cheated into MLM nests. Everyone will inevitably guess in that aspect. In addition, at the century wedding of Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi, as one of the best men, Zhang Bing once lamented that he wanted to fall in love very much in front of his brothers.

Stimulated by Zhang erhuo\'s impulse, it is entirely reasonable to do such a thing as "online love".

Could it be that Zhang Bing belongs to the unfortunate group, the so-called beautiful netizen, whose real face is a poisonous snake in sheep\'s clothing?

Check, check, check hard!

The brothers gathered all their forces and were under the command of Mo Tianxing. They vowed to thoroughly investigate the truth.

The so-called Yanguo Liusheng, as long as it has existed in this world, it will leave traces. A woman does not believe that she has the ability to ascend to heaven and can escape their wanton pursuit.

However, things once again surprised them. The woman really appeared out of thin air. There was no trace. Even the identity she used to take the plane was false. Her face was probably false!

Appeared out of thin air and then disappeared out of thin air.

The woman\'s identity was not found, but it was clear whether Zhang Bing would be a netizen.

Everyone is sweating, er... Zhang Bing, Zhang Er Shao, their good brothers, how can they get along so badly, drive a luxury car to be Didi\'s taxi driver, stay up late at night and earn extra money day and night in order to tip!

Zhang Bing\'s mother wept all day and regretted it. If she hadn\'t tried to force her son to obey with pocket money, her son wouldn\'t have had to be a taxi driver for didi late at night for such a little tip. Her son lost contact for five days. Now her life and death are uncertain. She can\'t be blamed as a mother.

In front of his son\'s life and death, nothing is important, nothing is important!

As long as her son can come back safely, she vowed that from now on, she will never force her son to do what he doesn\'t want to do, as long as he can come back, as long as he can come back.

Zhang\'s father turned white all night. He hated his son and couldn\'t be angry under this situation. He had no other desire to be a father. He just wanted his son to return safely.