Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 447

Zhang Bing looked at the surging river dozens of meters below, clenched his teeth and firmly replied word by word: "I, no, say!"

Although his mouth is hard, his heart is full of tears, whining... It\'s so high. He doesn\'t swim well in such a fast river. This woman is crazy and really threw him down here. What should he do?

If time could go back and give him another chance, he would not pick up this didi rental for that tip. Mom, it\'s terrible!

However, there may be any medicine in the world, that is, there is no regret medicine.

If you choose your own way, you should go down on your knees.

In order to earn tips, most rich families drive limited edition luxury cars as didi taxi drivers. If such news is reported, it is estimated that Zhang Bing will have no face to mix in the upper class society in his life.

He is a wonderful flower. He likes to make trouble most. If his brother Zhang Mingdi hadn\'t secretly protected him and his legs had been broken 800 times, he would still be as lively as he is now.

If it hadn\'t happened in front of us, no one would believe that a beautiful woman who looked so weak and thin could lift an adult man with one hand, and still half of her body hung in the air and pressed her face down on the guardrail of the bridge. Zhang Bing couldn\'t resist her wuclaw mountain.

Although Zhang Bing can\'t contact his brother during this period of time, it doesn\'t mean that he doesn\'t know his brother\'s whereabouts at all.

Before Zhang Mingdi left, he accidentally saw a map of Pakistan on his desk. Zhang Mingdi\'s dull temperament without any interest would never think that his brother wanted to travel and read the map for strategy.

Pakistan is one of China\'s neighbors. It borders on Western China. The soil is poor and commerce is underdeveloped. It can be said that it is a desolate place where birds do not shit. Even if he is given a million, he may not want to visit that place.

Zhang Bing is not interested in this wonderful flower, let alone his brother Zhang Mingdi.

Therefore, there is definitely a deeper and more hidden reason for the map of Pakistan on Zhang Mingdi\'s desk.

"Hum, I can\'t see that you are so backbone, you hairy boy. Well, since you want to die yourself, don\'t blame me for being cruel and cruel." the woman said in a strange way, put a force on her hand, and then loosened it.

"Ah, ah --"

With a long scream, Zhang Bing fell straight down the river like a bird with broken wings.

With a plop, he fell into the black river. Zhang Bing\'s head smashed into the cold river and was knocked unconscious.

Late at night in early summer, the river is very cold and the water is fast.

The woman quietly watched him fall into the river. Whether Zhang Bing was alive or dead, let\'s see his own nature.

Zhang Mingdi, you care so much about this stupid brother that you don\'t believe in his life and death. You still can\'t show up.

With a cold hum, Zhu Fanling turned to the limited edition luxury sports car parked by Zhang Bing on the roadside, opened the door, sat in the driver\'s seat, closed the door, ignited and stepped on the accelerator.

Luxury sports cars are like arrows that fly off the strings, whizzing away.

Three days later, Mo Tianxing, who was on vacation, suddenly received a call from Zhang Bing\'s father Zhang Rudong. He was a little surprised.

"Hello, Mr. Mo, I\'m Zhang Rudong, Zhang Bing\'s father. I\'m calling to ask Mr. Mo if he knows the whereabouts of his son Zhang Bing." Zhang Rudong saved his greetings and directly asked Mo Tianxing if he knows his son\'s whereabouts. It can be seen how anxious he was in his heart.

Mo Tianxing frowned. "What\'s the matter with Zhang Bing?" he took his wife and children on his honeymoon abroad. He didn\'t know what happened at home.

Naturally, he knew Zhang Rudong. The father of the two brothers, Zhang Mingdi and Zhang Bing, pursued the doctrine of the mean. Although he had made little achievements in business, Zhang\'s father\'s forward-looking and indecisive nature could only reach this level in his life.

They, the older generation of entrepreneurs, have been doing business for a lifetime and have rich experience, but now the times are different. Naturally, they can\'t spell the vision of the young rising stars. If Zhang can reverse his declining fate, he has to rely on his eldest son, Zhang Mingdi.

Mo Tianxing has no friends with Zhang Rudong. Occasionally, he meets Zhang Rudong at a cocktail party. Zhang Rudong will propose a toast to him. He will also look at Zhang Bing\'s face and talk to him. However, the relationship is limited to this.

"The housekeeper told me that Zhang Bing hadn\'t been home for three days. I couldn\'t get through to him when I called him. I was worried about whether something had happened to him outside. Zhang Bing has always liked to play with President Mo, so I specially called to ask."

Zhang Rudong is on a business trip in other provinces these days. He doesn\'t know that Zhang Bing hasn\'t returned to the mansion for three days. It was Mrs. Zhang and the housekeeper who were afraid of Zhang Bing\'s accident and didn\'t dare to hide it from his husband and boss.

After learning the situation, Zhang Rudong immediately contacted his son, but the phone couldn\'t get through.

Although the eldest son can\'t be contacted, the situation of the eldest son is completely different from that of the second son. Zhang Mingdi can\'t be contacted. Zhang Rudong is not worried at all, but Zhang Bing can\'t be contacted. Zhang Rudong is worried.

It\'s not that he only loves his second son regardless of his eldest son, but in his concept, the eldest son is very capable. No matter what happens, he can find a way to solve it. He doesn\'t need his father to worry at all, but the second son, alas, has to worry about his life in this life. He sighed or sighed.

Zhang Bing can\'t be contacted. Zhang Rudong has asked the Secretary to cancel all his trips that can be cancelled and postpone those that can\'t be cancelled. He rushes to city A. he can\'t let go until he sees his son intact.

"Uncle Zhang, I\'m on my honeymoon abroad now. I don\'t know the whereabouts of Zhang Bing."

"Nephew Shi, I\'m worried about whether Zhang Bing was kidnapped." Zhang Rudong said his worry.

In the past, Zhang Bing didn\'t return home for a few days, but he never let his parents lose contact with others. Although Zhang Bing likes to make trouble, refuses to go to work in the company, and always likes to buy that fancy and expensive sports car, other aspects are still very good.

In the eyes of his parents, Zhang Bing is a good son.

Rich people like them are most afraid of kidnapping, so they usually travel with bodyguards.

"Uncle Zhang, don\'t panic. If Zhang Bing is kidnapped, the kidnappers will contact you for money at the first time, but after three days, there is no news yet. I guess Zhang Bing should not have been kidnapped. I\'ll send someone to look for it immediately. Uncle himself will look for it more. I don\'t know the situation yet. Don\'t mess around."

Mo Tianxing analyzed quickly and comforted Zhang Rudong.

He knew in his heart that even if Zhang Bing hadn\'t been kidnapped for three days, something might have happened. Zhang Bing was his good brother. If something happened to his good brother, Mo Tianxing couldn\'t sit back and ignore it. Moreover, he promised Zhang Mingdi that he would take care of his brother for him. If Zhang Bing had any accidents, he would be extremely guilty.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Tianxing immediately began to contact Dong ziye, Qi Yan, Qu Qingyan and others to help find people. He is not in China now, and these brothers have to do a lot of things. Everyone is a very good brother. Zhang Bing\'s business is everyone\'s business, and no one will stand by with his arms.