Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 434

Mo Tianxing has plenty of money. For the sake of Xinyi, he is willing to give up no matter how much money he has. Under the recommendation of Zhang Mingdi, he donated hundreds of millions to the national military on the grounds that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. As soon as the donation arrived, the supreme leader immediately issued instructions to let the garrison in Beihai Bay go all out to participate in the rescue, Incomparable will successfully rescue the caring businessmen who have made meritorious contributions to the country.

Numerous reconnaissance ships, reconnaissance fighters and long-distance aircraft gathered in Beihai Bay and flew to all directions to search for the problem cargo ship under the command of Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi.

Nothing is difficult in the world. I\'m afraid I don\'t pay attention. In the evening, the reconnaissance ship finally found the figure of the cargo ship in the vast sea.

After the position was locked, Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi quickly ordered all warships to assemble in the direction of the target without saying a word.

Lu haoxuan, I\'m afraid I\'m doomed this time!

Tang Xinyi, who had been sleeping all day, finally woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found herself on the ship. Inexplicably, she questioned Lu haoxuan beside her

"Haoxuan, why am I here?" isn\'t it to sign a share agreement with Huaqing Yutang today, or is it a trap deliberately designed by Mo Tianxing to lure Anna into the fish.

What\'s going on now?

Lu haoxuan looked at the woman he loved deeply on the bed, "Xinyi, I\'ll take you to a place. It\'s beautiful. It\'s only you and me. Do you know how long I\'ve been longing for this day..."

Before his voice fell, a tall and strong man rushed in from the door. He looked frightened. "President Lu, it\'s bad. Mo Tianxing came after us with people, and we will be surrounded by warships soon!" it was the Mercenary Captain who found the situation and came to report it.

The man\'s face was suddenly startled. He sat up from the bed and said, "ask the captain to increase his horsepower and move forward at full speed!"

He expected the cargo ship to be left behind in the future, but the Mercenary Captain told him, "it\'s useless. The other party is a warship, which is several times faster than our cargo ship. They will catch up with and overtake them soon. Mr. Lu, it\'s better to make plans early."

The Mercenary Captain suggested that he also plans to withdraw with his brothers. They are mercenaries and sensitive. Chinese soldiers are not allowed to enter Chinese territory. If they are caught, their life will be over. It\'s just a business. There\'s no need to lose their lives.

No matter how high the reward is, it is in vain to have no life to spend.

"Let people prepare the speedboat quickly, and I\'ll evacuate with Xinyi immediately." Lu haoxuan explained without hesitation. There was a necessary light in his eyes.

It was the last desperate struggle to escape in a speedboat.

"Lu Zong, the risk factor is very high. I don\'t recommend you to do so." in the deep sea of the Pacific Ocean, when there is a shortage of food and frequent sea disasters, the probability of reaching the coast by only one speedboat is very low.

"Do as I tell you!" Lu haoxuan roared.

His face turned pale in just a few minutes. "Mo Tianxing, Mo Tianxing, you are really good. You can find it here, ha ha... OK, let\'s see if you die or I die today!"

Tang Xinyi looked at his crazy appearance and was afraid. She moved and got out of bed. Because of the unclear effect of overpowering drugs, her body was a little weak and weak.

In this situation, even if she was stupid, she couldn\'t think of what was going on.

In the morning, there was something wrong with the cup of snow needle tea that Lu haoxuan handed her. He took himself to the ship and kidnapped himself.

"Heaven... Heaven!" she was going to see what was going on outside.

Lu haoxuan hurriedly stopped her, "Xinyi, where are you going?"

"I\'m going to see if Tianxing has come to me outside?"

"Don\'t go!" Lu haoxuan stopped him, his face cold.

Tang Xinyi was angry. "Haoxuan, what do you want to do? I have no enemies with you. Why kidnap me?"

"Xinyi, can you not have only one mo Tianxing in your heart? Look at me. I love you so much, no less than Mo Tianxing loves you!" he ran over three steps and hugged Xinyi tightly into his arms.

Tang Xinyi\'s face changed greatly and pushed him away. "You\'re crazy!"

This guy took the wrong medicine today, made such abnormal behavior and said such strange words.

"Yes, yes, I\'m crazy. I\'ve been crazy for a long time. When you refused me and were with Mo Tianxing, I was so crazy that I wanted to kill all the people in the world. Tang Xinyi, do you know, you\'re cruel, I hate you, I hate you..."

Between them, they came to the deck outside the ship.

Surrounded by blue water, between the sea and sky, the sunset and sunset glow each other. Not far away, there are the shadows of warships in all directions, and the cargo ships are surrounded.

"Tianxing! Tianxing! I\'m here. Come and save me." Tang Xinyi didn\'t want to listen to his crazy words. She shouted at the warship and waved her hands desperately, hoping Mo Tianxing could see her.

Mo Tianxing, who was observing the cargo ship with a telescope, saw Tang Xinyi who was shouting for help to him and quickly asked someone to drive the ship faster.

He was very excited. He found it, found it, and finally let him find Xinyi!

"The cargo ship in front, you have been surrounded. Please stop the ship immediately for inspection, otherwise we will force you to fire. Repeat, the cargo ship in front..."

The trained Navy turned on the speakers and played the order to stop them.

A sniper set up a sniper gun and aimed at Lu haoxuan\'s head.

Lu haoxuan pulled Tang Xinyi back to the bow, took out a pistol from his pocket and put it against Tang Xinyi\'s temple. "Xinyi, I\'m sorry, you must go with me. I won\'t watch you return to Mo Tianxing\'s arms. Today, even if we die, we will die together.

The man said fiercely, his face was fierce, and his eyes were full of unbearable, but his men refused to loosen half their strength.

"Bastard! Lu haoxuan, you\'re so fucking good. You dare to hold a gun against Xinyi. I\'ll make your life worse than death!" Mo Tianxing was gnashing his teeth on the warship.

Zhang Mingdi comforted him, "I\'ll arrange the Flying Tigers to land from the air and rescue the hostages."

Mo Tianxing nodded, "I\'ll go too."

His own woman is in danger. When he is a husband, of course, he is duty bound to be careful.

Zhang Mingdi nodded and agreed, "OK, I\'ll go with you." after all, Mo Tianxing is not a regular special forces soldier. He is not familiar with the rescue process and has not received professional training, so he can go with him in person.

Lu haoxuan kidnapped Tang Xinyi and wanted her to make a speedboat and rush out of the siege of warships. Tang Xinyi fought with all her strength. The Flying Tigers arranged by Zhang Mingdi could reach the battlefield in five minutes, but the plan was far from keeping up with the change. At a critical juncture, there were unexpected new changes.

"Tang Xinyi, I didn\'t expect you to have today!" a sharp female voice interrupted the struggle between the two.

Lu haoxuan and Tang Xinyi turned their heads and found that they were Anna Xu and heiyunlong, who had not seen each other for a long time. They dressed up as crew members and didn\'t recognize them at first sight.

After pregnancy, Xu Annabi was a little richer.

Tang Xinyi frowned. "Is Anna Xu you?" she and Mo Tianxing tried their best to design a trap to sign a contract with Huaqing Yutang to lead Anna Xu. Unexpectedly, she was kidnapped by Lu haoxuan first, but the plot was not a failure. After looking for so long, Anna Xu and heiyunlong appeared in front of her now.

However, the situation was completely different from what they had expected.

Lead the snake out of the hole, lead the snake out of the hole. Unexpectedly, an unexpected fish bit the hook by mistake.

Xu Anna didn\'t want to show her identity now. In fact, the ship that Lu haoxuan asked for secretly was a loyal subordinate of heiyunlong. They got on the ship earlier than Lu haoxuan and his party. They had been hiding in the dark and didn\'t show up. They had their own plans.

Xu Anna wants to wait for Lu haoxuan and Tang Xinyi to arrive in Chile, and then she will severely clean up Tang Xinyi. It\'s also a good idea to sell her to prostitution, nest as a prostitute, woman, or buy an underground organ market in a strange country that doesn\'t work every day.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way. Mo Tianxing chased out with the warship. Crazy Xu Anna couldn\'t help running out. She missed today and wanted to kill Tang Xinyi again. I don\'t know if there is such a chance.

She is not reconciled. The cooked ducks are in her mouth. How can she watch her fly away.

Breaking free from the shackles of heiyunlong, she ran to the deck without hesitation and took out the life-saving pistol given to her by heiyunlong. Heiyunlong was worried about the child in her stomach and had to follow up.

"Tang Xinyi, die!" Xu Anna screamed, pulled the buckle, and the bullet shot out of the pistol and flew towards Tang Xinyi\'s body.