Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 433

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and showed a strange number on it. Although there was no record, he recognized the calling number at a glance. It was master Shen\'s cell phone.

What\'s his grandfather calling him now?

Lu haoxuan didn\'t answer. After the cell phone rang for a while, he automatically cut off. "No one answered the call you dialed. Please dial again later." old master Shen took his cell phone away from his ear. Hum, did you see it or did you deliberately not answer his phone.

Called again.

When the phone called again, Lu haoxuan was very upset and wanted to turn off his mobile phone directly, but on second thought, it was his grandfather. In the Shen family, a place full of calculation and conspiracy, he could be today, largely thanks to his grandfather\'s protection.

Although old man Shen is using him because he likes his ability, if his ability is not outstanding, old man Shen may not look at him more, but people always have feelings. In the past few years, the Shen family and old man Shen have more or less made him feel a little about the old man.

Old master Shen can find this call. There must be something important. After hesitation, Lu haoxuan pressed the answer button.

"Hello ~"

As soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by old master Shen. Although the old man was old, when he lost his temper, it was as loud as a bell and full of Qi.

"Where are you? Did you tie the Tang family\'s daughter?" it\'s enough to see how worried the old man is at the moment.

Lu haoxuan frowned. How did grandpa know? But he couldn\'t tell him, "Grandpa is talking nonsense. I\'m at the airport and I\'m going to go abroad by plane. It\'s all official business and I can\'t fight with the Tang family."

"Don\'t fool me, your grandpa is not stupid." he hasn\'t been old enough.

"Isn\'t today the day to sign a contract with Huaqing Yutang? Things here haven\'t been finished. What are you doing abroad?" although he hasn\'t taken care of the company for a long time, it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t know anything about the company. At his present age, he has eaten more salt than his grandson has eaten rice, and walked more bridges than his grandson has walked. How can he not give himself a hand?

Naturally, there are people he arranges in the company, from time to time( ˇˍˇ) I want to report the situation of the company and haoxuan\'s performance in the company. It is because he sees haoxuan\'s efforts and achievements in recent years, so he is so relieved to hand over the company to haoxuan.

Er... Lu haoxuan was asked by his grandfather and was silent in an instant.

If you want to fight the old fox, old master Shen, he is too young to learn for at least a few more years.

"I, I have something."

"You have something to do. Why take Tang Xinyi away with you? Haoxuan, you are my most valued grandson. Grandpa will never watch you go astray. You should send Tang Xinyi back quickly!" old man Shen ordered him.

Of course, Lu haoxuan wouldn\'t agree. Unexpectedly, he was found so hidden. However, he doesn\'t regret it now. Now that he has done it, he will do it.

"Grandpa, I\'m sorry, but no matter what you say, I won\'t do what you say."

Lu haoxuan refused old man Shen\'s request. Even if he died, he would never put down Xinyi this time.

"If you don\'t do it, our Shen family will be ruined. Tang Zhenhua, Tang Xinyi\'s father, just called in person. If you don\'t return his daughter intact, you will fight against our Shen group. Tang Xinyi is mo Tianxing\'s prospective fiancee. I believe Mo Tianxing won\'t sit idly by. Tang and Mo work together, and we Shen will die."

Old man Shen scolded him bitterly.

Lu haoxuan frowns. Uncle Tang already knows that he has taken Xinyi? If Uncle Tang knows, the guy representing Mo should also know. If Uncle Tang and Mo Tianxing join hands to deal with Shen group, I believe something will happen to Shen group in a short time. Now he can\'t sit in the company, and the situation will only be worse.

But now, he can\'t manage so much. Once, he lost his beloved woman because of too many scruples. Again, he will never be blinded by those false names and wealth. He knows what is worth and what is not worth.

"Grandpa, after this thing is over, I will make a statement that I did it all by myself. It has nothing to do with the Shen family and minimize the loss." this is the biggest thing he can do. He can\'t do anything else.

Whether Shen\'s group is dead or alive depends on its nature. Now he can\'t control it.

"How effective can you make a statement!" old man Shen was furious.

This grandson doesn\'t listen to him and likes to make his own decisions. In the past, he can turn a blind eye to those small fights and mischief, and let him go to mischief. As long as his heart is still in the Shen family and the Shen group, he can ignore it. But now, this grandson, who is most valued and tolerant, is personally destroying Shen\'s business barriers.

It is hateful and hateful to ruin the family property of Shen\'s group for a woman.

Lu haoxuan didn\'t want to quarrel with his grandpa on the phone. It didn\'t work. He said "sorry" and hung up directly.

Put away the phone. Lu haoxuan asked his men who followed him, "where are we now?"

I don\'t know why. After answering the phone, he was restless. He had an ominous premonition that something bad was about to happen.

The mercenaries told him the location. They had left the port and drove at full power to the depths of the ocean.

Lu haoxuan nodded and asked his men to tell the captain to drive the ship to the maximum speed and go all out to drive forward.

A voice in his heart said, stay away, stay away from China, so that Mo Tianxing can no longer find them.

In the secret garden, Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi nervously looked at their men who were rapidly tapping the keyboard with ten fingers on the keyboard, "how about finding it?"

The young man put down his headphones and nodded to his two pairs of expectant eyes.

"The position is locked, 128 ° e, 25 ° n, not far from the North Bay, probably just out of the port." he judged according to his specialty.

The sea is vast. Once the cargo ship goes to sea, trying to find his exact location is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

They must race against time, "Beihai Bay... Brother Zhang, I\'ll send someone to prepare a helicopter. Take your people and come with us."

Mo Tianxing asked Zhang Mingdi to go with him. In search and monitoring, people with Zhang Mingdi are like adding wings to the tiger and getting twice the result with half the effort.

Zhang Mingdi nodded, "OK, be sure to be fast."

The helicopter took off. In about half an hour, the party arrived at the signal point they tracked by telephone. Zhang Mingdi called the air traffic control department and asked them to provide him with a list of cargo ships leaving here an hour ago, and applied to the superior to transfer an aircraft helicopter convenient for maritime search and rescue.

Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi sent people to look for them one by one according to the list. They took command in a military reconnaissance ship.

One cargo ship on the list has been excluded, leaving only the last one, which is heading towards the Pacific, with the ultimate goal of a large cargo ship in South America and Chile.

The person in charge of the harbor brought the latest surveillance video. From the video, they found that the cargo ship had lifted an ambulance to wear before leaving the port. The ambulance was very suspicious. They checked the license plate number and it was forged.

"According to the previous ship inspection report, the engine function of the ship has been modified and the world\'s most advanced braking equipment has been cited. In other words, if the ship has full fire, it should have entered the Pacific Ocean by now."

Once you enter the Pacific Ocean, even if you kill people and set fire, no one will punish you, because it is a famous three no matter zone and does not belong to the territory of any country, so it is not controlled by the laws of any country.

To find an insignificant cargo ship in the vast sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is more difficult than going to heaven.

However, no matter how difficult the search work is, Mo Tianxing will not give up. He and Zhang Mingdi discussed a feasible way.