Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 424

After several losses, Xu Anna learned to be good this time. After Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi\'s wedding was announced for so long, the woman can calm down. Up to now, she has escaped several traps designed for her by Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi. From this point of view, there are only two possibilities, one is that Xu Anna is dead, and the other is that her current backer is very unusual.

The probability of the former is very small and almost impossible. Like Xu Anna, if she is put in a TV play, she will die a thousand times and not completely. The disaster will last for thousands of years.

Therefore, I\'d rather believe that the sow will go up the tree and the river will flow back than that Xu Anna can save trouble. As long as she lives for a day, she can\'t stop.

Zhang Mingdi and Mo Tianxing have secretly discussed for many times how to lead out Xu Anna, a cheap woman. If she doesn\'t get rid of her for a day, Mo Tianxing can\'t be completely relieved for a day.

Rao is as powerful as Zhang Mingdi, and he didn\'t find Xu Anna\'s hiding place. Not long ago, Zhang Mingdi\'s men found her suspected whereabouts, and the location had just been locked. Unexpectedly, the woman was very vigilant, even noticed it, and immediately moved to a new hiding place.

This woman is not only alert, but also very cunning. After Steve died, she learned a lot and was more difficult to deal with than before.

No one is perfect, but a person will have weaknesses.

Xu Anna\'s persistence to Mo Tianxing is just like Steve\'s persistence to her. They are all people who use love deeply. This is the wrong object of this love. Wishful thinking can never become love. Only when they are happy with each other can they live a happy life.

Using the wrong love is not the most terrible. What is more terrible is that she is cruel and cruel to innocent people in order to get her beloved man!

How many people paid a heavy price for her madness?

Because of her, the Xu family has declined since then. Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi have been separated for five years because of her conspiracy, and they almost can\'t be together forever. Poor Tang Tang Tang is also because of her. She was born without her father\'s company and lost her father\'s love for five years. Xu Anna\'s godfather Steve is even worse and lost his life for her!

What\'s more, after Steve died, Anna Xu still didn\'t see her heart. In order to revenge, she turned to heiyunlong\'s arms and recognized another Godfather.

In order to revenge Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi, they are willing to sell their bodies to heiyunlong.

Such a woman is not worthy of sympathy at all!

It\'s better to die early and give birth early than to stay in the world to harm others.

Mo Tianxing and Zhang Mingdi had made up their minds early in the morning. With Xu Anna\'s persistence in Mo Tianxing, they would not do nothing. Seeing the wedding approaching day by day, they still didn\'t catch the trace of the crazy woman, indicating that she is likely to want to start on the day of the wedding.

On the wedding day, there were many people and hands, and many things could not be considered comprehensively. It was really easy for her to take advantage of loopholes.

But Mo Tianxing didn\'t want to do it to her at the wedding. He married once in his life. He didn\'t want to marry Xinyi. Affected by a bit of bad luck, he can ignore other things, but he can\'t.

In ancient times, ancestors believed that bad things happened at the wedding, and the life of young couples would be difficult after they got married. Although Mo Tianxing was an atheist and never believed these words, he had to believe it because he cared about happiness.

A man who falls in love can\'t listen to any bad words. If there is a little wind and grass, he will be full of grass and trees.

"Brother Zhang, please help me. We must find out the woman before the wedding." Mo family and Mo Tianxing invited Zhang Mingdi to discuss how to deal with Xu Anna in the study.

Zhang Mingdi is funny. It can also be said to be schadenfreude. This is the first time that Mo Tianxing has discussed with him how to solve the woman. It\'s not just a woman. It makes the president so headache. He suddenly became interested to see what kind of woman who can torture the president so much and has such ability, Let the chairman of Tangtang Morse group hate so much.

"I don\'t understand. Anna Xu is so powerful that you are so afraid?"

Mo Tianxing frowned. Now he was disgusted when he heard the three words Xu Anna. He expressed his disgust incisively and vividly on his face and despised: "although the fly is small, it can\'t make people eat. Not to mention that the bitch hasn\'t become a maggot before the fly. You say the evil heart is not disgusting."

This metaphor

Zhang Mingdi took a swipe at the corner of his mouth. Well, it seems that the president is really disgusted by the woman. He rarely shows such a disgusting expression, and it\'s even harder to hear him say such poisonous words.

Zhang Mingdi shrugged and looked at him with a smile, "you say, how can I cooperate with you?"

I hope Mo Tianxing can take care of his brother when he is not in city A.

Mo Tianxing explained his plan to him. These days, he thought of many traps to lure Xu Anna into the hook. After comparison, he felt that this plan was the most feasible.

"Do you want to lead the snake out? How sure are you?" Zhang Mingdi quickly understood his intention, but he didn\'t know much about Xu Anna and didn\'t contact the woman. He didn\'t know how successful Mo Tianxing\'s plan was.

Mo Tianxing nodded, "ninety percent." another ten percent depends on the will of heaven.

In other words, although it is a little dangerous, it has a great chance. When the soldiers are in danger, the recruit can win with one move.

"OK, you do as you say, and I will cooperate fully." Zhang Mingdi expressed his attitude.

"Brother Zhang, if you need more, tell me next time and I\'ll do my best." when others help him, of course, he will repay. There is no free lunch in the world. How does that poem say, give me Muli and Qiongyao in return? Well, that\'s right.

He is a person who has gratitude and revenge. It is the most difficult to repay the debt of gratitude. If it is not a last resort, he will not ask Zhang Mingdi for help. They don\'t know each other very well, because he is Zhang Bing\'s brother. The two people knew each other. Before, they only heard each other\'s name and haven\'t even seen each other once.

"There\'s no other need. Just please take care of my brother when I\'m not in city A."

The reason why Zhang Mingdi did so much was to pave the way for his brother. Zhang Bing\'s second goods had no heart and liked to make trouble. He was fine in city A. if he wasn\'t there and Zhang Bing made trouble again, who would deal with the aftermath for him?

Although his father will help Zhang Bing, his ability is limited after all. If he wants to find a strong tree for his brother, he has to find Mo Tianxing.

Supported by Mo Tianxing, I believe that even if Zhang Bing breaks into some trouble, he can find a way to solve it.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Mo Tianxing was noncommittal. He had a good relationship with Zhang Bing. Without Zhang Mingdi\'s explanation, he would treat Zhang Bing as his own brother.

The dark light in his eyes flashed slightly. Zhang Mingdi\'s request surprised him. Unexpectedly, he still cared about his brother.

Now that he has spoken, Emperor Zhang Mingdi doesn\'t care to say more, "my brother is a little two and his IQ is not high. I hope Mo can always spend more snacks."

When he said this, he was very serious. He didn\'t look like a joke at all. There was an emotion in his eyes that Mo Tianxing couldn\'t understand.

Mo Tianxing nodded, "don\'t worry, Zhang Bing is my brother, I will cover him."

This sentence is his promise to Zhang Mingdi.

Suddenly, he was glad that Zhang Bing had such a brother who secretly cared about him. Before, when Zhang Bing mentioned his brother every time, his tone was a little indifferent. Everyone was more or less aware of his brother\'s concern for him, but Zhang Bing didn\'t think so at all.

Alas, a heartless man, what a fool!

The next day, there was a news about Down\'s group and Shen\'s group jointly taking shares in Huaqing Yutang, the largest affordable chain hotel in China. It was reported that Ms. Tang Xinyi, female president of Down\'s group, Mr. Lu haoxuan, President of Shen\'s group, and the current president of Huaqing Yutang will jointly hold a press conference in three days. At that time, a formal M & a agreement will be signed at the press conference.

As soon as this news came out, business colleagues talked about it one after another. It has long been obvious that Tang Group intends to enter the hotel industry. The last time Tang bought Donglin, there was a lot of noise, and even held a public press conference. Unexpectedly, in the end, there was an accident. It was quickly boarded by a mysterious businessman and rushed in front of Tang to buy Donglin.

To this end, Tang Xinyi, who has just returned to take over the Tang family, has also received a lot of criticism, and her ability was once questioned.

But unexpectedly, not long after this, the news of Tang\'s entry into the hotel business was broadcast again. This time it was "Huaqing Yutang". Although the brand was not as famous as Donglin Hotel, it was a very fast-growing affordable chain hotel in recent years, with great potential.

With the lessons of Donglin in front, I believe that this time, Tang made a comprehensive plan before announcing it to the public. There should be no difference. It was Lu haoxuan of Shen group who took shares in "Huaqing Yutang" with Tang.