Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 423

LAN Xuan selectively informed her of his plan, "... Do you understand?"

"Little brother, do you mean to let me move soldiers to the valley? But, but, I don\'t know the way..." the little guy doesn\'t even have confidence in herself. She is a famous Lu Chi.

For example, this time, I didn\'t intend to run away from home, but I was wronged in my heart. I wanted to find a place where the students couldn\'t see and cry, but I didn\'t expect to get lost when I walked. Then I walked more and more, and I couldn\'t find the original road.

She doesn\'t know where she is now. Her mobile phone doesn\'t even have a signal. She can\'t dial the distress call. She has become a street child. Sobbing.

"It doesn\'t matter, Tangtang. Believe in yourself. As long as you follow the route I told you, you will be able to find a place." Lan encouraged her.

Now, the two men have become grasshoppers tied to a rope. If Tangtang doesn\'t go out here and move to save the soldiers, it\'s not only him, but also Tangtang.

This place is too biased. On weekdays, no one has to go through it for a year and a half and expect his group of hands to come down and save him. I don\'t know what year and month to wait. He is highly toxic. If you don\'t inject the antidote quickly, I\'m afraid she may stop cooking at any time. Therefore, she must go out from here whether for herself or for the little guy.

"Woo woo, little brother, will you come with me? I\'m afraid of being alone..." xiaotangtang cried, holding LAN Rong\'s sleeve.

It\'s getting dark. If she doesn\'t find the right way, she will be scared to death alone in the dark wilderness.

Lan Yu smiled bitterly, "sugar, if you can, I will go with you, but now, I can\'t move. You can\'t go far with me. Don\'t waste time. Go quickly."

I\'m afraid it\'s normal. Everyone will be afraid in this situation. What\'s more, she is still such a small child and has never experienced anything similar.

Tang Tang cried to her little face and didn\'t want to leave LAN Rong at all, but she understood that her little brother\'s situation was very dangerous and she had to find an adult to help.

"Xiaotangtang is a brave girl. My brother believes you can do it. When you get back to my brother\'s house, my brother invites you to eat your favorite roast duck and eat as much as you want!" he didn\'t forget that the little guy said he loved roast duck best.

"Sobbing, little brother, don\'t keep your word. Tang Tang Tang wants to eat a lot, a lot of roast duck!"

"Well, my brother never lies. He must keep his word." Lan Yu promised her.

The child\'s world was really simple and simple. After coaxing her for a few words, she immediately burst into tears and smiled. With the temptation and confusion of the big roast duck, the little guy turned hunger into a driving force and agreed to go to find LUMO for help.

LAN Rong felt her tender face uneasily, took out a shiny green thing from his pocket and pinned it on her hair. It was a hairpin.

Simple and exquisite.

Tang Tang blinked with big curious eyes, "little brother, what\'s this?"

LAN Rong patiently explained, "this is my keepsake. It\'s very important. Don\'t lose it." because of poisoning, his eyes were temporarily blind. His eyes that couldn\'t see anything were full of deep worry.

"Oh, don\'t worry, little brother, I will keep it carefully!"

Tang Tang is young. He doesn\'t know the value of the jade hairpin, let alone the power behind it.

Lan Ying didn\'t intend to tell her that the little guy was afraid. The more she said, the more afraid she would be. After all, she couldn\'t let go of her heart and said, "sugar, you must come back safely. My brother is waiting for you here."

"HMM." the little guy nodded.

"Also, if you encounter danger, hide immediately." there is a traitor in the valley. Tang Tang Tang\'s trip is extremely dangerous. If anything happens, he really can\'t imagine the consequences.

The little guy nodded again, "well."

The more she was like this, the more worried Lan was. "And --" was about to explain, but was interrupted by the little guy, "little brother, father-in-law sun is going down soon. If I don\'t start, it will be dark."

Well, she is afraid of the dark. All children are afraid of the dark.

"Er... OK." he didn\'t say anything. He just asked Tang Tang to help him sit up, took off his coat and put it on the little guy. "Put it on and don\'t get cold."

It was a cool autumn night. He touched it with his hand. The little guy\'s clothes were very thin.

Tang Tang, dressed in LAN Rong\'s clothes, got up and left in the direction he pointed out.

Although he couldn\'t see anything, the young man kept staring at the direction the little guy left, and his eyes were full of worry.

He doesn\'t know whether Tang Tang Tang can successfully find the valley of orchid, or whether she can avoid the traitor and find the big elder. He doesn\'t know whether his men can find him while he is alive, let alone whether he and Tang Tang Tang can meet in their lifetime

The valley of orchid is full of dangers and difficulties. There are too many impossible factors. Although he is the little Lord of the valley of orchid, he can\'t guarantee it 100%.

If God opened his eyes and let him survive, he vowed to do his best to ensure that xiaotangtang will be safe and happy in his life.

Tang Tang is a famous path maniac, but that night, according to Lan Yu\'s words, she accurately found each intersection, and Huangtian did not live up to her heart to find the valley of LAN, which only appeared in the legend.

Believe that there is no way out of heaven. If God closes a door for you, he will always open a window for you!

Finally, Xiao Tang Tang and LAN Rong, the little master of LAN Zhigu, were saved. LAN Rong injected an antidote made by the LAN family, which was no longer life-threatening. After the antidote took effect, he slowly removed the toxin from his body.

His body is not a big problem, but his eyesight will take some time to recover when the toxin is almost removed.

Lan Yu immediately ordered his men to settle down Xiaotang sugar, and sent special personnel to protect her safety and take care of her daily life.

After that, Lan Ying and the elder jointly performed a good play of closing the door and beating the dog and catching the turtle in the jar, and brought to justice the traitors who sold LAN Zhigu and ate inside and outside.

The so-called taking money and doing things for others. The traitor who eats the bowl and looks at the pot is a rat crossing the street. Everyone yells at him and deserves his due punishment.

Mo Tianxing inquired about the little guy\'s preferences and began to seriously prepare birthday gifts for his baby daughter.

As soon as the president makes a move, he knows whether there are any gifts. None of the gifts prepared by the president for his baby daughter are vulgar. All of them are valuable treasures. She may not need them now, but they will be stored here for her for the time being. In the future, when the little guy grows up, he will naturally come in handy.


The first weekend after Tang Tang Tang\'s birthday was the wedding ceremony between Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi.

This century wedding, which attracted worldwide attention, has attracted much attention since its publication. It has been reported on TV for more than a month, and finally came to an end on this day.

No one doubts that it is gossip. The chairman of Morse group is really going to marry the female president of down group.

The combination of domineering president and domineering president is extremely powerful. The wedding is about to be held. The share prices of Mohs and Tang soared all the way, just like a rocket fired, soaring into the sky and falling all the way.

For a time, the shares of Mo and Tang became expensive in Luoyang, and it was difficult to get one vote.

People want to buy a Morse or Tang stock, but they can\'t squeeze their heads.

Before the wedding, Mo Tianxing has one thing to solve, that is Xu Anna.

This woman is a mad dog. She is hidden in the dark. She may run out to bite you at any time when you don\'t pay attention and have to get rid of it.

Mo Tianxing asked Zhang Mingdi for help. He recognized Zhang Mingdi\'s ability. In some aspects, he was not as professional as him, such as finding out the whereabouts of Xu Anna.

Xu Anna is a thorn buried in Mo Tianxing\'s heart. He has never hated a person like this, and he is still a woman.

Xu Anna, even if she dies a thousand times or ten thousand times, she can\'t make up for the fact that she has destroyed the relationship between him and Xinyi. She has been a heartless man for five years. She gave birth to her baby daughter without a father. It\'s all thanks to her.

After the hacking incident, Xu Anna just disappeared. Mo Tianxing\'s men searched for a long time and didn\'t find her trace. Her Godfather Steve is dead. This woman has a new backer on the regular list, otherwise it\'s impossible to escape his search.

If Anna Xu doesn\'t get rid of it for a day, he can\'t be at ease for a day.

On the eve of taking wedding photos in Australia, Mo Tianxing asked Zhang Bing to ask his brother for help. In terms of searching for clues, Zhang Mingdi is much more professional than him. After all, he is hidden in the dark

Zhang Mingdi\'s public position is not low, and his hidden identity is scary enough. His identity in the dark must not be exposed in the sun. Mo Tianxing only speculated cautiously through some clues, and there is no real evidence, but it is obvious that the facts are almost the same as his guess.

Zhang Dashao agrees to help Mo Tianxing and orders his men in the dark to help search for Xu Anna.