Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 421

The grievances accumulated in the little guy\'s heart all the time broke out completely in this autumn outing. Mommy was not around. Tang Tang Tang didn\'t want to find a crying person. He was extremely unhappy. The little guy didn\'t want the students to see his crying, so he had to hide himself and cry.

After all, when he was young and took a few steps alone, he completely lost his direction, and then went farther and farther. From leaving after lunch to getting dark, the little guy was far away from the big army.

At first, no one found Tang Tang Tang left. The housekeeper\'s grandmother also thought that the little girl was playing with her classmates, but she waited left and right. It was getting dark and there was no sign of the little girl. The housekeeper was a little uneasy. She began to look for the little guy door to door and told the teaching director of the kindergarten to help find the child together.

This search is in the middle of the night. With the passage of time, everyone can\'t calm down. This private international kindergarten is not an ordinary kindergarten. The sky high tuition fees every year are not affordable for ordinary families. Only the rich and noble family that is not rich or expensive can afford their children to study in it.

In this kindergarten, the granddaughters and youngest daughters of the former president and the current president are studying in it. The background of each child can not be underestimated. Tang Xinyi has worked hard in the United States for four or five years and accumulated countless wealth. She took advantage of her rebirth and her sensitivity in the financial market in just a few years, It jumped to the third place in the invisible rich list of the United States.

Tang Xinyi\'s personal safety is protected by the CIA in the United States. Of course, everyone is very nervous when her daughter has an accident.

After looking for several hours, I still couldn\'t find the young lady. The housekeeper dared not deceive me any more. He immediately told the hostess Tang Xinyi about the situation here by phone.

Xinyi received the call. She didn\'t dare to delay for a moment. With her right-hand assistant and uncle Tang Tang Tang\'s an Zihao, she rushed to the accident site at the first time.

That night, the little guy said that he didn\'t say where Tang Tang Tang went. No matter what Xinyi asked, she said she didn\'t remember and didn\'t know the way.

At that time, Tang Xinyi mobilized all her strength to find her daughter, and the senior management of the kindergarten also launched all her contacts, but there was never any clue. She couldn\'t even find any clues. Tang Xinyi was so anxious that she was about to collapse.

The little guy disappeared for three days and didn\'t reappear until the end of the autumn tour.

Yes, I\'ve been looking for the little guy for three days. Like no one else, she reappeared in front of everyone with a small pink schoolbag on her back. It was like nothing had happened. She was still wearing the clothes she had disappeared three days ago. She was fragrant and had no scars. Her milk white face was not thin, Instead, he became more white and fat.

Missing for three days, there was no news. She thought she would never see her daughter in her life. At the moment she saw her daughter, Tang Xinyi\'s tears surged out like a torrent of levee breaking. She held her daughter tightly and cried excitedly. Tang Tang Tang also sobbed when he saw the mommy she hadn\'t seen for several days.

The picture of mother and daughter holding their heads and crying bitterly moved not only many teachers, students and parents present, but also a man who had been hiding behind the scenes.

Tang Tang came back, and she came back intact. In the past three days, what happened to her, where she went, and who she contacted, everyone except herself is unknown.

At that time, she had a delicate retro fruit green jade hairpin on her head.

I can\'t find out why. Seeing that her daughter doesn\'t hurt, Tang Xinyi can only put it down.

Tang Xinyi and Mo Tianxing are Tang Tang Tang\'s Mommy and daddy. Why don\'t they tell him the origin of the hairpin for his daddy and Mommy?

Tang Tang didn\'t say it because she had an agreement with her handsome brother that she would never tell anyone what happened in the three days she disappeared.

She is a good child who never lies. Since she promised her brother, she will do what she said.

At this point, the little guy is very similar to her parents. Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi are all talkers in the mall, and Tang Tang Tang inherited their character advantage.

Mo Tianxing\'s sixth sense rarely makes mistakes. The origin of that ancient green jade hairpin is unusual!

It is said that there was a big family in Western Europe that had flourished for 300 years. They were extremely rich and powerful. At their peak, half of the land in Europe was their family\'s back garden, but somehow, such a big family suddenly began to die and reduce a large number of ethnic groups in the 1960s, It led to the rapid decline of the whole family and disappeared in the end.

No one knows how the family finally disappeared. What disappeared with them, as well as huge property, disappeared without a trace.

This has become the biggest outstanding case of the last century.

Some people said that the family was cursed. Otherwise, how could so many people die one after another for no reason?

Others say that they offended the powerful and were retaliated, leading to the collapse of the whole family.

Hehe, in terms of power, how many can compare with the powerful and rich family? Such a big family, said to be down, said to disappear, just like the show on TV, makes Rebecca puzzled.

It is said that the once rich Landa family is rich in mineral vein industry and has one-third of the jade resources in the world.

The Landa family has fallen, these rumors have long been impossible to verify, and the coveted wealth has disappeared without a trace.

If Mo Tianxing had been born so many decades earlier, he might have recognized at a glance that the fruit green jade hairpin that his baby daughter often pinned on her head was the property of the Landa family. It was the Royal hair ornament of the wife in charge of the family in the heyday of the Landa family. Later, it became a keepsake to prove her identity.

Is it strange that such an important thing suddenly appeared on the head of a little girl under the age of five?

Mo Tianxing should be glad that few people in the world still know the treasure, otherwise it will undoubtedly cause a new bloodbath.

What happened between Tang Tang Tang and her handsome brother? Why was the mysterious man willing to give her such a precious thing?

Of course he is willing, because Tang Tang saved his life!

Tang Tang ran away from home and lost his way in the woods. He inadvertently saved LAN Rong who was poisoned and fainted in the Shun forest.

LAN Rong, who fell into the woods, seemed to be asleep. He had a handsome face, like a prince in a fairy tale. The little guy was surrounded by handsome men and women from childhood to childhood. Her father Mo Tianxing, uncle an Zihao, and a large group of people who were clamoring to be her Godfather, including director Dong, childe Qi, second young master Zhang, Qu Dashao, etc, Everyone is so handsome that people and gods are angry. We should have a body and look. The little guy is immune to handsome men because he is used to handsome men and beautiful women.

But, but, draw the point, the brother who fell to the ground is really so handsome, so handsome. The little guy dares to bet that she is so big that she has never seen anyone more handsome than him.

In TV, good-looking people are generally good people.

As the evening approached, Tang Tang Tang squatted carefully to the teenagers in the dense and dark woods.

"Hey, wake up, what\'s the matter with you, hey..." the little guy stretched out his finger and poked someone lying motionless on the ground.

Naimeng\'s voice kept shouting in his ear. The young boy on the ground moved his fingers, then frowned and said in pain.

Although the voice was small, it was obviously heard by the little guy.

"Little brother, wake up! Wake up!" she wanted to call 120 emergency number, but she tried. The mobile phone has no signal in this place. Mommy can\'t dial out, and all the 120 and 110 phones can\'t be dialed out.

Although the boy was half unconscious and half awake, he still didn\'t relax his vigilance. His eyes couldn\'t open. His mouth moved hard a few times. "You, who is it?" was vaguely said from the boy\'s mouth.

"Me? My name is Tang Tang Tang, little brother. What\'s the matter with you? Are you hurt and how do you lie on the ground?" the little guy lost his way for a long time and finally saw a man. Although the little brother\'s condition is not necessarily better than that of her lost, Tang Tang Tang doesn\'t know what to do except to catch him at the moment.

Night is about to fall. Xiao Tangtang is most afraid of the dark. She can\'t call out all the time. Mommy and the teacher don\'t know she\'s here. No one can save him. She shivers and is afraid at the thought of staying alone in the woods at night.