Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 420

"Don\'t worry, I know what to do." he is nearly 60 years old. He has tasted all kinds of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy life, and has enjoyed wealth and honor that many people can\'t enjoy. In this life, he has lived in vain.

It is said that from frugality to extravagance, from extravagance to frugality, if you experience the ultimate pleasure, you don\'t want to live the bitter days of the past.

It can be said that all these things he has done now are given to him by Mohs group. Without Mohs group and the promotion of President Mohs insight and knowledge, he would not be today.

No matter what he considers, he doesn\'t have to be the enemy of Mo, abandon his own interests and joke about his life and his family\'s life.

"Well, it\'s easy to deal with understanding people. You don\'t have to intervene in this matter. I\'ll ask someone to find out. You can cooperate well." after leaving this sentence, Mo Tianxing left with a group of people and stayed in Zhengguang to wipe the cold sweat in place.

Mo always has many secrets that can\'t be told. I\'m afraid no one knows except himself. Yu Zhengguang doesn\'t dare to guess.

The park is still as lively as ever. People\'s play, food and drink have not been affected at all. No one realized that just now, here, the daughter of the boss of one of the best commercial empires in China was almost kidnapped.

Tang Tang was very happy to see his little brother he hadn\'t seen for a long time. He even walked like a lively and lovely rabbit. He walked briskly and was in a happy mood.

"Tangtang, what\'s the matter? So happy?" Mo Tianxing asked tentatively.

He was in a surprisingly good mood when he found his daughter coming out of the secret room.

What happened to the little guy in the fifteen minutes he disappeared from the dressing room?

The little guy grinned and couldn\'t close his mouth. He hummed an out of tune song. He casually made an excuse and perfunctory her father said, "I\'m very happy to play snow white today."

It\'s really a happy thing to play snow white, but of course it doesn\'t make her happier to see her little brother who hasn\'t seen her for a long time.

Although Tang Tang really wanted to share her little secret with her favorite daddy and Mommy, she remembered that her little brother said that her affair with her little brother was a secret. The little brother said that he knew the secret, only he knew it, I knew it, and no one could tell it.

If someone else knew about the little brother, his life would be in danger and he would die.

She doesn\'t want her little brother to die.

Tang Tang is tight lipped about what happened between himself and Lan Yu. He pushes all the credit to today. He was selected as a lucky tourist by surprise. He played a happy play of snow white and seven dwarfs with his big brothers and sisters.

She said this casually. I don\'t know how much help it has added to Yu Zhengguang. Mo Tianxing is a famous daughter slave. If anyone can coax his daughter to be happy, even if he has no fart ability, he is willing to raise a rice bug.

Yu Zhengguang finally bet on the right treasure. Huangtian lived up to his heart. With Tang Tang Tang\'s words, his position as general manager was saved.

Children have a childlike innocence. What they want most is to play. No matter where they are, playing is a child\'s nature.

Today\'s sunshine is particularly bright. In order to keep a low profile, when they go out in the morning, they specially choose the most common car at home, just to experience the ordinary happiness of ordinary people.

But then again, although these two people calculate the most ordinary cars, the ordinary cars in the eyes of the two presidents are not cheap. Any one can top the income of ordinary families for more than ten years.

In addition to the thrilling 15 minutes of being cut in line by bald upstarts and the little guy suddenly disappearing from the dressing room, the trip to the children\'s paradise was very pleasant on the whole.

I drove to a restaurant and had dinner. They took the children home.


Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, Tang Tang\'s birthday is coming this year.

The little guy is about to officially turn five years old. The whole family attaches great importance to this birthday. In the past, her great grandfather, that is, Mo Tianxing\'s grandfather, didn\'t know the existence of xiaotangtang. Now it\'s hard to recognize the child. This is the first birthday. Of course, I have to prepare a big birthday gift for my only great granddaughter.

I don\'t know what gift, but my low-key great grandfather, if he doesn\'t do it, it\'s definitely a big deal!

Don\'t talk about master Mo, just say that Mo Tianxing is OK. Of course, he, who is a father, should also take advantage of this special day to show himself.

During the five years Xinyi spent in the United States with Tangtang, he missed five full birthdays of the little guy. This time, President Moda wanted to make up all the missing five-year birthday gifts for his baby daughter at one time.

With his birthday approaching, Mo Tianxing pondered what gift to give to the little guy. Er, his daughter\'s hobby is very different from that of ordinary little girls. What gift to give her makes his father a little embarrassed.

That night, it\'s rare to get off work early. After dinner, father and daughter sat next to each other on the sofa in the living room. There were children\'s favorite cartoons on TV. Mo Tianxing didn\'t catch a cold at all, but he was patient to watch them with his daughter. The maid put the cut fruit salad on the tea table, and father and daughter sent them to his mouth without a bite.

"Tangtang, daddy asks you a few questions." the man opens his mouth.

The little guy stared at the TV and didn\'t even move his eyes. "What\'s the problem?" he said with a voice of fruit. It was very creamy, cute and painful.

Her daughter\'s attention is on TV. She doesn\'t even bother to give alms to him. Mo Tianxing has some taste, but she can only shake her head reluctantly, "what color do you like best? Pink or something else?"

Ordinary little girls don\'t like pink, but his daughter may be different, so he has to ask first.

"Hum ~" the little guy tilted his head and thought, "pink is not my favorite color, daddy. Tangtang\'s favorite now is fruit green, just like my little hairpin."

Speaking of the small hairpin, Mo Tianxing frowned and doubts floated in his eyes.

He asked Tang Xinyi. Xinyi said that she didn\'t know the origin of the hairpin. It seemed that she suddenly stayed on the little guy\'s head one day. She casually asked how she came. The little guy didn\'t tell her, and she didn\'t take it to heart.

Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi, one of whom is the chairman of Mo\'s group and the only successor of the third generation of Mo\'s family, and the other is the CEO of Tang\'s group. They are rich and invincible. What kind of card do their daughter want?

However, what made Mo Tianxing doubt was that the small green hairpin always gave him a strange feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere.

There is always an unusual feeling. If he doesn\'t admit his mistake, the card may be... If so, the matter will be complicated. I\'m afraid the power and wealth represented behind the card are unimaginable, and even he has no bottom in his heart.

The little guy did like pink when she was a child, but since she got the green hairpin and listened to what the man said to herself, she has liked the green hairpin more and more since then.

Tang Xinyi couldn\'t tell the origin of this hairpin. Mo Tianxing asked the little guy several times intentionally or unintentionally, but Tangtang didn\'t tell him the real situation. I don\'t know what happened to the little guy and who the person who sent her hairpin was. Tang Tang Tang was able to keep his mouth shut to Xinyi and his father.

Indeed, Mo Tianxing guessed that the hairpin came from an extraordinary origin. It is not a simple hair ornament. This hairpin has a history of at least 300 years, and its former owner came from the leader of a century old family.

It has to start half a year ago. At that time, Tang Tang Tang was only over four years old and settled in the United States with Xinyi. As the boss of a large enterprise, Tang Xinyi has endless business affairs every day. It can be said that she takes care of thousands of opportunities every day. Although Tang Xinyi is unwilling, she really has little time to take care of her daughter as soon as she gets busy.

On this day, Xinyi was so busy that she forgot to accompany her daughter on the autumn outing again. All the children in the kindergarten were accompanied by their parents. She was the only one. The housekeeper\'s grandmother rushed to the school and told her that mommy couldn\'t leave the company. She came to replace mommy to participate in the autumn outing parent-child activities with herself.

They are all children of rich families. In order to let the children experience a different life state from that in big cities, the school organized this autumn tour in a special place and chose a small mountain village with beautiful mountains and rivers.

It is totally different from big cities. There are no large supermarkets, luxury villas, groups of servants and a three-day and two-night autumn tour. Everything can only rely on children and parents to take care of their own life. It feels a bit like a famous entertainment program of a satellite TV - "where\'s dad going".

Along the way, Tang Tang Tang\'s mood was very depressed and she was always depressed. Looking at her classmates, she was accompanied by her parents. She was alone. No matter how good the housekeeper was to her, she was not a family member. What she wanted most was mommy\'s company, but mommy was always busy with work and didn\'t accompany her at all.

Woo woo, doesn\'t Mommy like her?

She has no daddy. The children in the kindergarten said that Daddy didn\'t like her and her Mommy, so he left her alone. Daddy didn\'t like her, and Mommy didn\'t accompany her. She is the poorest child in the world.