Rebirth of the Tyrant's Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter 847

Gong Yimo was so dizzy when he kissed him that he accidentally opened his teeth and deepened the kiss.

There was an ambiguous sound of water in the room, and such a kiss was unprecedented for both of them.

Novel and exciting.

Gong Che was so excited that she would like to eat her!

How sweet she is! beautiful! Good smell!

She didn't refuse herself at all. This was the scene he wanted in his dreams!

Don't take advantage of her drunkenness, don't wait for her to fall asleep, he is now kissing her when she is awake, and she accepted, is there anything happier than this?!

Gong Che's kiss is more and more urgent. Let Gong Yimo make a helpless hum, which is just like a tantalizing flame, lighting them up in an instant!

They hugged each other and kissed each other closely.

Gong Che overestimates his determination as an old virgin when facing a beloved woman.

In particular, Mo'er always refused to approach him before, and suddenly allowed him to approach. This dreamlike happiness drives people crazy. His eyes are bloodshot and his breath becomes very fast. His hands tightly hold Gong Yimo, as if he was afraid of her running away.

Gong Yimo felt the other side's firmness, blinked, and suddenly pushed him away very embarrassed.

Gong Che is confused. His first reaction after being pushed away is fear.

He asked hurriedly, "what's wrong, MOR? You Don't you like me kissing you? Am I not doing well? "

Gong Yimo stares at him hard. This guy is too enthusiastic when he opens his mind!

However, seeing that he was in a panic, Gong Yimo was very sweet. She hummed, "you are a student! Doesn't it mean to give me time to test? Look at you, you Your eyes are red again! "

Gong Che found that he was too anxious, only to blame her sweet taste makes people crazy! He How can I have self-control over her?

Gong Che is reluctant to separate from her, still holding her unconscious coquetry, "Mo'er, I just miss you so much, don't get angry, can you give me another hug?"

Gong Yimo bit his lips and firmly pushed him away! Let you hold it again, you'll be on the bed! Tell you, in Yunding mountain, you have to be honest! I will supervise you! "

Say, the face is red quickly open the door, like a gust of wind to slip away.

Gong Che's arms are suddenly empty, which makes him very sad!

He's in a hurry! Mo'er is not his man one day. He is afraid of being robbed. He would like to be held in his arms for 12 hours a day!

But when Mo'er thought that he liked himself, he was a little relieved, but he was embarrassed to lick his swollen lip, which was as sweet as honey.

Mo'er forgives him! He must strike while the iron is hot and catch up with his daughter-in-law!

So Gong Che began to pursue his wife happily, but soon he found his biggest obstacle!

Knowing Gong Che's physical condition, Gong Yimo prepared a series of fitness programs for him seriously, including diet therapy and medicine bath assistance.

Of course, the task of dietotherapy and medicine bath must fall on the autumn fashion, which makes the autumn fashion very dissatisfied!

Mo Mo doesn't care about him!

Foam's eyes are all on the stranger!

Damn, this guy is here to grab foam!

With Gong Yimo's and Gong Che's feelings getting better and better, the sense of crisis of autumn style is becoming more and more serious. Finally, when he found out that the bold outsider even kissed Mo for a while, the small universe of autumn style broke out!

"Mo Mo, shall we catch fireflies?"

Gong Yimo is reading a book. He looks up and frowns slightly.

"But what can I do? I'm reading a medical book."

Autumn wind angry! The cheeks are full of breath! Mo Mo never read medical books before!

Then he shriveled his mouth, showing his expression of grievance, "Mo Mo doesn't like me anymore. Mo Mo only plays with the stranger, not with me. Mo Mo is a bad guy!"

Gong Yimo is stunned. After all, she has been with Qiu Xingfeng for many years, and her feelings are still very deep. Seeing that Qiu Xingfeng is sad, she quickly says, "OK! Stop pretending. Let's catch fireflies! What book to read! "

She also knew in her heart that her medical skills were broad and profound, which she could not use in a moment. Moreover, the master was very important, and she did not want the master to be sad.

Therefore, they went happily to catch fireflies on the mountain.

Gong Che wrote in the room.

Although he is not a prince, Gong Che knows that he can't do without strength.

Otherwise, when the battle between the emperor and the son officially opens, it will inevitably affect him. Mo'er will be in a very dangerous situation. He must have the strength to protect her!

So Gong Che began to use his power according to his last life's experience. Fortunately, after he gave up his position as Prince, his father gave him many people and horses. Now they can all be used.

After carefully considering his plan, Gong Che felt that there was no mistake. Then he remembered that he had not found Mo'er for a good night kiss, which was a good chance to deepen his feelings!Gong Che moved his aching shoulders for a while, made some snacks himself, and then walked to the cool star Xiaozhu where Gong Yimo was.

In the last life, he thought about these snacks when he had nothing to do. He didn't like sweets, but mor liked them. So in the last life, whenever he was crazy about her, he made snacks.

It's a pity At that time, she didn't belong to him, so she never tasted the dessert he made.

He ate what he made occasionally. I don't know if there was something wrong with his taste. It was obviously sweet, but it was bitter. The bitter taste spread to his heart, and the whole mouth was numb.

But now it's different. Mo'er likes to eat. He can make it. Every time Mo'er asks him to put it down and eat it clean!

He satisfied from the bottom of his heart and ran more frequently in the kitchen.

But when he went to Mo'er's place with his food box, he found that she was not there. Gong Che was a little strange. So late, where did she go?

I happened to have a little younger martial brother see you. Please let him know.

"You come to find elder martial sister? Elder martial sister and martial uncle have gone to play on the mountain. It is estimated that they will come back tomorrow morning. This is a common thing. If you are not in a hurry, come back tomorrow. "

Finish saying, younger martial brother yawned to leave, inadvertently and mercilessly stimulated the other side, and then hide the skill and fame!

Gong Che's face is white! What did he hear?

Mo'er and Qiu Xingfeng have gone to play on the mountain!

One more night!

And it's common!

At the thought of Qiu Xingfeng, he was thirty years old, and he would be coquettish and cute. He had an innocent face, and sometimes secretly targeted him.

Gong Che frowns, this will be the biggest enemy on his way to chasing his wife!

Gong Che thought about it. He went up the mountain with the dark guard and the food box. He would like to see how the autumn breeze still dominates the Mo'er! Mo'er is his! All those who want to rob his mother can only step on his body!