Rebirth of the Tyrant's Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter 846

Gong Yimo didn't understand the meaning at first, but he was very ashamed and angry after he understood it. Gong Che hurriedly looked at her eyes and coaxed her gently, "but don't worry, I won't touch you until I get married But, MOR, I love you so much. Don't let me wait too long, will you? "

The explicit love words made Gong Yimo feel numb. A man who was very cold and gentle, like his brother next door, suddenly became gentle and domineering. The contrast was too great.

But when Gong Che said this, he looked very serious, and the red eyes stared at her for a moment, as if they were afraid of her running away.

Gong Yimo couldn't help but ask, "then why did you treat me coldly before?"

After she came back, there was only one answer. Gong Che didn't like her, but now she suddenly had a little expectation and wanted to hear his explanation.

Gong Che carefully hugs her waist, smells speech corner of mouth to smile, but also has the meaning to be bitter.

"Because I used to be so stupid that I couldn't recognize my feelings."

Palace to foam do not believe, small mouth Duqi, Gong Che hurried and way.

"Listen to me..."

He stroked her hair gently, slowly and seriously.

"Because I used to have a higher heart than heaven, and always felt that as a prince, even if I didn't have foreign aid and internal power, I was also the son of heaven. How could I marry a woman without any background of wealth? So even if you are good and lovely, I still have prejudice against you in my heart. "

Gong Yimo hears that she is angry, but before she gets angry, Gong Che lowers his head, closes his eyes and kisses her forehead tenderly.

"But I've been punished, mor."

The pain in his tone made Gong Yimo unable to get angry. When he looked up, he found that the feeling in his eyes was like a net, covering her to death, without giving her any chance to breathe.

“…… When you leave me, I know what I have lost. MOR, I confess to you for my height. I regret that I understand my feelings for you so late. So I'm here. Would you please give me another chance? "

Gong Che's words are not fake. He knows himself and naturally understands what Gong Che is thinking in the world.

He just can't see through. In fact, how can he not like Mo'er? She is so beautiful, so smart, so smart.

He just thinks he shouldn't like a civilian, no matter how good she is.

These words also mean that Gong Che completely put down his dignity and said the truth. He didn't want to lie to her, and didn't want to lose her, so he told the truth and asked for her forgiveness. Otherwise, with his current ability, he could tell more perfect lies.

Gong Yimo was stunned. She didn't expect Gong Che to say such a thing. She knew Gong Che and knew that he was a man who loved his feathers very much and cherished his dignity. In this way, she frankly admitted that she was higher than the world, just to get her forgiveness, which Gong Yimo had never thought of before.

But there is no reason to make people moved

She thought about it, couldn't help but ask again, "I didn't tell you my name, how do you know? The man you called in a coma is really me? "

Gong Yimo is suspicious.

Gong Che is a little annoyed, but Mo'er is so angry. He called her name in his sleep. It's such a big Wulong!

"It's a long story, but I can swear it's your name that I cried in my dream."

In his heart a pain, did not expect that one day, he also needs to prove his true heart, his heart is all on Mo'er! How to prove it?

He hugged her.

"I really love you. Will you marry me? You are not in this period of time, I came to find you on the way, I thought of countless possibilities, I really can't imagine, if I lose you, what is the meaning of my life. "

Gong Yimo didn't expect to hear Gong Che say that one day. After a while, she snorted proudly.

"Don't you want to be a good prince? How can it be meaningless without me! "

She admitted that she was cutting corners, but her tone was much better.

Gong Che kisses the hair near her ear with a little trembling, and her eyes flash with complexity.

She will never understand that he waited for her to look back once, and never waited for his whole life.

She will not understand that he loves her and is willing to trade for his life! He would not be a good emperor.

"I'm not the prince anymore."

Gong Yimo was surprised, and hurriedly pushed him away. Looking at him, he asked in a hurry, "what's the matter?"

Could it not be that she withdrew from her marriage, angered the emperor, but reported it to him?

Seeing that she was nervous, Gong Che told her with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's nothing to do with you. I have a hidden disease. When I came here, I told my father that my deficiency can't be a king, so he allowed me to leave and come here for cultivation."

"Insidious disease?"

How clever is Gong Yimo, "is it related to your eyes? You Why are you so stupid? Don't you always want to be a good emperor? Why did you suddenly tell the emperor about it? "She was a little flustered, but let Gong Che's eyes flash a little bit of soft light, and finally reached out and pinched the tip of her nose.

"Because of you..."

He showed a gentle and sweet smile, but also with a trace of red eyes Yu Sheng Hui, as if she was the only one in the world.

"I want to come and chase you, but the prince can't leave Beijing, so I have to do something about it."

This tone is really not grievance.

Gong Yimo doesn't believe it. After hammering him, she doesn't believe that Gong Che has loved her so much that she doesn't even want to love her.

"I'll be very kind of you if you don't talk too much!"

She was flustered by Gong Che and waved her fist, pretending to be cruel.

Gong Che hurriedly put on his face, looked down slightly, and looked at her seriously.

"Don't Mo'er want to travel all over the mountains and rivers and become a prodigal son? You can sacrifice your wish to accompany me. Why can't I be the prince for you and accompany you to roam the world? "

His tone is too serious to be doubted, but is it possible? Before you are also very cold people, a deep love for you?

Palace with Mo to show the expression of doubt.

Gong Che sighed in his heart, but touched her face fondly.

"Mo'er, don't think so much. You can test me, can you? I will live here all the time and be your apprentice. Please take care of me in the next days... "

He said that he did not wait for the palace to answer with foam, then he pulled people into his arms and licked and kissed her lips as gently as possible.

She's so seductive, she's seducing him all the time.

When she was close to her, she always felt like an electric shock. He felt crispy and numb all over his body. That crispy and numb made him shiver, but he didn't want to leave at all, but wanted more.