Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 744: Planning to go public (please subscribe)

"Brother Hao, you are here, welcome and welcome."

When Feng Hao appeared, Liang Chao and Li Guoqing greeted Feng Hao very enthusiastically with smiles on their faces.

With the continuous development of the Hacker Group, the relevant management has become more and more confident, especially Liang Chao, the president, and Li Guoqing, the general manager of Hacker Miracle.

As entrepreneurs or professional managers, this is often the case. With the growth of enterprises, their own benefits will be greater.

"Press, come, why are you so happy?"

Feng Hao looked at Liang Chao and Li Guoqing\'s faces and asked in amazement. He only came here himself, and he didn\'t see each other less often. Shouldn\'t he be overjoyed by his arrival?

He didn\'t think that was the case, there should be other things causing it, so he seemed very puzzled.

"Brother Hao, we welcome you, it\'s a pleasure to see you here."

"Che, National Day, I still don\'t know your temperament, tell me honestly, why are you happy?"

"Brother Hao, you have wronged me, I am an honest little man."

"Let\'s lie to the ghost. On the surface, he is very honest, but in fact, he does a lot of bad things."

Feng Hao looked at Li Guoqing and Liang Chao, and asked in a condensed voice. Obviously, from their expressions, he could tell that it was something else.

Li Guoqing couldn\'t hide things on his face at all. If anything happened, it would basically show up.

"Brother Hao, you are amazing, you can all know that."

Li Guoqing took the opportunity to pat Feng Hao\'s flattery, very straightforward, while Liang Chao rolled his eyes aside, the two of them could actually talk about this.

"Brother Hao, our hacker group\'s antivirus software has recently made another breakthrough. Currently, it occupies a certain market share in Southeast Asia and South Asia."

Li Guoqing happily asked Feng Hao for credit. This is the biggest happy event of Hacker Miracle recently, and a breakthrough has been made in overseas markets.

The hacker miracle has been fighting overseas for nearly a year, and the investment is enough, but the initial results are not good.

In the latest three quarters, through the energy of the shareholders behind The Matrix, it has carried out various medium-sized mergers and acquisitions, opened local holding subsidiaries, etc., and entered the local market.

Not to mention, this local type of subsidiary is popular with many locals, and Hacker Marvel\'s market share is steadily increasing.

Although the Internet in Southeast Asia and South Asia is not very developed, the prospects are very broad, and hacker miracles entered ahead and achieved very good results.

"Really? That\'s great news. The miracle of hacking has actually blossomed overseas."

Hearing Li Guoqing\'s impassioned words, Feng Hao suddenly became pleasantly surprised, and a smile appeared on his face.

The hacker group has finally made another breakthrough, and it is still overseas. At present, the overseas market is relatively small, and the domestic market is relatively large.

The domestic market can be said to be a dominant presence, accounting for more than 80% of the antivirus market. It is almost impossible to expand again.

However, the overseas market is still an undeveloped virgin land and is in a stage of rapid development. When hacker groups enter the market, naturally they can get a lot of gains without wasting too much energy.

"Yes, it has achieved good results. These reports are specific growth figures, growth rates."

Li Guoqing was very happy, and he generally handed out a data report, which was what he just reported to Liang Chao.

Very awesome values ​​and increases are worthy of his joy and credit.

Last quarter, overseas markets added 24 million new users?

The growth rate is as high as 400%, so terrifying?

Feng Hao opened his mouth slightly, full of doubts, this data is fake.

He pondered for a moment, his face was solemn, and he asked solemnly, "National Day, honestly, is this data true or false?"

He had to prove the veracity of the data, double-checking the whole thing, was too exaggerated, and he had to take it seriously.

The hacker miracle financing is imminent, there can be no flaws, and he does not want anyone to increase the market value of the hacker miracle through any false means.

False reports must eventually be the moon in the mirror, and the feathers will fall to the ground.

Li Guoqing immediately sat up straight, with a serious expression, extremely dignified, "Brother Hao, this report is true, I have confirmed it in many ways, and I will use my position to guarantee it."

Of course, he knows the importance of the authenticity of the data, and he has also identified and confirmed it many times before confirming that there is no false component.

Feng Hao nodded slightly. He believed that Li Guoqing and Liang Chao did not need to falsify the miracle of hacking. "That\'s the best, I believe in you. If it is such a result, it will be a very beautiful battle."

He inexplicably sighed that the overseas market was finally fruitful.

"Brother Hao, yes, our development is very correct. In fact, we have chosen the right financing strategy, and your vision is also very correct, choosing the most suitable financing target."

Liang Chao happily participated in the topic of the two. He owns the shares of the hacker group and is also the president of the group. Naturally, he is very concerned about the situation of the hacker miracle.

With the overseas expansion of The Matrix and the increase in market share, the overall valuation of The Matrix has risen again, which is inevitable.

And the increase will not be small, then it will be a very critical moment, and the hacker miracle will be funded again.

When the market value increases and re-financing, you can get more money, and you will make more profits in the subsequent listing plan, and everyone can cash out to a certain extent.

"You, you are actually flattering. I am afraid that you will also be able to choose the financing target, but you may not have thought of it for a while."

"Brother Hao, your business acumen is really powerful. You know many things better than we do, and you think ahead of us."

"At ordinary times, read more, study more, think more, learn to draw inferences from one case, and you will continue to accumulate experience and make the best choice."

Feng Hao is serious about things, many things are the experience of the previous life, but he is not wrong, many plans or methods are also thought up by him alone.

If you want to stay ahead, you can only continue to learn and improve your own capital.

In this way, everyone can respond more calmly, and can better think of countermeasures.

"Brother Hao, you are right, we should learn more from you."

"Yes, we should learn more from you!"

Liang Chao and Li Guoqing responded again, and it was another flattery.

"Okay, let\'s get down to business. The main purpose of this gathering is to plan for financing and subsequent listing."

Feng Hao looked at these two flattering roommates and felt a little speechless. He quickly changed the subject, it was time to get down to business.

"Brother Hao, with this financing, we should be able to raise more."

"Brother Hao, what you said about National Day is right, and I think the same is true. You should prepare more, and you can raise more money when financing."

"Understood, you two guys know that you need to raise more financing and think about ways to be true."

When Liang Chao and Li Guoqing heard that they wanted to talk about business, they quickly responded with a smile, and naturally wanted to increase the financing rate of the hacker miracle.

The increase in financing means that the market value of Hacker Miracle increases, and the equity in their hands is naturally more valuable.

Feng Hao certainly understands these situations, and the market value of The Matrix can indeed be appropriately increased, especially with overseas expansion.

Feng Hao saw Liang Chao and Li Guoqing nodded slightly. He pondered for a moment, thinking about how to deal with it, "The Hacker Miracle will raise financing at the end of this month. This will be the last financing, and then it will be listed."

Li Guoqing was very concerned, "Brother Hao, you must pay attention to it. After all, this is related to the market value of the listing later."

Feng Hao was speechless, this guy is a financial fan, "Of course I know that the financing amount this time is about 5 billion, and the valuation is about 90 billion."

Feng Hao estimated that the last time Hacker Miracle raised 5.8 billion!

The market value of hacker miracle exceeds 50 billion!

And the time is only in the middle of September, only two months have passed.

Li Guoqing and Liang Chao suddenly became stunned. They had an estimate in their hearts that it would increase, but they never expected such an exaggeration.

It used to be 50 billion, and now it is 90 billion, an increase of 40 billion.

40 billion, an increase of 80%.


This is something they can\'t imagine, is such a high market capitalization investment bank and institution and recognition?

The two of them came back to their senses, looked at Feng Hao in disbelief, and said with difficulty, "Brother Hao, with such a high market value, will institutions and investment banks pay for it?"

Feng Hao thought about it, the market value is a little higher, and it is normal to have a premium, "With the achievements of hacker miracles in overseas markets, I believe that these investment banks and institutions are willing, and there will always be smart people who know how to choose. "

He said it very accurately, and he was full of confidence in his words. The hacker miracle now has this strength.

He knew that the market value of Qihoo in the previous life was very high. At its peak, it was as high as five or six hundred billion, which was very terrifying.

At that time, Qihoo was only able to have such a market value in the domestic market, which shows what the future growth prospects of Hacker Miracle will be.

Besides, these investment banks and institutions have never suffered losses from him, but instead have had a bumper harvest.

The investment banks and institutions that participated for the first time, after several rounds of financing, the current market value floating profit is several times!

It is simply investing in a hacker miracle, then earn it, or make a big profit.

When Liang Chao and Li Guoqing heard the words, they suddenly woke up and turned around, as if it was the truth, "Brother Hao, you are right, we don\'t have to worry about investment banks and institutions at all now, and they will all be rushing to come. After all, investing in hacker miracles now. , when it goes public next year, it can be harvested.”

They also quickly thought of the previous financing scenarios, and also knew that the investment banks and institutions that had invested before had already made a lot of money.

Feng Hao nodded slightly and continued to talk indifferently, "The financing amount and market value are set like this. Although we don\'t worry about investment banks and institutions, our financing conference will still be held this time, so we have to prepare well."

Basically, the two key contents that should be finalized have been finalized, but there are still some leftovers to be implemented.

Don\'t miss out on The Matrix Fundraising Conference, be prepared in every way.

Li Guoqing and Liang Chao naturally had no opinion and nodded, "Brother Hao, we really have to prepare well. Who will be in charge this time?"

Feng Hao thought about it for a while, and then responded, "Let the speech be led by National Day, Liang Chao, you are in charge of the overall situation."

It should be cultivated well. It was Li Guoqing who came last time, so there should be no problem this time.

The two nodded happily, this arrangement is not a big problem.

"Brother Hao, aren\'t you here to post? You were very imposing before, but now you don\'t seem to show up much."

Li Guoqing thought for a while, Brother Hao didn\'t seem to have any arrangements, so he asked.

"Of course, I will leave you more opportunities. In the future, I will try to appear on various occasions as much as possible."

Feng Hao was stunned, looked at Li Guoqing who was curious, and Liang Chao who was looking forward to it, and explained helplessly.

Now he wants to leave opportunities for others, and he also wants to step down from the wind.

In the future, his net worth will definitely increase sharply, and he will even point to the position of the richest man.

In order to avoid trouble, of course, he has to keep a low profile as much as possible, especially with the explosive growth of the Internet, the future will be dominated by public opinion.

"Okay, Brother Hao, you should actually show up more."

"Forget it, this is not necessary for the time being, the opportunity is left to you."

Li Guoqing still wanted to persuade, but Feng Hao was willing to do so, of course he was not happy.

"By the way, regarding the subsequent listing destination, it is still according to the original plan to go public on Hong Kong Island. As for the specific content, we will discuss after the financing is completed. After all, other shareholders are involved, and there are preparations before the listing."

"Okay, Brother Hao, we don\'t have any experience in going public, so we might have to hire special personnel."

"Yes, it should be well prepared, but everything will wait for financing."

So the topic of the three will soon end.

At the same time, the financing time of The Matrix is ​​set for November 30, the last day.

The fourth financing plan was held in Rongcheng. Now it is estimated that the time will not be a problem. There are still two weeks until the end of the month.

As a result, Hacker Miracle officially announced the plan to carry out the D round of financing, and convened a large number of investment banks and institutions to come to Greentown.

And when Hacker Miracle made an announcement, it caused waves of sensations in the Internet and investment circles, and it was very exciting news.

Is Hacker Marvel preparing for its final funding round?

The financing time interval is still very short!

Hacker Miracle is rushing to market!

Financing is carried out every three or four months, and this speed is probably just to catch up with the plan to go public.

At the same time, the former head of a well-known investment bank in China announced that Hacker Miracle is about to launch a listing plan, and it is believed that the listing arrangement will be implemented early next year.



Hacker Miracle is actually ready to go public. The first company under Brother Hao that is ready to go public is a very scarce resource.

Due to Feng Hao\'s legend and myth, investment banks and the public have recognized the hacker group very much, and they were all rushing to invest before.

After all, if you invest in Brother Hao\'s company, you will earn it properly.

Institutions and investment banks that have invested in hacker miracles have already experienced this kind of happiness, and the original investment has three or four times the return.

It\'s been less than a year, and now the opportunity has come again, an excellent opportunity.

As a result, many investment banks and institutions have taken action.

Army attack!