Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 743: New preparations (please subscribe)

The Haotian press conference officially ended, which naturally caused a wave of discussion, and many netizens and fans participated.

This is a very worthy of attention. Haotian has now become the fastest rising smartphone manufacturer in the world, and it is undoubtedly the dominant level in this industry.

The quality of the mobile phone, the black technology, the new features, and the price positioning have all become the targets of everyone\'s attention.

In fact, many people can\'t afford Haotian mobile phones temporarily, but it does not prevent them from discussing and bragging.

In the usual small talk, this is a rare topic, and now there are already fans of Haotian, especially the kind of beautiful girls.

A girl who loves watching dramas and taking selfies at ordinary times must want to own a Haotian smartphone.

Therefore, many boys work hard to make money for their beloved girls, just to give away a Haotian mobile phone.

The Haotian press conference naturally caused quite a stir, and the parties were studying the follow-up arrangements and tasks.

Of course, it was the second day of the press conference, and several people gathered in Feng Hao\'s office.

Feng Hao sat on the reception sofa, stared at the people sitting opposite, and said with admiration, "Peng Qian, Jiang Zhan, Ming Yong, Nong Lao, you are all the main players this time. At the Haotian product launch, you all Played well."

Now Haotian Group is gradually getting rid of his influence, and let the relevant management personnel do their best and play their respective functions.

There are some differences between the previous Haotian Research Institute and the current Haotian Group, and if an enterprise wants to survive for a long time and live well, it is best to have a corresponding framework and system.

Feng Hao felt that it was impossible for him to waste time on the management of the enterprise all the time, caring about everything and contributing to everything.

In this case, he will become a worker, not a current boss.

Peng Qian, Jiang Zhan, and Nong Jiade naturally shook their heads and responded very humbly, "Brother Hao, you are so rude, this is what we should do."

"Okay, it\'s worthy of praise if you do it well. There will be many opportunities like this in the future, you just need to take advantage of it."

"Ah, okay, Brother Hao, we will definitely do our best."

"Just do it well. Now that the press conference is over, there are still a lot of things to come. Jiang Zhan, you focus on the battle between Yunchuan and Yunchuan, and keep an eye on the Qi family."

Feng Hao praised it, and started today\'s theme, the arrangement of the follow-up department\'s work.

Haotian Group is approaching the end of the year, and there are many things going on, especially Haotian is also launching new products and launching them.

This is related to the revenue of Haotian Group in the coming year, and it is also the acceptance of the work of the whole year this year, which is very important.

"Okay, Brother Hao, the Qi family doesn\'t have the strength to compete with us for the time being. I received news yesterday that the Qi family is engaged in internal conflicts and competition. Maybe we can intervene."

Jiang Zhan nodded slightly and gave a general account of the situation in the two provinces of Yunchuan. This is the latest development.

He even felt that he could attack the Qi family with a backhand and profit from it. After all, there were problems within the Qi family.

Businessmen often have a bloodthirsty surging, moving in the direction of interests, and Jiang Zhan is also inevitable.

After Feng Hao heard Jiang Zhan\'s words, he was stunned. The hero saw the same thing.

He was already in the process of making arrangements, and he never thought that Jiang Zhan could also think of such a method. Sure enough, there was no easy businessman.

This is a good thing, after all, Jiang Zhan belongs to his camp, the general of Haotian Genesis.

"Mr. Jiang\'s idea is very good and worth considering. Haotian Genesis should fight back. This time, I invited two talents from the stock market to operate the equity of the Qi family and fight back from the stock market."

"Ah, Brother Hao, do you still have such an arrangement? This is a good thing. We can deal with the Qi family very quickly."

"That\'s right, Lenovo is more difficult to deal with. Otherwise, we can definitely deal with it well. Now, it\'s quite good for us to use the Qi family to make a cut."

Feng Hao pondered for a moment, then responded as expected, and also told what Qian Jiang had prepared.

Jiang Zhan, Peng Qian, Chen Mingyong, and Nong Jiade all looked surprised. They really didn\'t expect Brother Hao to make such an arrangement. Of course, they were very happy with this arrangement.

"That\'s fine, they\'ll come over tomorrow, and then we\'ll meet them together again and settle the matter."

"Okay, Brother Hao."

Jiang Zhan nodded slightly. Naturally, he had no opinion. This was a good thing. He also wanted to meet these stock traders who were admired by Brother Hao.

Talents in the financial field are very hard to find, especially the top ones in the field. Ordinary people, they are not difficult to find. But top talents, it is difficult to find a way to knock on the door.

"After talking about this matter, let\'s talk about another matter. We have now completed the conference perfectly. Next, it is Haotian Group\'s product pre-sale and final listing.

Peng Qian, Jiang Zhan, Ming Yong, Nong Lao, you are the main force, and you have to rely on you to lead the overall situation.

Peng Qian, please talk about the production and stocking of the factory first. "

Feng Hao looked at the few people present with a solemn expression and solemnly warned about the relevant situation.

At the same time, he glanced at Peng Qian and asked about the current situation behind him.

"Brother Hao, at present we have been intensively stocking up. We have started trial production and production from the beginning of October, and the full production capacity will be officially released on October 10th.

There is no way to do this. There are changes in the previous process. Workers need to get familiar with it slowly. After they are familiar with it, the production capacity can be increased. "

Peng Qian nodded slightly, and quickly told about the previous production in October.

The previous production encountered certain difficulties, and the difficulty of switching lines is still not small, especially the newly added functions. Fortunately, the overall conversion speed is relatively good, and the efficiency will soon be improved.

"That speed is very good, that is to say, we have so far been full of firepower and increased the overall production capacity for a month."

Feng Hao praised, the situation is still very good, Haotian\'s factory is constantly improving.

"Yes, the overall is still very good, Brother Hao, then I will introduce you the situation of each factory and the corresponding production capacity."

"Our manufacturing center includes all manufacturing factories, including material procurement and production. With the richness of our group\'s products, we currently have Haotian No. 1 Factory, Haotian No. 2 Factory, and Lantian Factory in Greentown, which is Greentown. Three factories. In Guancheng, there is Chang\'an factory, which is the original Oubai factory. In Pengcheng, there is Bao\'an factory, specializing in the production of drones. In Shunyi District, Kyoto, there is a Shunyi factory, which is responsible for the manufacture of storage products, Haotian mobile phone Manufacturing. In addition, we have Beihai factories and Henan factories, which mainly produce Haotian smartphones and sell them overseas.”

“Our manufacturing center has a large staff and plays a non-negligible role in the product manufacturing process, overseeing quality and responsible for delivering the product.”

"In addition, we have solved the problem of production capacity, and the production capacity has been released, which fully meets the production of products, and once again ensures the production speed of Haotian!"

Peng Qian talked a lot, all about Haotian Factory.

At present, the Haotian factory is developing better and better. She was the general manager before, and she is still one of the supervisors. Naturally, she is very concerned about the Haotian factory.

The factory can be developed and built to this point, and she dares to say that her function is the greatest.

In front of Brother Hao, she naturally subconsciously wanted to express herself more and let Brother Hao know what she was capable of.

"It\'s a good job. We Haotian have basically solved the problem of production capacity and can meet our normal production and sales."

Feng Hao once again praised that the Haotian factory involves a lot, procurement, logistics, production, quality and so on.

If you don\'t have some skills, you can\'t manage the entire Haotian factory at all, but Peng Qian started from nothing and built it step by step, which shows her strong ability.

Such a talent is naturally worthy of praise.

"Brother Hao, then I will continue the production capacity topic just now, and talk about other production capacity and stocking situation."

"Okay, you can say it."

"At present, it is mainly about the production capacity of several important products. The first is Haotian artificial intelligence and Haotian drones. The monthly production capacity is about one million units, and the rest of the gadgets are also about one million units. The current inventory quantity A little more. As of the listing, there should be 2.8 million Haotian drones and 2.8 million gadgets in stock.

At present, the monthly production capacity is convenient, about 2 million desktops, 4 million notebooks, and 5 million Haotian tablets.

By the time of listing, 5.5 million desktops were in stock, 11 million for laptops, and 14 million for Haotian tablets.

For Haotian mobile phones, the current production capacity of the domestic version is 9.5 million units, and the monthly production capacity of the overseas version is 11 million units.

As of the listing, the domestic version of Haotian HTTwo is stocked with 23 million units, and the overseas version of Haotian HTTwo is stocked with 29 million units. "

Peng Qian listed the most detailed data, as well as the estimated values, which are clear and clear.

"The stocking is very good, and it should meet our listing. It\'s been a hard time for the workers of the factory, and you have also worked very hard."

Feng Hao listened to Peng Qian\'s report and nodded slightly. It was much better than the previous situation. There should not be a very obvious shortage of goods this time.

"Brother Hao, this is what I should do."

Peng Qian heard the words, her face burst into a smile, and she was very pleasantly surprised. Her efforts were not in vain.

"Next, continue to do pre-sale and production, and prepare for product launch arrangements. In addition, pay attention to the after-sales situation, and deal with the situation as soon as possible."

"Okay, we all understand and promise to do it well."

"That\'s okay, I won\'t arrange the specific content anymore, it\'s hard for you."

"Brother Hao, this is what we should do and our duty."

Feng Hao thought about it for a while, and ended the negotiation with a few words.

The most important thing this time is product production and production capacity, pre-sale and listing. At present, the most important thing for Haotian is not to be missed.

And Peng Qian, Jiang Zhan, Chen Mingyong, and Nong Jiade naturally agreed, and assured them in a very positive tone.

Afterwards, a few of them left Feng Hao\'s office.

Feng Hao thought about it, the matter of Haotian Group is temporarily over, and it is enough to wait for the final listing of the product.

But Haotian\'s affairs are over, he still can\'t be idle, and he still has very important things to deal with.

Hacker Group!

The hacker group still has several very big moves to be deployed and carried out.

One of the most important events is the fourth round of financing by Hacker Miracle, and then the listing!

This is the first company in Feng Hao\'s hands that is ready to go public, which is of great significance to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao took Shen Wenqian and quickly set off towards the hacker group, Wu Feng was still the driver.

Above Maybach, Feng Hao and Shen Wenqian were sitting in the back row. He looked at Shen Wenqian, thought about it, and said, "Wen Qian, is it alright in Hacker and Haotian Group in the end? I\'m afraid it will be very tiring to be my assistant and secretary?"

Shen Wenqian has been at Hacker and Haotian for a while, and she is already familiar with the process and work, and the situation is in place.

Shen Wenqian naturally worked a lot in it. She went out early and returned late, and worked hard in exchange for it.

Of course, she has also been recognized by many people, including Feng Hao, Peng Qian, Jiang Zhan, Chen Mingyong and others.

"Brother Hao, why are you suddenly asking this question? It\'s okay, although I may be a little tired, I believe I can do it well."

Shen Wenqian was a little surprised when she heard Feng Hao\'s question suddenly. But she quickly came to her senses and quickly explained.

She couldn\'t figure out the purpose of Brother Hao\'s question for the time being, so she could only respond like this, which was ambiguous.

"Okay, don\'t be nervous, just ask about the situation, nothing else."

Feng Hao shook his head and explained with a smile, but he had no special meaning.

He knows the nature of his work, he has many groups and companies, and there are quite a lot of related reports and data, which need to be processed and summarized by Shen Wenqian first.

The workload is naturally a lot. In addition, Shen Wenqian still needs part of his itinerary, communicates and communicates with various leaders, and even needs to accompany him on business trips.

It is conceivable that Shen Wenqian must have worked very hard.

It\'s not that Feng Hao didn\'t think about recruiting another secretary or assistant, but as his work content decreases and he lets go completely, the workload in the future will definitely continue to decrease.

And Shen Wenqian should be quite relaxed, so there is no need for that.

Shen Wenqian heard the words, but did not continue to reply, she nodded slightly to indicate that she knew.

Instead, he called Guida\'s senior sister, Mo Xiaolan, his first assistant or secretary.

She was very relaxed before, but she was not satisfied with her workload and did not want to salt fish, so she continued to increase the workload and deal with various things.

With the passage of time, Mo Xiaolan is also growing and can stand on his own.

In the end, Feng Hao also let her go to Haotian Liying Entertainment Group, which is in charge of the magic capital, and truly realized the transformation.

Soon, they came to the hacker group. As soon as they entered the group, they were greeted by many employees.

Hao is so popular!

Feng Hao responded with a natural smile and dealt with them one by one. He came to the president\'s office alone, and also met Liang Chao and Li Guoqing.

He secretly thought that it was time to start a new preparation.