Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character

Chapter 54

These words are like a hammer of tens of thousands of pounds, pounding on song Qianru's heart, she suddenly out of a cold sweat.

Lu Huai's temperament is known to all, and every warning he says will not be false.

Song Qianru knows that Lu Huai is really angry with her this time. She not only angered Lu Huai, but also provoked the girl he liked.

It was a piece of cake for him to get her out of the beach.

Now Lu Huai is just threatening himself and has not done any substantial harm to her. It's just because in the face of song Qianru's father, he gave her a chance to get out of Shanghai.

Lu Huai's words have been so clear that if song Qianru pretends to be stupid again, what he will do is unknown.

But now this kind of situation, where does song Qianru not agree with the truth.

She nodded quickly: "I will not appear in front of you again, and I will not go to the trouble of Ye Chu."

"San Shao, the Song family's car is waiting for me outside. They should be in a hurry."

Lu Huai looked at the man behind him and said in a cold voice, "let her go."

Song Qianru felt a loose waist, the gun moved away in an instant. She wanted to run faster, but her legs were weak and her steps were flimsy, but she ran back to the same road in a hurry.

Song Qianru found the Song family's car, opened the door, sat in the car, a heart is still not put down.

However, after this evening, she had a thorough rest on Lu Huai's thoughts.

After returning to Nanjing, song Qianru hid the matter from her father. She didn't want her father to know that she had angered Lu Jiasan Shao in Shanghai beach.

But a few days later, foreign minister Song Yande, who was far away in Beiping, received a phone call. After leaving the phone, he looked in a hurry.

Song Yande was busy in government affairs, but he took time out of his busy schedule and returned to Nanjing.

In a short time, song Yande arranged everything and sent song Qianru to study abroad.

It is said that song Qianru later went to France to study, and her studies were very tight. She did not often return home and did not step into Shanghai again in ten years.


Mrs. Wu made a terrible scene. Not only was she unable to get down, but also the mother of Yin Shiyan, the host of the banquet, lost face.

The party was held by Mrs. Yin. Mrs. Wu made trouble at the party to embarrass her.

Before, she held the idea that all visitors were guests, and would take care of every guest who came to the party. That's why she agreed to help find the earrings that Mrs. Wu lost.

She should have thought that Mrs. Wu was not a worry free person. After such a disturbance, Mrs. Yin had nothing to understand.

Mrs. Wu clearly wanted to play with Ye Chu.

How ye Chu provoked Mrs. Wu, she didn't know. However, Mrs. Wu deliberately made such a thing at her party, which disgusted her. If she could bear with it, she would be at her mercy.

Mrs. Yin comforted Ye Chu and asked her daughter Yin Shiyan to send Ye Chu away. Then, Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Wu will settle the matter for tonight.

"Mrs. Wu." Mrs. Yin went to Mrs. Wu's station.

Mrs. Wu suddenly turned back at the sound: "Mrs. Yin."

It was a big blow to Mrs. Wu just now. She lost such a big face at the party that she had never regained consciousness.

"Mrs. Wu, I have ordered the maid to tidy up all the things in your room. Don't worry. This time I sent the most trusted people around me to watch. There will be no mistake or omission."

Mrs. Wu's face changed, and Mrs. Yin's words were very clear. She felt that she had slandered Ye Chu for stealing, and now she was not allowed to stay in Yin's mansion, which meant "please" her to leave.

Mrs. Yin then said, "I have reserved a room for Mrs. Wu at the Chinachem hotel. Your driver will take you there later."

Mrs. Yin specially saved face for Mrs. Wu, but she packed up the things. Even the rooms in the Chinachem hotel had been reserved. It was clear that Mrs. Wu would leave immediately.

Mrs. Wu was stunned: "what does Mrs. Yin mean by this?"

Seeing Mrs. Wu acting like this, Mrs. Yin is even more bored.

Mrs. Yin was not quick or slow in speaking: "I can't accommodate Mrs. Wu, the Buddha here. I won't invite Mrs. Wu again after my party, and the Yin family won't welcome you any more."

As soon as Mrs. Yin said this, everyone else understood. All the people present are human beings, not stupid. They don't understand their thoughts.

Look, how can there be such a person in the world. Mrs. Wu was invited to the party, but she made a lot of mischief in other people's houses and gave no respect to the host family.

Mrs. Wu has never been a well-to-do master, and has been unable to integrate into the celebrity circle of Shanghai beach. This time, her style has completely drawn a line for her.

This is where Mrs. Wu thought she had made a fool of herself at the party. After that, fewer and fewer people invited her.

She was completely cut out of the circle of expensive ladies on the beach.Mrs. Wu's face never appeared again at celebrity parties on the beach.


not to mention the reaction of others at the banquet when they saw Ye Chu helping Lu Huai. Ye jiarou, who was ready to show off, had a big stir in her heart.

Originally, she also wanted to take Yang Huaili and get close to Ye Chu to show her ability. To my surprise, something happened at the party.

Mrs. Wu suddenly got up and said that someone had stolen her earrings and was trying to catch the thief.

It's a big deal, but ye jiarou doesn't take it seriously. She didn't steal it. She didn't even know what the earrings looked like.

Ye jiarou only cares when ye Chu will come to the banquet hall and when she can find Ye Chu to boast about.

Ye jiarou stares at the door of the hall, expecting that the next person to be pushed open is Ye Chu.

Let ye jiarou did not expect is, things actually develop more satisfied than she expected.

As soon as ye Chu arrived at the banquet hall, he was framed. I don't know how he provoked Mrs. Wu. Others tried to pour sewage on her.

Ye jiarou knows that according to Ye Chu's temperament, she is determined not to steal things. But as long as ye Chu makes a fool of herself, she is in a good mood.

When ye Chu is accused, ye jiarou chooses to hide in the corner and quietly watch ye Chu being bullied. Why not push back what she wants to show off.

Ye jiarou is watching with great interest that if ye Chu was caught by Mrs. Wu for stealing, it would be more interesting.

After a thousand calculations, ye jiarou didn't expect that Lu sanshao would support Ye Chu.

When Lu sanshao appears at the door of the banquet hall and stands behind Ye Chu without hesitation to escort her, ye jiarou does not want to go forward.

What Yang Huaili, what Chen Xiyuan, are no less than a little finger. She can't boast of her ability.

It turns out that the last time three little call ye Chu on his car, two people this matter has a sign. If she was the one who got on the train that time, is it that she is also the one who is maintaining three young people?

Must be on the way home, ye Chu hook three less. Ye Chu actually hide not to let her know, just want to give her a bully at the critical moment.

Ye jiarou is very angry in her heart, but she has nothing to do. Even Mrs. Wu, the wife of the staff officer, has no way to deal with Ye Chu. What can she do?

San Shao just needs to stand behind Ye Chu, and there is no need to repeat all the things. Who does not have long eyes dare to go forward, bully three little want to protect the woman.

Ye jiarou, who originally wanted to show off, was no longer interested. After seeing these scenes, she took Yang Huaili out. Wasn't she insulting herself?

Ye jiarou used headache as a way of reasoning, saying that she wanted to leave early and go home early. Yang Huaili believes in this and immediately returns ye jiarou, who covers her head and even calls for headache, back home.

After entering the gate, ye jiarou did not go inside. But hiding behind the gate, waiting for Yang Huaili's car to leave.

After the car drove far away, ye jiarou opened the door and stood at the door. She must wait for ye Chu to go home.

After the banquet, ye jiarou's whole heart couldn't calm down. She wanted to find out from ye Chu's mouth the relationship between Ye Chu and San Shao, and where they had progressed.

She doesn't want to lose Ye Chu everywhere, let alone on this matter.

Standing in the cold wind for a long time, ye jiarou stomped her feet again and again. Her feet were numb from standing too long. Coupled with the cool night wind, ye jiarou sneezed several times.

After waiting for a long time, ye jiarou finally sees the car coming from the distance.

Her heart a little put down, fortunately Ye Chu is not riding three little car home, it seems that their relationship is not as close as she thought.

Before the car stopped at the gate of Ye mansion, ye Chu saw ye jiarou's figure. Standing at the gate, he kept looking at this side.

Ye jiarou, with a worried look on her face, has been looking at this side, and her mind is clear.

Ye Chu gently sneered and looked at ye jiarou's posture. What else did she not understand.

Don't think she hid in the corner of the banquet hall, ye Chu did not see her. Ye Chu also knew that she followed Yang Huaili.

It must be that ye jiarou was rejected here. She turned to Yang Huaili and attended the banquet as Yang Huaili's wife, thinking of showing off with her.

However, to her disappointment, things didn't develop according to her ideas, but a big change came.

I didn't expect that Lu Huai's appearance tonight has upset ye jiarou's plans. Waiting here is just to inquire about the relationship between her and Lu Huai. Otherwise, what else can there be.

The car slowly stopped at the door of Ye mansion.

Ye Chuxian and the driver said hard, just opened the door and got out of the car.

Although it was dark, ye jiarou, a living man, could still see clearly at the door. But ye Chu pretended not to see the appearance, directly around her to go."Sister, sister, wait for me." Ye jiarou looks at Ye Chu and takes herself as a decoration. Although she is angry in her heart, she still takes a few steps to catch up with her in order to find out the news.

"So late, you don't go back to your room and go to bed. Instead, you are waiting for me. Because you can't go to the party, you want me to tell you something interesting about the party?" Ye Chu stops to see ye jiarou.

"Of course not, sister. You may not have seen me. I went to the party tonight." Ye jiarou thinks that ye Chu has taken the initiative to mention the party, so it is more convenient for her to ask.

Looking at Ye Chu's "affectation" appearance, ye jiarou's eyes gradually float with anger.

Clearly at the party, she has and ye Chu looked at each other, ye Chu also pretended not to see her, really will give himself embarrassment.

Ye Chu pretended to doubt: "I remember Miss Yin didn't invite you. How could you go?"

In the face of Ye Chu, who pretends not to know, ye jiarou can only explain it vaguely: "I found a classmate and asked him to take me in."

Ye jiarou opens her eyes and tells lies, and ye Chu is too lazy to expose her.

Ye jiarou deliberately changed her face and looked worried about ye Chu: "sister, there were too many people at the party at that time. You were bullied, and I couldn't squeeze in."

Ye Chu looked at it coldly and joked, "if jiarou were by my side at that time, how could you stand out for me?"

It must be watching you lose face. The bigger it is, the better. Ye jiarou thinks so in her heart, but she can't say it.

Ye jiarou said, "if I were by my sister's side, I would explain to Mrs. Wu. How could you steal from others, sister?"

Ye jiarou seems to feel the same way. She insists on supporting Ye Chu, but ye Chu knows that ye jiarou doesn't think so.

Taking advantage of this topic has not been over, ye jiarou quickly added: "but then I saw three little, he came back with his sister and helped her, so he didn't stand out."

Ye Chu looked at ye jiarou's performance with a smile: "well, three little helped me a lot."

The most wanted question came, and ye jiarou was busy interrupting.

"What's the relationship between the elder sister and the third younger sister? If the third Shao can take the lead for her sister, she should have a good relationship with her sister?" Ye jiarou can't hide her curiosity and jealousy.

Don't have anything to do with it, ye jiarou cried in her heart.

Ye Chu voice light, or as always cool: "just hit a few times face-to-face."

A person who has only met a few times, why should he stand out for you ye Chu, not to mention a person like San Shao. Ye Chu is ready to fool her again, when she is a fool.

Ye jiarou thinks so in her heart, but her smile is sweeter.

But the next second, ye jiarou's face changed greatly, pretending to care about ye Chu: "sister, you should know that no matter how good he is, he is also a man after all. You must guard against him."

Ye jiarou doesn't want to let the relationship between Ye Chu and San Shao go any further. If ye Chu is on guard against San Shao, he will surely annoy sanshao.

Ye jiarou saw Ye Chu's listening attentively at this time, and immediately came to God and spoke vigorously.

"Elder sister, I'm all for your own good. We can't guess the man's mind. What's more, a man of such high position and power as San Shao is even more hardened. I'm afraid that he only wants to play with his sister."

"Elder sister, you should be careful in the future. There must be no shortage of women for such a person as sanshao, but we have never seen sanshao bring any woman out. Maybe he has any quirks."

In the last sentence, ye jiarou also deliberately lowered her voice to increase her authenticity.

Ye jiarou, in order to keep Ye Chu away from Lu Huai, comes up with so many excuses to discredit sanshao, which is really hard for her.

Listening to ye jiarou's evaluation of Lu Huai, ye Chu almost did not laugh.

I don't know that Lu Huai heard himself in other people's mouth, became a strange, but also like to play with women's stinky man, his face must be even worse.

When ye jiarou finished, ye Chu gave her a sidelong glance: "jiarou's imagination is really rich. I just said a word, you can infer so much."

"When did I tell you that I have such a close relationship with San Shao. I'm really curious that you have said so many shortcomings, but I haven't heard of any of them. "

"Why don't I get to know sanshao after a while, and make a chance encounter with him to see if he really has some problems?"

As soon as ye Chu's voice fell, ye jiarou was stupefied. How could she persuade Ye Chu and spare no effort to discredit San Shao? How could ye Chu's behavior deviate from her expectation.

"Sister, I'm not joking with you. San Shao must be a heartless man. It's not worth your life. You'd better stay away from him." Ye jiarou did not give up.

In this clear and cold night, ye Chu finally chuckled.

If you can't get close to Zhongjia, I'll tell you if you can't get close to meYe Chu finished and walked away briskly, leaving ye jiarou stunned in the spot.

How things are different from what she imagined.

The yard is quiet, and ye jiarou's sneezing sound keeps ringing, which makes it very clear.

That night, Lu Huai went to the metropolitan song and dance hall before returning to the governor's house.

Shen jiuben was tired of the banquets. After he came back from Yin's house, he was listening to a song and dance hall. Seeing Lu Huai coming, Shen Jiu gets busy.

When they arrived at a safe place, Lu huaicai and Shen Jiu talked about this evening.

Lu Huai: "there was a man named Zhao in the Qing Dynasty. He moved his mind."

One wanted to kill Shen Jiu to become the leader of the Qing Dynasty, and the other covered up his affair.

Lu Huai and the staff officer had some friendship, which he was not good at.

However, people in the Qing Dynasty had a different mind. This matter was related to Shen Jiu's safety. It would be more appropriate for Shen Jiu to do it.

Shen Jiu's eyes narrowed: "Zhao?"

Shen Jiuyi immediately guessed the identity of the man. He had been restless for a long time. Previously, Shen Jiuyi did not move him because of his little action.

Shen Jiu said with a bad smile, "that man is not clean up. I have long wanted to teach him a lesson."

Although Shen Jiu always has a smile on his face, people on the beach all know that when Shen Jiu's Phoenix eyes squint, there is a conspiracy to rise.

Lu Huai naturally knows Shen Jiu's temperament. He will definitely deal with this matter cleanly without leaving any trace.

"I will treat them well."

In the twinkling of an eye, Shen Jiu has already thought of a way. After seeing Lu Huai off, he shook his head and listened to the music again in metropolis.

Now we can't scare the snake. Shen Jiu must pretend that nothing has happened.

Lu Huai went back to the governor's office and didn't go to rest. His mind was very clear. He went over the matter of the evening in his mind again.

In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao was very fierce and arrogant.

Although Lu Huai has just reminded Shen Jiu, Shen Jiu will not start so early.

But if the clear meeting that person knew Ye Chu and Lu Huai watched tonight's event, he would certainly be flustered.

Just because Zhao can't move Lu Huai doesn't mean he can't move Ye Chu. Ye Chu is only a 16-year-old female student. Although she is smart, she can't cope with such a situation.

Lu Huai is worried about ye Chu's safety. He wants to send someone to protect Ye Chu.

But last time, Lu Huai sent someone to follow Ye Chu, which made her angry. If he wants to do such a thing again, he must explain it to Ye Chu.

Their relationship is fair and equal, so Lu Huai must respect Ye Chu's every decision.

Now it's getting dark. Lu Huai doesn't want to disturb Ye Chu. If he calls Ye Chu in the middle of the night, it will arouse suspicion.

Lu Huai will naturally maintain Ye Chu's reputation, just as he did tonight.

Lu Huai called the housekeeper of the governor's house to come in. Although the night was deep, she was still busy.

Housekeeper: "San Shao, what can I do for you?"

The housekeeper is old and female. If she calls Ye Chu, it will not affect other people's views on Ye Chu.

Lu Huai's fingers gently tapped on the table: "tomorrow morning, you go to call ye's residence and say that you are a friend of Miss Ye Er, surnamed Lu."

Housekeeper a Leng, three little unexpectedly let her call a woman? Who is this miss Ye Er?

Lu Huai thought for a second that ye Chu might not get up early. It's OK. She's been through so many things tonight and needs more rest.

"If ye Chu gets up late, don't disturb her."

"Ask her to call back when she wakes up."

"Yes, three little." , the fastest update of the webnovel!