Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character

Chapter 53

Lu Huai just said goodbye to Ye Chu. In order to separate from ye Chu, he stayed out for a while, and then walked slowly to the banquet hall.

Just walked to the door of the banquet hall, Lu Huai heard song Qianru's sharp voice. That voice is always harsh, but this time her words have something to do with Ye Chu.

He does not know what happened, but song Qianru is accusing Ye Chu of having a private meeting with men.

Lu Huai frowned slightly. A trace of coolness flashed in his dark eyes. He said in a cold voice, "Miss Ye Er was with me just now."

The indifferent voice falls behind Ye Chu. Ye Chu turns his head and takes a deep look at Lu Huai.

He's talking for himself.

The corners of Ye Chu's mouth show a trace of very shallow smile.

Banquet hall people's face changed, Lu sanshao and ye Chu together?

Some people think that Lu Huai is just and impartial in his work. Maybe he met Ye Chu just now. When he sees someone slandering Ye Chu, he will naturally come forward to speak for ye Chu.

However, some people think that Lu Huai is not close to a woman. Ordinary women can't even get close to Lu Huai's body. Now Lu Huai's words may be a little special to miss Ye Er.

With this in mind, people look at Ye Chu's eyes become a bit obscure.

Song Qianru had been waiting for ye Chu to make a fool of herself, and she was charged with having an affair with others. Her face was filled with a proud smile.

But when she saw Lu Huai come in, her smile faded.

Lu sanshao said he was with Ye Chu just now?

Song Qianru thinks that she must have heard wrong, but remembering the way Lu Huai looked at Ye Chu's expression of concentration tonight, her face turned white.

And the next second, Lu Huai's words let song Qianru's heart fall to the bottom.

Lu Huai's mouth sank slightly, and his eyes were dim: "I met Miss Ye Er outside just now, but Miss Song opened her mouth and said that Miss Ye Er had a private meeting with a man."

"Did minister Song teach you that?"

Lu Huaisheng line is very low, but the word Zhu heart, heavy knock in Song Qianru's heart, let her almost breathless.

Song Qianru froze. Lu San Shao talks about himself for ye Chu? Does he like Ye Chu so much?

Being reprimanded by her beloved in full view of the public, song Qianru only feels her hands and feet are cold, and her whole person is like falling into an ice cellar.

Lu Huai takes back his sight and does not look at Song Qianru again.

Ye Chu caught a glimpse of song Qianru's desperation. She said faintly: "I think Miss Song's family education must be very strict. It's easy to slander people."

Now that Lu Huai just tells the truth, song Qianru feels greatly shocked. How can song Qianru not think about how innocent she was when she slandered herself?

Ye Chu whispered.

Song Qianru naturally heard Ye Chu's irony. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

Ye Chu didn't look at Song Qianru. She turned her head slightly and took a look at Lu Huai: "thank you very much just now

At this time, Lu Huai also happened to look at Ye Chu in the past. He looked at Ye Chu lightly, and they met with four eyes.

They have a very tacit understanding. Lu Huai knows Ye Chu's meaning in an instant. She lets herself leave this matter alone, and she will solve it herself.

Lu Huai picked his eyebrows. He knew that the little liar was smart and smart and would never suffer a loss.

Lu Huai nodded slightly and did not speak any more, but he walked a few steps forward to Ye Chu.

Stand with Ye Chu.

Although the little liar doesn't need his own help, it's OK for him to stand here and have a look.

Ye Chu glimpses Lu Huai walking to her side and knows that Lu Huai wants to support herself. A faint smile appears in her eyes.

Lu Huai's move fell into the eyes of the public again. After Lu sanshao finished his words, he could leave, but he did not go. People looked at Ye Chu with more inquiry.

At the other end, Mrs. Wu's face suddenly changed when Lu Huai came in. She had a thousand calculations, but she didn't know that Lu sanshao would be with Ye Chu.

Seeing that Lu San Shao helped Ye Chu speak, Mrs. Wu regretted for a long time.

Once the matter involves Lu sanshao, it will be troublesome. Lu sanshao is extremely fair. If he framed Ye Chu in front of him, he will not let go.

Moreover, Lu San Shao is willing to take the lead for a woman, admitting to encounter Ye Chu by chance, which has never happened before.

Is it that Lu sanshao is interested in Ye Chu? The more Mrs. Wu thought about it, the more flustered she felt. She was not finished. Thinking about it, she could not help shaking her hands.

But he has just said that ye Chu stole. If he denies what he said before, he will feel guilty.

Mrs. Wu turned her mind and began to think: "it may have been a misunderstanding just now..."

Before he finished speaking, ye Chu said, "Mrs. Wu, since it is a misunderstanding, we should make it clear."

Ye Chu glanced at Mrs. Wu with a sarcastic look in her eyes: "how can I find Mrs. Wu's earrings if I don't explain clearly? How can we give justice to the innocent? "Ye Chu naturally knew that Mrs. Wu's attitude changed when she saw Lu Huai. She just wanted to convict herself, but now she wants to avoid the heavy ones.

Slander people still want to retreat, how can there be such a cheap thing?

Seeing ye Chu's refusal, Mrs. Wu's face turned blue and white for a while.

Mrs. Wu bit her teeth and said, "Miss Ye Er is right."

Ye Chuwei lifted his chin and said faintly, "Mrs. Wu, if it is proved that I have stolen Mrs. Wu's earrings, I will let Mrs. Wu dispose of them."

"But what would you do if you found out that someone had deliberately framed me, Mrs. Wu?"

Mrs. Wu's eyebrows throbbed, and ye Chu told herself that she would not let others slander her at will.

Lu Huai was still standing by Ye Chu's side. Mrs. Wu did not dare to deny her. She could only say, "naturally, I will give you justice to miss Ye Er."

Ye Chu picked her eyebrows and seemed to smile: "that Mrs. Wu must remember this sentence."

Don't admit it again.

Ye Chu looked at a Yu and said, "I'm going to ask you a few words. You have to say it like the truth."

A Yu was already flustered. She looked at Mrs. Wu in a hurry. Mrs. Wu's eyes were cold. She meant to let a-yu speak well and not involve her.

A Yu knew that Mrs. Wu was cruel. She didn't dare to go against Mrs. Wu's meaning. She looked at Ye Chu and nodded.

Ye Chu said slowly, "you said that I stole Mrs. Wu's earrings. Are you sure you saw my face?"

Ah Yu of course said, "I did see it."

Ye chuyang raised his eyebrows and continued, "where did you see me?"

A Yu thought for a moment, and she said, "when I got to the corner of the corridor, I met you. You had your wife's Earrings in your hand

At this time, Mrs. Yin's voice rang out: "eh? The light on the corridor outside Mrs. Wu's room just broke down yesterday. I wanted to have it repaired today. "

Originally Ye Chu wanted to say a few words with a Yu to find out the flaw in her words. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Yin pointed out that there was a problem with the corridor lamp, which just helped her.

Ye Chu smiles, and she looks at a Yu again: "the lamp on the corridor is broken, there is no light. How can you see me at night?"

A Yu is a liar, every word is a lie, she can't remember the lamp broken.

But a Yu did not expect to be pointed out so quickly, she hastily changed her words: "no, I remember wrong, I did not meet Miss Ye Er in the corridor."

"I saw Miss Ye Er downstairs." Ah Yu said in a hurry: "yes, there is a light downstairs, so I can see the face of Miss Ye Er clearly."

As soon as the voice fell, someone chuckled: "cut, change, who knows whether you are saying true or false?"

"If you want me to tell you, you can't tell that you stole the EARRINGS!"

Ye Chu turned and looked at it. It was Yin Shiyan. Yin Shiyan squeezed his eyes on Ye Chu, as if to say, achu, I'll help you deal with the bad guys.

Ye Chu looks at Yin Shiyan and smiles.

Ah Yu's face turned white immediately. She waved her hands: "it's not me. I didn't steal my wife's earrings."

A Yu secretly complained that it was his wife who let him frame Ye Chu, but now she wants to bear it.

Originally, people have reduced the suspicion of Ye Chu. Now, a Yu's change of mouth makes her testimony more unbelievable.

Mrs. Wu scolded in her heart. Can't you speak with a little brain, this fool?

Ye Chu looked at ah Yu and asked, "when did you see me? Say a specific time. "

A Yu thought, this time can not be wrong, she racked her brains to think, said: "I saw Miss Ye Er at about eight o'clock."

Instead of answering ah Yu, ye Chu turned to look at Mrs. Yin and asked, "Mrs. Yin, how long does it take from the banquet hall to Mrs. Wu's residence according to your walking distance?"

Mrs. Yin thought about it and said, "I walk very fast. It takes about 17 minutes."

The house of the Yin family is very large. It takes a lot of time to walk around. Not to mention the best rooms for guests, so it will take a while to get there.

"It takes 17 minutes for Mrs. Yin to walk very fast. If I expand the scope, the time will be between 10 minutes and 25 minutes," Ye Chu said

Ye Chu means that Mrs. Yin is the hostess of Yin's house. She is very familiar with the house. So if they were other people, their pace was different and their time would be different.

It's no exaggeration to set the time frame at 10 to 25 minutes.

"Even if you run across it, it will take at least ten minutes."

"Ah Yu, do you agree with me?"

A Yu thinks for a while, feel Ye Chu seems to say right, she nodded.

Ye Chu continued: "I left the banquet hall at about 7:55. Miss Yin and several other ladies can testify to this."

When she left the banquet hall, ye Chu took a look at her pocket watch. Before she left, she also said hello to the ladies she had made friends with.Yin Chu agreed with his words.

Ye Chu looked calm and his voice was light: "I leave at 7:55. If I want to steal earrings, according to the scope I give, I choose the shortest time, 10 minutes, then I will arrive at 8:05."

Ye Chu's eyes showed a light sarcastic color: "then how do you see me at eight o'clock?"

A Yu said that she saw Ye Chu come out with earrings at eight o'clock, but according to the fastest time, ye Chu could not get to Mrs. Wu's room until 8:05.

How could ye Chu steal the earrings before he arrived at the scene?

Yin Shiyan sarcastically said: "my mother walks very fast. It takes an average woman more than 20 minutes to get there. Ah Chu is still the first time to come. If it takes ten minutes, achu is still less."

Yin Shi said with a smile: "you said you met ah Chu at eight o'clock, and ah Chu didn't have wings. How can you let her fly here?"

After hearing Yin Shiyan's words, they all laughed.

Ah Yu's face changed: "maybe I remember wrong..."

Yin Shiyan snorted coldly: "remember wrong again? What do you testify to others for

A Yu was speechless.

At this time, Lu Huai said faintly: "when I met Miss Ye Er outside, it was about eight o'clock."

As soon as Lu Huai's words were uttered, they were naturally very convincing. No one believed a Yu's words any more.

Ye Chu looked at Mrs. Wu and said coldly, "Mrs. Wu, what do you say now?"

Now that everything is clear, ah Yu is framing himself.

Mrs. Wu's face was livid. Thinking of Ye Chu's request for justice, Mrs. Wu said, "it seems that a-yu is wrong."

Mrs. Wu looked at ah Yu and said, "ah Yu, what's the matter with you? In the evening, I recognized the wrong person. My earrings were not stolen by Miss Ye Er

Mrs. Wu avoided the important and gave the light. The implication was that a Yu just recognized the wrong person and said the wrong thing.

After that, Mrs. Wu said, "well, you can apologize to miss Ye Er. You will certainly forgive you for the large amount of Miss Ye Er."

Mrs. Wu dug a hole for ye Chu in silence. If ye Chu didn't accept ah Yu's apology, he was unreasonable.

A Yu quickly said: "Miss Ye Er, I'm sorry, I didn't see people clearly. I wronged Miss Ye Er. Please forgive me."

Ye Chu sneered in his heart, and Mrs. Wu wanted to muddle through and put the matter in the past.

She will not be wronged in vain.

Ye Chu said coldly, "Mrs. Wu, at first you thought I had stolen your earrings and wanted to search my body, right?"

Mrs. Wu's face turned white: "this is a misunderstanding..."

Mrs. Wu understood in an instant that ye Chu's innocence had been proved. Now what she meant was that she wanted to search ah Yu's body.

In order to frame Ye Chu, ah Yu still has that pair of earrings on her body. If she is searched, she will be exposed.

At that time, you will know that she directed and acted on this matter today, and it was all over.

Ye Chu didn't listen to Mrs. Wu at all. Her voice was as cold as a cold wind: "Mrs. Wu, in order to give me justice, your servant girl naturally has to search her body."

Lu Huai didn't expect that Mrs. Wu wanted to search Ye Chu's body at that time. His face sank in an instant.

Lu Huai's eyes were like deep tan, but he couldn't see the bottom: "just do what Miss Ye Er said."

Mrs. Wu also wanted to retort. Hearing Lu Huai's words, she immediately stopped talking.

Lu Huai once again expressed his attitude towards Ye Chu.

Ye Chu looked at Lu Huai with a smile. Thank you.

Without Lu Huai, Mrs. Wu would not have been able to do so in her capacity.

Lu Huai picked his eyebrows. He did well just now.

He knew that the little liar didn't let himself down.

Ye Chu looked at Mrs. Yin and said in a warm voice, "Madam Yin, can you take Mrs. Wu's maid to search the room?"

Ye Chu in order to avoid danger, naturally can not go to search. Mrs. Yin is the host of the banquet. She is fair and just. It is the most suitable thing to do.

Mrs. Yin understood Ye Chu's meaning and said, "of course."

Then, she looked at ah Yu coldly: "come with me quickly."

A Yu knew that Mrs. Wu's earrings were on her body. No one knew better than her. Of course, she refused to search her body.

Seeing that a-yu didn't cooperate, Mrs. Yin's face turned cold and said to several maids around her, "bring her here."

The maids grabbed ah Yu's arm and tried to pull her over. A Yu struggled not to go there. Between pushing and shouting, something fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at it, and it was a pair of earrings.

The earrings are exquisitely made and of excellent texture. It is impossible for a Yu to afford them. Everyone knows who is the owner of the earrings.

Mrs. Wu's face changed greatly when she saw her earrings fall on the ground. But she immediately kept calm and scolded, "ah Yu, I'm so kind to you, but you're so kind to me!"As Mrs. Wu winked at ah Yu, she continued, "I can't spare you for eating inside and outside."

Mrs. Wu threatens ah Yu that if she confesses herself, her family will not be well off.

Ah Yu closed her eyes and acknowledged the incident: "madam, I was greedy and stole your earrings. I am sorry for you."

Mrs. Wu's performance didn't convince everyone, and everyone's eyes showed scorn. Now the truth has come to light. Just now Mrs. Wu and her maid bit Ye Chu to death. It is clear that the master and the servant girl conspired to frame Ye Chu.

Mrs. Wu's character is not so good that everyone has heard of her. I don't know who miss Ye Er invited and who provoked her, but she was missed by Mrs. Wu.

Lu Huai gave Mrs. Wu a cold glance: "you know how to deal with it."

Lu Huai will punish Mrs. Wu later. At present, the servant girl lets Mrs. Wu deal with it by herself.

Lu Huai's tone is light, but it has a deterrent force that can not be ignored.

Mrs. Wu was so alert that she said, "don't worry about it. I'll do it."

She didn't dare to listen to Lu sanshao's words. Mrs. Wu thought that after she went back, she sold the servant girl.

So far, the matter has come to an end, and people are whispering and talking.


after the guests were almost gone, song Qianru came out of the Yin family mansion. She is very upset, just now ye Chu drilled the hole, and lost face in front of Lu Huai.

Song Qianru is thinking about it, frowning and heading for the Song family's car.

Song's car is not far away, however, song Qianru did not arrive there smoothly.

As soon as she was halfway there, someone stopped her.

The man came so fast that she didn't have time to react. In an instant, he put a cold object against her waist.

Song Qian, as white as a face, suddenly lost her blood. Song Qianru doesn't know what this man is going to do, but she can't scream. If she forces him to shoot, it's over.

There was still a trace of reason left in her, and she quickly thought of a way to suppress people with power.

Song Qianru pretended to be calm: "I am the daughter of the foreign minister. What do you want to do?"

The man snorted coldly and moved his gun forward an inch.

His voice was extremely cold: "Miss Song Wu, San Shao wants to meet you."

Song Qianru was stunned for a few seconds, and her whole heart fell. If the man was a gangster, she was not so afraid. But that sentence made her more panic, because she knew that she completely angered Lu Huai.

Song Qianru glances around and doesn't find Lu Huai. There are still some people in front of the Yin family's house. If you can meet Lu Huai here, maybe he will give her some thin noodles.

She asked the man, "where is it?"

The man said, "Miss Song Wu will know when she goes with me?"

The population is very tight and does not reveal anything. But song Qianru has no way, she must go with him, not to mention, her waist is still against the cold gun.

"Miss Song Wu had better be honest with me."

Before leaving, the man also gave a warning, clearly did not see her in the eye. Song Qianru was very angry in her heart, but she was born again and suppressed her anger.

At this time, she was more worried about what he would do to her after meeting Lu Huai.

That person's pace is big, song Qianru has no way but to speed up the pace, bumping and bumping along the way, nearly falling. Before long, they arrived in a very quiet place.

The man threw her forward without any pity. Song Qianru's body is unstable and almost falls. She shakes and tries to stand up straight.

There is a man standing in the shadow, there is no light, his face is blocked, can not see clearly.

In the dark night, his figure was tall and cold. He clearly did not speak, even did not move, but with a strong sense of oppression.

When song Qianru heard a sneer, her body became stiff.

"Oh, you just bullied people in Yin's house. Now you have no courage."

She understood. It was Lu Huai's voice.

Lu Huai usually has no good face for her, but he has never been so indifferent.

Song Qianru understood that he had been angry for a long time, only because it was at the Party of Yin's family that Lu Huai gave her a little face.

And now

She didn't know what Lu Huai would do because she had never seen him really angry.

Song Qianru is very scared. She slandered Ye Chu and men's private meeting in front of so many people, which is equivalent to not giving Lu Huai any face.

What's more, she has already known clearly Ye Chu's position in Lu Huai's heart.

"Sorry, three little."

"I didn't mean to be involved in the Yin family's party before, and I didn't want to involve San Shao."

Song Qianru's voice trembled. She has always been arrogant, but now she only hopes that her bow can exchange Lu Huai's forgiveness.

Her words still bypassed Ye Chu and apologized to Lu Huai."I..."

Song Qianru has not finished her apology, but is immediately interrupted by Lu Huai.

Lu Huai's voice was as cold as a cold wind: "don't talk so much nonsense."

It was song Qianru's long-time admirer, but every word he said hurt her heart. She didn't think that much at the moment, just trying to ease her fear.

Song Qian such as shivering ground nods: "good."

Lu Huai's words did not have a trace of temperature: "song Qianru."

This is the first time Lu Huai called her name this evening, but song Qianru didn't feel happy at all. She always felt that it was a bigger storm to greet her next.

Lu Huai cold voice: "there are a few words, you give me to remember."

Song Qianru's face coagulates, a kind of unspeakable feeling permeates the heart. Lu Huai said more to her tonight than before, but it seems to be the last thing he said to her.

At this time, the man behind him suddenly took a step forward. As song Qianru had done before, his gun was still in his hand.

I don't know if he was instructed by Lu Huai. The man held out his gun.

Song Qianru's body is frozen. She realizes that the cold and hard gun is once again against her waist, with a very obvious threat nature.

The night was deep, and Lu Huai stood in the dark shadow, looking indistinct. The original cold temperament has become even colder.

Lu Huai's eyes didn't stay in Song Qianru for a second, because he felt upset when he took another look.

At this time, Lu Huai's cold voice rang, word by word. The quieter the surroundings, the clearer his words.

"I don't want to see you again on the beach."

Song Qianru's heart is tight. This was the first time she knew that Lu Huai, who was angry, looked like this.

"You are not allowed to go near Ye Chu any more."

Song Qianru's heart is cold. This is also the first time she saw that Lu Huai, who was interested in Ye Chu, was so indifferent to others.

His voice is very low, but like this autumn night, the coldest gust of wind.

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