Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5995: : It must be panic


Of course, it is a simple matter to achieve greater breakthroughs on the battlefield by means of the Jin army. At least on the battlefield of Anguanya, Guishuang invested more troops, but from the results of the war, we can see that, Guishuang\'s so-called persistence on the battlefield could not bring more help to the stability of Anguanya, but on the contrary, he suffered more losses on the battlefield.

The Jin army soldiers with strong strength are the most dazzling existence on the battlefield. As long as the Jin army\'s offensive continues, as long as the offensive from the Jin army will have more achievements, the subsequent offensive gatherings of the Jin army will become more and more fierce.

The generals of the Jin army who appeared on the battlefield of Guishuang wanted to gain a greater advantage from the confrontation, and wanted to show their strength better on such a battlefield. If they appeared in the course of the battle. If there are more problems, the situation will definitely become more severe.

On the battlefield, the strong strength of the Jin army’s soldiers is well demonstrated, and the enemy forces have been impacted on such a battlefield, and if they cannot better adapt to the critical situation on the battlefield, they will come later. What we saw on the battlefield was how much damage the Jin army’s offensive would bring.

The Jin army has strong strength and fierce combat methods. Such advantages can enable the Jin army to achieve greater results after the offensive is launched.

Guishuang’s retreat put Anguanya under the control of the Jin army. In the process of leading Lieutenant Generals to retreat, Ye Khan experienced the fierce pursuit of the Jin army. Under such pursuit, The loss of Guishuang soldiers was not small, and it made everyone in Guishuang at risk. They did not want to bear more attacks from the Jin army, and they did not want to endure more defeats on such a battlefield. These are all reasonable. Things.

But all soldiers in the army want to achieve greater victory from the battlefield, so that their own means can be used more in such a war.

If you can\'t make some achievements when you endure the war, and can\'t let the strength of your own soldiers be better displayed, then the situation will definitely be more urgent.

With more victories on the battlefield, the achievements of the Jin army soldiers will definitely be even more extraordinary.

How to make the war methods of one\'s own soldiers more effective, so that one\'s own soldiers can occupy a greater advantage in such an offensive, requires more powerful strength as a support.

The battlefield brings more danger to the lieutenant soldiers, but on the battlefield, if the strength of the lieutenant soldiers is more effectively displayed, they will achieve greater achievements in the subsequent battlefields, and even In the confrontation, the enemy brought continuous damage.

Guishuang’s combat methods are far from the Jin army itself. On the battlefield, such a gap often results in heavy losses for the lieutenants and soldiers, and often the lieutenants and soldiers are fighting. There will be more problems.

On the battlefield, lieutenants and soldiers need a lot of prudence when dealing with them. Only when they have more control over the emergency situation on the battlefield, and only when the war continues to have greater gains, can they be followed. Has a greater effect on the battlefield.

The Jin army is a strong presence on the battlefield. The way of fighting left a deep impression on Guishuang on the battlefield, and what Guishuang generals will see in such a war environment is the Jin army. Fierce.

The war situation at this time is unfavorable to Guishuang soldiers, and Guishuang soldiers feel a dangerous aura from it, because compared with the Jin army in their combat methods, the gap is obvious, when the strength of the two sides is not at the same level. In the above words, if the Jin army with strong strength launches a continuous impact, it will bring greater problems to the defense of Guishuang soldiers, and even let Guishuang soldiers see the strength of their own in such a war environment. Weak.

How many wars have been won before the current situation of the Jin country has been achieved. The strength of the Jin army is strong, and it has been tested by the war. Such a Jin army in a confrontation will cause great damage to the enemy itself. .

From the situation of the war at this time, we can see the embarrassing situation of Guishuang. Even the soldiers of Guishuang showed toughness in dealing with the war, but their so-called toughness on the battlefield can be used in the Jin army. How many advantages does it occupy in front of you?

The strong and powerful Jin army soldiers are the most dazzling existence on the battlefield. Just the Jin army’s offensive will cause great damage to Guishuang soldiers, and it will let Guishuang soldiers see from the continuous war. What is coming is what the gap in their strength is like.

Now the Jin army has won the victory on the battlefield of Anguanya, which has brought more help to the future battle of the Jin army, and it can make the offensive of the Jin army more fierce.

No matter what kind of means of warfare will be displayed by General Guishuang at this time, the offensive of the Jin army will certainly not be simply stopped. After occupying a greater advantage on the battlefield, it is necessary to rely on the battlefield. The advantage of, so that the offensive of one\'s own soldiers has greater value.

The fierce Jin army is a dazzling presence on the battlefield, and when the Jin army\'s offensive method can have a greater effect, the subsequent situation will be under the complete control of the Jin army.

The defeat of this war must have brought a great blow to Guishuang soldiers. What Guishuang soldiers can see from such a war environment is the gap in their own strength. If such a war situation is more frequent If the continuation of the situation continues, the subsequent situation will definitely become more complicated.

Occupying a greater advantage from such a battlefield requires a lot of means as support. If there are problems with the means displayed by the lieutenant soldiers in such a war environment, what will the situation be like afterwards? .

Victory from the confrontation again and again is of great help to the achievements of the lieutenant generals. It also enables the lieutenant generals to have more confidence in dealing with emergency situations on the battlefield, because on the battlefield There is no enemy they can\'t defeat.

Not to mention what kind of situation will appear in this confrontation, the most important thing is to make one\'s own soldiers stronger.

In fact, in such a war, the offensive from the Jin army will certainly not simply stop. What the Jin army needs is sustained victory on the Guishuang battlefield, and what is needed is a better opening of the situation on the Guishuang battlefield. With the strength of the Jin army, it is completely possible to defeat Guishuang\'s soldiers on the battlefield with complex situations.

The Jin army, which has experienced many war tests, will show particularly strong strength on the battlefield, and it can make Guishuang soldiers suffer more losses in the war, making Guishuang soldiers more fearful of war. The emotions made Guishuang soldiers see clearly that their strength and methods could not play a greater role in front of the Jin army.

When the offensive launched by lieutenants on the battlefield cannot have a greater effect, the situation afterwards must be complicated.

At the same time, after the Jin army completely occupied Anguanya, they were already sweeping the battlefield and counting the gains and losses of the war.

After Zhao Yun won the war against Yekh Khan\'s personal guards, he did not continue to pursue him, but was investigating the surrounding situation.

The elite cavalry team must have a better understanding of the situation on the battlefield. If the situation on the battlefield is not well understood in the war, the follow-up offensive of one\'s own soldiers will definitely have more troubles. It is precisely because of the prudence of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield that their offenses can always have greater value.

The victory of the war has a great impact on the lieutenants and soldiers. Under such a war environment, the lieutenants and soldiers can see the possibility of victory in the war, and see that the attacking methods of their own soldiers will bring the enemy troops. What kind of influence is coming.

If you can\'t do more when dealing with critical situations on the battlefield, and if you can\'t have more possibilities while the war is going on, there will be more tensions on the battlefield afterwards.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom had many means when dealing with the situation on the battlefield. From the actual war effect, he could see what the Jin army\'s plan on the battlefield was like.

Blocked by the personal guards, Ye Khan was able to withdraw from the battlefield smoothly, but on the battlefield of Anguanya, Guishuang soldiers paid a heavy price.

After escaping from the pursuit of the Jin army, Guishuang\'s generals were still in panic. Before the start of the war, they did not expect that the Jin army\'s offensive was so fierce that they would be able to give Guishuang\'s generals on such a battlefield. More damage directly breached Anguanya.

Anguanya, but Guishuang’s important support, if on such a battlefield, the Jin army’s offensive cannot be blocked well, and the Jin army cannot have greater achievements in the battle, it will definitely make the situation worse in the future. nervous.

With continuous victories in the confrontation, the Jin army soldiers will achieve more proud achievements on the battlefield, and it can make the Jin army soldiers\' offensive have greater value.

The lieutenant soldiers appeared on the battlefield in order to allow their own value to be displayed more, but the failure of Guishuang would cause the situation of Guishuang to be more turbulent, and the people of Guishuang would fight against the Jin army. Lost more confidence at the time, because their elite team failed to win the battle against the Jin army.

The defeat on the battlefield made Guishuang soldiers suspicious of themselves.

When military lieutenants can achieve more victories on the battlefield, they will be more proactive in the face of war, they will actively seek victory on the battlefield, and what they will show on the battlefield is The tough side.

And if you can\'t handle the critical situation on the battlefield well, but if you have suffered a lot of failures in the war, the result of such a war will have the greatest impact on the lieutenants and soldiers.

Seeing the achievements of the Jin army in the war, you can feel the glorious achievements of the Jin army, and you can see how effective the offensive of the Jin army will be.

In fact, in such a war environment, the impact of the Jin army has obvious effects. The Jin army has many achievements on the battlefield, but only from the victory of the Jin army soldiers, what can be felt is from the Jin army. How ferocious the army\'s offensive will be.

Ye Khan couldn\'t help but sigh when he saw the situation of the lieutenant generals. Who would have thought that the powerful Guishuang Empire would suffer such a defeat on the battlefield, and would endure such a lot of losses in the battle against the enemy.

On the battlefield, if you can\'t have strong strength, and the lieutenant soldiers can\'t make a difference in the battle, the situation will inevitably become more tense afterwards.

The impact from the generals of the Jin army is not as simple as it appears on the surface, because in the hands of the generals of the Jin army, there are many fierce attack methods, when such an attack can have a greater effect on the battlefield. , The war after the Jin army will be more relaxed.

On the battlefield, the test is the strong strength of the lieutenants and soldiers. If the lieutenants and soldiers cannot achieve greater success in such a war environment, only the dangerous situation that may occur later will cause them to suffer a lot of losses.

On the battlefield, lieutenants and soldiers need to be more cautious when dealing with Once the means of our soldiers cannot be better used when enduring the war, it will make the future war environment even more severe. nervous.

On such a battlefield, there is more persistence, in fact, it will have a significant impact on subsequent wars.

The Jin army with many powerful strengths is a deadly existence on the battlefield. Under their attack, the enemy forces will often endure great challenges. When facing such challenges, there are problems with the means of war. The subsequent situation will definitely become more severe.

Victory on the battlefield has many effects on the subsequent offensives of the lieutenant soldiers. The way the Jin army takes on the battlefield is a good proof that they will use a fierce combat posture on the battlefield to make the enemy feel What has been achieved is the strength of the Jin army, which will allow the enemy to see what damage the fierce attack from the Jin army will bring in such a war environment.

If there are problems with the displayed strength and methods on such a battlefield, the subsequent wars will definitely cause more troubles.

The fierce Jin army soldiers showed a side that shocked the enemy in this war, and they will also show the strength that amazes the enemy.

The generals of Guishuang were panicked. After such a war is over, it is inevitable. Their fighting style cannot have the effect that it should be in front of the Jin army. Under such a war environment, they will suffer extreme losses. big.

On the battlefield, if the strength of the lieutenant soldiers cannot better deal with the dangerous situation on the battlefield, they will encounter more troubles in the subsequent wars.

With the strong strength of the Jin army, the combat methods they showed on the battlefield were beyond the reach of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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