Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5994: : It is difficult to change the situation

After you have a better understanding of the strength of the Jin army, you will find that the Jin army’s offensive is not as simple as you imagined, especially when the Jin army’s impact is more fierce, it will give the enemy. The damage caused is great.

To withstand the war and want to have greater achievements, there are many tests for the combat capabilities of the lieutenant soldiers themselves.

It is precisely because we are more aware of the dangerous situations that may appear on the battlefield. What we need to do is to be more cautious when dealing with wars. What we need to do is to rely on more means when dealing with emergencies on the battlefield.

If you can\'t achieve greater success in the ongoing war, and if you can\'t make your own soldiers\' wars more effective, you will experience more losses on the battlefield afterwards.

The strength of the Jin army makes Guishuang soldiers more dangerous when dealing with them, and Guishuang soldiers have a deep understanding of this.

As the current war is going on, if you want to have proud achievements in the battle against the Jin army, if you want to have greater gains in the ongoing war, what kind of situation will appear in the subsequent confrontation.

The defeat of Anguanya’s war was a great blow to Guishuang’s soldiers. What Guishuang’s soldiers could see from it was the tension of the situation. What Guishuang’s soldiers realized was the cruelty of the situation. They were on the battlefield. The methods shown cannot have a greater effect. Under such a war environment, what methods should be shown to make the subsequent confrontation proceed smoothly.

On the battlefield, the strong strength of the Jin army is well proven, and it is precisely because of the many victories that make the confrontation after the Jin army easier, so that the Jin army\'s offensive method will be achieved. It is a bigger gain.

What can be seen in the current confrontation is the strength of the Jin army’s combat methods. They are the strongest presence on the battlefield. As long as they appear in the war, they will bring great harm to the enemy, and even more so. It is possible for the enemy to experience the threats that confrontation will bring in such a war environment.

Victory in the war is not as easy as imagined. If the achievements in the ongoing war are limited, the situation will inevitably become more complicated.

In the current war, what can be seen is how the Jin army’s strong strength has been displayed on the battlefield, and what can be seen is the impact that the Jin army’s offensive will bring.

With victory on the battlefield, it is even more possible for the Jin army to deal with wars.

If the lieutenant soldiers appear on the battlefield and the methods displayed cannot better adapt to the emergency situation in the war, they will bear more threats in the subsequent confrontations.

General Guishuang had a lot of experience of the cruelty in the war. If possible, the last thing they didn’t want to face was the offensive of the Jin army. When the offensive of the Jin army unfolded, the damage it would bring to the enemy would be Very big.

To withstand the war, to have greater deeds, so that the means of one\'s soldiers can be better used in such a war environment is itself extremely important.

How to make your own soldiers\' offensive more effective and how to make your own soldiers have greater deeds on the battlefield requires more thinking.

What can be seen from the progress of the confrontation is the strong strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is what kind of impact the offensive of the Jin army will bring.

There is a big gap in the strength and means that Guishuang showed when blocking the pursuit of the Jin army\'s cavalry. Such a gap brought heavy losses to the Guishuang soldiers who blocked the Jin army\'s attack.

If you want to change the situation on the battlefield, there are many difficulties for the Guishuang soldiers at this time. They can’t do more when they endure the war, and they can’t make their own offensive more effective. The confrontation that appears is more dangerous.

On the battlefield, there are many critical situations, and when dealing with the critical situation on the battlefield, it is extremely critical that the methods of one\'s soldiers can be used more effectively.

From the wars, what can be seen is the strong strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the kind of damage that the Jin army\'s soldiers will bring to the enemy when they appear on the battlefield.

During the ongoing confrontation, the fierce attack from the Jin army cannot be easily blocked on the surface. If in such a war environment, the methods displayed by the military officers and soldiers have more problems, then the following The situation will definitely become more tense.

With the victory on the battlefield, our soldiers have more confidence in dealing with the war. It is the Jin army’s strong strength displayed on the battlefield. It is precisely because of the many strong strengths that the Jin army’s offensive It will be simpler, and the Jin army\'s offensive method can have a greater effect.

On the current battlefield, what can be seen is the impact that the Jin army’s strong strength will bring after it is deployed. It is unable to do more in the end of the war, and cannot make the combat methods of its own soldiers more effective. If you use it, you will see a tense situation on the battlefield afterwards.

Fighting against the enemy, wanting more victory is not as easy as it is on the surface, because when the war is going on, what kind of dangerous situation is likely to appear, and make the attack of your own soldiers even more. The effectiveness of this is extremely crucial for our soldiers to have greater deeds in such wars.

On the battlefield, the test is the strong offensive ability of the military lieutenants. Once there are problems with the strength and methods displayed on the battlefield, the situation will definitely become more severe.

Relying on the achievements made in the war, the most effective use of the methods of one\'s soldiers is the most important thing on the battlefield, and how to make the attack of one\'s own soldiers more effective, so that their soldiers have greater in the continuous war. Achievement requires more vigorous means as a backing.

Looking at the impressive achievements of the Jin army’s soldiers on the battlefield, you will find that as long as the Jin army’s offensive is carried out, it will bring more damage to the enemy on the subsequent battlefield, and it will follow. What the enemy felt during the war was the cruelty of the war.

With more victories in the confrontation, it will be a great help to the growth of the lieutenant soldiers.

In the current war situation, what can be felt is the threat that the offensive from the Jin army will cause. In fact, Guishuang soldiers do not want to appear more on such battlefields, but when the situation of Guishuang is urgent. At the time, as a member of the Guishuang Army, they needed to behave in the face of war, otherwise they would suffer more losses under the offensive of the Jin Army.

There are many critical situations on the battlefield, and when you endure such a critical situation, let your soldiers’ methods be better demonstrated, and you will get more benefits on the battlefield later, and you will get more benefits later. Taught the enemy more lessons in the war.

Under the current war situation, the offensive from the Jin army is fierce, and this kind of confrontation will continue. The continuous offensive of the Jin army on the battlefield is precisely the specific aspect of their superiority in the war. means.

The Jin army attacked Guishuang, in order to have greater achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang, to be able to break through more Guishuang city, making the people of Guishuang pay the price for the previous provocative actions.

As for whether there is a plan from the senior level of the Jin country behind these things, the soldiers in the army will not consider more. They have a hatred of the people of Guishuang, and they want to show the corresponding means on the battlefield. What the people of Guishuang felt from such a confrontation was the tension of the situation.

Why is the offensive from the Jin army always so fierce? This is because the Jin army will show on the battlefield the strength that scares the enemy, and what it shows is the means to shock the enemy.

With many war victories, the subsequent confrontation can be carried out smoothly, and the subsequent war can be carried out more effectively.

Jin\'s soldiers with strong strength are the most dazzling existence on the battlefield, and their battles can always play a greater effect in such a process.

The current situation of the war will greatly help the growth of the Jin army\'s soldiers in the future, and when the Jin army\'s methods are better displayed, it will cause great harm to the enemy.

It is very difficult for Guishuang soldiers to achieve some achievements in such a war environment and make the resistance of one\'s own soldiers more effective.

After all, in this war, there are strong Jin army soldiers, and the threat that will be generated on the subsequent battlefield is great.

Relying on the victory in the war, the achievements of the Jin army soldiers were even more amazing, and the Jin army soldiers\' offensive methods would achieve greater results.

How to achieve greater gains under the offensive of the Jin army requires more consideration.

On the battlefield, there are strong Jin army soldiers, and there will be more changes in the future war situation, and the offensive from the Jin army cannot be easily resolved by the enemy.

The fierce Jin army is a dazzling presence on the battlefield. As long as the Jin army\'s offensive is launched, it will bring a continuous impact to the enemy on the battlefield, and the enemy will feel the severity of the situation on the battlefield.

The many battle victories brought obvious help to the improvement of the strength of the Jin army soldiers, and it also allowed the Jin army soldiers to feel their own advantages.

No matter what tense situation you will face on the battlefield, you can only make your own soldiers\' offensive more effective, and let your soldiers have greater gains on such a battlefield, before they can achieve greater results in subsequent wars breakthrough.

On the battlefield at this time, you can see the strong strength of the Jin army, and Guishuang has a deep understanding of the dangerous situation on the battlefield. When such wars unfold more, when the impact of the Jin army is more effective If so, the situation will inevitably become more tense.

General Guishuang had a better understanding of the dangers on the battlefield, and what he would see was the fierce attack of the Jin army, and their combat methods could not occupy a greater advantage in front of the Jin army.

In the current war environment, the fierce attack from the Jin army often causes obvious damage to the enemy, and it often makes the enemy realize the cruelty of the situation.

The many battles and victories brought greater help to the future growth of the Jin army, and more guarantees for the achievements of the Jin army\'s soldiers.

If an army appears on the battlefield and cannot rely on its own means to smoothly open the situation on the battlefield, and cannot achieve greater results in the war, how complicated the situation will be afterwards.

What can be seen in the war at this time is the strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the threat that the appearance of the Jin army will bring to the enemy on the battlefield.

If there is a problem with the methods displayed when dealing with a critical situation on the battlefield, you will suffer more losses in subsequent confrontations.

On the battlefield, the test is the strength of the lieutenant generals. If there is a problem with the combat methods of the lieutenant generals, the situation afterwards must be extremely complicated.

In the current war, the offensive of the generals of the Jin army will definitely continue, and it is the kind that brings many shocks to the enemy.

Guishuang’s soldiers were unable to effectively block the offensive of the Jin’s soldiers on the battlefield of Anguanya, which would have a great impact on Guishuang’s situation, and what Guishuang’s soldiers would see in such a war environment was The disparity in their strengths shows what kind of threats the emergence of the Jin army will bring on the battlefield.

Facing the war has strong strength, so that the offensive of one\'s own soldiers is more effective, it needs to have more solid strength as a backing, once there is a problem with the means shown when the war is tolerated , The subsequent situation will definitely become more severe.

After the Jin army’s strong strength is deployed on the battlefield, the damage it will bring to the enemy is continuous, and it will allow the enemy to see the problems in their combat methods from such a war environment. On the battlefield, if there are more problems in this way of fighting, how can the subsequent confrontation be carried out smoothly?

The strong strength provides more support for the Jin army\'s actions on the battlefield, and enables the Jin army\'s soldiers to use their combat methods more effectively.

Regardless of the losses that Guishuang soldiers will endure in this war, when the war comes, Guishuang soldiers need to have a response, need to do something on such a battlefield, Guishuang\'s tense situation It is reasonable to make the lieutenant generals panic, and make the lieutenant generals unable to have more confidence in the face of war. This is reasonable, but it is the responsibility of General Guishuang to block the Jin army\'s offensive.

As long as Guishuang still has the strength to block the offensive of the Jin army, the resistance of Guishuang soldiers will not stop, and will even bring more damage to the Jin army in the ongoing war.